At the base of Mount Svenksa,Vinter Solig is nestled between the fjords to the south.The land is fertile , rich and productive in producing crops of wheat, barley and produce. Farmers bring their crops each season to the Merchant's Square located in the center of the village.

The largest community of three in the Nordic Region, it serves as major trade center and harbour in the region. Many merchants live and trade here from their shops on the harbour. Great fleets of fishermen sail to the fishing banks off Iceland and return with their catch. Drakkars and longships sail from here on their raids to many places to the south:Scotland, Shetlands, Eire, England and the Slav Homeland.

The River Bjorn flows into the harbour from the mountain range in the north. The river is navigatable as far as Svarberg and is abundant with salmon. Cloud and snow berries grow wild near the village and the land is densly forested to the west with ash and pine trees. Boatmakers build the finest longships in the north from timber harvested nearby. And it is said, there are no finer sailors or straesmenn found than those calling Vinter Solig home.

A smaller community along the River Bjorn is Svarberg. Known for its blacksmith and leather artisans, it is here alot of things are made and traded in Vinter Solig. The finest swords, armour, sheilds and leather tunics come from this community. Though most here are ranchers, farmers and tradesmen, they are also good warriors. Cattle are grazed to the east of Svarberg on grass that is high in protein, causing the cattle to fatten quick. Herds of reindeer and caribou migrate nearby.Sheep are also raised here for the wool, some of the finest found in the north.

The people from Svarberg are independent thinkers and strong willed. Rugged from the harsh environment they live in, they are survivors and make fine warriors. The citizens here they say are born with a bow in their hands and skate on ice before they learn to walk. Their clothing is usually made of caribou and wolf hides.

Near the headwaters of the River Bjorn, up on Mount Svenska, deep in a valley ,live a group of nomads in the settlement of Isberg. Clad in furs of wolves and caribou, they bartering and trading for their existance. Excellent hunters and swordsmen, they are said to fight each other for merely entertainment! They exist in snow caves and hide huts, easily moved as the caribou do. They are loyal to the region. Stocky, muscular people who are excellent trackers also. Some of the finest war horses come from this region.

It is rumored that the inhabitants here have a healer that uses strange herbs to heal wounds and though highly disregarded, it is said this healer can bring one back to life. Legends say that dwarves exist along the River Bjorn near the base of Mount Svenska south of Isberg. Many of the elders here speak of tales passed down by the ancients...but no one of this time has seen them...yet in this small region, many things are left unexplained.