The Association of Carroll's Sacred Trust, or ACT, is dedicated to perserving Maryland's history..We  keep a keen eye out for Maryland flags flown incorrectly.  The Maryland flag is often flown upside down by mistake.  We make attempts to educate the populace as to how to properly display the flag through correspondence.  Click here foronformation how to properly display the Maryland State Flag.

(Click on flag for history)

Maryland, like no other state in the Union, was seriously torn apart by the American Civil War.  Loyalties were nearly equally divided, and not always along geographical lines, party affiliations, beliefs in preserving the Union or slavery.  Maryland was in essence the nation in microcosim.  When Governor Schaffer unveiled the Maryland State Monument near Culp's Hill on the Gettysburg Battlefield, where Marylander had fought Marylander; he announced that Maryland was still healing it's wounds some 130 years after the end of the war.

Part of Maryland's healing process has been it's State Flag.  The colors and symbols on the flag have long been a part of Maryland history.  But not until after the Civil War was there a Maryland State Flag.  When they crossed the Potomac Confederate Marylanders often choose the red and white cross, or botany cross, as their state symbol.  Marylanders in the Union army sprouted items bearing the gold and black colors of the Calvert family, founders of Maryland.

After the war Confederate Marylanders would often hold bake sales, dances, and horse riding demonstrations to raise money for indigent Confederate veterans who were unable to support themselves.  Union Marylanders often held get togethers and picnics as well.  As time passed and the wounds of war began to heal, the Confederate and Union Marylanders began appearing together, each bearing thier own symbols, the botany cross and the Calvert colors.  In time citizens began to recognize the symbols as belonging together, and numerous items, primarily advertisements and announcements for the Civil War organizations would appear with both symbols.  Over time they were blended together to become the Maryland State Flag.

The State of Maryland Gettysburg Memorial.  It depicts two soldiers, one Federal and one Confederate, assisting one another away from the fighting on Culp's Hill.

State Bird - Baltimore Oriole

State Sport - Jousting

Though it seems hard to believe, Maryland's tie to jousting stems from the Civil War.  After the war ex-cavalrymen would often show off their riding skills at veterans fund raisers and picnics.  One of the events that came from these displays was snagging small rings with a pole while riding at full tilt.

State Tree - Wye Oak