He Mechwarrior 2 League
Version 1.0 of the Heat Mechwarrior 2 Rebels League(HML:Rebels)
as approved by the Council of Khans (KC) Note: Trial of
Grievances(ToGs) are another name for planetary assault.
General Rules
1) The class system of building mechs will be followed
In all classes except Class 1 and 2, You are required when
placing criticals to not place a weapon's last ton of ammo in the
arms. (ex. You have two tons of ammo for an LRM15,
LRM15ammo#1(#1) and LRM15ammo#1(#2). The first one may go
anywhere you wish, #2 may go in any location except the arms.)
Class 1:
Energy Weapons only. (Lasers and PPC's)
Class 2:
Stock Mechs (any mech and its primary and alternate
configurations) NO Customization. *This is the default if two
warriors cannot decide.
Class 3:
Choose a Stock mech to modify.
The Warrior must not add ANY Projectile/Ballistic/Missile weapons
or ammunition to the stock Mech
The Warrior may only use the projectile weapons and the
ammunition that is supplied with the stock Mech
The Warrior must not interchange one Projectile weapon for
another or its ammo
The Warrior must not mix weapons or ammo from one variant to
another. If one variant has 6 SSRM's and another has 1SSrm you
cannot make a mech with 7 SSRM's
A warrior may make any other changes including adding jump jets,
energy weapons or removing
projectile/missile/ballistic weapons
Class 4: may include
Maximum of 2 missile launchers of any kind with no more than 2
tons ammo each.
Maximum of 2 autocannons of any kind with no more than 2 tons
ammo each.
Any number of machine-guns with no limit on ammo.
Any number of Gauss Cannons with no limit on ammo.
Any number/type of energy weapons
Class 5:may include
Maximum of 4 missile launchers, 3 tons ammo max. per each
Any number/type of autocannons with no limit on ammo
Any number of machine-guns with no limit on ammo.
Any number of Gauss Cannons with no limit on ammo.
Any number/type of energy weapons
Class 6:
Unlimited in design
Class 7:
No locking missles of any kind. But may have regular SRMs
Any number/type of autocannons with no limit on ammo
Any number of machine-guns with no limit on ammo.
Any number of Gauss Cannons with no limit on ammo.
Any number/type of energy weapons
Class 8:
Weapons are restricted to PPC's and Gauss Rifles only with
unlimited of each.
The Gauss Rifle can have as much ammo as one pleases.
Any other changes are leagal.
* CLASS X: *
These are CLASSES that are being trieed out.
There are none as of right now. If you have any Idea's EMAIL me
at will131@geocities.com
2)Here are the Mech weight/rank listings
Weight Restrictions (In Tons)
Khan 100
saKhan 100
Galaxy Commander 85
Nova Colonel 85
Nova Captain 80
Nova Commander 80
Star Colonel 75
Star Captain 75
Star Commander 75
1st Mechwarrior 65
2nd Mechwarrior 65
Cadet Master Sargent 65
Cadet Sargent 55
Cadet 35
3) Cadets can NOT participate in Trials of Grievances.
4) No pilot will fire their weapons or move upon entering the
game until all warriors have signaled they are ready so that the
pilots have time to group their weapon systems. The warriors of
the match will ready up and then simply signal 'ready' with the
"A" button. All warriors must signal they are ready
before the game can start.
5) You may not fire upon a Mech that has just regenerated until
one of the following conditions are met:
Mech fires
Mech activates Jets
Mech goes into a Run
15 seconds have passed since the Mech Powered up.
Firing intentionally upon a Mech BEFORE any ONE of the above
conditions are met results in a -1 kill for your team. If a regen
mech takes stray fire and turns to yellow they can request a hold
to regen. If the fire continues on the regen mech after the hold
it is a -1 penalty for the team that fired upon the regen mech.
6) If you get booted from a match and you re-enter with a
different mech, you SHOULD know you accidentally picked the wrong
mech and tell the others so you can go back and try again. Using
a different mech on purpose is an immediate loss of the planet,
example, you don't tell the others you are using a different mech
and keep playing in it for the remainder of the match.
7) All times will be in Eastern Standard Time (EST), and it is
suggested that clans NOT schedule matches at midnight as it
becomes confusing what day the war actually is. Instead, use a
time like 11:59 P.M. EST or 12:01 A.M. EST.
8) There is no Limit on the amount of Members but you have to
fill up Divisions in order
9)In any HML:Rebels battle the practice of legging an opponent
then leaving that opponent to sit is illegal by all means. Once
the job of killing the person is started it must be finished. So
10)No two warriors in a battle are allowed to use the same name
in that battle. This is for sake of scoring simplicity during
lagouts and DFA's. (ex. In a ToG 2 warriors can't go in by the
name of MechKiller, but they can go in as MechKiller1 and
11) The default for all HML:rebels battles is: Class 2 or 3
Ramsau, Normal Temperature and Gravity, Radar On
Trial of Grievance
1) Attacks will be based per round. A single round is two weeks
in lengths.
2) All planetary battles will be 2 on 2 teams, going until one
warrior reaches a total of 5 kills. Then both sides will hold and
tally up their total scores with the higher combined score
winning the battle. If a tie is reached both sides will continue
the match as normal with the side achieving the next kill
3) A Clan can attack a maximum of 5 planets per round, no more
than 3 against any certain clan. Clans MUST have a minimum of 4
teams. Clans will hold SEPARATE trials for the right to defend
and attack for each attacking clan, for each planet. This means
that a particular attacking team may only attack ONE planet that
round and may not participate in a defensive maneuver that round.
However, whatever teams that are left (the non-attacking teams)
hold trials for the honor of defending the home-worlds. In the
event that a certain clan has more planets being attacked then
they have available teams, those teams hold additional trials and
may defend more than one planet per round. This gives an
advantage to the teams that are defending as they get the
opportunity to fight in more trials. A TEAM MAY ONLY DEFEND MORE
defense restriction may be lifted by the IlKhan. The clan wishing
the defense restriction to be changed to unlimited must be
approved by the IlKhan. That clan is then restricted to only 1
attack for that round.
4) A clan does NOT have to attack ANY planets a round if they do
not wish, just not go over the maximum listed below. A clan may
also refuse to defend a planet if they so wish.
5) The Planet's stats are set by owner and must stay that way for
the duration of the league.
6) The defending team chooses the class of the mechs, time of
day, and radar on/off. The location and settings used are the
ones for the planet. ALL battles will have heat tracking ON,
Unlimited ammo OFF, Splash damage ON and Collision damage ON. Any
map ffa or team can be used.
7) The attacking clan may, but does not have to agree to withdraw
its attack if the clan cannot defend.
8) The weight of the warriors mechs depends on their rank. Add
the maximum weight of both warriors per team to decipher the
maximum total tonnage available to that particular team. For
example, one side may have a total of 145 tons to use and the
other 185 to use. The warriors decide amongst themselves as to
their Mech size. The side with 145 tons can pilot 85 and a
60 ton mechs, or 70 and a 75 ton mechs. This may mean that one
side has a higher total tonnage due to the warrior's rank in the
clan, but a clan may have it's higher ranking warriors defend to
make sure they have their larger mechs to defend. A warrior is
allowed to take a higher tonnage than his rank, just so long as
their team does not exceed their total tonnage.
9) Using the map's jump routes, a clan may only attack a planet
that it has a clear jump lane to, and may attack in more than one
direction at once from a single planet.
10) If more than one clan is attacking a certain planet a process
of bidding will take place, where clans bid on how small in tons
they will drop their team to (total team tons), until one clan
refuses to go lower in which case the other clan wins the right
to battle.
11) In the event that the warriors do NOT show up at the agreed
time (a 15 minute leeway time will be given), the defenders
automatically retain the planet if the attackers are late, and
the attackers automatically win the planet if the defenders are
late. A twist to the rule is that after the 15 minutes, a lone
mechwarrior CAN face the other two if his partner does not show
if he does not wish for his side to forfeit. Any Mechwarrior who
does not show for a battle may not attack next round, only
12) If a pilot from a clan locks up or gets lagged out/booted
from a battle, they have 15 minutes to return and finish the
game. If they do not return, the remaining pilot either fights
the other 2 alone or relinquish the planet. If BOTH players on a
team leave and do not return in 15 minutes, the planet defaults
to the other side. When someone lags out, you play until the NEXT
KILL takes place, then you all leave and wait for the player who
lagged out to come back.
13) If the MechWarrior has not made it back to the room in 15
minutes but has attempted to make it into the game room only to
be booted back out, that MechWarrior's clan has the option of
rescheduling the battle or continuing on with 1 on 2. If the
MechWarrior chooses to go on, and they get booted again, the late
pilot can not join in the game if he/she is in the room. The 15
minute time period has expired permanently.
14) There will be NO replacement warriors for those that do not
show or are affected by LAG.
15) A clan that does not respond to an attack notice via e-mail
by 11:59 P.M. EST the Saturday after the Khan Meeting will lose
that planet.
16) Taking over a homeworld planet has some strings attached, you
must win 3 consecutive battles, with on the 3rd battle the
defenders have 3 players to the attackers 2, with a limit of 250
tons per defenders side. When you win the planet the attackers
receive all the surrounding planets that have jumproutes to the
homeworld due to the disorder that would occur in losing the
17) NO written alliances, using another clans space to attack
another clan is NOT permitted. This includes that their be NO
trading of ANY planets, i.e. if you want a planet you must take
it by force.
18) No Moderator will be used in a ToG, unless a clansman,
regardless of rank, requests one. The defending clan will choose
the Moderator (it is strongly recommended that the clan selects a
clansman from another clan not involved in the ToG), but if they
choose one of their own clansmen, he must be from the Keshik (top
5 officers) of the Clan.
19) There will be NO ToGs 1 hour before or after the CK meeting.
20) If any battles must be rescheduled, they must be completed
within the round or they are considered a canceled attack. You
have until the next Khan meeting to reschedule these ToGs.
21) Rules regarding when a clan loses all its planets:
A clan that loses all it's planets on the map stays a clan. This
clan can only have one attack on any world on the edge of the
map. Furthermore all warriors are restricted to 5 tons less then
they are allowed. When the clan finally wins itself a new planet
that becomes their new homeworld and they get full rights back.
Honor Points
1)Warriors may also challenge other warriors into honor duels.
The teams may have up to 3 per side. For winning these duels you
receive honor points equal to opposing team if you win and the
losing party once again receives 1/3 the losing parties point
value. One clan challenges the other to a challenge. Both sides
then negotiate the settings for their battle. These duels are
first to 5 kills as in ToG's. Lagouts in Honor Point battles will
be handled as normal in a 2 on 2 ToG. 1 on 1 lagouts will be
conducted with the remaining player exiting then starting with
the same score at the leave.
2)Each player is restricted to his rank weight, no rank sharing
in Honor Point battles.
3) Upon winning a ToG both parties receive Honor Points. The
winning party gains a total of honor points equal to 1000 for
gaining the planet plus the honor point value for the opposing
team. The losing party receives honor points equal to 1/3 the
winning teams point value. The point values are as such:
Khan 200 points
saKhan 175 points
Galaxy Commander 150 points
Nova Colonel 125 points
Nova Captain 100 points
Nova Commander 90 points
Star Colonel 80 points
Star Captain 70 points
Star Commander 65 points
1st Mechwarrior 55 points
2nd Mechwarrior 50 points
4) Over time warriors will accumulate honor points for their
clans. As the warrior gets better he attracts attention and gets
nominated for a bloodname. Once a clan gets 30000 points total
they hold an internal clan Trial of Bloodright to nominate 2
warriors. The first 8 warriors to achieve eligibility will fight
in the bloodname tournament. They will be randomly seeded. The 2
warriors must agree on the settings of their battle. The last
warrior remaining at the end of the tournament gets a bloodname.
The warrior may choose any bloodname from the list of bloodnames
provided to them. A clan may only have 1 bloodnamed warrior for
every 5 warriors it has. The bloodname tournament is then held
every 1 month thereafter with those clans with the required honor
points nominating 1 warrior now and the remaining spots become
open to a grand melee as described below. Once 5 warriors have
received bloodnames they form the bloodname council. They choose
7 competitors who are eligible in every tournament with at least
one from each clan. The 8th spot is open to a grand melee with
the 1st four people who asked to enter the grand melee . The
winner of the default, 1st to 3, 4 man Free-For-All receives the
8th slot.
5) Upon recieving 15000 Honor Points a clan may recieve a new
planet on their respective border.
Khan Meetings
1) We will hold Khan meetings every other Sunday at 6:00 PM EST
time. At these meetings, Khans will declare what planets will be
attacked. Here the defender will set the class of the battles
PRIOR to finding out what teams will partake in the battle. This
is to prevent Khans from tailoring missions to players. The
attacking and defending teams will not find out what total
tonnage Mechs they are going up against until minutes
before the battle, simulating real battle intelligence. The
attacking and defending teams will NOT know what particular mechs
they are going up against until they see them on the
battlefield,(Only the TOTAL tonnage the opposing forces have, as
was stated earlier. This further simulates actual battle
2) At the Khan/Sakhan meeting, if the khan does not show up, one
of a few things happens:
The sakhan if he is there takes over the job the khan would do.
The khan or sakhan can send a member in their place if they know
that they BOTH not be able to attend. If noone of rank of nova
commander or above shows the khan has one day to e-mail out
attacks, but the number of planets you may attack is cut to 3,
and a max of 1 per clan.
3) All Rank changes must be posted by 11:59 P.M. EST the Tuesday
after the Khan Meeting
1) Absolutely NO cheating will be tolerated. The use of cheat
mechs will be not allowed in non-HML battles unless the
MechWarrior openly declares before the launching of the mission
that he intends to do so. Any accusations of cheating MUST be
brought before the KC and will be investigated and ruled upon by
the KC. Cheating includes abusing glitches in the game, such as
phantom weapons and 'Jump Jet Shutdown'. Any abuse of a glitch is
considered cheating and is punishable by the HML rules. If a
warrior uses one of these cheats tell them to hold and warn them
not to continue abusing these glitches, if their actions continue
then you report them to the KC or your Khan.
2) Rules regarding cheating:
Any unsubstantiated accusations of cheating will be punished as
such: The offending accuser will not be allowed to participate in
the next round. The offending accuser will be demoted one rank.
If the Khan of the clan that the accuser belongs to refuses to
demote the offender, the accuser will still be restricted to the
weight of the lower rank just as if he was actually demoted Any
cheating by a MechWarrior during a HML battle will result in the
loss of the planet being fought for. That MechWarrior will be
reduced to the rank of Cadet and will be stripped of all his
honor. Once regaining MechWarrior status, he can not participate
in the next round. If the cheating MechWarrior's Khan refuses to
demote him/her to Cadet, he will not be allowed to participate in
HML battles or trials just as if he had been actually demoted.
The MechWarrior will not be able to participate until he/she has
been demoted to Cadet and then truly regains MechWarrior status.
Any cheating during a non-HML battle: If the MechWarrior has
permission, he/she suffers no loss of honor or rank when using a
cheat mech. If the MechWarrior does not ask for and receive prior
permission, he/she will be demoted one rank and be forbidden to
participate in the next round. If the cheating MechWarrior's Khan
refuses to demote him/her, his/her weight restriction will be
that of the lower rank just as if he/she was actually demoted and
he/she will be forbidden from participating in the next 2 rounds
The burden of proof:
To prove a claim of cheating, the accuser must have the Mech
Manager program and have detected a cheat mech after the battle.
The accuser must have made a copy of the mech into his directory.
The accuser must provide this copy to the KC. All copied mechs
will be found in the "mek" folder of the Mech2 Folder
with a name similar to "tbr02PLR." If the Mech Manager
does not detect a cheat mech (i.e. it is not highlighted in red),
and the accuser still thinks the accused used a cheat mech,
he/she must still follow the previous mentioned steps. The KC
will examine the "cheat mech" and make a ruling by the
next Council meeting. On the second accusation of cheating in any
form of combat the player will be ejected from the HML:rebels.
These rules are edited copy of HML rules. I have also useed
resources from their Homepage and would like to thank them.