Norse Wortcunning

(An Herbal)

Wolvesbane has no practical uses as it is deadly posion, and should not be touched with the hands or burned in recels. Its posion was once used to posion arrow heads, and for other rather deadly purposes. Sometimes, it was used in love potions, but probabally not as an aphrodistiac, but to induce paralysis, or numb the cognitive senses. Its victims usually went mad or died. Do not use it under any conditions! Another name for this wort is Tyr's helm, linking it to Tiw (Tyr), and unforgiving justice. A second name auld wife's hood could link it to Holde or the Norns. According to a medieval source, wolvesbane was one of the nine plants used in Midsummer garlands, but somehow this is doubtful

Acacia Gum: (Acacia senegal) also called gum arabic. Dissolved in water to make a mucilage which is edible and soothes irritated mucours membranes, so is used in cases of coughs, sore throats, and catarrh.

Agrimony/Sticklewort/Cockleburr Agrimonia euporia
Also called burrdock, it is known for its burrs or fruits. These "fruits" are known for their ability to cling to clothes, tennis shoes, and just about anything else (the plant by the way, inspired the creator of velcro with its burrs). It is used to heal sores and pimples in poultice form and the leaves can be ground up and used in a tonic to purify the blood. According to English folklore, Burrdock kept near allowed one to see evil witches on their nightly rides. A word of warning, this plant when green is extremely poisonous to pigs, so it is best to keep our swine friends away from it. Good runes to use with burrdock may be Laguz, Dagaz, and Sowilo. Agrimony - MEDICINAL: An infusion of the leaves is used to treat jaundice and other liver ailments, and as a diuretic. It is also used in treating ulcers, diarrhea, and skin problems. Externally, a fomentation is used for athlete's foot, sores, slow-healing wounds, and insect bites. MAGICKAL: Agrimony is used in protection spells, and is used to banish negative energies and spirits. It is also used to reverse spells and send them back to the sender. It was believed that placing Agrimony under the head of a sleeping person will cause a deep sleep that will remain until it is removed. GROWING: Agrimony is grown throughout much of the United States and southern Canada. It is a perennial that reaches 2 to 3 feet tall, prefers full sun and average soils. Agrimony tolerates dry spells well.

Angelica/Masterwort/Kex Anglica archangelica
Masterwort was used as a ward against witchcraft and its Latin name may indicate a link to the god Hama (Heimdal) as Christianity commonly associated him with the archangel Michael. The name may also suggest a link to the W'lcyrgie though. Masterwort can be candied and eaten, while the seeds can be used in pastries. The stems are said to make good preserves while the leaves, seeds, and roots were used against insomnia, jaundice and the common cold. Some have even tried it as a tobacco substitute. A good rune to use with masterwort may be Elh-secg

Alder Alnus glutinosa
This tree is linked throughout folklore to rebirth and strength. Some even believe Embla, the first woman according to the Eddas was made from an Alder and not an Elm. Its wood has been used in love charms, while its bark and leaves was used in dyes. Combined with copper it can be made into a red dye for wools. Alder has been linked by some to the rune Is, but just as ice must eventually thaw, there is always a chance for rebirth. A better rune to use with alder may be D'g.

Allspice: (Pimenta officicinalis) the dried berry is supposed to have anesthetic effects when used in baths. Allspice water (an infusion) is helpful in cases of flatulence.

Aloe Vera: Helps alleviate constipation, aids in healing burns & wounds, canker sores, cold sores, ulcers, acne, and digestive disorders. Juice from fresh leaves is an ideal soother for insect bites and minor burns and irritations. Said to draw impurities from a wound and hence speed its healing. A tea made from the dried juice is used as a wound wash.

Apple Pyrus malus
One of the most important fruits of Northern Europe, the apple was deliberately breed from the rather smallish crabapple to the fruit we know today. It is has perhaps more mentions throughout Germanic folklore and mythology than any other plant. Idunna's apples gave the gods eternal youth, while Fra (Frey) had his man servant offer apples to Gerd for her hand in marriage. Buckets of what could be apples appear on the altars dedicated to the cult of mothers, and therefore may be linked to such goddesses as Frge (Frigg) and Holde as well. In the Middle Ages, apples were used in love charms, and as talismans against various evils. They were used in magical tests of fidelity as well. At Yule time apples saved from the fall were eaten and the apple trees wassailed so that they would produce a good crop of apples that year. Apples work well with Jera, Lagu, Giefu, Ing, and Beorc depending on what you wish to do. APPLE - Magical attributes: Love spells, good luck.

Ash Fraxinus excelsior
The first man was made from an ash, and some say Yggdrasil is an ash (see rowan and yew as well). As such it is a symbol of mankind and anything dealing with man. Ash combined with elm makes a very potent love charm, while folklore gives it warding powers against black magic, as well as indicates its possible use with "limb runes." These runes were carved on the limb of a tree in order to transfer worts from a man to the tree (the tree being stronger and more capable of dealing with the worts.) The ash is hallowed to Woden (Odin) and Eostre. The twenty-sixth rune of the Anglo-Frisian futhork is named for the ash, and its verse in the "Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem" speaks of its steadfastness in the face of attacks by many men. This may be a veiled Heathen reference to atrocities like that committed by Charlemagne when he ordered the Irminsul, symbol of Heathen Saxon independence cut down. Like the ash, Heathenry was dear to man, and held its own despite attacks by many. Ash was also the favored wood for spear and arrows due to its strength and straightness. Good runes to use with ash may be Ur, Os, Wynn, Mann, and Giefu. ASH - Magical attributes: A tree with protective qualities, it is used to make brooms for purification and wands for healing. The leaves placed beneath a pillow induce psychic dreams. The leaves bring luck and good fortune when carried in a pocket of bag worn around the neck.

Alfalfa - Medicago sativa MEDICINAL: Eliminates retained water, relieves urinary and bowel problems, helps in treating recuperation of narcotic and alcohol addiction. Used in treating anemia, fatigue, kidneys, peptic ulcers, pituitary problems, and for building general health. MAGICKAL: Placed in a small jar and kept in a pantry or cabinet, it protects the home from poverty and hunger. Burn alfalfa and scatter the ashes around the property to protect it. GROWING: Alfalfa is cultivated in many regions of the world. It is not picky as to soils, prefers full sun, and regular waterings, although it will tolerate dry spells. It is a perennial that grows to 1 to 3 feet tall, depending upon growing conditions.

Almonds - Medicinal: Almonds contain essential fatty acids and massive amounts of protein. It only takes ten almonds to equal the protein in half a pound of meat. The only drawback is that the body does not metabolize whole almonds. So, you make a milk from them. Soak a cup of almonds in water overnight. Drain and discard the water. In a blender, combine the soaked almonds with 1 1/2 cups fresh water, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 5 ice cubes. Blend at high speed for two minutes. This preparation is invaluable to help control fever, alleviate chest colds, and healing cradle cap on babies. Magickal: Almonds, as well as the leaves and wood, are used in money spells. Eating almonds is said to give wisdom, and almonds placed in your pockets will lead you to treasure.

Aloe Vera - Medicinal: Keep this plant in your house. If you ever suffer a burn or cut, break off a piece of the leaf, split it open, and apply the gel to the wound. The pain will go away quickly. Magickal: This plant is protective and guards against evil when grown in the home. It is also said to bring good luck to the household.
Angelica - Medicinal: Make a tea by simmering one ounce of clean root in a pint of water. This tea is usefull for a delayed menstrual period, as well as relieving stomach gas. Magickal: Use the plant in all protection and exorcism incenses. Sprinkle the four corners of the house with angelica to ward off evil. Adding angelica to your bath removes curses, hexes, and any spells cast against you.

Alpine Strawberry: (Fragaria vesca) Strawberries are high in iron and mildly laxative. A decotion of the dried root, sweetened with honey, has a diuretic effect. Strawberry leaf tea can be drunk to neutralise excessive stomach acid and is added to the bath to ease aches and pains in the legs.

Angelica: (Angelica archanelgelica) Symbol of Sun and Fire. The root carried in a blue cloth bag is a protective talisman. Was considered to be under the guard of angels and therefore a good preventative charm against the plague. Put the whole root in a blue or white cloth bag and hang in the window as a protection against evil.
Drink the tea to stimulate the appetite, relieve flatulence, and as a diuretic to stimulate kidney action. Also a general tonic for weakness and nervous headache. The tea is supposed to bring on menstruation and dispel afterbirth. The powder of the root is useful to prevent infection when fasting (3/8 tsp. at a time) and a tea or decotion of the root can be useful for stomach and intestinal problems, including ulcers and nervous vomiting. IN LARGE DOSES CAN HAVE ADVERSE EFFECTS on heart, blood pressure and respiration, so use with caution. Externally, a decotion of the root can be used for scabies or itching skin.

Astragalus - Popular Chinese Herb that acts as an energizer for physical activity and also a tonic for the immune system.

ANISE - Magical attributes: Protection, purification, awareness, joy. Uses: For treating coughs, bronchitis and a stuffy nose, it loosens bronchial congestion, making it easier to cough it up and expel it. A good breath freshener in the morning, and if kept by the bed it will prevent bad dreams. Also a digestive aid and can relieve an upset stomach and flatulence when taken as a tea, and a treatment for colic. Also suggested that anise may be beneficial to women because certain chemicals in the plant are chemical cousins to the female hormone estrogen. Though it is mild, anise may help to relieve the discomfort of menopause. In traditional folk medicine it has been used to promote milk production in nursing mothers. It's recommended dosage would be 1 teaspoonful of seeds for every cup of boiling water, steep 10-20 minutes and strain, drink 3 cups a day for maximum effect. A good general cleansing bath is made with a handful of anise seeds and a few bay leaves. A pillow of anise keeps away nightmares. Also a good sedative.

Apple: (Pyrus malus) (Quert) Symbol of Venus and Water. Used in love spells for centuries. Cider can be usedin place of wine where called for in ancient spells or rites. The wood is made into wands used for love spells and rituals. In Cornwall, a large apple was given to each member of the household to be eaten at Samhain for good luck. The wood of the tree is dense, fine-grained, and rosy-coloured with a slightly sweet smell. It is associated with choice. The choice you may have to make between similar and equally attractive things. This is good to use when you are having difficulty making decisions in your life...whether they be work or relationship oriented.

Ash: (Fraxinus excelsior) (Nuin) N Symbol of Sun and Water. A protective tree used to make brooms and healing wands. Ash leaves beneath a pillow are reputed to induce psychic dreams. In England, is believed to be a dangerous tree to shelter under during storms, as it draws lightnig. The winged seeds of the ash, ash keys, can be carried to prevent overlooking or ill-wishing. Ash leaves are considered lucky, but an even ash leaf (one with an equal number of divisions on each side) is especially lucky. It should be picked up with the following rhyme: "Even ash, I do thee pluck/ Hoping thus to meet good luck / If no good luck I get from thee / I shall wish thee on the tree." Carried in a buttonhole or in the pocket, the leaf is supposed to bring good fortune. The World Tree, the ash has deeply penetrating roots and changes the chemistry of the soil, making it difficult for other vegetation to grow beneath it. Its twigs are thick and strong. Ash has many modern day uses, helping us to link the earthly and the spiritual. yourself and the cosmos, lowest and highest. Good for meditation and astral travel.


Balm: (Melissa officinalis) Should be used fresh rather than dried. The tea is useful for all kinds of nervous complaints, hysteria and being over-emotional. Also induces mild perspiration and therefor relief to the feverish. Also helps relieve sleepiness of colds and flu. Will attract bees to the garden where it's grown. In earlier times was drunk to ease melancholy, comfort the heart, and make the drinker merry. The crushed leaves or the juice thereof can be applied to wounds, sores, and insect bites.

BALM of GILEAD - Magical attributes: The buds are carried to ease a broken heart and can be added to love and protection charms and spells.

Basil: (Ocimum basilicum) Symbol of Mars and Fire. Used in wealth and prosperity rituals. Carrying basil in your pockets is supposed to attract money into them. A wife can supposedly stop her husband from being unfaithful by dusting her upper body with powdered basil.
Internally can be used for headache, stomach cramps, and general pain & nausea. Externally, can be used as an antiseptic.

Bay Laurel: (Lauris noblis) Symbol of Sun and Fire. The leaves can be burned or chewed to induce visions. Worn as an amulet to ward off negativity and evil. Leaves under the pillow are supposed to induce prophetic dreams. Can be used in protection and purification rituals. Growing near a house, it was supposed to protect those within from infection and storms. Z. Budapest gives a spell using bay laurel in games of chance: Take three laurel leaves and three pieces of parchment in a red flannel bag in your pocket, and before starting your game say: "Isis of the Thousand Breasts, make my chance the best one yet."

Barley Hordeum distichon
Long before hops were used to brew beer, barley formed the main ingredient, and is one of the oldest cultivated crops in the world. It even has a couple of mentions in Germanic folklore and myth. Byggvir, Frea's (Frey)'s valet is believed by some scholars to be a personification of Barley much as John Barleycorn was in the later Middle Ages. The hero Sceaf mentioned in some parts of the lore fell asleep as a child on a sheaf of barley, and floated across the sea on it to the kingdom he came to rule. Similar stories were told of Skjoldr as well as Scyld in Beowulf. Grimm believed these tales to be related to the legends of the Swan Knights, and interpreted them as the dead hero returning to help his homeland and folk. Thus barley may be a symbol of rebirth, or perhaps of birth period. Good runes to use with barley may be Ing, Beorc, and Thorn.

Beech Fagus sylvatica
In the Heathen Era, thin strips of this tree's bark were used to carve the runes into. The word book (AS bece) comes from beech (AS boc). The same is true for several other Germanic languages. Rune lots for divination may have also been made from this nut bearing tree's branches. Folklore has it that snakes fear this tree, and that it can ward off lightning. The leaves were often chewed for chapped lips, and in a decoction, they were used to treat cold sores. Beechmast (nuts) were feed to deer up until recent times in England. Peor_, Giefu, and Elh-secg are all good runes to use with beech.

BASIL - Magical attributes: Protection, love, wealth (if carried in your wallet), healing relationships, ensuring faithfulness in a mate, courage, fertility, exorcism. Uses: It is good as a tea for calming the nerves, settling the stomach, and easing cramps and good for the bladder. In tincture form, also makes a good hair rinse for brunettes. An ingredient of the Purification bath sachet. Add to love sachets and incenses.

BAY LAUREL - Magical attributes: wisdom, protection, psychic powers, banishes negative energy. Uses: DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY-use as a poultice on chest for bronchitis and chest colds.

BAY LEAVES - Magical attributes: Psychic visions and dreams, repels negativity and evil.

BENZOIN - . Magical attributes: Used widely in purification incenses. Tincture of benzoin preserves oils and preparations.

Betony Betonica officinallis
An Anglo-Saxon herbal said betony was good for body and soul. In folklore it is said to shield against visions and dreams, get rid of worms, and aid in childbirth. As a tea or mixed with wine many have used it to ease headaches and toothaches. Old folk wisdom claims wounded harts ate it for healing. A good rune to use with betony may be Ing. BETONY - Magical attributes: Add to incenses of protection and purification. Sleep on a pillow stuffed with betony to prevent nightmares.

Birch Betula alba
Along with the oak, ash, and elm, birch was among the most important of trees to the ancient Germanic Heathens. It was considered hallowed to Thunor (Thor) and various goddesses such as Holda. Folklore holds that it can ward off the evil eye and along with besom, its branches were used to beat evil wights out of lunatics. It has been used not only as a symbol of spring, birth, and new life, but also of death and rebirth. These attributes should not be seen as contradictory, but as symbolic of the cycle of life as seen in such birth/death goddesses as Holda. Like beech, birch can be used for chapped lips and cold sores, and its oil is said to be good for skin afflictions. Among the many uses of its wood, was the construction of the Norwegian lure, which is similar to the Swiss alphorn, and used to signal sunset. Some scholars believe A.S. beorgan "to protect" was derived from the birch's name. A good rune to use with birch is its name sake, Beorc.

Blackberry/Bramble Genus:Rubus
Bramble or the vines of the blackberry has been attributed with various magical abilities since some of the earliest recordings of Heathenry. Passing through blackberry brambles was said to reduce swelling, get rid of warts, and rid one of unwanted wights. It was even said to be effective against evil witches. To dream of getting cut when going through a blackberry bramble, meant an unknown foe is trying to hurt you, but if you make it through unscathed, you will win the struggle. Blackberries contain tannic acid and therefore make a good natural dye (giving anywhere from a violet to deep purple coloring). The berries are a good source of vitamin C and can be used to fight the common cold, and their juice was once drank for dysentery. Thorn and Cn areperhaps good runes to use with bramble.

Blackthorn: (Straif) The Blackthorn is a very wintery tree. The fruit, known as sloes, only ripen after the first frosts. The Gaelic word "straif" has links with the English word "strife". The wood of the Blackthorn is traditionally used with the Irish shillelagh. It represents the strong action of fate or the outside influences in your life. Using Blackthorn during times that seem insurmountable will help to conquer the problems. Blackthorn should only be used by those who are on a more advanced path.

Box Buxus sempervirens
Germany, twigs of box were thrown into graves, after the coffin was lowered during the Middle Ages, and it often decorated fireplaces on W'lburges as well. To dream of box, was said to foretell a long life. Some have used its bark in tonic as a wormer. oh or Beorc are good runes to use with box.

Blessed Thistle: Helps strengthen the heart & lungs; aids in healing urinary, pulmonary & liver disorders; increases circulation to the brain; aids digestion, reduces fever, expels worms, helps alleviate menstral cramps.

Borage: (Borago officinalis) Good for reducing fever and for convalescing from illness. The tea is drunk for feverish colds, toincrease milk for nursing mothers, and to treat minor lung problems.

Broom/Besom Cytissus scosrius
Broom is the grass that produces the straws for the common house cleaning tool. Broom was used in house decorations at W'lburges, and along with birch formed part of the "Besoms" or switches used to beat away unwanted wights. If broom plants have a lot of blooms it is said to foretell a good harvest, although it is bad luck to use a broom made of broom to sweep when the plant is in bloom. Cn is a good rune to use with broom.

Burdock: (Arcticum lappa) Decoction of the leaves can be used to cool and heal sores, acne, swellings, and irritated skin. A decoction of the root and seeds is an excellent blood purifier & cleandser; aids in healing skin blemishes, arthritis, & rheumatism; promotes healthy kidney function.


Calcium/Magnesium- Maintains healthy bones and bone density and stabilizes the nervous system.

Calendula: (Calendula officinalis) Also known as pot marigold. A tea of the flowers can be used for gastro-intestinal problems such as ulcers, cramps, and diarrhea. Also taken internally for fevers and to reduce vomiting. A salve or dilute tincture made from the flowers is also useful for bruises, bumps, sprains, sore muscles, and boils. The fresh juice can be applied directly to get rid of boils, warts, and pimples. Press a fresh bruised leaf on a pimple several times a day to make it go down.

Capsium: Promotes cleansing of the circulatory & digestive system; reduces fever, purifies the blood; helps prevent muscle aches, tiredness, skin blemishes, headaches, rheumatism, ulcers, & sore throats, helps in regulating blood pressure & pulse rate.

Cayenne - A good general stimulant to the heart and circulation when taken internally. Provides relief from arthritic and muscle pain and inflammation when applied in a salve externally.

Caraway/Cummin Carum carvi
The common cooking herb caraway has alot of folklore built around it. It was said to prevent lovers from straying, serve well in attracting a lover, and to aid in the capture of thieves by "holding them in custody." According to Grimm, a wood wife after being given caraway bread ran into the forest screaming, "They've baked me caraway bread, it will bring that house great trouble." Whether this was because caraway is poisonous to wood wives, or they just hate its taste is not known. Caraway is said to be good for stomach cramps and to help digestion.

CARNATION - Magical attributes: Worn by witches for protection during the "Burning Times", adds energy and power when used during a ritual as an incense.

CATNIP - Magical attributes: Cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship, love. Uses: Its flowers and leaves have often been used to treat colds and insomnia. It lowers fevers, dries up post nasal drip, gets rid of bad headaches and relieves sore aching bones due to colds and flus, when taken in tea form, 2-3 times daily. As an incense it may be used to consecrate magical tools.

Chamomile: (Anthemis noblis) Associated with the Sun and the element Water. Use in prosperity charms and rituals. Induces sleep. The tea brings peace and tranquility for those times when you need to do a ritual but are seething with anger or hurt. If you wash your face and hair with chamomile, it will attract a lover. Excellent cleanser and toner of the digestive tract; aids in calming the nerves, expels worms and parasites; Improves the appetite & helps eliminate dandruff.

CINQUEFOIL - Magical attributes:Hang around the doors and windows for protection from evil. Use in spells and charms for prosperity, purification and protection.

CINNAMON - Magical attributes: Spiritual quests, augmenting power, love, success, psychic work, healing, cleansing. Used in incenses for healing, clairvoyance, high spiritual vibrations. Reputed to be a male aphrodisiac. Use in prosperity charms. Uses: It is recommended as a skin astringent and digestive aid in tea form. Ground, or taken with milk, good balance after a heavy meal or dessert. Also used for diarrhea, dysentery or general indigestion. It is an excellent aromatic and makes a good anointing oil for any magical working.


Clover/Bloodwort White: Trifolium alba Red: Trifolium prastense
Both common varieties of clover have much folklore associated with them. Any kind of clover, but especially white clover was attributed with bringing wealth, happiness, and good luck. Clover was also thought to give one second sight and to scare off most evil wights. Farmers once believed, and many still do, that clover was a sign of fertile soil. Clover can be used in love divination, incense, and in treating ailments of the skin. Clover tea was once used as a cough remedy. fh, Sigel, and Wynn are good runes to use with clover.
CLOVER - Magical attributes: Associated with the Triple Goddess. Use in rituals for beauty, youth, healing injuries, curing madness. A Four-leaved clover enables one to see fairies, and as a general good-luck charm.

Cinquefoil: (Potentilla canadensis) Associated with the planets Jupiter and Earth. Hang on house entrances as protection. Use in spells and charms for prosperity, purification, and protection.

CLOVE - Magical attributes: Wear in an amulet or charm to dispel negativity and bind those who speak ill of you. Cloves strung on a red thread can be worn as a protective charm. Money matters, visions, cleansing and purification. Uses: It has a mild antiseptic quality for toothaches (chew), or in tea form it is an expectorant for colds, also good foe nausea or vomiting. It is an antibacterial,antiseptic, and analgesic, which means it helps prevent disease and infection.

COMFREY - Magical attributes: Safe travel spells, money, healing, honoring the Crone aspect of the Goddess. Uses: Has been known to slow bleeding, aid colds, ease burns. As a poultice or a tea, comfrey may be applied to bites, sores, rashes, broken bones, and cuts. Also a good ingredient for lotions to soothe sunburn.

CORIANDER - Magical attributes: Protection of home and serenity, peace , good in ritual drinks, incenses for longevity and love spells. Uses: If added to wine, it makes a good love potion for 2 consenting parties. To use in this fashion, grind 7 grains of coriander and mix into a wine and drink. Also used in love sachets and charms.

Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara
Coltsfoot is not mentioned throughout the folklore, but its names, horsehoof, horsefoot, foalswort, and coltsfoot all link it to the horse, an animal hallowed and holy to the Germanic Heathens. This link may deem it hallowed and holy to Woden (Odhinn) or Frea (Frey) as well as the horse was hallowed to those two gods. While Coltsfoot is not mentioned in folklore often, it has been thought to have medecinal uses over the years. The leaves have been used in cough syrups, and have been crushed to treat sores.In World War II, coltsfoot was used as a substitute for tobacco, and it does make for very aromatic recels. Eh may be a useful rune with coltsfoot.

Cowslip/Freya's Key Primula officinalis
This flower is said to provide Fro (Freya), and her followers the key to Folkwang, and therefore hallowed to her. The nightingale is said to be fond of this flower also, although that it is also said the nightingale prefers the rose and hops as well. Cowslip has much in common with its goddess, and is a flower of lover and sexual energies. Unlike the rose, which symbolizes undying love, the cowslip is the first fling of passion, the lust of young love. Cn, Wynn and Ing are good runes to use with cowslip. COWSLIP - Magical uses: Luck in love, a woman who washes her face with milk infused with cowslip will draw her beloved closer to her. Induces contact with departed loved ones during dreams.

CYPRESS - Magical uses:Connected to death in all of its aspects. The smoke of Cypress can be used to consecrate ritual objects.

Chamoline/Maythen/Stime Anthemis noblis
This herb shares its Latin name with Baldersbrow, a situation which has often caused confusion between the two. Many believe Anthemis noblis to be the "Maythen" of "The Nine Worts Galdor," although it is not native to the Saxon homelands, but an import. In many parts of Europe, it is made into a tea, and used to stop or ease vomiting. Brewed in vinegar, the Germans once used it as a mouthwash. It makes a good pathway plant, and helps prevent erosion caused by the trampling of human feet. Wynn may be a good rune to use with maythen.
Chamoline/Baldersbrow Matricaria chamomilla
Often confused with Maythen (Anthemis noblis), because of the same Latin name, this wort was considered hallowed to the hero Balder. Its properties are similar to those of maythen, adding to the confusion, and it too can be used as a tea for the upset stomach. An extract of it is said to make an excellent shampoo for blondes or light red heads. Both chamolines can be used in recels or perfume, and baldersbrow is good at reducing swelling and itching such as that cause by poison ivy when used as an oil or in a poultice (the chamoline lotion one buys in stores contains baldersbrow). Perhaps this is why baldersbrow was once used in steam bathes to clear stuffy heads as well. It could well be that Matricaria chamomilla and not Anthemis noblis is the "maythen," mentioned in "The Nine Worts Galdor." The Anglo-Saxons were well acquainted with Matricaria chamomilla on the continent, and did not encounter Anthemis noblis until they had settled England. Considering the healing powers of both, either is a likely candidate.Chamomile - element: Water Chamomile has traditionally been used in potions and teas to induce sleep and restfulness. It is also used for purification, and sprinkled around the house will repel bad energy from invading the residents. However, chamomile is excellent for attracting money. The reason: chamomile is peaceful, and prosperity reigns where there is peace. I have had wonderful results using chamomile in a prosperity poppet.

Carrot/Queen Anne's Lace Dacus carota
The wild and tame carrot are two varieties of the same plant, the difference being in the color and taste of the root. The yellow root of the wild carrot is stronger in odour and taste. Both can give one the equired amounts of carotin which is believed to improve eyesight and prevent night blindness. Carrot juice was once dissolved in oil to treat burns and frostbite, and the juice was said to fight worms. Magically, the carrot was considered a bain to the most evil of wights, and was often used to repel them. On a lighter note, and taking modern traditions in mind, one might want to leave a carrot out in the yard for the Easter bunny, to protect him from wights that might interfere with his giving out of Easter eggs,and to give him a snack on his rounds. Laugu, Sigel, and D'g may be good runes to use with carrots.

Cherry Genus:Prunus
Related to the rose, cherry trees share much of the same properties as a symbol of love and fertility. The blossoms may be used in perfume or incense, and a syrup made from the juice of the fruit has been used as flavoring for years. Cherry trees were wassailed along with apple trees during Yule tide in England during the Middle Ages in order that there be a good harvest. Giefu and Eh are good runes to use with cherry.

Cleavers - A well-documented blood cleanser, along with Dandelion roots, Red Clover, Barberry, Oregon Grape. Relieves painful urination. Corn silk - A demulcent that soothes the internall membranes.
Cucumber seeds - Aids in benign prostate problems.


Daisy, English Bellis Perenis
The Daisy has long been used in love divination with the "She loves me, she loves me not" formula and were used to decorate graves in the Middle Ages as a symbol of rebirth. The English daisy, along with its namesake, the ox-eye daisy were once used extensively in Midsummer decorations. The English daisy is hallowed to Sunne as its flower only opens when she shines. Good runes to use with the Daisy are Giefu, Eh, Sigel, and D'g.
Daisy, ox-eye Chrysanthemum leucanthemum
Also called the moon daisy, the ox-eye daisy is hallowed to Thunor (Thor), and like all plants hallowed to the thunder god is said to keep away lightning. Like the English daisy it can be used for love divination. The leaves of the ox-eye were once used on bruises while the dried blossoms were once boiled and used as a lotion for chapped hands. A good tune to use with the ox-eye daisy is Thorn. DAISY - Magical uses:Decorate the house with daisies at Midsummer's Eve to bring happiness to the home and to obtain the blessings of faeries. Daisies are also worn at Midsummer for luck and blessings. In the old times, young maidens would weave and wear daisy chains in their hair to attract their beloved.

Dandelion/Cankerwort/Swine-Snort Tarax a cum officinale
Thought of as a troublesome weed by many, the dandelion has seen numerous uses throughout time. dandelions gathered on W`lburges was thought to keep evil witches away, and was thought to be hallowed to the goddess Sunne (Sunna), perhaps because of its bright yellow bloom. Dandelion tea was once thought to remove kidney stones and was also used as a laxative. The leaves can be used in salads or cooked with greens, while a wine can also be made from the blooms. Sigel and D'g are good runes to use with dandelion. DANDELION - Element Air. Magical attributes: Divination, welcoming, messages. Uses: The ground root can act as a coffee substitute, and the flowers make a lovely wine. A superb cleansing tonic, and the milky juice is a diuretic, a tonic and a relief for common stomach problems. Use a handful of flower tops to 1 pint of boiling water, steep 10 minutes and strain. Drink this several times a day. Use the milky latex from the stem , rub on a wart several times daily and soon its gone. Also good for night blindness.

DILL - element Fire. Magical attributes:Useful in love charms. May also be hung in childrens rooms to protect them from evil spirits and protect against bad dreams. Uses: A culinary herb.

DRAGONS BLOOD - (Daemonorops draco or Dracaena draco) N Associated with the planet Mars and the element of Fire. Magical uses:Widely used in love, protection and purification spells. Keep a piece under the bed to cure impotency. Carried for good luck. May be dissolved in the bath for strong purification.
Damiana - Acts as a tonic (nourisher) for the nervous system. May contribute to a feeling of contentment and well being. Considered a sexual stimulant and therefore able to improve sexual performance, especially in males who are suffering emotional stress.Used in love and protection spells. A piece under the bed is reputed to cure impotency. Place in drawers and cupboards you don't want people looking in, with the incantation: "Dragon's blood, watch and ward, as the dragon guards its horde." Carry a piece with you for good luck. Dissolve a little in the bath for a strong purification bath.

Devil's Shoestring - This herb is great for all kinds of money spells: place it in the wallet to inspire cash flow, and carry it in a poppet during a job interview or when gambling. I have tied poppets for employment with devils' shoestring and had favorable results. This is an herb of Power also, and tying any poppet with it imbues it with the Power of the Witch.



Echinacea - an very good herb that empowers the immunity system and helps fight diseases caused by bacteria or viruses.

ELECAMPANE - element Earth. Magical uses:Useful in raising spirits and to aid in meditation.

Elder/Hylan tree/Ellhorn Sambucus nigra
The elder was one of the holiest trees in the eyes of the ancient Germanic Heathens. In various parts of England and Denmark, to cut down an Elder, one had to ask permission of Lady Ellhorn or Hylde-Moer (whom some believe to be the German goddess Holde herself). To fail to ask permission and offer another tree or gift in return was to incur the wrath of the Huldru-folk or the Elle (people of the elder). In fact, the normally loving goddess Holda as Lady Ellhorn was said to kill babies whose cribs were made of its wood. However, taken properly, the elder could lend its powers to all sorts of uses. The elder has been attributed with revealing evil wights, bringing ghosts or little folk into a house (if the elder branch or leaf is brought inside), and warding against all kinds of fiends. Even its berries were thought powerful for a circle of them was thought to a quite powerful warding circle. Elder tea was once thought good for headaches and the juice of the berries was used to treat toothaches. The leaves were once used to treat burns. The berries can also be made into wine or jams, while the dried leaves were once soaked in vinegar to flavor it. fh, Thorn, and Eolh-secg are good runes to use with the elder. ELDER - element Air. Magical uses:Branches are widely used for wands. One must always be cautious to ask permission from the Elder Dryad before cutting or harvesting Elder limbs or leaves and berries to avoid very bad luck. It is also considered very bad luck to burn Elder wood. The leaves hung around the doors and windows will ward off evil.

Elfdock/Elecampane/Horse Heal Inula helenium
Elfdock is one of the Elvenkind's favorite plant and it is said if one wishes to gain their favor, they should leave the roots by a patch of elfdock. However, the plant also works against the Elves, because folklore also holds that one can overcome Elven magic by stabbing the root of the plant with a knife. According to some sources, elfdock can be a guide to wisdom and magic lore if used properly. The roots were formerly used to heal skin disorders, and in mead or beer to give it a pleasant odour. Good runes to use with Elfdock might be Os, Wynn, Eh, and Sigel.

EUCALYPTUS - element Air. Magical uses:Used in healing rituals, charms and amulets. Place the leaves around a blue candle and burn for healing energies. Green pods worn around the neck eases the discomfort of colds, sore throats and congestion.

EYEBRIGHT - element Air. Magical uses:Anoint eyelids with the infusion daily to induce clairvoyant visions and psychic dreams.

Elm/Elven Ulmus campestris
Embla, the first woman was made from an Elm, and given the three gifts of wod, divine breath, and form by Woden, Willa, and Wh (Odin, Villi, and Ve). Therefore the elm symbolizes the feminine principal in life. It is said to be a favorite tree of Elves and they are said to gather beneath its limbs often. The elm was also said to ward against lightning, and to be a storehouse of ancient wisdom. It makes a powerful love charm when combined with ash. The leaves of the elm were once used in poultices to reduce swelling, and on open wounds to help heal them. Wynn, Giefu, and Gar are good runes to use with elm.

Elderflowers and Elderberries - Medicinal: Hemorroid sufferer's can get relief from pain and swelling by combining elderflowers and honeysuckle with two cups boiling water. After steeping for 15 minutes, wet a folded cloth with the liquid and apply hot to the area of pain. A jelly made from ripe elderberries will cure constipation in children. DO NOT use the root of the elder plant. It is a very strong purgative. Magickal: Elder flowers hung over the door keeps the home free of evil of all kinds. If worn, all attacks are warded off. When the berries are carried, you are protected from evil and negativity. Elder grown in the garden protects the household against sorcery and lightning.



Fo ti (Chinese name: Ho Shou Wu) used for impotence, infertility, premature ejaculation, premature senility. Is believed to tone blood and improve sperm count.

Fennel - Medicinal: Use bruised fennel seed with caraway seed in warm bread to overcome even the most vicious gas attacks. A hot tea is made by pouring two cups boiling water over a teaspoon of bruised seed. Regular drinking of fennel tea is a folk remedy for irregular menstral periods. Fennel tea is also a body detoxifier. Drinking two to three cups of tea a day forces toxins into the urine and out of the body. Make sure that you drink large quantities of water when doing this, as fennel tea promotes urine flow. Magickal: When grown around the home, fennel helps protect the home from evil influences. Carrying fennel accomplishes the same thing.

Fig - Medicinal: Eating dried figs helps overcome constipation. To ripen a boil (if you don't know what this means, then you have never had a boil), split a fig, heat it, and place it on the boil. Magickal: Eating fresh fig leaves is said to help men overcome infertility or impotence. The leaves are also used in divination spells.

FERN - element Earth. Magical uses:The Fern is an extremely powerful protective plant. Grow them in and around the house for protection from evil and negativity.

FRANKINCENSE - (Soswellia carterii) N Associated with the Sun and the element Fire. Magical uses:A very powerful aid to meditation. Use to purify ritual spaces and invoke a spiritual frame of mind. A very powerful scent which aids meditation and induces a spiritual frame of mind. Burn as a general protective incense and on Samhain.

Fir boughs are common Yule tide decoration, and it is favored among many for the Yule tree. Its wood also often found use as the Yule log, although usually it was beat out by beech or oak for this use. The fir is an evergreen and is strongly linked to the idea of immortality. One of the Anglo-Roman altars at Hadrians Wall has a representation of a fir tree. This altar was dedicated to the Mothers' cult, and may show a link between the Mothers and the Anglo-Saxon Modraniht (Yule eve) mentioned by Bede. It was once believed in Germany, that if one had the gout, they could get rid of it by going to a fir tree after sunset and saying a charm on three Fridays in a row. Good runes to use with fir may be oh and _el.

Flax/Dis Linum usitatissimum
Flax was considered hallowed to the German goddess Holda, whom Grimm identified with Frige (Frigg), and other goddesses linked to spinning and weaving. Flax has close ties to household affairs, and is thought to promote prosperity and fertility, as well as beauty. Naturally, flax came to symbolize the successful marriage of true love and troth. In the Middle Ages, its leaves and blooms were worn by single wermen and women. If the leaves and blooms didn't wilt, it meant you were to meet your true love. The Unholden (evil wights believed by the Germans of the Middle Ages to oppose Frau Holda) fear the sight of flax and its product linen, and won't go near either. Tea was once made from flax seed to purify the blood, and poultices made from crushed seeds was thought to fight inflammation. Good runes to use with Flax may be Os, Giefu, Beorc, and Ing.


Garlic Allium sativum
Garlic literally means the "spear leek," named so for its stalk that grows straight up from the root. Garlic is hallowed to Thunor (Thor), and symbolized courage, strength, and rapid growth. It was a wort eaten by warriors for courage and hung over doors to keep away evil. Like any other plant held holy by Thunor (Thor), it kept one safe from lightning. Throughout the Middle Ages, garlic was used as a cure all in a variety of ways. Modern research has confirmed that garlic contains allicin and sulfur, two in antibiotics today. Garlic is a natural antifungal and antibacterial agent and should be eaten by anyone fighting an infection. Powered allum (an extract of Garlic) is useful in healing cold sores. Thorn and Lagu are good runes to use with garlic. Garlic - An all-around powerhouse...good for a healthy heart, lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood pressure, eliminating fungus problems, empowering immunity system. Garlic contains natural cleansing and infection-fighting chemicals. To help the body resist infection, eat a large garlic-tomato salad with lemon juice. Adding 3 or 4 mashed cloves of garlic to a quart of chicken stock and simmering for 30 minutes makes a good infection-fighting soup. To help absessed cuts or sores, make a mash out of about 10-15 buds and apply it to a steril gauze pad and apply to the wound. Cover the pad with a warm flannel bandage to warm the area. After 24 hours, remove the bandage and wash the wound with cool sage tea, then apply a new garlic pad. After another day, wash the wound with sage tea and cover with a sterile dressing. CAUTION: Garlic is a very strong oil, so it may burn the skin or cause small blisters. If this happens, dillute the garlic paste with sterile (boiled) water. By combining 3 or 4 crushed garlic buds with a quart of warm water, a cleansing and healing enema is obtained. This enema is very effective for amoebic dysentary and has been shown to help speed the healing of mononucleosis. Eating garlic in food, salads, etc or taking garlic oil capsules will cleanse the entire internal system and keeps the blood healthy by eleiminating poisonous bacteria and toxins. Garlic oil has also been shown to be particularly effective in eliminating pin and thread worms.

Ginger - a good heart/blood circulation stimulant. Especially recommended for arthritic and joint problems. Also, excellent for eliminating nausea. Ginger is best known as an ingredient in ginger snaps or in Oriental cooking, but it's healing properties are many. Fresh ginger, as well as powdered ginger, is a wonderful digestive stimulant to help digest heavy foods better. A pinch of ginger in a cup of tea helps acute attacks of gastritis (excess acid). Ginger tea, made by simmering a slice of ginger in two cups of water for five minutes, helps with nausea and calms and internal spasms. Ginger tea will help keep the body warm in winter by stimulating the internal organs. Start with small amounts of ginger.. a little goes a long way. Magickal: Eating ginger before performing spells will lend them power, especially for love spells.

Ginko Biloba - a vasodilator that increases circulation in the head. Said to be effective for improved memory, tinitis, hair loss, academic learning. Ginko bilboa is a wondeful herb. It enhances brain and memory performance, guards the hearts activities, helps blood circulation and has been shown to help some edema, eyesight, and hearing problems, too. Studies of this marvelous plant has shown that is slows the aging process ans helps prevent stroke by increasing the blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Some circulation-linked hearing and eyesight losses have been improved by a regimen of ginko. Magickal: There are no magickal qualities that I could research associated with this herb.

Ginseng (Siberian or Korean) - the famed very good herb that equalizes physical and nervous energies. Helps deal with physical/emotional stress. Considered an anti-aging factor that improves the libido. Ginseng is another of the Orient's fabulous plants. It is a mild stimulant, and it acts to sharpen the mental processes and aid in memory and retention. This is why you can find the 'Ginko-ginseng' tablets in almost every store these days. The combination of the two are truly wonderful. A very good way to take ginseng is to buy the capsules made comercially, or buy the powdered root and make your own capsules. The dose is one or two capsules a day as a memory aid. To restore flagging energy levels, put a pinch of powdered root in a cup of hot water and drink it. Avoid the temptation to use large doses; with ginseng, less is more. Just a pinch... Magickal: The root is carried to attract love, as well as to guard one's helath. It also ensures sexual potency and is said to bring beauty to all who carry it. Burn ginseng powder to ward off evil and to break curses and hexes.

Gravel root - used to eliminate gravel or stones.

GARDENIA - element Water. Magical uses:Used to attract true love.



Hawthorn Crataegus oxyacantha
According to folklore, Thunor (Thor) created the Hawthorn in a bolt of lightning, and such being so, it was said to protect against lightning, storms at sea, and unwanted wights. It was said to keep women looking youthful, and was one of the nine woods used in funeral pyres. Its flowers were displayed on W'lburges, and used in wreathes at that time. A decoction of the flowers and berries was once used as a cough syrup, and the flowers soaked in wine were once given to ease stomach pain. Good runes to use with hawthorn might be Os, Thorn, and Cn. It must be pointed out that the "Thorn" of the Old English rune poem may refer to the hawthorn and be sort of a kenning for Thunor (Thor). Hawthorne Berries - good for general circulation. Stabilize blood pressure problems, coronary/artery disease, lowers heart rate, stabilizes cardiac rhythm, strengthens contractions of the heart so aids in circulation.the fruit of the hawthorn shrub, can be made into a very good jelly or simmered to make a very effective diuretic. Hawthorn tonic, sold through reputable pharmacies, is thought to be a heart strengthener. However, you should consult a health professional for heart problems. Magickal:Hawthorn has long been used to increase fertility. The leaves, curiously enough, are placed beneath the mattress to enforce or maintain chastity. Carrying hawthorn in a sachet on a fishing trip ensures a good catch, and is said to promote happiness in the sad or depressed. Hawthorn protects against lightning, and when kept in the home, protects against storm damage. Hawthorn is sacred to fairies, and is part of the tree fairy triad of Britain: 'Oak, Ash, and Thorn'.

Hydrangea root - Helps remove and ease the passage of gravelly deposits from the urinary passage.
Hayflowers - Medicinal:The blossoms of wild hay are an indispensible herbal aid and detoxifyer. Soaking in a bath with hayflowers added is very good when you are sore and tired from overworking or overpartying. The hayflower soaks extract toxins, reduce inflammation, and help the skin. Magickal:I could research no magical use for this herb.

Hollyhock - Medicinal:Hollyhock has been used for centuries by Bedouin Arabs to prevent miscarriages. They would steep the leaves in heated wine, discard the leaves, then drink the wine. To make hollyhock tea, simmer a handfull of leaves in a pint of boiling water for ten minutes. Strain the leaves and add a pinch of ginger and cinnamon to the tea. Magickal:I could research no magical use for this herb.
Horehound - Medicinal:White horehound is a popular remedy for coughs and colds, and can be used in the form of candy. Eventually, I will give instrucions on how to make horehound drops. Untill then, use the commercial ones. Magickal:Horehound carried in sachets guards against sorcery and fascination. It is also scattered as an exorcism herb. Drinking an infusion of the herb will provide mental clarity and mental sharpness. When mixed with ash leaves and placed in a bowl of water, it releases healing vibrations and should be placed in a sickroom.

Like the hawthorn, rowan, and oak, the hazel was hallowed to Thunor (Thor), and its wood may have once been used for rune lots. The nidhstong set up by Egil Skallagrimsson against Eirikr Bloodaxe and Queen Gunnhild was made of hazel, and hazel remains a favorite for divining rods to this day. The leaves, nuts, and branches were used in marriage processions during the Middle Ages. Good runes to use with Hazel may be Thorn, Giefu, and Eh
HAZEL - elememt Air. Magical uses:Hazel wood is excellent for an all-purpose wand. Forked branches can be used for divining. Sprigs of Hazel can be carried for good luck, they are especially powerful if bound together by red and gold thread.

HENBANE - element Water. Magical uses:Carried to attract the love of a woman. Was once used as an ingredient in a Witches flying ointment. Henbane is extremely poisonous and the upmost caution is urged.

HIGH JOHN the CONQUEROR ROOT - element Earth. Magical uses:Use this as an additive to candle anointing oils, and charms to increase their strength.

Holly Ilex aquilfolium
Forever linked to Yule, it was once believed that holly harvested on the Twelfth Night protected one from evil wights. Holly remains a favorite Yule time decoration, and as such is symbolic of steadfastness, rebirth, and renewal. Good runes to use with holly might be Os and Beorc. Note: holly berries are extremely poisonous, so by no means try to eat them or use them in any form of herbal remedy. HOLLY - element Fire. Magical uses:Planted around the home for protection against evil. The leaves and berries can be carried by a man to heighten his masculinity, virility and to attract a lover.

HONEYSUCKLE - element Earth. Magical uses:Used widely in prosperity spells and love charms.

HOPS - element Water. Magical uses:Used in healing incenses and charms. A mild sedative. Hops placed in a pillow will help with sleep.

Houseleek/Thorsbeard/Thunderbeard Sem pervivum tectorum
The houseleek like most leeks has a lot in common with garlic, and can be interchanged fro magical purposes. Houseleeks were planted on roof tops to defend against lightning, and was thought to keep away all kinds of woecraft and evil wights. The juice of the houseleek was thought to be good for burns. Thorn and Laaguz are good runes to use with the houseleek.

HYSSOP element Fire. Magical uses:Use in purification baths, protective and banishing spells. Hyssop was widely used during the Middle Ages for purification, cleansing and consecration rituals. If burnt as an incense or thrown into a fire is is said one may draw upon magickal dragon energy.



IVY - element Water. Magical uses:Protects the houses it grows around and over from evil and harm. In the old traditions, Ivy and Holly was given to newlyweds as good-luck charms



Juniper Juniperus communis
This evergreen like the oak is hallowed to Thunor (Thor), and according to several Icelandic tales cannot be mixed with rowan (another tree favored by the thunder god), or a too much heat will be generated. The juniper was thought capable of restoring life, and its oil had a variety of uses in elixirs and poultices. It also makes a very good incense. Thorn and Kn are good runes to use with juniper. JUNIPER - element Fire. Magical uses:Protection against accidents, harm and theft. The berries are used to attract lovers once dried and worn as a charm.

Jasmine - element:Water Jasmine has been used in love sachets and poppets. If you burn jasmine in the bedroom, it causes prophetic dreams. I have never done this without drinking an infusion of a tea used for clairvoyance, so I don't know of the effectiveness of this procedure alone. I do know, however, that in conjunction with one of the clairvoyance teas it works quite well. I have never drunk an infusion of jasmine, so I don't know how it tastes. Smell the flowers just before bedtime to sleep well.


Lavender - element:Air Because of its elegant fragrance and delicate taste, lavender has a long history of being used in love sachets and teas. Lavender has a delicate taste, and makes a nice morning tea. The herb is used in sachets for love, peace of mind, sleep and happiness. Those who have trouble sleeping should either place a sachet of lavender under the pillow or a few drops of the essential oil on their sheets. Lavender can also be placed in the bath water in induce relaxation and relieve tension. I have used lavender is prosperity spells because the sweet yet delicate scent ensures "sweet" success. A word to the wise: don't drink this tea if you plan a night of romance. This herb causes people to lose sexual drive, and therefore helps preserve chastity.

LEMON - element Water. Magical attributes: Purification, love, blessings. Uses: Sweetens breath. Antiseptic, antibacterial and hypotensive. For chills and sore throat, the juice of a lemon mixed in a glass of honey and warm water, taken 3 times daily should help. For nose bleeds, apply a small piece of cotton, soaked in lemon juice. In oil form it is used for treating warts, insect bites, tension headaches, eliminates cellulite, and is an anti-wrinkle tonic.. Stimulates the digestive system. Also makes a good skin cleanser, hair rinse for blondes, and cleaning agent for brass and silver.

LEMON BALM - element Water. Magical uses: Love potions, aphrodisiacs, fertility anti depressant. Drink as an infusion to soothe emotional pains after a relationship ends.
Lemon Verbena - element:Air They often overlook Lemon Verbena in many magickal grimoires, but I find that lemon verbena is an excellent substitute for dragon's blood (an expensive red colored resin that adds "oomph" to any magickal working.) Finding that Dragon's Blood is less expensive and easier, and you can use it in teas either to add strength or to aid in psychic pursuits. Although the herb can be used in love spells and for purification, I have never used it for these purposes. It works quite nicely in a tea form, mixed with other herbs, for clairvoyance.

LILAC - element Air Magical attributes: Protection, warding off evil or banishing rituals, beauty, love, harmony and balance.

Lilly-of-the-Valley/Mayflower/Freya's Tears* GENUS:Convallaria
According to Norwegian folklore, the Mayflower was created when a goddess (Freo, Frige, or others dependent on locale) found winter so bleak that she tore up her green dress and with a handful of snow created these flowers. It is thought unlucky to transplant these flowers (as it is with many plants seen as belonging to a deity), but in some areas they were gathered to pay rent or for W'lburges decorations.Mayflowers were thought to strengthen the mind and clear one's complexion. Feoh, Os, and _el are good runes to use with Mayflowers.
*Adapted after the name "Our Lady's Tears"

Linden GENUS:Tilia
Linden trees were known for their wood which made such fine shields and bucklers, that the name of the tree, linden came to mean also "shield." Thus "under linden" in old Germanic poetry meant to be behind a shield. Such qualities make it a tree of protection and defense. In Sweden, magistrates passed judgment under its limbs, and the linden was thought to house the home's domestic spirits. Germany, though had the linden a home of dwarves, where it was also thought of as a tree of immortality. As a tree of judgment, it is probably hallowed to Tiw (Tyr), and the painting of the rune Tiw on linden shields makes such a thought plausible. Good runes to use with linden may be Eolh-secg and Tiw. LINDEN - element Water. Magical uses:Associated with conjugal love or attraction and longevity.

LOVAGE - element Water. Magical uses:Add the dried and powdered root to cleansing and purification baths to release negativity. Carry to attract love and the attention of the opposite sex.
Licorice - helps other herbs interact more effectively. A demulcent that soothes inner membranes, and calms stress.



Mugwort - element:Earth Mugwort is one of those herbs that every Witch needs to have. It is good for strength, psychic powers, protection, prophetic dreams, healing and astral projection. I have burned mugwort in conjunction with sandalwood incense and wormwood (which is poisonous!) during tarot card readings and during pendulum divination, since the herb is great for inducing semi trance-like state. A mugwort tea can be ingested (nasty stuff . . .) to also bring clarity to scrying. You can use the tea to wash crystal balls and mirrors used for scrying. (Pregnant women should never ingest mugwort as it can be abortive!!) If you want to add strength to a healing or magickal working, you might want to use mugwort instead of lemon verbena because, being ruled by the element earth, mugwort helps the spell take root: it grounds it and adds a really earthy edge.

MANDRAKE - element Earth. Magical uses:A protective charm for the home. The root increases fertility in women and impotency in men when carried. Charge a mandrake root with your personal energy, sleep with it for three nights prior to the full moon. The root can be carried to increase courage.

MARIGOLD - element Fire. Magical attributes: Prophesy, legal matters, the psychic, seeing magical creatures, love, clairvoyance, dreams, business or legal affairs and renewing personal energy. Uses: For internal use the flowers are prepared by infusion and recommended for the flu, fever, rheumatism, jaundice, and painful menstruation. Externally, buds are made into compresses for the treatment of burns. Marigold petal ointment can help chapped hands and varicose veins, also works wonders with eczema and inflammation. To ease inflammation, dip a compress into a strong marigold tea combined with an equal part of apple cider vinegar. Sprains can also be helped with marigold petals steeped in vinegar, or make a lotion with milk. Simmer 12 heads in 2 cups milk, steep, strain and apply. Also use as an antiseptic in first aid. Place the flower beneath the head at night to induce clairvoyant dreams. Sometimes added to love sachets. It should be gathered at noon.

Maple GENUS:Acer
Maples can be found throughout North America and Europe, and its wood is said to make good divining rods. In England, it was once believed that passing a child through a maple's branches insured long life. One of the maple's names in Anglo-Saxon was Hlin, and the Old Norse cognate for this word was used as another name for Freo (Freya) indicating the tree may be hallowed to her. The sugar maple is known for its syrup and is said to be good for an upset stomach or as a cough syrup.

MARJORAM - element Air Magical attributes: protection, love, healing. Uses: Add to all love charms, place a piece in rooms for protection. Give to a grieving person to bring them happiness.

MEADOWSWEET - element Water. Magical uses:Protection against evil influences, promotes love, balance and harmony. A sacred herb of the Druids. Place meadowsweet on the altar when making love charms and conducting love spells to increase their potency. Wear at Lammas to join with the Goddess.

MINT (SPEARMINT & PEPPERMINT) element Air. Magical attributes: Money, healing, strength, augment power, luck, travel. Uses: Mint in tea form aids upset stomachs, flu, and can be used to ease hiccups. Inhalations of the leaves in boiling water is recommended for head colds and asthma. Mint tea used instead of aspirin is great for headaches, particularly pre menstrual headaches. Nervous headaches can be relieved if you lie in a dark room with fresh peppermint leaves on the forehead. Aids the respiratory and circulatory systems. An anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic. Ideal for treating indigestion, flatulence, varicose veins, headaches, migraines, skin irritations,rheumatism, toothache, and general fatigue.

Mistletoe Viscum album
Mistletoe seems to have played an important role in most European culture and a special one in the Germanic and Celtic cultures. Amongst the Germanic Heathens, it was harvested on Midsummer's Eve, and was not allowed to touch the ground. In many areas, it was shot down with a spear or arrow, as it was bad luck to cut it with a knife or other blade. Mistletoe taken from the oak was thought to be the most powerful, and was believed to ward against evil witches, have powers over life and death bestow fertility, extinguish fire, have the healing powers of an allheal, and work as an aphrodisiac. Divining rods made of mistletoe were even thought capable of finding gold. Scandinavians once believed mistletoe came to a tree in a flash of lightning, suggesting a link to Thunor (Thor), though its name means "little mists" suggesting it may have condensed from fog in the night air. Note: Mistletoe berries are extremely poisonous, and should not be eaten. MISTLETOE - magical uses: worn for protection and to attract love, or to help conceive.

MULLEIN - element Fire Magical uses:Courage, protection from wild animals, protection from evil spirits, cleansing of ritual and psychic places before and after working there. Also used for cleansing and purifying ritual tools and altars.

MYRRH - element Water. Magical uses:Purifying and protective incense for ritual areas. Can be used to consecrate tools. Uses: Excellent insect repellent and as a tincture it is good for bad breath and gum problems.

MYRTLE - element Water. Magical uses:Myrtle was sacred to the Greek Goddess Venus and has been used in love charms and spells throughout history. Grow indoors for good luck. Carry or wear Myrtle leaves to attract love, charms made of the wood have special magickal properties. Wear fresh Myrtle leaves while making love charms, potions or during rituals for love.

Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
Mugwort is one of the nine herbs mentioned in "The Nine Wort's Galdor," and was seen as a general cure all. Simply placing a sprig of it in one's pouch was supposed to prevent Tring. Mugwort gathered on Midsummer Eve and placed in a grain bin was thought to keep mice away from the grain, while wreathes of mugwort defended against thunder and thieves. If made into a girdle, mugwort was thought to protect one from witches, ghosts, and general misfortune. Good runes to use with mugwort would be Ur, Os, andGar.



Nettle GENUS: Urtica
Nettle is hallowed to Thunor (Thor), and wearing it in the face of danger was thought to inspire bravery. Like many plants hallowed to Thunor (Thor) it was said to keep lightning at bay. Strangely enough though, its name is related to the word needle, both having derived from an Indo-European root meaning "to sew." This is not surprising as nettle fibers were once used to make household linens before cotton was brought to Europe. Many believe nettle to be the herb "Stithe" mentioned in "The Nine Worts Galdor," although this is not certain. Nettle can be used in tea and was thought symbolic of new life. Good runes to use with Nettle may be Thorn and D'g. NETTLE - element Fire. Magical attributes: To advert danger, protection, healing, courage, antidote for many poisons. Uses: Use gloves to handle so as to avoid getting pricked. High in vitamin C and iron and when in tea form can ease asthma and increase your energy levels.

NUTMEG - element Air. Magical uses: Clairvoyance and psychic power of visions.



Oak GENUS:Quercus
The Oak was an important tree to nearly all the Indo-European cultures, and thought hallowed to their thunder gods. The Germanic Heathens were no different as they held the oak to be hallowed to Thunor (Thor). The oak was also linked to the souls of the dead. It along with the yew could be found in graveyards, and coffins were often made of oak wood. Oak served in the creation of need fire, as the Yule log, and in the Midsummer bonfires. It was probably also one of the nine woods used in funeral pyres. The oak was seen as having great healing powers, in England and Germany, one merely had to walk around one to get rid of an ailment. The oak then gave the ailment to a passing bird. It was also thought of as a tree of strength and justice, and both Elves and Man gathered under its branches. In Scandinavia, m'thels were held beneath oaks, a tradition carried over to America, where the grass beneath an oak served as a courtroom in pioneer days. Rods made of oak were used to collect herbs, and according to Kveldulfr Gundarsson in Teutonic Magic the hlaut-teinn was used to sprinkle the blood of sacrifices were usually oak. The oak itself was often worshiped, and gifts were sometimes left at its base for its guardians. To cut down an oak meant to bring on great misfortune. The oak may have been one of the "nut bearing" trees Tacitus spoke of in "Germania" as lots having been made from. We do know acorns were used in various forms of divination in the Middle Ages. Good runes to use with oak are Thorn, R', Kn, Gar, ans Sigel. OAK - element Fire. Magical uses:The Oak is a sacred tree in many cultures. A Witch will often seek out a grove of Oak to perform rites. It has always been considered unlucky to cut down an oak. After getting permission from the tree's Dryad, burn oak leaves for purification of ritual spaces. Oak is often used for all-purpose wands and they imbue great power. The acorns have been carried to increase fertility in women and to increase sexual appeal by men, preserve youth and to banish illness. Hang Oak over windows and doors to protect your house from evil spirits.

ONION - element Fire. Magical uses: Protection and healing. Place cut onions in a sick persons room to absorb the illness. Leave them overnight and throw away in the morning.

ORANGE - element Water. Magical uses:The dried and powdered peel is added to love and fertility charms.

ORRIS ROOT - element Water. Magical uses: Love, sexual appeal. Use in charms, amulets, sachets, incenses

Orpine/Midsummer Men Sedum telephium
The Midsummer men were used in a form of love divination. A pair of the plants would be planted side by side. If both grew and leaned towards each other, the couple planting them would marry. If one slip dies, one of the couple will die before marriage. Orpine also found its uses in the decorations of Midsummer and was one of the herbs gathered on Midsummer's Eve. Good runes to use with orpine may be Giefu, Gar, Sigel, and D'g.



Parsley was thought hallowed to Woden (Odhin), especially in his role as leader of the Wild Hunt. If one meets the Hunt, it was once thought, they could avert death or injury by asking the Huntsmen for Parsley. It was also believed that Parsley could treat the side effects (blindness, head injuries, knife and claw wounds) of having seen the Hunt. Many superstitions surround parsley. It should not be cut by those in love, nor should it ever be given away, for with it one was thought to give away their luck (m'gen or main). Neither should it be accepted as a gift. It could, however, be stolen without harm. It was thought bad luck to transplant parsley, unless, of course, it was stolen, for it could cause a family death. Most of these beliefs were linked to parsley as a plant hallowed to Woden (Odin), and therefore it was also said the souls of babies came from parsley patches, although this may show a link to the German goddess Holda, sometimes leader of the Hunt, and warder of the souls of the unborn. Parsley said to improve one's memory. Good runes to use with parsley may be Os and Ned. PARSLEY - element Air. Magical attributes: Fresh parsley leaves in tea form are a treatment for cramps, while dried root decoctions eases urinary infections and arthritis. Externally, crushed leaves relieve insect bites, and may be applied in poultice form to sprains. Uses: Widely used as a culinary herb

Patchouli - element: Earth Mmmm how I love working with patchouli! This herb hs a very deep, sensuous fragrance, and is said to induce lust when smelled or carried. I have never used it fr this purpose. (hee hee) It is often used for spells of fertility, both physical fertility (pregnancy) and mental fertility (creativity and imagination) and therefore is a great herb to wear and burn during Beltaine. Because patchouli is ruled by earth, is it great for attracting money and employment. I have used patchouli extensively for these purposes, and I often burn patchouli with peppermint oil before a big test or when I need to be particularly aware and the herb will keep you grounded and focused.

Poppy Flowers - element:Water Poppy flowers are actually not as useful as their seeds, so I don't use them much. Nevertheless, since I have some, I thought I would include them here. Carrying poppy flowers in sachet aids in bringing money to the carrier, and burning poppy (mixed with chamomile and lavender) aids in inducing peaceful sleep.

PENNYROYAL - element Earth. Magical uses: Protection, weariness, deters insects. Avoid Pennyroyal while pregnant.

PERIWINKLE - element Water. Magical uses:Protection against evil influences. Hang around doors and windows.

PIMPERNEL - element Air. Magical uses:Wear to detect falsehood to prevent or know when others are lying to you.

PINE - element Air. Magical attributes: Attunement to nature, centering, cleansing, healing, productivity, purification against illness, a good winter incense, fertility charms. Uses: Pine buds prepared by decoction act as an expectorant and antiseptic. This same mixture can be used for inhalation for head colds, although it is easier to toss some needles in hot water. Green cones and needles can be added to bath water to ease muscle pains and swelling. For magic, pine is best suited for its aromatic qualities of bringing one back into balance, and enhancing connection with the natural world.

Pumpkin Seeds - rich in vitamins, oils, minerals, especially zinc which is effective in the treatment of an enlarged prostate . . . especially when taken with echinacea.



Rose GENUS:Rosa
The rose, flower of love and life, hallowed to dwarves and elves was considered the German goddess Holda's flower, and was called Frau Rose or Mother Rose. To pick a rose, one was thought to have to ask permission of Holda or the King of the Dwarves, failure to do so could result in great misfortune. The rose has long been a symbol of love, joy, and sweetness in both life and death. In England it was a custom to plant a rose bush as the head of a lover that died before marriage. The rose and its thorns were thought to possess many powers useful in love divination, charms, and potions. The "sleep thorn" that puts Sleeping Beauty to sleep in some German versions is a Rose thorn. As early as 477 BCE the Romans used a red rose above a council table to indicate a meeting was confidential, and this usage has carried over somewhat in Teutonic culture. According to modern florist lore, each color of rose has its own meaning. Red roses are a symbol of true, undying love, while yellow roses symbolize only friendship, and white roses, purity. roses hips (the fruit of the European red rose) have some medical uses, and contain more than twenty times the amount of Vitamin C than an orange. Gar and Beorc may be good runes to use with roses. ROSE - element Water. Magical attributes: Love, friendship, luck, protection, psychic power and divination. Uses: Conserves of roses or rose petals in honey are often recommended for nausea and sore throats. Roses are high in vitamin C.

While Rosemary is not native to Northern Europe, the Romans carried it north with them, and it earned a place in Germanic culture. It was used in bridal wreathes to guard against early pregnancy, and it was also used in funeral wreathes. Its odour was supposed to keep away all kinds of evil wights, although in the Netherlands, it was once called Elf Leaf, and said to be a favorite of the Elvenkind. Rosemary was also thought to promote remembrance, fidelity, and friendship. A sprig of Rosemary under one's pillow was thought to prevent nightmares in many parts of Europe. ROSEMARY - element Fire. Magical attributes: Improve memory, sleep, purification, youth, love, power, healing, protection, intellectual. Uses: Promotes healing of wounds, acts as an antiseptic, and can be a mild stimulant. Good in teas for treating flu, stress, and headaches or body aches. Mental and physical booster. Used for treating (oil form) muscular sprains, arthritis, rheumatism, depression, fatigue, memory loss, migraine headaches, coughs, flu and diabetes. Excellent remedy for acne or cellulite. When the leaves are soaked in wine for two weeks, small glasses may be taken as a digestive aid. Oil of rosemary is excellent in hair conditioners, and the flowers of this herb may be added to lotion recipes to improve the complexion. Add to all purification bath sachets, love incenses, and protection incenses. Make a simple of rosemary and use it to cleanse the hands before working magic, if you have no time for a regular ritual bath. Burn rosemary and juniper as a healing and recuperation incense.

Rue was used for warding against evil wights according to early English Common Law, but was also found in the "witch's brews" or "flying ointments" of the medieval witch. This would make it a likely herb to use in faring forth or second sight. Some herbals state it was useful against wolvesbane and other poisons but this is very doubtful. RUE - element Fire. Magical uses:Protection, preventing illness, clearness of mind, purification of ritual spaces and tools, clearing the mind of emotional clutter.

ROWAN - element Fire. Magical uses:Protection, good luck, healing.



Sarsaparilla - an excellent blood purifier which has been used to treat tuberculosis, venereal diseases, promotes sweating to reduce fevers. A possible progesterone precursor.

Saw Palmetto Berries - prevents senescence and middle-aged sense of weakness. Improves sexual performance especially in males, used for urinary tract and noncancerous prostate problems. Considered an aphrodisiac. Used for benign prostate enlargement and infection.

Sesame seeds and food products - a warming food. Acts as a general energy and sexual energy tonic. Can improve circulation.

Siberian Ginseng - increases energy and vitality. Permits longer periods of energetic activity before tiring.

Star Anise - element:Air Star Anise is a wonderful herb. It is the seeds which have all the power, and the best thing about them: they smell like licorice! Crushing the seeds and burning them as incense makes a wonderful environment for scrying or to aid psychic powers, and the scent is (for me at least) very soothing and particularly effective when burned with peppermint oil. I place star anise on my altar not only because the scent is pleasant, but because they say that it empowered objects of magickal importance. The seeds make wonderful pendulums: I anoint them with a combination of peppermint and amber oils and tie a gold colored thread around them and use them for divinatory purposes.

SAFFRON - element Fire. Magical uses: Prosperity, healing and sexual prowess in men

SAGE - element Air. Magical attributes: Fertility, longevity, wishes, wisdom, protection, healing, health. Uses: Can be used in an infusion to aid digestion, or as part of a honey wine to fight colds and fever. When applied in compresses it can ease many skin discomforts, including dandruff. If made into cream it is good for muscular pain, and if dried and smoked sometimes gives relief to asthma.

ST JOHN'S WORT - element Fire. Magical uses:Protective charms, ward off fever and illness, a banishing or exorcism incense, the tea increases courage and will power. Gather on Midsummer's Eve, pass through the smoke of bonfires to purify, and hang in the house as protection and to prevent nightmares.

SANDALWOOD - element Air. Magical uses: Purification, protection and healing.

SUNFLOWER - element Fire. Magical uses:Welcomes and invites the blessings of the Sun into the garden. The seeds are eaten by women to increase fertility.

Sow Thistle Carlina vulgaris
This thistle like the others of its family is hallowed to Thunor (Thor), and was thought to have many special powers. It was thought one could use it to steal the thoughts and m`gen of another to the point they would waste away and die, and that if one tied it around a cat's neck, the cat would become a better mouser. Sow Thistle was also said to be able to cure the Black Plague, although this is doubtful, it could be the thistle was used to lance the boils and ulcerations caused by the plague, and improve one's chances of survival. See Thistle.

Strawberries were thought hallowed to Frige (Frigg), and folklore says she (in Germany it was Holda) concealed children that died as infants in strawberry fields in order to smuggle them into the afterlife. These were probably the souls of exposed infants that were thought to haunt this world, having no means to reach the great beyond. Perhaps they were members of the Perchtenjagd, which was made up of the souls of unbaptized children that made up Frau Holde's ground based variant of Woden's Wild Hunt. The Elvenkind are said to be fond of srawberries, and like many of the plants they are fond of, they can be bribed with them. Good runes to use with strawberries may be Gar and Beorc.



Tansy Tanacetum vulgare
Tansy has been used in Easter cakes and puddings for hundreds of years, and as such can be linked to the imagery surrounding the goddess Eostre and her holiday. It is a plant of rebirth and new beggings as well as the spring time of life. This can be seen in one belief that by placing a leaf of Tansy on her navel a pregnant woman could induce childbirth. Good runes to use with Tansy may be Gar, Beorc, Sigel, and D'g .

Thistle Cnicus acaulis carduus Benedictus cirsium vulgare
The three varieties of plants called thistle all share the same spiritual characteristics, and all are thought hallowed to Thunor (Thor). They were used in love divination much as Midsummer Men were and found several uses in charms. Thistle appears frequently in the Anglo-Saxon herbals and apparently had several uses in healing. Thorn is a good rune to use with thistle.

Teasel Dipsacus sylvestris
The seed head of teasel was once fastened to spindles, and then used to "tease" the nap of woolen cloth in lieu of a teasing comb, and it is from this use whence its name comes. Considering this use of Teasel ing spinning it may have be hallowed to any of the "spinning" goddesses such as Frige (Frigg) or Holda. Therefore one should expect teasel to reflect many of the qualities of Flax, and perhaps aspects of love in marriage, knowledge, household affairs, and so forth. teasel also has a link to the goddess Eostre though, for water collected from the base of its leaves on Easter morning was considered holy. Good runes to use with teasel may be Beorc, Sigel , and D'g.

After Clover, thyme was the favored plant to place near bee hives to improve the taste of honey. Bees are not the only ones to like its flavor however, as the Elven kind also are said to favor Thyme. Thyme was once used on house floors to give the home a pleasant odour, and has served as a food additive for years. Thyme was once believed to stay off depression and to give one courage. THYME - element Water. Magical attributes: Sleep, psychic energy, courage, healing, purification incense, magickal cleansing baths, a renewing of one's personal energy, warding off of negative energy. Uses: Powerful antibacterial, antibiotic, and diuretic properties. It helps eliminate wastes from the body. It is used in treating whooping coughs, warts, rheumatism and acne. A strong antiseptic which when prepared by infusion is useful for poor digestion, exhaustion, colds, and infections, and with honey is an effective treatment for sore throats. Also used in tea form as a fever breaker, headache reducer and to be rid of intestinal worms, and can be used as a mouthwash. Also, a great insect repellent. Use both the leaves and flowers. This tea works best for headaches when taken cold. Take a magical cleansing bath in the spring of thyme and marjoram ( used in tea form or whole herbs). A pillow stuffed with it cures nightmares.

TUMERIC - Uses: added to warm milk it regulates menstrual cycle.



Uva Ursa - Uva Ursi - helps eliminate stones from the bladder and kidneys and treat bladder and kidney infections, especially effective when taken with marshmallow roots. Because it strengthens and nourishes the urinary tract and is useful when there is blood present in the urine, it is a primary herb for many conditions of the urinary tract. WARNING: Uva Ursa is poisonous and should not be taken internally. Keep out of the reach of small children and pets. They burn this herb to aid in psychicness.



Valerian/Wayland's Wort
Wayland's Wort was thought hallowed to the great smith Wayland, and it is said to allow one to commune with the dead, and inspires love. It is also loved by cats. Good runes to use with Wayland's Wort may be Os, Cn, and Giefu. VALERIAN - element Water. Magical attributes: Love, calming, sleep, purification or relaxing baths. Uses: Use the dried, powdered root. Promotes relaxation while counteracting the effects of insomnia, anxiety, nervousness, headaches, pre menstrual syndrome and menstrual cramping. For sleep, before bed take 1 teaspoon of herb to 1 pint of water and simmer. Also acts as a good substitute for catnip. Use the fresh herb in spells of love, also to get fighting couples together. Used in the Purification bath sachet.

Vervain was once used by the Druids, the priests of the Celtic tribes, who used only an iron tool to harvest it, much as they did a silver tool to harvest mistletoe. It had to be harvested when neither the Sun nor the Moon were in the sky, and when Sirius was rising. Honey was then poured into the ground to replace the loss. Germanic Heathenry seems to have revered vervain as well, as it found its way into most witch's brews, and is frequently mentioned elsewhere. Bathing in vervain's undiluted juices was said to allow one to see the webs of Wyrd, fulfill their every wish, cure disease, be a friend to all, and be warded against all charms and enchantments. Needless to say it was used in love potions and bridal wreathes. Good runes to use with Veravin may be Os, Giefu , Wynn, and _el. Vervain - element Earth. Vervain has a plethora of uses. It is used for: love, protection, purification, peace,money, youth, chastity, sleep and healing. The power of vervain is that it is ruled by earth, meaning that any magickal working vervain is added to will root it both in the mind of the witch and in the energy flow. I use vervain in ALL of my magickal workings, because vervain is used to "make the spell go." I sprinkle it in all four directions of my circle, believing that it aids in drawing the energy of the elements.

VANILLA - element Fire. Magical uses:The bean is used in a love charms, the oil is worn as an aphrodisiac.

VIOLET - element Water. Magical uses:Mix with lavender for a powerful love charm. A Violet and Lavender compress will aid in eliminating headaches. The flowers are carried as a good-luck charm. The scent will soothe, clear the mind and relax the wearer.

Vetivert - Element Earth. Vetivert has a very pleasant, woody smell to it: almost like cedar. Therefore, vetivert is placed in the purse, the home the car etc. for protection. (You know, moths don't like the scent, so I think this is where the idea of protection came from). I use vetivert in money spells, again because it is a nice smelling earth-ruled herb. (Actually, it is a root). It is also used for luck, and to break hexes. I use it in poppets and sachets for protection.


Wormwood (Also called Absinthe) element:Fire Wormwood is the only fire-ruled herb I have, interestingly enough. Fire herbs are very powerful, and if you happen to be ruled by a fire sign, you will have great luck with these herbs. They burn wormwood (often with mugwort, sandalwood and/or star anise) to promote psychic awareness. It is also used to call spirits. When I do a divination that is very important (not the silly ones that just ask Does so and so like so and so?) I burn wormwood, smell the smoke (which I don't recommend, because after all, it is poisonous, but so far I have been okay!) and call upon the gods of divination. I have had a lot of luck with this procedure. Wormwood does have a pungent and bad smell, so you may not want to burn too much at a time. WARNING: Wormwood is poisonous and should not be taken internally. Keep out of the reach of children and pets. WORMWOOD - element Air. Magical uses: Wormwood is burned to gain protection from wandering spirits. Used in divinatory and clairvoyance incenses, initiation rites and tests of courage. Enables the dead to be released from this plane so they my find peace.

The name of this nut bearing tree in Anglo-Saxon means "foreign nut," and indicates the Anglo-Saxons were unfamiliar with it. This seems doubtful as the tree can be found in most parts of Europe. Witches, Elves, and Dwarves were once said to gather beneath the Walnut's branches, and a branch from a Walnut tree singed in the Easter bonfires were believed to ward houses from lightning.WALNUT - element Fire. Magical uses:Carry the nut as a charm to promote fertility and strengthen the heart.

Willow has been seen as a tree of life, not to mention water, but more often it has been associated with funerals, sadness, and heartbreak. Of course, sadness and heartbreak often accompany funeral rites. It was once believed, one could, by tying knots in a branch of a willow, bind or kill an enemy, and this, along with its uses in funeral rites calls to mind Woden (Odin) and his boasts of knowing spells to bind his enemies. Thus the willow may be hallowed to Woden (Odhinn) and his W'lcyrgien (Valkyries). Torches made of willow were once used in parts of Europe on Whitsuntide, though this may be a Slavic practice. Os and Ned may be good runes to use with willow.WILLOW - Element Water. Magical uses:Willow wands can be used for healing. The Willow will bring the blessings of the Moon upon those who plant it or have it on their property. Willows can be used to bind together witch's brooms and a forked willow branch is widely used in water witching and dowsing.

Watercress - diuretic, rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron, iodine, and calcium. Used in treating many conditions, including rheumatism, debilitating weakness, and gall bladder problems.

Wild Yam - relaxes and soothes nerves and in treatment of rheumatic pain and rheumatoid arthritis.

WITCH HAZEL - element Fire. Magical attributes: Protection, chastity, healing the heart. Uses: In tincture form it is good as a mouth rinse and to ease hemorrhoids. As a compress, witch hazel can be applied to insect bites and other skin irritations.


YARROW - element Water. Magical uses: Courage, love, marriage charms, dispelling negativity, psychic abilities, divination. Uses: A very potent healer, it intensifies the medicinal action of other herbs taken with it. Helps eliminate toxins (good for colds). Most useful in its abilities to staunch blood flow. In poultice form , it is useful against infections and swelling. In magic there is evidence that yarrow was often used as a component in incantations. The tea drunk prior to divination will enhance one's powers of perception (a touch of peppermint brightens this brew up and always works better). Also drink the tea to stop arthritis symptoms such as swelling and inflammation associated with weather divination and generally end all aching, sore muscles, or stiff joints or back pain. A powerful incense additive for divination and love spells.