Welcome to

The Wrong Ring Logo

The site with the cast-iron guarantee to have absolutely no accurate information on the up coming "Lord of the Rings" film.

A welcome from the team
This site has been lovingly produced exclusively for you, the discerning fan. As you may well be aware a new film of "Lord of the Rings" is in production. It is extremely hard to find accurate and up to date information on this film, especially the casting.

In an effort to add to this lack of accurate information we have created this site. We sincerely hope that not one shred of useful information is contained within. We further wish to point out that many hours work has gone into ensuring that none piece of the information is even partially correct. If by some fluke it is is we apologise now - humbly and unreservedly.

So please enter and drink deep from our poisoned well of miss-facts, not-truths and anti-information. As Gandalf himself will be heard saying in the film:
"I am going to be totally honest with you all now. I am coming clean about who I am, what I am doing here and what I intend to do…"

How can YOU help???
Well, it is simple really. Although we have tried to be 100% inaccurate there may be elements that still have vague truths about them. If you have new characters (and actors to play them), or locations to add to our collection then please e-mail them to us. If you have any suggestions for extra scenes or new dialogue then send them along too. We are waiting for your e-mail!

Copyright Notice
All the humour (funny or otherwise) and original graphics on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced without the author's permission. Non-original graphics are used whilst admitting copyright is someone else's.

Browser information
Best viewed in bed with a nice cup of warm milk.
We are sorry to say that site works bestest with uncle Bill's patent web-surfer software: Microsoft Exploder. You can probably use Netscape or some other browser, but please don't expect miracles for Christ's sake. Let's face it there's a damn good chance that the site'll end up looking completely tat if you are using Mosaic V0.5 on the Mac or whatever. In fact if you think that the site is total tat then it's because of your browser, not our incompetence. You have probably set your browser options to 'screen out quality content'. Try adjusting them and re-surfing your web pointer.

Last updated yesterday. The site will not be updated today. However, it will be updated tomorrow.