(don't worry my pets are still right after this text)
To anyone who still looks at my cyber pets at all, you may have noticed that my 2nd page of them is now missing. Why? Oh I'll tell you why. Because YahooGeocities are a bunch of @#$%&*!!!
you see, I recently logged into my 2nd cyber pet page...and saw that my account said "Hey! You have no webpage! Would you like to make one?" Well, needless to say I was shocked & heartbroken beyond words. (Not only did I have my other cyber pets on that page, but I also had some VERY important & treasured files that I stored in there & did not disply on the public side of the page such as pictures & text that I put into HTML). Well, I e-mailed YahooGeocities and demanded to know what happened....several months & several more angry demands by me later, they replied.
what they basically told me was that any page that had not been logged into in 6 months are deleted. And there is no way to correct it.
sound reasonable? Well just wait. There's more to it. The truth is I HAD logged into that page many times. Never 6 months in between. And you know what else? I HAD NOT logged into my main page for AT LEAST A YEAR!!! AND THAT ONE IS STILL THERE!!!!!
Needless to say, I am furious. I remember when I was 13 making my pages &adding to them over the years. They were (& still are) VERY important & treasured to me. Like a symbol of my childhood. I remember when I first got them with Geocities....before Yahoo! got their filthy hands on them. They were promised for life. Geocities was a great & wonderful service & I miss them dearly. Well when Yahoo stepped in everything went to hell (pardon my french for any younger people reading this). And because of THEIR screw up, I have lost half of my beloved cyber pets and other files that I loved.
So I warn all of you- PLEASE be careful if you make a webpage here! (or almost anywhere else at this point. You can't trust anyone). Don't let YahooGeocities do to you what they did to me. Keep your files safe!
ok, now on with my remaining cyber pets
Okay, okay, I know most of you find cyber pets "childish" But I find them a fun hobbie! I like collecting them! (and I have nothing else to do during the day)
I'm just a kid traped in a 15 year old's body (even though I look like a 12 year old!...oh, nevermind!)
Welcome! This is where all my cyber pets live! (Most of them are dragons...just a warning) So feel free to visit them! They are listed in the order in which I got them. (so the newest ones are at the bottom)
Jax, Foret, Torous, Bunny, Hunter, Wind Flow, & Search have moved, they are not up at their new home yet, but will be soon. Keyrnyn & Wishing Star are in a deep sleep untill I check thier health and if she will ever grow.
Spark, Sky Flash, & Lizzy died :( I am very sad to say.
Ocean Star & Mephesto
Sparkle & Kiki
Star Light
Sea Jewel & Jennah
Miko (son of Speedwell)
My Wolf, Night Magic
Wave Dancer
My blue pernese dragon, Layeth
My green pernese dragon, Tildoth
Aqua & Flash
Zonic (son of Star Light)
Lashkah (Daughter of miko)
My blue pernese dragon, Tomgorth
Meadow Flower (daughter of Wave Dancer)
My blue pernese dragon, Conith
My alicorn, Wishing Star
My bronze pernese dragon, Steelith
My blue pernese dragon, Chilloth
My blue fire lizard, Zaz
My blue Pernese dragon, Blith
Shileeth & Moonith
My blue watch wher, Bax
My brown pernese dragon, Undreth
My green Nimbulan dragon, Kyrath
My brown Pernese dragon, Uvrith
My brown Pernese dragon, Seranith
My Drigus, Viva
My red Wolragon, Rogo
My brown pernese dragon, Sareth
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