Welcome to my Guestbook!

Michela Ecks - 11/23/00 20:02:55
My URL:http://www.fanfiction.net/university/
My Email:mecks@REMOVEprodigy.net
From:: Somewhere...

I've read your stuff on ASC and have to say I'm very impressed. You're one of the better J/C writers in working in the whys.

E.J. Andrews - 10/15/00 14:15:04
My URL:http://home.columbus.rr.com/ejvoyager
My Email:ejvoyager@columbus.rr.com
From:: Buckeye country

So many wonderful stories..."Offering Absolution" is terrific.

Elizabeth Barr - 10/12/00 03:37:51
My URL:http://leolaroot.isCool.net
My Email:elizabeth_barr@yahoo.com.au

"Choices in the dark" was sad and lovely. I've enjoyed all of the fanfic that I've read, and I'll probably be back for more. And it's good to find another fanfic author who appreciates Lois McMaster Bujold. Liz

Morgan - 01/01/00 17:25:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id2/morgan
My Email:morgan@camelot72.screaming.net

Well, I loved your rejected stories, especially the one with Rachel Garrett

Guinan - 07/12/99 15:44:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/9120
My Email:enterprise1701_g@yahoo.com
From:: The Mosquito Captial of the World

Well I finally made it!!! The page looks great! Q:)

Dana - 07/08/99 03:38:56
My Email:Sl1975@techhead2.net

Great sight, I am gonna be back and do some serious reading. Q

Mary Wiecek - 07/07/99 14:52:46
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jetcmonkee/index.html
My Email:worf_deerpark@msn.com
From:: the suburban sprawl of central Ohio
Comments:: Hi Ragpants!

"A Place of Abundance" is so GORGEOUS! Sigh.

Diane RH Smith - 07/07/99 14:35:01
My URL:http://www.tripod.com/~dianerhsmith/index.html
My Email:dianerhsmith@hotmail.com
From:: Houston, TX
Comments:: Wonderful stories!

Ragpants, I like your site! It's right to the point without a lot of fancy graphics, has good content and soothing colors. Glad you added a guestbook! I love the way you named your tales 'Ragstories!' They're all great; my favorites are 'The Greatest ift' and 'A Good Year for Beets.' Hard to beat those. I'm so glad that through JetC11 I got to meet and know you.

Delta Story - 07/07/99 13:26:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/1775
My Email:deltastory@geocities.com
From:: Lots of places!

Ragpants... a VERY nice layout and design! Hey --- glad to see that HST link posted; that makes at least three of us out here who like that page! It's a pleasure to visit here, and I'll be back...

Piglet - 07/07/99 03:16:32
My Email:Pig28let@aol.com
From:: California

I came dutifully here to sign your guessbook, Mary. I haven't looked around yet, cause I'm IMing and Chatrooming w/ people from JetC11... but I promise to go do that... then I'll probably end of reading your stories all over again... Gee, that will be re l hard to do, too! LOL If you're luck, I won't sign your guessbook again...

Roses - 07/07/99 00:54:48
My URL:http://soon...oh lord, soon I hope
My Email:arenare@mediaone.net
From:: earth...mostly

Well thanks! Just stopped by to say hello. Then I thought I'd just check to see if I'd missed any stories. Then I came across some long time favorites. I just shot the whole evening. (Just to be loyal I read Snake Bit 3 times...just to be loyal) Oh yeah, love the new look.

Ragpants - 07/06/99 21:46:45
My Email:ragpants@geocities.com
From:: US

Testing. Testing/

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