Welcome to the Legends of Fantasy Webring headquarters, Since you are here as a guest I would personally like to invite you to join.
Of course to join your site must follow certain guidelines...

First you must have a valid e-mail address and web page.
Your site must be about science fiction and/or fantasy in some way.
Your site must not contain any pornographic, hate, cruelty, or other such material (your site must be suitable for all ages).
You must submit the page you plan to add the webring fragment to.

You must keep up with you site information, i.e. if your web page address or e-mail address changes then I expect you to update the information and keep it updated. Once you Join you must continue to follow the above rules.
Once in a while I  will go through the sites in the webring to make sure all have valid addresses and content.
If a site is found with a invalid address or contents, a few things will be done before moving that site into the queue.

First off you the site owner will be e-mailed notification about your invalid site address or missing fragment, you will normally be given one week to reply.
Once the one week period is up if you have not responded to my email then your site will be moved into the queue, here you have a last chance to update your site information, if not then your site will be removed from the ring. Although you may rejoin at any time.
If your email address within your site information is invalid and bounces back then your site will be automatically removed from the ring, to keep this from happening make sure you enter the correct e-mail address.

I agree, submit site

© 1997-2001 darcy500@hotmail.com