William Gibson. The most amazing and incredible writer on the planet. He is the inventor of the word cyberspace. He's known as 'The Father of Cyberpunk.' Neuromancer, which is necessary reading for geeks, geek wannabes, hackers, crackers, sci-fi fans, artists, and anyone who wishes not to suck, was also written on an old manual typewriter. He eventually got an Apple II, which he said, "made a noise like a farting toaster." He used to have an awesome site, but it just sort of disappeared. I'm too lazy to put all the links for him up yet, but they'll be here eventually, sometime when it's not 2 am. Most of these interviews are from right before or right after he wrote Idoru, so they're not exactly recent.
Woo hoo!!! I just found out that William Gibson has a new book coming out this fall, it's called, "All Tomorrow's Parties" Kick ass!!!
Addicted to Noise interview
Another interview with William Gibson and Tom Maddox. Done by some guy named Darren Wershler-Henry.
An ok interview on thesite. Whatever the hell that is. Apparently it's some TV show. It can't be that bad if they had William Gibson. The other good thing is that there's RealAudio and QuickTime clips of him reading from Idoru. Unfortunately, the QuickTime doesn't work, as I know from repeated tries.
Clive Barker interviews William Gibson. Clive Barker probably talks more than William Gibson in this, but it's still fairly interesting.
Salon Magazine interview. Apparently in October 1996. It's a pretty good one.
Wired had my good friend Mr. Gibson write an article about Singapore which he titled
Disneyland with the Death Penalty He went to Singapore and wrote about his experience. I like it a lot.