It is my objective to keep my homepage as accessible as possible. This would mean either using no frames at all, or using both a frames and non-frames version. At the moment, I have decided to use no frames, since it is hard enough to keep the pages going as it is.
In the old days, it was a novelty that you could read something in a format called Hypertext. Using a program like Lynx you could read pages full of text and sometimes you could select a keyword and it would bring you to another page. Then came the graphical browsers. So nowadays pages with nothing but text look very boring. The result of this is that people will leave your page in a hurry when you have not taken the trouble of adding nice graphics and or sounds. Due to lack of creativity, my solution to this is to use graphics made by others. Wherever possible, I asked permission from the creator of certain graphics. However, sometimes I just took something from a cd full of artwork, or something I once downloaded without knowing where I got it from. In short: should you see something on these pages which you consider to be rightfully yours, please mail me. Maybe we can work something out.
In creating these pages I used a text-editor and (demo)versions of the three Amigabrowsers mentioned here. The background was taken from the standard Amiga Workbench, converted to gif format using GfxCon by Dirk Farin.
And remember, this page was almost entirely