The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.
There are two sides of the Force; the light side and the dark side.
To use the Force, one must be at harmony with it. Only when calm, at peace, can one act with assurance of control. When one is at harmony with the universe, one acts as one must to maintain harmony. The will and the Force are one; the actor and the acted upon, the same. There is no contradiction: there is unity. That is the path of Light.
The universe is an angry morass of power. To release that power, one must harness one's basest emotions: hate, anger, fear, agression. By releasing one's own anger, one releases the anger of eternity. Only when filled with hate, can one perform the most hateful of acts. The will and the Force are one. That is the choice of the Jedi: serenity or hatred; peace or anger; freedom or tyranny; learning or power; the Light or the Darkness.
The Force is not itself good or evil; it is a reflection of nature, and nature itself can be cold and cruel. Evil ones can harness the force to their will - and, by doing so, lose something of thier humanity, becoming virtual avatars of the Dark Side of the Force. For the Master of the Dark Side, as for a Master of the Light, it cannot be said whether one controls the Force, or the Force the Master; to ask which is the actor and which the acted upon is a question of no meaning.
The Jedi Code.
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no death; there is Force.
To use the Force the Jedi must remain at harmony with it.
To act in dissonance depletes his power.
The Force is created and sustained by life. The Jedi acts to preserve life. To kill is wrong.
Often killing is necessary and unavoidable. The Jedi may kill in selfdefence or the defence of others. He may kill if, by doing so, he preserves the existance of life.
But he must know, always, that killing is wrong. When he kills, he commits a crime against the Force. Though he may know that he does so for the greater good, and the greater good justifies his act, he also knows that the death remains as a stain upon his spirit.
The Jedi does not act for personal gain, of wealth or of power. He acts to gain knowledge; to sustain freedom, life and learning; to defeat those who would impose tyranny, death and ignorance.
Where wealth and power is needed to achieve the goals set for the Jedi, wealth is needed to purchase material; power is required to obtain the help of others. The Jedi is not interested in wealth and power for its material benefits and advantages, and will surrender it once the goals are achieved.
A Jedi never acts from hatred, anger, fear or aggression.
A Jedi must act when he is calm, at peace with the Force.
To act from anger is to court the Dark Side, to risk everything for which the Jedi stands.
The Laws Of the Sith. By Sith Lord Croon.
The weak have never been known to believe in themselves, or in their ability to wield power.
The weak live as in a dream. All their thoughts, actions and urges are goverend by the faces and the voice that controls this dream.
The face and the voice they have learned to obey.
The face and the voice of Authority.
A consequence of the first two tenets, is that the weak live in fear. The mere suggestion of violence from one in authority is enough to inspire their obedience. How can one who doesn't believe in his own power stand against the power of another? It is impossible.
The Force is the ultimate means to get authority over the weak. The weak do not understand the Force. The weak do not sence the Force, therefor how can they understand or use the Force? So it is the weak that are at the mercy of those who know and use the power of the Force. The proper use of the Force can inspire awe and obedience in the weak.
It has been said that anyone who knows the ways of the Force can set himself as King on any world where only he knows the ways of the Force.
Any Jedi could do this.
But the Jedi, fools that they are, adhere to a religion, in which the Force is used only in the service of others.
How short-sighted of them.
Is that not why they lost the galaxy to the Dark Side?'
'The Book of Anger' by Emperor Palpatine
'I have learned that Anger and Will joined together, is the greates Power.
I have learned to meditate Anger and Will with clarity and precision, and I have learned to open the hidden reservoirs of Dark Side Power.
Anger concentrated by Will in the vital center of the body, creates a portal through wich vast energies are released - the energies of the Dark Side of the Force.
Standing watch with the mind, in my meditation of Anger, I have slain my enemies from great distances, through the Dark Side Power that permeates the Galaxy. I have created lightning, and unleashed its destructive fire.
Using this knowledge, I can unleash the Dark Side energies that are all around us, even to shatter the fabric of space itself. In this way, I have created storms.'
The darkside of the Force.
The darkside is what gives a dark jedi his powers. Its easy to learn if you have the abbility to use the force. The darkside uses the basic emotions that all people have, anger,hatred, jealousy and fear. Some people say that when you turn to the darkside you lose control of your self and the darkside takes control of you. I find this to be a lie. I have embraced the darkside, and i can say that it is the wisest thing i have ever done. In the darkside i found power to control the weak and to destroy my opponents. The darkside is more powerfull.
--Sith Lord Phoenix Croon.
The Sith
An ancient cult that uses the Dark Side of the Force. Masters of alchemy and illusion. Once they "were mighty Jedi of the (old)Republic, brothers in the Force, but the Great Schism between the Dark Side and the Light turned Jedi against Jedi." Driven off, exiled, they fled to the far side of the galaxy where they found the Sith people who treated them as gods. After many centuries the Sith empire grew to a vast, rich realm. That was the Golden Age of the Sith . . . until Naga Sadow tried to conquer the Republic and add it to the Sith empire. Sadows invasion was defeated, but at great cost to both sides, and the Sith empire fell into disarray and all but vanished . . . until Exar Kun rediscovered it. Not all dark side Force users are Sith followers; the Force is omnipresent while the Sith are only one following of the dark side, albeit the most powerful and well known.
Dark Lord of the Sith
"Traditionally, the titular master of the ancient Sith people. a Jedi who has turned to the dark side of the Force. The title of Dark Lord was passed down from one generation to the next, with only one Dark Lord existing at a time. The mummified remains of the Dark Lords are preserved on Korriban."
"An Ancient race of half-civilized warriors on Yavin Four, descended from the Sith followers of Naga Sadow. They were purposefully mutated by Sadow's magic in order to provide a race of fearsome warriors to guard the temples which stand as Sadow's legacy. The Massassi use the dark side of the Force to control and guide their primitive weapons. They were eventually conquered by Exar Kun." Yes, the rebel base on Yavin 4 in SW:ANH was ironically in a Massassi temple, a SITH TEMPLE!
Marka Ragnos
9th Dark Lord of the Sith.
Very little is known of Marka Ragnos but his name which was found in ancient Sith writings.
Naga Sadow
10th Dark Lord of the Sith.
"Naga sadow ruled approximately a thousand years before the time of Exar Kun. A member of an elite priesthood of pure Sith blood, he was exiled from his homeworld for rebelling against the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, and was scorned as a criminal by the Republic. He escaped across the galaxy, engaging Republic gunships in a cataclysmic battle at the Denarii Nova. Eventually, he and his followers ended up on Yavin Four, with his followers devolving into the primitive Massassi warriors over the centuries."
Exar Kun
11th Dark Lord of the Sith
"As a Jedi, Exar Kun was apprenticed to Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, who admitted that Kun was the most formidable student he ever had. He was seduced by the dark side and drawn to the planet Korriban, where the spirit of Freedon Nadd enticed him to let the dark powers of the Sith enter him. On Yavin Four, he discovered ancient Sith temples guarded by the Massassi, whom he eventually conquered. He confronted Master Odan-Urr in the library of Ossus, and after killing him, took the Sith Holocron in order to further his dark powers." Four thousand years before the time of Darth Vader, Kun precipitated the Sith War which was one of the most destructive conflicts in the entire history of the Republic. The war ended with all the Jedi banding together and laying waste to most of Yavin 4, but not before Exar Kun absorbed the life-energies of the entire Massassi race to entomb his spirit in a Sith Temple. Four thousand years later when Luke Skywalker establishes his Jedi Academy on Yavin 4, Kun once again makes his bid for galaxy domination by attempting to sway Luke's new trainees to the Dark Side. Exar Kun almost succeeds with Kyp Durron, but not before Luke, the Jedi trainees, and the spirit of Master Bodo Baas together destroy Kun's spirit forever.
Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker)
12th Dark Lord of the Sith.
Darth Vader was apprenticed to Obi-Wan Kenobi in the ways of the Light Side of the Force before being seduced by the Dark Side. Before Anakin found out that he had children, the twins Luke and Leia, Kenobi hid them from him to protect them from their father and the Dark Side. In a vicious lightsaber duel between him and his then-master Obi-Wan, Anakin fell into a molten pit to emerge badly scarred and burned, which is why he wears the trademark protective black armour and breath mask. Seething with anger, Vader tapped the vast amounts of Dark Side energy through the ancient Sith teachings, and later became the Dark Lord of the Sith. As Emperor Palpatines right hand, Darth Vader chased the Rebel Alliance to the far reaches of the galaxy. In his last confrontation with his son, Luke Skywalker, Vader finally returned to the Light Side by throwing Palpatine into the reactor core to save his son.
Kyp Durron
Self-proclaimed 13th Dark Lord of the Sith.
Kyp Durron was born on the Deyer colony of the Anoat system. Kyp's parents were outspoken polititians who openly protested the Ghorman Massacre and the destruction of Alderaan. One night stormtroopers barged into their house and sent Kyp and his parents to the prison colony on Kessel, and sent his brother Zeth to the Imperial Stormtrooper Academy on Caridia. Kyp's parents were executed when Moruth Doole took over the Kessel facilities. Kyp survived and met a fellow inmate, Vima-Da-Boda, who taught him the basics about the Force. Later, Kyp escaped from Kessel with the help of Han Solo and managed to be captured again by Admiral Daala while fleeing into the Maw. Narrowly avoiding a death sentece from Daala, Kyp escaped again with Solo and the scientist Qwi Xux. While training at Luke Skywalker's newly established Jedi Academy, Kyp encountered the spirit of the long-dead Exar Kun and began gaining power through the Dark Side and ancient Sith teachings. Pissed off at the Empire for all the pain it has cause him and his family, Kyp furiously waged a one-man war against the Empire using the Sun Crusher and his newly acquired Sith powers. While visiting the site of Darth Vaders funeral pyre on Endor, Kyp claimed the title of The Dark Lord Of The Sith. Kyp eventually returned to the Light Side after Kun's spirit was destroyed by the other Jedi trainies and thus was no longer under Kun's influence.
Force powers.
If you have some force powers that are not listed please
mail them to me.