Travellers who have visited my site and are in the Imperial Registry!

Dan Dunkle - 04/22/00 06:51:27
You Play Traveller?:: yes
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): Classic & GURPS: Traveller.
How did you find my site?: Webring
What other games do you play?: D&D, Alternity, other GURPS

Just wanted to say that you have a cool site, man. Especially like the layout.

James Biggar - 12/31/99 03:24:26
You Play Traveller?:: about 17 years ago
How did you find my site?: Traveller Webring
What other games do you play?: D&D

Hey I just wanted to say you have a beautiful site. I'll send an email with a more specific question. I didn't realize there were so many Traveller sites on the Web. This is one of the best I have seen.

Iain Williams - 10/15/99 07:25:28
You Play Traveller?:: No but I'd like to
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): Any
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: Yes
How did you find my site?: Searching the webring
What other games do you play?: Rugby,Pool,hunting

Your site is very good. I'd like to get into traveller but where do you buy the books? I live on a farm on the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand and don't have much luck getting any. Still it'll be good if we could play via email. I look forwa d to hearing from you. Cheerio

tcourson - 06/14/99 04:21:16
My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Galaxy/8547
You Play Traveller?:: Yes, but not recently
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): Traveller and MegaTraveller
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: Yes, in July
How did you find my site?: Geocities Chat
What other games do you play?: There are other games?

A number of years ago i belonged to a gaming club. I ran a MegaTraveller campoign that lasted over 4 years real time. Had a regular crew that waxed and waned from 3 to 20 players over the life of the campaign. There were 3 core players that stayed with me the entire mirage. Then I moved...

Wes Cochran - 06/14/99 02:28:29
You Play Traveller?:: Long time ago...
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): Classic, Mega
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: Yes!
How did you find my site?: Geocities Chat
What other games do you play?: None now: used to play AD&D, Aftermath, TW2000

Nice Site. Can't get any info off the NPC or PC pages. This chat based campaign looks like a great way to get back into playing.

Arne Niederhut - 06/11/99 17:42:29
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): Classic
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: no
How did you find my site?: webring
What other games do you play?: Twilight:2000, CoC

Travellers Aid Society Alien Encyclopedia I would like to sell these Classic Traveller item. It is a massive hardcover book, bound in black artificial leather, with 400+ Pages. The issue is limited to 200, all are signed by Marc Miller (Traveller designer. It includes the Classic Traveller Alien Modules: Aslan K'kree Vargr Zhodani Droyne Solomani Hivers Darrians + Alien Realms Adventure Sourcebook + Alien Handout (was a convention giveaway bevor the release of the Alien modules) This book is the bigest RPG sourcebook ever made! Make it part of your collection for just $140. Just check out how difficult it is to obtain all the original modules on ebay. And even if you have not the original items, you have the official reprint! I'm located in Germany, but this is no problem. Shipping for one of this books is $10 surface. Payment: Mastercard (references can be provided!) greetings Arne

Desperado - 06/09/99 10:07:42
You Play Traveller?:: Nope
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): Nope
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: Perhaps
How did you find my site?: Accident
What other games do you play?: Diablo

Nice site.. nice ideas.. Is it random reference roleplaying? or is it all plotted out? If so, tell me, I am sick of the bullshit roleplay in chat at the moment

Ronin5 - 06/06/99 23:57:55
You Play Traveller?:: Not yet.
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): --
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: Very.
How did you find my site?: Geos Chat.
What other games do you play?: AD&D, Trinity, Alternity...

Cool well laid out page. Very nice. Definately on my bookmarks and links page. I've always been interested in Traveller, but nobody in my area is, so this is a great way to start playing!

David Sharp - 04/05/99 12:04:02
You Play Traveller?:: Yes
What Version? (Traveller, Mega Traveller,T4?): All
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: If I had My own Computer
How did you find my site?: Browsing
What other games do you play?: D&D, earthdawn

Maybe I will join when I get my own computer Im at a library in Nashville Now.

darre11 - 04/05/99 03:07:27
My Email:Da(eia@we8t^.^et
You Play Traveller?:: uhh.uhh
Are you intersted in joining our chat based campaign?: yes
How did you find my site?: surf
What other games do you play?: fight,ad^eture,et(


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