Places of Interest

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  There are many towns, cities, and dungeons in Alhanzar, and hearing other players talk about them in abbreviated form (IUN, DZ, or OMR, for example) can be confusing to those who don't know what those places are, or where they are. This section is brief guide to all the locations of note in Alhanzar - where they are located, what can be found there in the way of goods, monsters, and other things of interest to heroes, and rough guidelines as to how to strong you should be before venturing there. Some places are guarded by runes or teleportals that are keyed to level - these are also noted. For ease of use, they are divided into several categories, each listed alphabetically: Friendly Towns, Hostile Towns, Dungeons, and Locations.

Friendly Towns
  These are places currently held by the Forces of Light, where adventurers can rest, buy and sell equipment, and meet other heroes without fear of being attacked by monsters.
  Generally speaking, a dungeon is any place inhabited by monsters (zombies, goblins, evil humans, etc.). They generally remain in the confines of their respective dungeons, though they are not, however, bound to remain there, as hapless adventurers fleeing from or walking too near the entrance to one of these places have found. They often have more than one level; the ones marked with a star (*) are the ones where lords and stat runes can be found.
  These are places that don't fall into any other category; some of them offer little of note, but since they are named, they are included here. Most of them are friendly, with the exception of the Clysmort Swamp.
  The list below is all of the known lords (the ones who have stat/item runes). Their names have been provided so that those interested can look up their levels on the namers page if they so desire.

Location Lord(s)
Bastion of the Krell Elite Lenuard, Mary, Zapolis
The Breedery Krell Warden
Castle of the Lord of Krell Elise, Harold, Jonathan
Goblin Tunnel Goblin Lord
Graveyard of Old Minton Halah
Kobold Kastle King Kobold, Queen Kobold
Maranda Baraxus
Maranda* Lady Eleen, Lord Maximux
Old Minton Ruins (Class) Trainer
Orc Fortress ??
Ruins of East Minton Helena, Herman, Rezz, Saeem
The Hobgoblin Fortress Blooddrinker, Lady Blooddrinker
Undead Village Village Mayor
Runes and Teleportals
  The list below contains all known rune squares and TPs that have level requirements (or at least as many as I can get), and the levels required to pass or use them. They are listed in order of level. Some TPs are listed with a stas (*) - BKE*, for example. This means that all TPs that start with BKE are the same level.
Location Rune/TP Level
Valley of the Krell Rune Special*
Dunsmore Rune GP
BKE Rune 6
Graveyard of Krell Heroes Rune 7
Orc Fortress Rune 7
Orcs_1 TP 7
REM Rune 8
BKE-* TP 9
REM_1 TP 10
Orcs_G1 TP 11
Maranda Rune 13
Krell_G4 TP 13
REM_2 TP 13
THF_2 TP 14
Mar East TP 15
Mar West TP 16
OMR Rune 17
OMR_1 TP 17
Persepolis Rune 17
Per_W TP 17?
IUN Rune ??
OMR_3B TP 19
Per_K TP 19
Per_M TP 19
Per_MK TP 21
IUN1 TP 22
DOC Rune & TP 23
DOC_1 TP 23
DOC_2 TP 26
DOC_3* TP 26
DOC_4 TP 28
APH_* TP 29
PRG 1 Rune 29
DOA_2 TP 30
GOM1_W TP 30
PRG_2 TP 30
GOM Rune 31
GOM2/2B TP 31
GOM2_C TP 32
Jalzabad Rune 33
GOM3_W TP 34
Jal_FE TP 34
BT_* (level 1) TP 35
Jal Elite Rune 36
Jal_Bun* TP 38
Jal_Pal2 Rune 46
BT_* (level 7) TP 47
Jal_P1* TP 48
Jal_Pal2 TP 50
Jal_P2* TP 50
Baralza Rune 50
Baralza TP 51
Bar_Arena TP 52
MND-3/4 TP 52
Val_MC TP 54
Val_2 TP 54
MND-4B TP 54
MND-5 TP 55
Val_3* TP 56
Val_4* TP 58
MND-6 TP 62
VRG_M1 TP 62
Val_RG* TP 62
MND-6B TP 65
MND-7 TP 67
VAL_MC5* TP 64

*This rune requires the symbol from the Krell Warden in the Breedery.