PLEASE people - these are NOT depictions of Valkyries - REALLY they're not - my nickname is "valkyrie" - hense "valkyrie's gallery" - 'k???
These are mine - about 1/2 were drawn many many moons ago in pen and ink and painted in Corel Photopaint. The other 1/2 were drawn and painted solely on the computer using PSP.
Vote for your Favorite!
Under each "painting" is a little hollow circle. If you'll click on the circle of your favorite painting, at the bottom is a button to submit your choice. Every week, well...... ok - month, I post the painting with the most votes at full size at the bottom of this page.
Click on the picture for a larger version!
I would like to thank everyone who took the time to vote...
And the favorite for the arbitrary month-like period of time ending 05/06/04 is.....
We also have:.....................
heh - Thought I'd attempt the geocities counter ONE more time - we'll see if it functions now yes? You are officially visitor number to this page.........maybe :-D
Just in case anyone thinks I'm suffering from delusions of granduer,
whenever I start to get a swelled head, I go here.
He does MAGNIFICENT work!