Attention Everyone!

Ok first order of business... this site will not be updated as often as it was before:( It will not because I go to a Christian School and the work is really hard so school needs to be my first priority. But I will still update it at least twice a week or even more if I have time. But there are alot more pages coming to this website. Such as memories, why the teens, backgrounds for your desktop, and alot more!

I am in the process of moving to a new house with my family. I have been planning to get a new computer for some time now. My mother already ordered it and everything. But there was some screw up with the delivering. So I will have the computer by November. Maybe by mid November at the very latest. I do not have enough memory to load all of the banner and animation makers I have bought. But when I get the new computer this site will have alot more to it.

Jonathan Jackson is making a made for tv movie entitled "Purple Haze". It will be airing on Abc. I do not know the date it will come on yet but when I find out I will post it on this page. The movie is about a hockey player who get's hooked on Maraquana. Jonathan says that he was very anxious to take the part because he has never done drugs in his life, so this should be a challenge. Don't miss it!!

This is byfar the most awesome and incredible thing that has EVER happend to the LLNE. Rebecca Herbst signed my guestbook! Go to my guestbook and check it out please! Also, Amber Tamblyn, Michael Saucedo, and Rebecca Herbst will be making an appearance at Super Soap Weekend! Which, yours truly, will be attending! Yup, that's right! I'm going. After I get back there will be a section just for the Super Soap Weekend. I am going to get Amber, Michael, and Becky's autograph and post them, pictures, and alot more! So be ready for that!

Well, that's all the news we have for now. Please check back for more news. I am going to update this page often. BYE BYE!!!:O)