Hello People!

Spike Vansnob - 11/23/00 12:34:27
My URL:/jtelevator
My Email:jtls70@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Baseball Team: None
Where did you find my page: extremeghostbusters.com

GHostbusters are cool !!!!!!!!!!

Matteo the president of the only fans club in italy of GB - 10/30/00 21:53:01
My URL:http://www.infinito.it/utenti/itwebsite/gbfop.htm
My Email:ghostbustersfansofpen@yahoo.it
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: not like
Where did you find my page: it great!

you site is great! i insert you url in my link page...you insert my? thanks to Matteo

Lavinia - 05/10/00 08:07:02
My Email:laviniacheng@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: nil
Where did you find my page: Searching through the net for the extreme ghostbusters site

It's real cool. The fravourite part that I like about the extreme ghostbusters is the relationship between Eduardo and Kylie. Busting ghosts Are so cool. Can you recommend me to other ghostbusters sites? They are the best!

Ryan Hickey - 04/17/00 01:40:16
My Email:vancmen@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Vankmen
Favorite Baseball Team: Angels
Where did you find my page: www.ask.com


rockford - 03/02/00 00:27:35
My Email:rockford@ipa.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: slimer
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter venkmen
Favorite Baseball Team: St.Louis caradails
Where did you find my page: on www.ask.com

I like it.

Melissa Schut - 11/19/99 17:38:59
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Who Knows
Favorite Baseball Team: Who cares!
Where did you find my page: Geocities

Give Slimer a girlfriend!!!!!

Melissa Schut - 11/19/99 17:32:34
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Who Knows
Favorite Baseball Team: Who cares!
Where did you find my page: Geocities

Give Slimer a girlfriend!!!!!

- 10/09/99 04:32:54


Ryan P. Aisa - 08/28/99 08:18:50
My URL:http://boot.lvcm.com/Ryantallica
My Email:Deallyyo@lv.rmci.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: NONE
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray Stanz
Favorite Baseball Team: NONE
Where did you find my page: Geocities

I'm a big Ghostbusters fanatic since i was a kid. until now, I'm so addicted to their Movies 1 & 2, and to the cartoons too! and im so glad that they are back again on t.v. (the cartoons) Ghostbusters rules forever!!

Ryan P. Aisa - 08/28/99 08:17:45
My URL:http://boot.lvcm.com/Ryantallica
My Email:Deallyyo@lv.rmci.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: NONE
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray Stanz
Favorite Baseball Team: NONE
Where did you find my page: Geocities

I'm a big Ghostbusters fanatic since i was a kid. until now, I'm so addicted to their Movies 1 & 2, and to the cartoons too! and im so glad that they are back again on t.v. (the cartoons) Ghostbusters rules forever!!

Ryan P. Aisa - 08/28/99 08:01:37
My URL:http://boot.lvcm.com/Ryantallica
My Email:Deallyyo@lv.rmci.net


- 07/28/99 17:55:16
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: the bogeyman

you should get pictures of the bogeyman. Please try to

Lee Hall - 07/03/99 08:02:27
My URL:http://nono
My Email:gold-leader@rocketmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: none
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: geocities

extreme ghostbusters suck.RGB rule.

Thomas M. - 06/28/99 17:50:26
My Email:Godzilla_24@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Don't have one
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves
Where did you find my page: Geocitoes

Okay, I may not be a die hard GB fan, but I do love the movies and the show. But, the only show I like is The Real Ghostbusters. I hate Extreme Ghostbusters. It just doesn't have the GB feel to it. You know what I mean? Anyway, I'm hoping to buy the pecial Edition of Ghostbusters 1 and 2 tomorrow when it hits store shelves. Anyway, take care.

charlotte nielsen - 03/23/99 20:13:13
My Email:klip_klap@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: GARRETT!!!! (of course)
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray...
Favorite Baseball Team: chicago bulls??? i'm not very much into the baseball stuff, but it's fun to play!
Where did you find my page: geocities, of corse!

Okay, I like your page your page is very kind of cool! Well, I come from denmark, and even over here, we wacth the super duper Extreme Ghostbusters!!! well, how cool's that??? But it's with danish voices, and I could really like to hear, how "Garrett's" voice is! and all the other's voices, too! well, the extreme ghostbusters rules, 2 day, 2 morrow... 4 EVER!!! ...yep... well, i'm done!

Sonia - 01/20/99 15:12:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Hollow/6041/
My Email:fyredrake@geocities.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Janine Melnitz! It's hard to be a secretary
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: The one the only Egon Spengler!
Favorite Baseball Team: nu-uh; don't do baseball
Where did you find my page: surfin through geocities

Don't worry - the world will never be short of Ghost-heads! Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters RULE - they're the only cartoons I ever bothered watching. As for previous comments - I'd have to agree a) Kylie is not weird, there are alot of people ike her, including myself b) Egon was always quite cute, that sly, dry humour behind that daunting exterior always grabs attention... In any case - can't wait till Ghostbusters 3 comes out - GHOSTBUSTERS FOREVER!!!

Kallah - 01/09/99 04:36:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/5762/kallah.htm
My Email:kallah@geocities.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Janine
Where did you find my page: geocities search

Nice page! I loved RGB (up until it got stupid about the time SLIMER! started - god that bit) and loved EGB too.

Benny Manieri - 12/31/98 02:20:29
My Email:Bennymanieri@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie Griffin
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: hate baseball
Where did you find my page: Yahoo

I like other ghostbusters fans. I'm into ghostbusters myself! I built an ecto-containment system in my basement to

10/15/98 10:12:39
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/23/98 08:44:39
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 08:40:18
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Jimmy (Perrone) Clifton - 06/04/98 22:14:35
My Email:ghostheadjtc@juno.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

I love the GHOSTBUSTERS! Everything about them the movies, cartoons, everything. I can't wait until the third GB movie comes out.

Jimmy (Perrone) Clifton - 06/04/98 22:13:42
My Email:ghostheadjtc@juno.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

I love the GHOSTBUSTERS! Everything about them the movies, cartoons, everything. I can't wait until the third GB movie comes out.

Scott Koranda - 05/06/98 02:14:13
My Email:None
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Slimer
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Indens
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler


Scott Koranda - 05/06/98 01:51:16
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Winsten
Favorite Baseball Team: Indens
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler


Michael Kessler - 05/03/98 08:54:54
My Email:thomasks@msn.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Where did you find my page: excite search


Corey Swaga - 05/02/98 17:46:09
My Email:swagman99@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: garet
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter vencmin
Favorite Baseball Team: toronto blue jays
Where did you find my page: just browseing ghostbuster things

Hi ive been a huge ghost buster fan since i was 4 im 13 now and still craving ghost busters im a little upset and i pretty sure other origanil ghost buster fans are that (dan acrowed) (ray) only gave (bill murry) (petter vincmen) a 5 minet part in ghostbu ters3 well any way if you love ghost busters and want to chat some time il love too my e-mail addreases is swagman99@hotmail.com

Jayne - 05/02/98 12:49:07
My Email:dj@nsclub.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie (Vampira) Griffin
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: The one and only heart of the ghostusters......Dr.Raymond Stantz
Favorite Baseball Team: bluejays
Where did you find my page: Landed right here through a time slip

To all you ghostheads who UNDERESTIMATE orHATE the egb's I would like to inform you!!! GET OUTTA HERE!!!! for one Kylie is NOTweird and don't you use that BLEEPING word on her!!!!and secondly Eddie happens to be the greatest and funniest SCIENTIST ive ever known.(well,at least after Egon.) and Garrett happens to be the coolest man.(And he's pretty cute.....well,after EGON SPENGLER again! you can neverjust b at him can you.)And Roland happens Responsible Big Bro I've ever known!!!! so for you haters like I said GET OUTTA HERE And Matt EAT THAT BUTT OF YOUR YOURSELF.(Why would you think anybody would do that you stink man!!!)

Dana - 05/02/98 12:35:29
My Email:fright@nsclub.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: The one and only bunjee-jumping, on his butt skate boarding, basketball playing chocolate eating G-man
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: DR. EGON SPANGLER(You're gonna think I'm weird, but I always thought he was CUTE.
Favorite Baseball Team: BLUEJAYS!!!
Where did you find my page: Followed an ectoplasmic trail left by a free flowing vaprous apparition. (Haven't seen it by any chance, have you?)

I just wrote in again to say hi to my fellow ghostheads, and those just passing by. And to all the people who think Kylie's weird, SHE IS NOT!!! Just unique in her ways. And Eduardo's ``not so bad, once you scratch the surface''. And I think it's real great of Roland to be so responsible at his early age.(just don't start with your nagging.)I also think it's great of Janine to be doi g this, AGAIN.And don't pay any attention to Jayne, I think Egon Spengler's just fine. (not to mention still cute after all those years.)And extraordinarily knowledgeable. You'll rarely find anyone like him aroung, you know. I'm also glad Slimer's still around, up to his ol' antics, (Stuffin' his face and slimin' the place.) It just wouldn't be the same without the old spud. And lastly, I think the extreme ghostbusters are lucky to have Garrett around. He's a real credit to the group. There have been a lot of instances when the G-man kicks ectoplasmic butt and saves his teammates whose lives are on the line. He's the best EGB ever. But just for the record, he'll never top the Master Ghostbuster (Egon Spengler, of course), the original brains and ``ecto-butt-kicker of the whole operation. P.S. To Matt P. who also keeps writting in, Hope you'll read this: Stop it you JERK, you're irritating me. You know what? Let's put it in a way you'll understand: Eat MY Butt!!!!!!!!!!

Jayne - 05/02/98 11:49:24
My Email:dj@nsclub.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie griffin(a.k.a.Vampira
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Of course Dr.Ray Stantz
Favorite Baseball Team: bluejays
Where did you find my page: I landed on your homepage after being kidnapped by a class 7 entity.and I am NOT kidding

Hey,hi you must be my fellow ghosthead.Well anyways I love the EGB And RGB But I preffer the RGB.The first time I watched the EGB's I went like''Amateurs, lie down before you hurt yourselves.I also underestimated them all!!! I guess I was wrong.I love Ray ond Stantz cause he's the nicest,sweetest and he is so funny.I think Dr.Egon Spengler needs a LIFE!!!! he's too serious.(ha! doesn't everybody notice) It's not that I don't like the guy.(because I feel sorry for janine.) anyway TO THE EGB'S and THE RGB'S KEEP IT UP!!!!! And for Dr.Egon Spengler HELLO!!!!!!

Dana - 05/02/98 11:34:19
My Email:fright@nsclub.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: The G-man, Garrett Miller
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: The one and only, the best, Dr. Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Toronto Blue Jays
Where did you find my page: A ghost came to me and told me to visit your page, HONEST!

The Ghostbusters. Gotta love `em. Real or Extreme. I practically grew up on the show and I remember I'd get jumping beans in my stomach as a kid. And I've seen the movies(GB one and two) as much as there are full blown class 5 phantasms for the Ghostbuste s to take care of. I can't wait for Ghostbuster 3 to come out. At any rate, it's going to blow people AWAY.... AGAIN! Ghostbusters Forever!

Emily Snyder - 04/27/98 23:46:53
My Email:spidey38@juno.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edouardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Dr. Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: Chicago White Sox
Where did you find my page: some net search:totally dumb about this stuff

Cool web page: Ghostbusters is my favorite movie!

Rich - 04/20/98 20:15:09
My Email:devastator@erols.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edgurdo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Mets
Where did you find my page: Excite

Cool page!!

CAMERON HARISON - 04/18/98 16:21:12
My Email:THUNDERSTRIKER@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: GAIRRAT AND SLIMER
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: DR.EGON
Favorite Baseball Team: ANGLES
Where did you find my page: EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS


CAMERON HARISON - 04/18/98 16:19:48
My Email:THUNDERSTRIKER@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: GAIRIT AND SLIMER
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: DR.EGON
Favorite Baseball Team: ANGLES
Where did you find my page: EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS


Conrad - 04/09/98 15:36:45
My Email:mmmboping@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Slimer
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Toronto Blue Jays
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler


andrew lukeman - 04/09/98 13:42:55
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: slimer
Favorite Baseball Team: bluejays
Where did you find my page: webcrawler

job well done

Melanie - 04/08/98 17:17:44
My Email:Gracie25@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Reds
Where did you find my page: Metacrawler

I love the RGB and the EGB! I can not understand why they are not making anymore EGB when they are so popular. Now, I will never know if Edwardo and Kylie get togehter.

andrew prather - 04/07/98 03:15:24
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:kiss ma 999
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo/ Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: ray
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: ghostbusters


nickolaswalko - 04/03/98 22:14:00
Where did you find my page: AOL

I love the Ghostbuster movies, especially 2 when Statue of Liberty walks off her base. I don't have a channel that shows the cartoon.

CaDeRLY - 04/03/98 16:24:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/9800
My Email:caderly@geocities.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie and Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon and Janine
Favorite Baseball Team: Toronto Blue Jays
Where did you find my page: A ghost led me here. Honest!!

I loved the Ghostbuster movies and the Real Ghostbusters cartoon. I've been watching the Extreme Ghostbusters tv show for two weeks now and LOVE IT!! It is EXTREME!! I can't wait to see the new movie!

JOE DAN LOVATO - 04/03/98 02:37:41
My Email:NON
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: EGUARDO
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: PETER
Favorite Baseball Team: BRAVES
Where did you find my page: NET


- 04/02/98 03:28:35


nathaniel - 03/29/98 01:29:40
My Email:scooby9540
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: roland
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: mariners
Where did you find my page: web


Jay - 03/28/98 15:58:20
My URL:Don't have one
My Email:Not telling
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie amd Garrett
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray
Favorite Baseball Team: I prefer hockey
Where did you find my page: Metacrawler

Ghostbusters ROCKS!!!!!!! Anyone out there know of any OGB or EGB fanfics out there? Just thought I'd ask. Bye!

Elwood(Aaron)Sperling - 03/27/98 22:18:00
My Email:Pinchsperl@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Slimer
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Slimer
Favorite Baseball Team: The Orioles
Where did you find my page: Aol Net Find

I think Ghostbusters rocks and I can't wait until Ghostbusters 3 & 4 come out, and can't wait until the Real Ghostbusters come back on Fox in August. and your site is awesome.

Matt K. - 03/22/98 19:46:48
My Email:Mkwhizkid4@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Winston
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Where did you find my page: AOL Netfind

The only regret I have is I wasn't born in time to see Ghostbusters in the theaters .

Matt K. - 03/22/98 19:41:51
My Email:Mkwhizkid4@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Winston
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Where did you find my page: AOL Netfind

The only regret I have is I wasn't born in time to see Ghostbusters in the theaters .

Chistopher Wadey - 03/21/98 13:28:31
My Email:paul.wadey@lineone.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: nil
Where did you find my page: it's all new to us

Christopher is 7 years old and has been mad on GB since he was 3, he has every thing you can think of related to GB.,

Rob Schmeiser - 03/20/98 15:44:46
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eguardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray Stanz
Favorite Baseball Team: Blue Jays
Where did you find my page: Internet

YOU ROCK [same with all the ghostbusters!]

David Chakmakjian - 03/20/98 02:15:05
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Vancman
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlant Braves
Where did you find my page: On Net Finder

Ive been a ghostbusters freek for as long as I can remember and Im glad your one of the sits I looked up.

John - 03/19/98 17:08:09
My Email:Mr.MojoRisin@usa.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Cincinnati Reds
Where did you find my page: WWW.Askjeeves.com

Cool page.

Jimmy (Clifton) Perrone - 03/18/98 22:32:54
My Email:JPer853696@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

Egon Spengler is my favorite Ghostbuster of all time. Now that the Ghostbusters are coming back I can't wait until Ghostbusters 3 (which will have Egon Spengler) comes out. I love any and everything about the Ghostbusters. GHOSTBUSTERS rule forever!

Jimmy (Clifton) Perrone - 03/18/98 22:31:44
My Email:JPer853696@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

Egon Spengler is my favorite Ghostbuster of all time. Now that the Ghostbusters are coming back I can't wait until Ghostbusters 3 (which will have Egon Spengler) comes out. I love any and everything about the Ghostbusters. GHOSTBUSTERS rule forever!

Jimmy (Clifton) Perrone - 03/18/98 22:12:47
My Email:JPer853696@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

Egon Spengler is my favorite Ghostbuster of all time. Now that the Ghostbusters are coming back I can't wait until Ghostbusters 3 (which will have Egon Spengler) comes out. I love any and everything about the Ghostbusters. GHOSTBUSTERS rule forever!

Steven Roensch - 03/18/98 16:06:47
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Astros
Where did you find my page: Just ran into it???

Ghostbusters rules!!!!!!

John Maher - 03/18/98 03:09:40
My Email:SugarR20
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Ghostbusters Search

I love the ghostbusters, THEY RULE. I hope they make a 3rd movie

gabroel bryant - 03/17/98 22:50:07
My URL:http://members.aol.com/pacinurse/dargonballzindex.html
My Email:pacinurse@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter and winston
Favorite Baseball Team: red socks
Where did you find my page: surfing

i love your page. its my favorite. i am going to a an awsome ghostbusting page soon.

Adam DETRO - 03/14/98 03:28:41
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: GARRET
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: PETER
Favorite Baseball Team: WHY DOES IT MATTER
Where did you find my page: NO COMMENT


Jeremy Blake - 03/12/98 22:40:29
My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/magicsword
My Email:magicsword@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Blue Jays
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler

I am a huge fan of the awesome tv series Extreme Ghostbusters. I like the humor it has aimed towards teens. It deals with real life issues and is entertaining to boot. I also like the real-looking ghosts and the references to ancient mythology.

Ryan Anderson - 03/12/98 21:47:44
My Email:tirbiter@nauticom.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Marlins
Where did you find my page: In a Webcrawler Search


Cosimo Murray - 03/12/98 03:43:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/palladium/2729
My Email:Five07Punk@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon oh yeah and Ecto-1
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spangler
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Through A Search Engin

Man I Love the page i have been watching Chostbusters since i was a little kid it's great i got a bunch of the toys to god damn i love these movies oh yeah i'm a punk too

Love_Leigh - 03/12/98 01:54:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/2566/
My Email:i2i4u@mailcity.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: ??
Where did you find my page: Just surfed in!!

hi, i love the new exteam ghost busters!! They are the coolest!! I love ghost stories and if you have some good ones, email them to me please!! Love_Leigh

Dave Stay-puft - 03/11/98 20:36:14
My Email:Don't have E-mail
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkmen
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spangler
Favorite Baseball Team: Rockies
Where did you find my page: AOL NETfind


David Buck - 03/11/98 20:32:33
My Email:Don't have
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: ????
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Colorado Rockies
Where did you find my page: AOL NETfind


somcubs - 03/11/98 17:37:48
My Email:somcubs@aol.com
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray Stanz
Favorite Baseball Team: Cubbies
Where did you find my page: on line

Halloween myself and two friends go out as ghostbusters with our 67 cad ecto.have pictures galore.

cosmo - 03/10/98 19:55:05
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: edrardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon

i think this page is pretty phat so far.

jamie evans - 03/10/98 01:08:05
My Email:jedi2485@AOL.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Winston Zeddemore
Favorite Baseball Team: cubs

ghostbusters rule

billy covais - 03/08/98 20:09:05
My Email:ijcov
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: roland
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Baseball Team: yankees
Where did you find my page: internet

thank god there are other ghostheads.out there.if you have any intresting things e-mail me at ijcov.

Mike Clair - 03/08/98 18:11:56
My Email:Clairlisa@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon and Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Marlins
Where did you find my page: aol netfind

Ghostbusters Rock!

Mike Clair - 03/08/98 18:02:32
My Email:Clairlisa@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon and Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Marlins
Where did you find my page: aol netfind

Ghostbusters Rock!

Adam D Hedgehog - 03/08/98 16:27:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/echidna
My Email:ahedgehog@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Dont have one
Where did you find my page: Search

I Dont know, just got here

MrCaptainKirk - 03/08/98 07:17:53
My Email:MrCaptainKirk.webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Orioles


Will Johnson - 03/08/98 04:26:15
My Email:rjohns15@bellsouth.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Baseball Team: yankees
Where did you find my page: searching for the real ghostbusters

could you put some pics of the boogeyman if you have thanks

Jared W. - 03/07/98 22:32:23
My Email:C_A_Watts@msn.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Detroit Tigers
Where did you find my page: Search

I really would like to see this page when you get it done!! Let me know by email when it is complete. thanks

jack - 02/12/98 22:17:03
My Email:comp_ass@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: venkman
Where did you find my page: search


Jon kessler - 02/11/98 19:50:16
My Email:jon_kessler@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: That show sux worse than back to the future part 3
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Ahh the Expos
Where did you find my page: Hell

Cool page you should more stuff about the movie and comic books. Any one who has ghostbusters the cartoon on tape please contact me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marshall applewhite Rulz

Jeff Phillips - 02/10/98 21:11:16
My Email:bgmgfarm@feist.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Indians
Where did you find my page: Internet


Josh Aleksich - 02/08/98 02:32:21
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:adzeman@yahoom.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Slimer
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: SLimer
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Yahoo

This is a nice page so far. You might want to add the extreme Ghostbusters theme mp3 though!

Fan - 02/05/98 03:51:27
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Where did you find my page: webcrawler

Extreme Ghostbusters totally rules. I'm happy they brought back Egon & Janine. I was hoping they would get togeather. Kylie and Eduardo would be a cute couple. Some where I heard that Extreme Ghostbusters was being canceled. BUMMER!!!!!!

Rob Priemer (aka Crash) - 02/03/98 23:18:03
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: I hate Baseball. Football team is any one I play on.
Where did you find my page: My Sixth Sense

I can't wait for Ghostbusters #3 and ignore my friend Sven's guestbook entry, He only wanted to put in one but his dumb brother messed him up. Peace out and may the force be with you(I'm also a huge Star Wars Fan).

Sven Cauley - 02/03/98 23:09:50
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon ("It would be bad")
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Yankees
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler

Ghostbusters kick ASS!

Sven Cauley - 02/03/98 23:08:34
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon and Janine
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Yankees
Where did you find my page: Under Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters kick ASS!

Sven Cauley - 02/03/98 23:03:53
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon and Janine
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Yankees
Where did you find my page: Under Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters kick ASS!

Venkman_ - 02/03/98 03:58:48
My Email:Venkman_@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo Rivera
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: Texas Rangers
Where did you find my page: On a search page

This looks like one groovey page.

Mickey - 02/02/98 16:42:56
My Email:WonTon2Go
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: ALL
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: ALL
Favorite Baseball Team: The TRIBE!!! aka Cleveland Indians
Where did you find my page: Surfed

Keep me posted on anytning!

Adam Detro - 02/01/98 03:49:51
My Email:adamdetro@Juno.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: ??????
Where did you find my page: webcrawler

I'm going ghostbuster crazy and I'm trying to find a ghost trap toy

Randy Delahoussaye - 02/01/98 03:03:47
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Jannen
Where did you find my page: geocities

I loved your old ghostbusters and new.The thing is the same date you made the move i was born on that day.I hope you make ghostbusters 4.

Randy Delahoussaye - 02/01/98 02:41:31
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Jannen
Where did you find my page: geocities

I loved your old ghostbusters and new.The thing is the same date you made the move i was born on that day.I hope you make ghostbusters 4.

Ty'igra - 01/31/98 23:07:00
My Email:tygercat@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo! (Es muy guapo, verdad?!)
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon!
Favorite Baseball Team: Tigers (love the name)
Where did you find my page: I hunted you down. (Okay, Webcrawler)

LOVE your page. I adore EGB! Hmm..... Kylie Rivera... it has a ring to it, doesn't it? Or at least Janine Spangler does. Anyway, *I* think your page is purrrrrrrrfect! Keep up the good work!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex Swisher - 01/31/98 21:49:20
My Email:swishers@brigadoon.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Pirates
Where did you find my page: YAHOO

this page rules.

Todd Rulseh - 01/31/98 18:37:50
My Email:cabinbks@execpc.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: Net Search

The Ecto-1 is the coolest vehicle EVER!!!!! I think Garrett is cool to, so I'm mad that Trendmasters doesn't make a Garrett action figure. I love this web page!!! I got mad when The Real Ghostbusters went off the air, so glad EGB is on now. HUGE GB FAN, TODD RULSEH P.S. Please e-mail me!

ERIC MURADOV - 01/30/98 17:56:13
My URL:http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/jamesbond/dagan.html
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: EGON
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: PETER
Favorite Baseball Team: NOT A FAN
Where did you find my page: IN METACRAWLER


Leeam Dagan - 01/30/98 17:46:46
My URL:http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/jamesbond/dagan.html
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: White sox
Where did you find my page: In Metacrawler

It is all right but you need a better back round

- 01/25/98 15:52:03


Dan - 01/17/98 16:44:14
My Email:DanielChou@compuserve.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garrett
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: the New York Yankees
Where did you find my page: @ Lycos

When you're constructing this page, you should add al litlle mre sound/music.

johnathon - 01/08/98 23:41:51
My Email:Legoman632
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves
Where did you find my page: From a friend

The Extreme Ghostbusters was a really great idea

johnathon - 01/08/98 23:35:20
My Email:Legoman632
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves
Where did you find my page: From a friend

The Extreme Ghostbusters was a really great idea

evan garrett - 01/08/98 02:59:26
My Email:num13@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: garrett
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: webcrawler

great pictures

evan garrett - 01/08/98 02:55:55
My Email:num13@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: garrett
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: webcrawler

great pictures

evan garrett - 01/08/98 02:55:50
My Email:num13@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: garrett
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: webcrawler

great pictures

Mark Gallegos - 01/07/98 20:57:53
My URL:http://n/a
My Email:tobias@juno.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: all of them
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon
Where did you find my page: searching alot


E. J. Spengler - 01/07/98 19:56:42
My URL:http:// N/A
My Email:N/A
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: NY Yankees
Where did you find my page: Yahoo!

I have no relation to Egon, who coincidentally is my favorite character. This page is a really great tribute to my childhood/adolescence/soon-to-be-adult/as-well-as-for-the-rest-of-my-life heroes!! Don't ever change...well, maybe an occasional update wo ld be permissible.

Melody Hillard - 01/07/98 03:02:55
My Email:don't have one
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: Tigers
Where did you find my page: By Searching through the ghostbusters online

I love you!

Tom McNichols - 01/06/98 23:32:25
My Email:Tmcnichols@ameritech.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edurado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler

I have loved the ghostbusters since I can remember. Until I got the internet I thought I was the only one that still loved them. I have devoted a lot of time and money towards them. When the Extreme Ghostbusters first came out I was mad. I thought that it was not going to be good at all. I'm g ad that I was wrong. I love that cartoon and I have all the toys. I must say that I have that same worry about the Ghostbusters 3 though. I think that it won't be all that great of a movie. I also am a selfish person. I don't want other people to hop on the Ghostbuster's ban wagon.

Tom McNichols - 01/06/98 23:32:24
My Email:Tmcnichols@ameritech.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edurado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler

I have loved the ghostbusters since I can

Tom McNichols - 01/06/98 23:18:29
My Email:Tmcnichols@ameritech.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edurado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Chicago Cubs
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler

I have loved the ghostbusters since I can remember. Until I got the internet I thought I was the only one that still loved them. I have devoted a lot of time and money towards them. When the Extreme Ghostbusters first came out I was mad. I thought that it was not going to be good at all. I'm g ad that I was wrong. I love that cartoon and I have all the toys. I must say that I have that same worry about the Ghostbusters 3 though. I think that it won't be all that great of a movie. I also am a selfish person. I don't want other people to hop on the Ghostbuster's ban wagon.

Tyler friddle - 01/04/98 03:22:15
My URL:http://WWW.Daltonfriddle.com
My Email:http:/WWW.Dalton Friddle.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Garret
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: None
Where did you find my page: went to to find application

I have loved Ghostbusters sense they came out starting with the first movie the second movie the upcoming third movie the origanal cartoon seires all the way up to the Extreme Ghostbuster series.

Matt K. - 01/03/98 15:50:20
My Email:Mkwhizkid4
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edurado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: All of them !!!
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Where did you find my page: AOL Netfind

I Have loved Ghostbusters for as long as I can remember !!! I've seen the movies a hundered times each , I watched the show , I have all the figures and all the new figures too . When I heard about Extreme Ghostbusters I nearly died and gone to heaven !!!

Matt K. - 01/03/98 15:44:46
My Email:Mkwhizkid4
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edurado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: All of them !!!
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Where did you find my page: AOL Netfind

I Have loved Ghostbusters for as long as I can remember !!! I've seen the movies a hundered times each , I watched the show , I have all the figures and all the new figures too . When I heard about Extreme Ghostbusters I nearly died and gone to heaven !!!

ANTHONY] - 01/02/98 22:24:15
My Email:wendovgj@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: RONALD
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: RAY
Favorite Baseball Team: I FOLLOW HOCKEY
Where did you find my page: netscape

I wish I could find a ghostbuster suit.

Matt P - 01/02/98 08:37:57

HEY Antonie EAT MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt P - 01/02/98 08:33:02
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eddie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray

Yo GB fans listen up! I just heard that a GB3 is coming out!! kick the cows! Wake the folks! EAT MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!

julian - 01/02/98 03:51:13
My Email:Bharbison1
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Baseball Team: oakland a's
Where did you find my page: america on line

Whats your favarite ghostbusters veical

clayton - 01/01/98 23:41:39


cory - 12/31/97 04:29:17
My Email:persch@netscape.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter
Favorite Baseball Team: jaguars
Where did you find my page: right here

I love the ghostbusters!I like #2 better than #1.I like bill murry(peter.)This page is COOL!!!!

zachexplat - 12/31/97 02:47:10
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Astros
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler


Keith Michaels - 12/31/97 01:41:09
My Email:zorak@villagenet.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Extreme Ghostbusters is horrible
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Mets
Where did you find my page: Luck

Great page! I don't know about Ghostbusters Extreme though. It's the same situation with GI Joe. The cartoon was great, but later they came out with GI Joe Extreme which is horrible. Ghostbusters Extreme is sort of like the original Ghostbuster cartoo with that big monkey. I just don't get it. Well, keep up the good work!

Antoni Jones - 12/30/97 20:11:05
My URL:http://www.xoom.com/toniz
My Email:smalloasis@hotmail
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman
Where did you find my page: off the `net

I LOVE the ghostbusters, I hope you carry on making this cool page about `em. And tell that bloke that says EAT ME all the time, its getting boring *yawn*...

- 12/30/97 07:37:51


Hairy Sax - 12/30/97 07:14:17
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: Orioles

I would like to say Eduardo fuck Kyle up the ASS!!! I know you want some pussy. Tell her to give you some head (suck dick) then bend her down on all fours and stick it in her butt. Eat her butt like you have never done before!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then slide your dick in her crusty ass butt

Matt Poppiti - 12/30/97 06:54:44

Hi it's me! I just wanted to say: I can't wait 'till Eduardo gets pussy off Kylie!!!!! FUCK her man, do her butt!! PUT IT IN HER!!!! EAT MY BUTT!!!!

Dr. Ryan Domis - 12/30/97 06:19:07
My Email:RealmX007@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Never was able to see what time it's on !
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter !!!!!!!!
Favorite Baseball Team: Angles
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler

I just wanted to say that I've always been a humungo fan of the ghostbusters !!! I just wanted to tell you that I'm a Dr. not in health but in paranormal studies as an also scientist !!! I have my lab at Cal State Long Beach in California . As you can t ll, I study things right in your alley !!! Me and my work partners are working on a new project wich is called project : Spangler . In this project we have worked on for several months ,and have found some slight new readings in our studies that we accual y think it's possible ! We just wanted to say that this is not bull, so we can keep you reading on !!! This is the real thing . We are not entirely correct on this . It may take several months on this project . Our main purpose of this project is to find out if ghost do exsist . If you think this is bull, or think that this is just someone with alot of time on our hands, think again !!! Just ask the department of studies on campus if this is real !!! We need people to believe us because we may need som help !! If you do beleive this, reach me at my e-mail address . Also, one of my partners who used to be a part of the microsoft programming association, has made a big adjustment to speed up our proccess wich will be done in two days, but we have to te t it first . After we test it, we will fill it with our information and take aprox. 34 hours to analyze it . If you want me to keep you posted, just e-mail me back . If any questions or comments, do the same . I don't believe in gohsts, but wait till th s stuff kicks some ass !!!! P.S. Sorry if there is any spelling errors, and take care

Matt Poppiti - 12/30/97 01:32:00
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: you know
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: you know
Where did you find my page: duh!

ghostbusters ROCK!!!!!! My whole family likes'm too.My sister likes kylie's cat.As for kylie she can EAT MY BUTT!!!!!

Michael Lira - 12/29/97 22:03:55
My Email:Mick533@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: All
Favorite Baseball Team: Dodgers
Where did you find my page: Web crawler seach


Bryan Osborn - 12/29/97 18:00:47
My Email:jnco@together.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Pete Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: Mets
Where did you find my page: Yahoo online

Ghostbusters is like a hobby to me and i wouldn t ditch any of this and you have put much hard work into it .

Matt Poppiti - 12/29/97 17:58:37
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray
Where did you find my page: search

I always loved ghostbusters! EAT MY BUTT!!!! sorry it's my trademark

Kylie Griffin [Not the real one] - 12/29/97 16:13:00
My Email:Kylieexgb@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie Griffin & Eduardo Rivera
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkman & Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Yahoo


Andrew Smith - 12/29/97 02:26:06
My Email:bsmith@jdv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: White Sox
Where did you find my page: on web crawler

I love GB, GB2, RGB, and EGB! I wathed the origanal cartoon when I was 2 and was fascinated. I cryed for weeks when it was canceled. When I learned of the new show I freaked! At that moment I pledged to recindal the fascination.I now have realized that th Ghostbusters RULE!

Andrew Smith - 12/29/97 02:15:28
My Email:bsmith@jdv.net


Javier - 12/29/97 00:24:53
My Email:Lord Dragon
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Searching

I just can't wait till Eduardo and Kylie finally get together. I mean you could tell there was an attraction since day 1, so what's the deal man?!?!

michael bevilacqua - 12/28/97 06:35:15
My URL:mikebev@prodigy.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Baseball Team: mets
Where did you find my page: internet

I realy love ghostbusters so send me cool stuff. I have alot of ghostbuster toys and stuff too.

peach - 12/28/97 05:29:40
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: edurado
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: ray
Favorite Baseball Team: NY YAnKEES
Where did you find my page: searching

GHOSTBUSTERS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

derek walters - 12/26/97 18:07:53
My URL:http://derekwalters
My Email:derekwalters@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: kylie
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Baseball Team: detriot tigers
Where did you find my page: searching

this is so cool!

brandon - 12/26/97 02:44:36
My Email:bedjlrb
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: edurdo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter vencman
Favorite Baseball Team: yankees
Where did you find my page: on the web

egon and other egb's: egon spengler i've admired you in the cartoon of the ogb's.i also liked you in the movie (harold ramis) gb 1&2 when you fought vego the parpathian and gozer the traveler.oh,ya I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOST

brandon - 12/26/97 02:44:25
My Email:bedjlrb
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: edurdo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter vencman
Favorite Baseball Team: yankees
Where did you find my page: on the web

egon and other egb's: egon spengler i've admired you in the cartoon of the ogb's.i also liked you in the movie (harold ramis) gb 1&2 when you fought vego the parpathian and gozer the traveler.oh,ya I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOST

EAMON - 12/25/97 23:14:08
My Email:diane_john@msn.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Where did you find my page: Excite

I think EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS is one of the best animated seires of all. I'm glad they finally expanded the story of the Ghostbusters. ALL the new characters are cool . Besides Eduardo, Kylie is my favorite Ghostbuster. I like new villans also , like Fenri and Sam Hain. I think Siryn and the Banshee are cool as well. I hope this show is around for a while `cause I love it !

mike Dethlefs - 12/25/97 03:01:07
My Email:xibalba@unm.edu
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: garrett
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: ray
Where did you find my page: altavista


Aaron - 12/24/97 02:58:08
My Email:jef1arnold@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Atlanta Braves
Where did you find my page: web search

I have loved the Ghostbusters since I was about three years old. I'm 8 now. I like EGBs, but I have a question. On the episode that the ghosts were clowns and were attached to laughter, Roland was "inhaled", but when the EGBs caught the clowns only Rol nd reappeared. Why didn't the other people appear too?

Hillary Luetkemeyer - 12/22/97 19:25:28
My Email:hillaryl
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: EDUARDO!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: What?
Where did you find my page: I was looking for info and pictures on Eduardo


Frank Wirth - 12/22/97 00:10:12
My Email:stardager@webtv.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Winston
Favorite Baseball Team: Twins
Where did you find my page: webtv search

cool page so far. Ghostbusters rock! cool show.

- 12/20/97 18:54:14
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: SLIMER
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: PETER
Favorite Baseball Team: BRAVES
Where did you find my page: ULTIMENT GBS


GB Zone - 12/20/97 18:29:19
My URL:http://members.aol.com/GBZONE/index.html
My Email:gbzone@aol.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler Search

Cool page, I love Ghostbusters A LOT!!

Stewart Turner - 12/20/97 10:11:39
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Slimer
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Yahoo Netsearch

I am 11 years. I have been collecting The Real Ghostbusters items for 5 years and have gained a large range of items. I'm happy that someone else in the world is as fanatical about this stuff as I am. Thank You.

Sean Miller - 12/20/97 00:02:22
My Email:roseann.miller@snet.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo Rivera
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter Venkmen
Favorite Baseball Team: New York Yankees
Where did you find my page: SNET internet


Michael Mayne - 12/18/97 20:51:34
My Email:mayneman@ramlink.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Reds
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler


Michael Mayne - 12/18/97 20:50:56
My Email:mayneman@ramlink.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Reds
Where did you find my page: Webcrawler


julia soya - 12/17/97 23:56:11
My Email:soyab@AOL.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Mets
Where did you find my page: Internet search

Extreme Ghostbusters is the best show in the world! I really love it.

James Clifton - 12/16/97 16:47:11
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

I love the Ghostbusters, everything about them. My favorite has,and will always be Egon. I'm in High School, and people think I'm weird. But thats OK!

James Clifton - 12/16/97 16:47:04
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon Spengler
Favorite Baseball Team: Pittsburgh Pirates
Where did you find my page: www.excite.com

I love the Ghostbusters, everything about them. My favorite has,and will always be Egon. I'm in High School, and people think I'm weird. But thats OK!

Kylie - 12/11/97 11:23:08
My Email:Kylie@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Kylie same name like Eduardo too
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Where did you find my page: alta vista hit 30


Corey - 12/02/97 13:06:09
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Yankees
Where did you find my page: Yahoo

i love the show and enjoy following the characters through their travels

Joseph - 12/02/97 02:22:43
My Email:labeots@edge.net
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Braves
Where did you find my page: yahoo


Sam - 11/27/97 00:10:52
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo and Slimer
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Phillies
Where did you find my page: Yahoo

I am so glad there is a new Ghostbusters show. It is one of my favorite shows. I love the theme song. My first EGB toy was the Proton Pack. I can't wait until the new GB movie comes out. I am a huge fan and have some of the old toys. I have seen both mov es so much that I have memorized them. I have two GB stuffed animals-Slimer and Marshmellow Man.

Steve Saukaitis - 11/16/97 20:11:54
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter


Steve Saukaitis - 11/16/97 20:11:03
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter


Steve Saukaitis - 11/16/97 20:09:50
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter


Adam Brookman - 11/12/97 00:00:30
My Email:zam13@hotmail.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Peter
Favorite Baseball Team: Orioles

I think its great although its still under construction! Zam13

Ran Bakor - 11/11/97 05:02:24
My Email:Venkman@wirefire.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo Revera
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Dr. Peter Venkman
Favorite Baseball Team: Angels
Where did you find my page: searched ghostbuters 3

Very cool! I too have loved the Ghostbusters since I was able to remember, so I was thrilled to learn about the EXTREME GHOSTBUSTERS! It rules beyond belief!

Natalie C. - 11/04/97 21:31:23
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: kylie and eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: egon!
Favorite Baseball Team: none
Where did you find my page: alta vista

I personally like EGB, and though I love RGB and have seen all the episodes two or three times, I think it is possible to like them BOTH! (You'd be surprised how many people don't believe that.) The writing is good, and the added tension between the chara ters (sexual tension, in some cases) makes the stories more interesting. I hope they do more from that angle.

Riley - 10/26/97 00:37:17
My Email:scyree@hotmial.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: I Like the original
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: SLIMER
Favorite Baseball Team: NONE
Where did you find my page: alta vista

The original ghostbusters was THE best!!!!! That extreme stuff is NOTHING compared to it!

Jack Brockus - 10/21/97 20:21:19
My URL:http://www.federated.com/~john/jack.html
My Email:john@federated.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Cardinals
Where did you find my page: Alta Vista

They killed (no joke!) Slimer! Just look at him!:( That's the only bad thing. I like the new proton packs and traps!:) They are da' BOMB!! I like Eduardo and Kylie the most. They should hook up. That's all so may your cheese be stinky and MAY THE RUBBER CHICKEN BE WITH YOU! HA HA HA HA HA HA AHA!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jack Brockus - 10/21/97 20:15:04
My URL:http://www.federated.com/~john/jack.html
My Email:john@federated.com
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Eduardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Egon
Favorite Baseball Team: Cardinals
Where did you find my page: Alta


Castor278 - 10/08/97 02:07:33
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: egon
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: peter or egon

ghostbuster2 is my all time favorite movie,i just saw ultimate ghostbusters the cartoon show and i think its no where near as good as the old cartoon what happened to winston, peter, and ray and where the hell did these kids come from

Mike Hammer - 10/07/97 23:00:46
Favorite Extreme Ghostbusters Character: Edwardo
Favorite Real Ghostbusters Character: Ray
Favorite Baseball Team: Cleveland Indians
Where did you find my page: Yahoo!

I love the new show! My only complaint is how they just cut you off at the end. Other than that, it's perfect! P.S. I think they need to bring good ol' State Puff into an episode.

Darkflame5 - 10/04/97 16:22:51
My Email:Darkflame5@.aol.com
Favorite Ghostbusters Character (if applicable): EGB: Garrett & Eduardo, RGB: Egon
Favorite Color: Dark blue

I haven't seen your site yet, I decided to do this first, but I am not the bigest, but 1 of the biggest RGB/EGB fans, I already have most of the EGB toys! I have all of the EGB figures that are out now (to bad Garretts not out yet, & I don't have Garrett, he's not out yet) & I also have the Ecto 1! this show is awsome! & I bet your site will be awsome!

R. Drew Davis - 10/03/97 00:50:08

Hi Matt. I'm Steven's Dad. Congratulations on making honor role for last year. I saw your name in the paper!

RSD - 10/03/97 00:23:42
My Email:stantz@hotmail.com
Favorite Baseball Team: Phillys
Favorite Ghostbusters Character (if applicable): Peter. (who else)
Favorite Color: Blue

M~ Your site is BOSS!

brishcar - 10/01/97 22:10:10

too mush time on your hands

Matt Johnsen - 09/28/97 21:33:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/7433/index.html
My Email:ghost_head@hotmail.com
Favorite Baseball Team: NEW YORK METS!!
Favorite Ghostbusters Character (if applicable):EGB: Eduardo RGB: Peter
Favorite Color: Black

I am just making sure that this guestbook works!

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