Pick a banner, any banner...which ever one you like best, copy the html garble and stick it in your links site and I would be forever grateful. Are you good at making these? Have you got ideas for a banner you could add? Great! Send 'em my way!
Due to an extreme limitation, as of late, in space on my website and also in size limitations presented to me by various banner exchanges I belong to, I had to reduce my banners to those that were 400x60 or smaller. Thank you to everyone who provided me with banners. They continue to be on my harddrive and after I revamp my page a bit and find some more space, they will be promptly reinstated. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
[ This beautiful banner created by The Front Page ]
<A HREF="/Area51/Orion/6061/"><IMG SRC="banner11.jpg">
[ This beautiful banner created by GertieBeth's Banner Creation ]
<A HREF="/Area51/Orion/6061/"><IMG SRC="banner10.jpg">
[ This beautiful banner created by GertieBeth's Banner Creation ]
<A HREF="/Area51/Orion/6061/"><IMG SRC="banner9.jpg">
[ This beautiful banner created by Su ]
<A HREF="/Area51/Orion/6061/"><IMG SRC="banner8.gif">
<A href="/Area51/Orion/6061/"><IMG border="0" width="310"
height="50" src="banner3.gif"></A>
<A href="/Area51/Orion/6061/"><IMG border="0" width="320"
height="55" src="banner4.gif"></A>
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