
At last I sat cross-legged behind the low table and Lara, in the fashion of the Gorean woman, knelt beside me, resting on her heels.
Outlaw of Gor - Page 224

The Gorean Male, at ease, usually sits cross-legged and the female kneels, resting back on her heals. the position of the Tower Slave, in which Vika now knelt, differs from that of a free woman only in the position of the wrists which are held before her and, when not occupied, crossed as though for binding. A free woman's wrists are never so placed. The position of the Pleasure Slave, incidentally, differs from the position of both the free woman and the Tower Slave. The hands of the Pleasure Slave normally rest upon her thighs but, in some cities, for example Thentis, I believe, they are crossed behind her. More significantly, for the free woman's may also rest upon her thighs, there is a difference in the placement of the knees. In all these kneeling positions incidentally, even that of the Pleasure Slave, the Gorean woman carries herself well; her back is straight and her chin is high. She tends to be vital and beautiful to look upon.
Priest Kings of Gor - Page 46

“At such a time a man may not be spoken to, for according to the Gorean way of thinking pity humiliates both he who pities and he who is pitied. According to the Gorean way, one may love but may not pity.”
Outlaw of Gor - Page 31

There are few on Gor who will take their lives into their hands by confronting a Gorean Warrior.
Assassin of Gor - Page 168

"It is seldom wise, incidentally, to impugn, or attempt to manipulate, the honor of a Gorean."
Mercenaries of Gor - Page 297