Zarathushtra's message stood for peace, progress, and
prosperity on this good earth and a blissful life beyond.
His message is a living message. It is divine. It is based
on the triple principle of "Good Thoughts, Good Words, and
Good Deeds."
It promotes the human mind and provokes its thinking
faculty. It solves the complicated problem of Good and
Evil by placing them in the human mind as two opposing
"mentalities," not entities. Good serves and promotes
human society in an ecologically sound world, while evil
damages and retards society's good progress.
A human being, endowed with a discriminating mind, is
born free to choose between good and evil. This places
a heavy responsibility on an individual. A person is
good if he or she chooses to think good thoughts and,
in turn, speaks good words and performs good deeds.
(Zarathushtra's Gathas: Song 3.2)
Thanks to the Zarathushtrian Assembly for the
above notes and quotes.