Why is this manifesto still written in 1999? Because next year one can say that this still dates from another century, even from a different millenium, another era. Ingma is totally weary from all kinds of trendy “new waves” and chooses to be itself. That is why it acts as it pleases and will behave absolutely indifferent from what the critics stipulate (njich, njich).

Ingma does not mean only “the sons of Ing”, a movement of mythical origin, but also a way of living ! An attitude that stands for the enhancement, embellishment and stimulation of the pluralistic, ignoring as is already mentioned, any modernistic trendy hype on religious, ideological and cultural domains. On the religious field, there is absolute clarity: religious pluralism, except for those faiths that strive for religious intolerance, dominance and manipulation.

As for the ideological field: Ingma is beware of politics. Ingma stands for Ingtegrity and not for machinations, manipulations of emotions, bribery and such, neither for the countless -isms.
Authorities, including the Royal House belong tot the normal way of life, however, in memory of Ing’s long line of ancestors and in particular its illustrious predecessor Egil Skallagrimson, all authority must be self-chosen. The sons of Ing refuse to submit to any form of power that has not been elected by themself, nor to power that does not respect its electors. Here also Ingma will not stay behind. An United Europe is not a bad idea, but as long as not all european citizens have been asked about it, then the present incompetent and corrupt mess in Brussels and Strasbourg (with the exception of a few individuals) is just a logical development. Ing’s sons will therefore refrain for the moment to offer any merchandise in euro’s (also check out the Ingmania-link).

As for the cultural domain: this is the centre of all Ingmactivities for the following reason: culture is man (itself) and who touches upon culture, touches upon Ingma. New developments are welcomed by Ingma, however, accordingma there is nowadays a undevelopment. Until the end of Art Nouveau, culture has only grown richer in forms. The cultural developments thereafter concerned stylisations of the richnesses from previous millenia (Picasso, Kandinsky, etcetera) until total abstraction was created, which also created new forms. Unfortunately, the modernists took power afterwards, so that nothing new was created, except for formless structures from hell by such elements as “Mad Man Mendini”.

Not only are the noble arts threatened, all forms of cultural deployment are under pressure, even the languages, foremost carriers of culture ! In the days of old, they were just there and their richdom was used. Nowadays they are estimated on their economical value and in case of not fast enough rising interest thrown away. By force if necessary. This modern culture imperialism of cola and hamburger might perhaps reach pretty soon its saddest peak in the European Union. Pretty soon everybody will speak only 1 eurolanguage, eat at the Pizza Hut and its local languages and cuisines have been redutced to a marginal role in the periphery, where only a few freaks avail over unpolluted and genetically manipulated food. Of course, if one chooses for this, then it is okay to live in a Vinex location with IKEA furniture, but this should not be forced upon us ! Those who defend Vinex with the slogan “why do so many people buy such a house” are by lying and cheating ignoring the fact that the average Joe is not presented another choice. The choice of today is only between vinex, vinex and vinex. Similar rhetorics are also used in the European Union, this is not just sad, it is deeply sad ! Why can an Ingmaniak no longer live in a newly build Jugendstil house ?

The sons of Ing can and will not accept this: The most logical development would have been that after the period of stilysations there would have evolved a reappraisal of the old skills and arts, or that new forms would be created, but unfortunately oblivion rules and the modernists who have hanged heroes seem to have absolute power to act as they want, supported by the demons of grabbing politicians in the treasury of the taxpayer. The latter sees his hard earned money being waisted at the modern arts and not put to use what it is meant for: redistribution. Everything is being homogenised and those in power, as the –ismpoliticians and the intolerant religous brands sanction this. Those, the modernists and other trendy hypes, even dare to maintain this ‘status quo’ by using any means possible. Sensible minds are ridiculed like the the admirers in Groningen of the last of the pre-modernist mohicans. The elite knows what good is for the people and apparently the folding of a piece of paper is such an artful act that this has to be taught as a subject at the Art Academies ! This is the sad truth.

Ingma is the answer to these unholy affairs: Ingma, the movement of all those worried, wherever in the world that want to end the present situations of dispair. The sons of Ing only want to point the way from the present climate of cultural superficialisation in order to come to a revival of arts, a neo-renaissance. If this will not succeed, than the twilight of the gods will take place and nothing will be as it was. The days of Nyr are coming near, already thousands of languages are threatened to disappear and whole cultures will move to oblivion. Stop this unholy way ! Joineth Ingma, the cultural knight in need. Now enter the Second Inggate……..

Click on the gate to enter our Fair City of Ingdunum, follow the signs

If you have any questions of remarks about the ingmanifest, please mail toIngform@nt