For the First Time...

The Lady's Chambers

*Jess: What lady? where?!*
Shar: *kick* Get lost! You're blocking the screen!

Besides being crazed, morbid, sadistic hedonist and an avid frequenter of the Fake Moon Chat (FMC), I am a Philosopher and a writer as well as, God forbid, a dubious poet. I'm a constant living identity crisis, love radio and toast, want to be a DJ at RCS, write fiction and see the world before it disappears. I believe that Armageddon's just round the corner and am addicted to Computers, Dramatics and RPGs.
RCS Perfect 10
Alter Egos
RL Stuff

The Alter Egos

  • Kyle Seigen/ Sailor StarDreamer

  • Aoba Fue/ Fuu-chan

  • Shutani Houkiku

  • Tenrou Yui/Sailor StarDreamer

  • Kiri

  • Hishin Akira

  • Kinomoto Yumeki

  • Yoakawa Yuuaki

  • Lin HuiXin, Angela (Picklock)

  • And more...

    Some RL Stuff About Me

    Name:Sharen Chin (Shar)
    Birthday:12th Feb
    Status:My own
    Wanna do:See the world
    Wanna be:DJ, performer and writer
    Occupation:Philosopher, Shrink, Writer
    Titles:High Priestess of Sarcasm;
    High Queen of Egomania

    I'm sarcastic, pretty and a genius...
    wabbit (FMC 13/5/98): You forgot "modest".
    Uh-huh, and (melo)dramatic, easy-going and funny, too. I'm an Aquarius through and through: eccentric, forgetful, occasionally indecisive, friendly, romantic and out-rageously open-minded. I listen to
    Perfect 10 everynight from 2000 to 0200 and do an open variety of things, such as sketch, sing, write, act, web-design, RPGs and flirt, plus the half million other things I can't remember at the moment. Don't laugh, Jess, I'm sure people agree I do all these better than you do! '_^ I also part-time as a counseller, rather unsuccessful in the finance department tho, none of my clients ever actually pay. *sigh* Like every other teenager on Earth except a certain Debbie whom I know, I'm broke 99.9% of the time and like every teenager in Singapore, hardly ever free due to the INC.

    What INC?
    INC, the Inter-National Conspiracy, aka Global Boards of Education. They can get away with anything short of blowing up the Universe; cos the Boards of Welfare would never put up with it. *bleeep! This has been another quote of Shar, the High Priestess of Sarcasm*. Hino Rei and the sketch on the top left both resemble me, BTW. Shoulder length hair, glasses. Oh yeah, and reality. I ALWAYS forget that part... Well, so much for my rambling. *shrugs* Mail me at with anything short of chain and junk mail or check out the FMC for fuu-chan if you ever need me.
    Need you? what in the world do they need YOU for? They need a doctor!
    *kicks Jessica* Anno... mata ne!

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