Fifty squillion Japanese people can't be wrong, can they?

Look into the Pikachus' eyes... Deep, deep into their eyes... You're getting sleepy, very sleepy... You want something yellow and fuzzy to hold, don't you? My Pokémon web page. Amazing, isn't it? I'm actually providing real Pokémon information here along with my usual crap humor. Scary what my Pokémon obesssion has done, isn't it?


The Games


Pokémon is one of the coolest games in the freaking universe. You take the role of a young boy who's dream is to become a Pokémon trainer. Your friend, Professor Oak asks you over to his house, and gives you your choice of three different Pokémon. Unfortunately, your lifelong rival is there to receive a Pokémon too. You then set out to raise and train your chosen Pokémon, capture others, defeat your rival, and in the end, become a Master Pokémon Trainer. There are over 150 Pokémon to get, but you can't get them all by just playing the game, you've got to trade them too. Gotta catch 'em all!!!

A quick explanation of the games goes like this: Pokémon Blue and Red were the only games to be released in the US. Blue was sort of rare in Japan for some reason or another. Red has more powerful monsters. Green was the normal version, considered boring (those wacky Japanese). Pokémon Pikachu was based on the TV show. Pikachu follows you around all the time, Team Rocket shows up, I guess Brock and Misty are in it somewhere too. I think there's another kind of Pikachu, too. I haven't played it and wouldn't know. Feel free to email me if you know more. Now, there's Pokémon Gold and Silver, which are not out yet, and are not other versions of the game. They're the sequel. They'll be Color Game Boy compatible, have a new world to play in, and 250 Pokémon that can be traded between all Pokémon games. That's all Pokémon games Red,Blue,Green, and Yellow. Wa-A!

Pokémon Yellow
A cool dude named Ambros sent me this information about Pocket Monsters Pikachu (aka Pocket Monsters or Pokémon Yellow). Like I said, I haven't played it, but apparently he has. Thanks.
i have played pokemon yellow version. I think it is pretty cool. Since
it is based on the game, most of the pokemon look different. Also, In
Mt. Moon, Pokemon Tower, Silph Co. Building, and in a few other places
you will meet Team Rocket (Jesse and James). You fight Meowth, though.
THey have Ekans and Koffing, then later Weezing and Arbok. Your rival
starts with Eevee, who he later evolves into Flareon (Vaporeon is so
much better). More info later. Check out
http://gameboy.s-one.net.sg/g_news024.htm for more info.


I checked out that site, and it's cool. Slightly misinformed up at the top of the page, but it tells a lot about the game. It's worth checking out. Also, a friend of mine told me that Pokémon Yellow is coming out this fall in the US according to Nintendo Power.

Pokémon Snap
Pokémon Snap is a game where you try to get the best pictures of Pokémon. You go around an island taking pictures on a golf-cart type of contraption that you don't control. You can throw various stuff to Pokémon to try to get better pictures. While that doesn't sound like the most exhilirating game in the world, I'm sure it's pretty cool.

A while ago I heard about how, in Japan, you'd be able to take your Pokémon Snap cartridge into convenience stores and print out all your groovy pictures you've taken. It turns out that Nintendo made a deal with Blockbuster to stick those cool printing machines in their stores. For somewhere around $3, right here in the good ol' US of A, you'll be able to print 16 stickers from your cartridge. Cool, eh?

Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium is a Nintendo 64 game that already came out in Japan. It came with a nifty little device called the 64GB. Not to be confused with the 64DD, the 64GB allows you to plug a Game Boy game into the bottom of a Nintendo 64 controller and import the data into a game. In the case of Pokémon Stadium, this is used to allow you to battle your Pokémon in full 3D spoot-tacularness. It also lets you play the Game Boy game emulated on your N64.

By now you're thinking, "Gasp! I need! But why isn't it out over here?" Well, there were some problems with Pokémon Stadium, the biggest problem being that it only had about 40 Pokémon in it. The good news is that there's a Pokémon Stadium 2 coming out with all 150-odd Pokémon on it, all the abilities of the first version, plus lots of mini-games for up to 4 players. And it is coming out over here, bundled with the 64GB. Perfect Dark will also use the 64GB to import pictures from the Game Boy Camera to map onto your player model. Coolness.
IGN64 has a good preview for the game and other N64 Pokémon titles as well as being a kick-ass N64 site.



Called Pocket Monsters in Japan, sold by Nintendo, created by a company called Game Freak, the red and green versions of this game came out in Japan in 1996 and were an instant success, spinning off into a seizure-inducing animated television series, a virtual pet, and merchandising out the wazoo. There are also two other versions of the game, Blue, and Pikachu (Yellow). There's even an official store that sells only Pokémon merchandise in Japan. Crowds line up around the corner every weekend. America recently received the Pokémon games, in the midst of a massive media attack. Special Pokémon VW Beetles with Pokémon games built into their trunks drove around the country to announce the game's arrival. on August 27th, Topeka, Kansas re-named itself ToPikachu for the day. American translations of the TV show also started airing across the country around the same time. It was the fastest selling portable game ever, selling 200,000 copies in its first week.

The Show


Yes, this was the show that caused seizures in lots of Japanese schoolchildren across the Land of the Rising Sun. In typical weird-ass, yet still cool, Japanese fashion, one seizure-causing scene in one episode is probably what got the most publicity here in the United States. Everyone and their illegitimate brother in the media ran a story on this. People said, "That's an interesting story. Who or what the fuck is Pokémon?" Naturally, they investigated, and found out, and if they didn't, the media crammed it down their throats. When Nintendo did release the game, everyone remembered the show and knew they must have it.




This is Ash, the main character of the show. 10 years old, and well on his way to becoming a Master Trainer. He's always wanted to be a Pokémon trainer. On his 10th birthday, the minimum age for apprentice trainers, he overslept and was late to Professor Oak's. He ended up with Pikachu, an unruly Pokémon that wouldn't even stay inside its Poké Ball. Ash discovered he had a lot to learn before he became a Master Trainer when Pikachu was severely hurt and Ash barely got him to a Pokémon Center in time. Since then, Ash has learned a lot, and he and Pikachu have become great friends. He also met Misty by ruining her bike, causing her to follow him until he pays her back, but strangely, he never does. Why is that? Misty's shagadelic, and Ash knows it. He teases her, and occasionally has straying eyes, but in the end, we know who's sleeping bag he shares at night.


Oh yeah, baby. The most kick-ass Pokémon of all, PIKACHU!!! He's little, he's yellow, and he's an... electric mouse? What the hell is that? I guess he sort of resembles a mouse, but not really. He's definitely a mammal though... I think. Maybe a marsupial? Wait a minute, are they mammals? Would somebody tell what the hell's going on here? I think this is a freakin' conspiracy, man. But... how can I be mad around Pikachu? He's so cute.


Misty has been a companion of Ash's ever since he wrecked her bike in the first episode. At least, that's her excuse, but she wants Ash. He's got that pointy hair and cool official Pokémon League hat. And he's just the best Pokémon trainer. What freakish anime chick wouldn't dig him? And as for Misty herself, Scha-wing!!! She's so hot, not to mention sassy. It might be slightly cooler if she was wearing a Catholic school-girl outfit, but that would take away her Poké-ness. That bikini is just fine by me. Her main Pokémon are Starmie and Staryu.


Brock is a kind, caring, wise horndog. The only girls he doesn't go after are Misty and the girl Jesse from Team Rocket. Which doesn't really make sense, cause they're some of the hottest chicks on the show. I guess he knows that Misty wants Ash, and that Jesse is the first step on the road to The Dark Side of Pokémon training. His main Pokémon is Onyx.

Team Rocket

I need a better picture. Ah, the lovably klutzy villains. They're out to get Ash's Pokémon and specifically Pikachu. They recognize Pikachu's special ness. So they come up with all sorts of half-assed plans to get him, and they never work. They eventually sort of forget about trying to get Ash's Pokémon and all and just try to come up with more and more grandiose plans involving complex gadgets that eventually explode. They're pretty cool though. And Jesse's schwing-alicious. Their main Pokémon are Koffing and Ekans who later evolve.


James is the male half of Team Rocket. He's a bit, um... fruity I guess you'd say. Always carrying that rose and all. And he sort of freaks out and screams in a high-pitched voice. Odd how Team Rocket has the tough, non-cute Pokémon. It's a thing that makes you go hmm.


Ooh. She's so hot. She's so sassy and naughty. How can you not like her. She's the leader of Team Rocket. I would easily turn to a life of crime if she tempted me.


Less a Pokémon than a partner in crime. He always sees the doom coming just before it's too late. He always has a witty comment ready too.





Stuff includes various cool Pokémon paraphenilia, and other random news that didn't fit in anywhere else.

Pokémon Pikachu!! Also known as Pocket Pikachu, this is an electronic device like a virtual pet. It is based on that Pokémon we all know and love, Pikachu!!! While it doesn't offer as much interactivity as a virtual pet, it has some neat features. It keeps track of how many steps you've taken, and when you walk or run, Pikachu runs with you! The idea is to keep Pikachu happy. You can give him presents of watts that you earn. There's a status screen to let you know how happy Pikachu is with you. He can get upset, even leave you, so be careful.
I have a Pokémon Pikachu, and though it doesn't do much, having my own Pikachu is SO cool! I look in on him, and he'll be eating or brushing his teeth, or reading or something, it's just so cool. The only bad thing is that I neglect him. Pikachu is always either mad at me, or has actually left me. It's just that he's awake from like 8 am to 8 pm, and I'm lucky if I wake up before two and go to sleep before 5. So, it's not my fault. Update on the Pokémon Pikachu: He is lost somewhere in my room. Search parties have been sent out, but there has been no luck. He may never be seen again.

These are the cars that are going around the country promoting Pokémon. They are obviously shaped and colored like Pikachu, but they also have Pokémon games built into the trunk. I want one, badly. That says a lot because I can't stand those crap Volkswagen Beetles. That would make a good Beck's commercial. You know the ones where they show some Germans failing miserably at doing something. Then some voice with a ridiculous German accent comes on and says, "Germans don't do goat-raping, Germans do beer. Beck's, the best of what Germans do best." Or something like that. So anyway, they just show some little kid in a car seat dying in a front-end collision in an old VW bug. Then the guy says, "Germans don't do cars. Beck's, the best of what Germans do best." I'd buy some Becks if they did that. Anyway, the VW Bug doesn't look like a car designed by Nazis, it's a little, cheap, tiny car. It was obviously designed by the Japanese, explicitly for promoting Pokémon. They planned it all this time.
I have this issue. It's pretty cool. So far there are two 4 issue series out in the US. Both were originally made in Japan and then translated, so they're very Japanese. Not that that's a bad thing. Just be prepared for an extremely mangaish comic. They're original stories not in the TV show, and they're in black and white. The first series is called Pokémon: The Electric Tale of Pikachu. Nice pun, eh? The second series is also 4 issues, and is called Pokémon: Pikachu Shocks Back. There is a story in one issue where Pikachu gets lost and looks for Pokémon Paradise with Charmander and Squirtle. Bitchin'. Check them out at www.pokemon.com or www.viz.com which I think has ordering info.
This is the first video in a series of five that has episodes of the cartoon show on it. I believe it's 3 per tape, which means 15 total, or about half of the first season. I'm pretty sure they're in order of the first to the later shows without any skipping. I'll investigate farther to find out. They'll probably release the rest of them later. You can also check these out at www.pokemon.com or www.viz.com. Again, I think Viz has ordering info.
The Pokémon collectible card game!!! Woo Hoo! I own two sets. Unfortunately, I was too impatient to wait and buy the one with Pikachu. They come in two-player starters, preconstructed starters, and boosters. I imagine that expansion sets are planned, because the game does not feature all 151 Pokémon. It's actually pretty fun, if simplistic. I haven't gotten the hang of deck construction yet, but playing itself is very simple and fun. More info is at the official site or Wizards of the Coast's Pokémon site.

Are you hopelessly obsessed with Pokémon too? Or do you think I'm a deluded psycho? Feel free to email me at pikachu0@twcny.rr.com
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