"The past is the key to our future."
-Louis Leakey
I believe that this is the goal of the study of our ancestors. Without an understanding of who we are, and from where we came, I do not think that we can truly advance. I think that it is critical to understand that we are as much a part of nature as any other living creature, and that we are as much a part of the delicate balance as they are. If one looks back at our ancestors, we will see that they were essentially bipedal apes. The cranial capacity and the appearance of the skull in general are very apeish. We must not forget that we are not that far removed from our closest relatives, the primates. I think it should be the goal of every Anthropologist, and everyone else for that matter, to work on saving our closest relatives, and every other species, not only because of the scientific gains that studies of these species can give us, but because we are connected. The destruction of habitats and species affects us all in ways that I do not think that most people understand.
For primate pictures check out Primate Information Network