All About ME!

Greetings one and all!  This is just a page for all you NOSY people who have some obsessive compulsive need and/or desire to learn all about the freaks and weirdos who make these web pages which appear to have little or no use or purpose whatsoever!  My, aren't I optimistic today?  Let's get started, shall we?

Oh, dear.  Now I've gone and forgotten how it was I wanted to start!  Of course, I don't think I really had any specific ideas in mind anyway, so it really doesn't matter, now does it? hm...

Well, as you probably ascertained (ooh! big word...) from my title on the main page, my name is Laura.  You may call me...Laura.  (Just for the record, that is NOT pronounced lor`-uh.  it's lar` have NO idea how irritating it is to have everyone address you using a COMPLETELY incorrect pronunciation of your name...)  Now where was I?  Oh, yes!  My name is Laura.  I'd give you my last name, but there are a bunch of sick, sick people out there and personally I don't want those Bill Clinton loyalists to have my full name! Anywayz, I was born the youngest of three children.  I lived in California until I was five.  Then we moved to North Carolina, yabba, yabba, yabba...
I am currently 14 and a sophomore in high school.

Let's get on to the good stuff, shall we?

Hmm...if I could describe myself in one word...UNIQUE!  That's it.  I'm very unique.  INCREDIBLY unique, actually.  Just to give you an idea how unique I am, I got hyper off of sugarless gum once!  I did!  Really!  Sugar never makes me's the stuff that doesn't have sugar that gives me an extra boost of energy.  I know, I know.  You think I'm pulling your leg, right?  Well, I'M NOT!  OK?! This is not a ploy to get people to give me sugar! Like I said, UNIQUE!  In the little amount of free time that I have, I'm usually in front of the computer. Either that or reading, writing random stuff, or, my personal favorite, listening to my wonderful Star Wars soundtracks. Best chunk of cash I ever spent. When I'm not on the computer or writing or something, I'll probably be, um...sleeping.  I LOOOOVE sleeping... Course those evil school people are causing a SEVERE dent in the twelve hours of sleep I like to get...
Hmm...let's see...what else can I say about me?  Well, I've recently developed a slight, um, well, obsession with Yoda and Star Wars in general...and to all you people who happened to in any way, shape, or form DISLIKE Star Wars: Episode I: A Phantom Menace (or any other episode, for that matter) SCREW YOU!  To those of you with good taste who LIKE Star Wars, be sure to visit my Star Wars page!  And don't forget to sign the guestbook! I'm eventually going to get around to adding some Episode II fan fic written by my best's REALLY good.  Partially because I helped, of course. *self-satisfied smile*  I also have recently developed a liking for's kinda freaky, but as you've probably gathered from everything I've written, I'm just a tad freaky myself...well, I'm gonna go before I start rambling (*start* rambling?)  I'll be changing this page off and on so be sure to come back!

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