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  Players in the Mystic Realms use a lot of abbreviations and odd terms, which can be quite confusing to new players. This section covers all those terms.

  Ammie: Amulet.

  Archy, archie: Arch-spellcaster.

  BKE: Bastion of the Krell Elite.

  Bspam, battle spam: Term given to the lines of text generated during a battle, which often prevents seeing anything typed in chat (or TELLS) at the same time.

  Crit, critter: Monster.

  DZ: Dhaza.

  EPA: Enlightened Protectors of Alhanzar.

  FFA: Free for all. An event that takes place at monster summoning tournaments, when there are only a few people and the LOR wishes to stretch the time out. All participants get into the arena, and the LOR summons monsters for them to kill (usually high-level ones); the higher-level players weaken them so the low-level players can kill them, ensuring tons of XP for everyone.

  gl: Good luck.

  GOP: Guild of Power. Inactive guild.

  GP: Game Plan.

  gs: Good show (used after a run in a monster tourney).

HAV: Haven.

  Hero(ed): Hero Quest; someone who has undergone the quest has "heroed".

  IPG: Independent Players' Guild. Inactive guild.

  Item Square: Special rune square found in a lord's lair; one time only, it can be used to personalize and upgrade any one item the character holds.

  IUN: Inn of the Undead.

  JAL: Jalzabad.

  KOKAS: Kobold Kastle.

  LOR: Lord of the Realm, a title granted to certain players who run events and perform other functions.

  Lord: Term for the most powerful creature, or leader, of a given area. Lords always have item sqares and stat squares in their lairs. All areas have a "final" area with the most powerful creature, but not all are lords; some have items like keys or amulets that can be used elsewhere to grant access to a lord's lair.

  MAR: Maranda.

  Morph: Term used when a player restarts a character - short for metamorphosis. See also reroll.

  Namer: Named monster.

  NPQ: New Player Quest. Sending new players on short quests to kill and bring back the body of a creature of slightly higher level for a prize.

  OCP: Order of the Celestial Pantheon. Inactive guild.

  PTB: Powers That Be (the folks who run MRA).

  Pop (used with amulets): Term used to refer to what happens when an amulet of protection is destroyed.

  Reroll: Term used when a player restarts a character - all XP/levels are lost, but the character retains gear, heros (if any), and stat bonuses from runes. See also morph.

  ROD: Rivals of Darkness. Defunct guild.

  RPP: Role Playing Points, points gained from attending events, which can be used to buy items from LORs. Cheeks, the bartender at the Clysmort Pub, can tell you how many RPP you have.

  Rune square: Black squares with pulsing runes in them; these squares ward certain areas, and can only be passed by characters of a certain level or of a certain type (all guilds are warded with rune squares, as are the arenas and Dunsmore Castle (for players on game plans only); buildings for the use of the LORs are also warded thus.

  SAL: Salazad.

  Sal_Sul: The name of the teleportal nearest the royal historian in Salazad.

  SOA: Sacred Order of Alhanzar. Defunct guild.

  Stat square: Special rune square found in a lord's lair; one time only, it can be used to (possibly) gain an ability increase; there is only a small chance of this happening, and the score increased is random.

  TDO: The Dark Order.

  TEC: The Enlightened Cabal.

  THF: The Hobgoblin Fortress.

  Tour: A higher-level character taking a lower-level character through an area while grouped, garnering the latter XP while running less of a chance of dying.

  TP: Teleportal.

  TRP: Training Points.

  Vit(s): Beneficial spells or effects: bless, barkskin, etc.

  VER: Verbonic.

  VOC: Veterans of Combat. Inactive guild.