I knew, of course, what she looked like naked, for I was her silk slave. Free women think as little of concealing their bodies before their silk slaves as the women of Earth would before their pet dogs.
Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 180 “Do you still think your Mistress should be a slave girl?” she asked. “Yes, Mistress,” I said, through gritted teeth. “Why?” she demanded. “Because you are exciting and beautiful,” I said. “Flattering slave!” she laughed. I did not speak. “But I am exciting and beautiful as a free woman,” she said. “It is true, Mistress,” I said. “But the excitement and beauty of a free woman is as nothing compared to the excitement and beauty of a slave girl.” “Beast!” she laughed. But I think she knew that it was true. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 206 “If you would improve your situation somewhat,” he said, “I recommend that you learn the arts of the slave girl, and practice them with diligence.” “That would only improve my situation somewhat?” she asked, puzzled. “Yes,” he said, “for you would still be free, and no free woman, because she is free, can truly compete for the attention and affection of a man as can a slave girl.” “Why?” she asked. “I do not know,” said Turbus Veminius. “Perhaps it is simply because the slave girl is a slave girl, truly, and is owned.” Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 217 Like many Gorean women, she did not use cosmetics. Free women in Ar commonly use cosmetics, but, outside of Ar, usually it is only the bolder women who resort to them. My Mistress, for example, did not use cosmetics either. Many free women regard cosmetics as only for slave girls. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 224 She wore a full, beige skirt, the hem of which fell to within some six inches of the ground, and slim, high, black-leather boots; a beige blouse, and a beige jacket, belted, which fell to her thighs; too, she wore a loose hood, attached to the jacket by hooks, of matching beige material, and an opaque veil, also of beige material. Such garments, far less formal than the common attire of the Gorean free woman, are sometimes worn by rich women in the supervision and inspection of certain sorts of holdings, such as orchards, fields, ranches and vineyards. They constitute, for such women, so to speak, a habit for work. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 232 Frigidity is a neurotic luxury which Goreans do not see fit to indulge in female slaves. It is permitted only to free women. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 243 All then drank, save the Lady Florence, who, smiling, did not lift her cup. Free women, drinking, commonly lift their veil, or veils, with the left hand. Low-caste free women, if veiled, usually do the same. Sometimes, however, particularly if in public, they will drink through their veil, or veils. Sometimes, of course, free women will drink unveiled, even with guests. Much depends on how well the individuals are known, and who is present. In their homes, of course, with only members of their families present, or servants and slaves, most free women do not veil themselves, even those of high caste. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 276 “Back! Back!” they cried. “Back, you collared she-sleen!” they cried to the slave girls, drawing their whips. And the leather of their whips, to cries of dismay and pain, fell liberally on the half-stripped bodies of the imbonded beauties. Even free women among them cried out in misery, struck. Then the women, bond and free, fell back, crying and frightened, for all women, whether slave or free, understand the whip. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 324 “No,” she said. “No!” She regarded me, in fury. “Can you not simply look upon me and see that I am free?” “Perhaps if I saw you in the robes of concealment, and veiled, being carried in a palanquin through the streets of Vonda by slaves,” I said, “I would think you free.” “It has nothing to do with such things!” she said. “Free women are different from slave girls. They are simply different! Free woman are noble and fine! Slave girls are only meaningless, lascivious, sensuous, little sluts!” Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 349 – 350 Page16 |