Logical Spirituality

Read Snow Crash. Right now. Don't wait for me to finish this statement. Snow Crash, by Neil Stephenson. Get off your butt, get to the bookstore, and buy it. It's worth it. ... Well??? ... NOW!!!!


--Karma Inquisition


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Welcome to Zero Dimension!

Imagine for a moment, if you will, that you are alone in the universe. Try to comprehend having absolutely no other interaction with the world outside of your conscious self. One possibility of what you could be faced with is a dream-like state, in which you can no longer distinguish between rational thought and wild imagination. Logic and Chaos would entwine themselves around the fabric of your mind, until your thoughts became independantly conscious individuals. You will have then created life where there once was none. Your mind would become a universe unto itself, knowing only the boundaries of your own imagination.

Sentience + Isolation = Deitic Potential