
Eric Fusco is the editor-in-chief of Interzone. He enjoys unusual thinkers, loons and weirdos. His favorite three named celebrity is Anna Nicole Smith, his favorite one named celebrity is Godzilla. The Fusco Brothers comic strip insults the hell out of him.

Paul Sapp is Interzone's Agent In The Field. You can never be sure where he is living at any given time. A master of disguise, Paul can blend into crowd as Dexter, Yogi Bear or even Scooby-Doo. Ask him why he hates red-heads.

Patrick Lozito has an exceptionally good relationship with his father. He seems not to be obsessed with women's breasts and also has quite a bit of Batman memorabilia. If you should ever meet him, buy him lunch.

Bob Kalison is a long time contributor. His favorite one named celebrity is Buttercup. His favorite three name historical figure who became subject and title of numerous Hong Kong films is Fong Sai Yuk. Bob enjoys eating Little Debbies snack cakes and his favorite beer is ABB (Anything But Bud).