Atari Lynx 16-bit color handheld system

If you took an Atari Lynx, a Game Boy, a Game Gear, and a Game.Com and had a competition to see which on was the best hand-held, who'd win? The Atari Lynx, of course. Why? The Atari Lynx is absolutely the best hand-held system you can get. I'm not making this up, it's true. You want truly awesome graphics that no other hand-held can touch? Get a Lynx. Best sound? Lynx. Fun factor? Lynx. Not to forget that the Lynx can have up to 8-player networking. Compare that to the 4 of Game Boy, and 2 for Game Gear.

The Lynx has some good color capabilities as well. While it can only display 16 out of 4096 colors, that can be increased through some good programming. I'm not sure how many that is. While it is true several other hand-helds can display more colors(Game Gear 32 out of 4096?, CGB 56 out of 32,000), they slack when it comes to processing power and sprite displaying capabilities. Technically, the Lynx is a much more powerful system than the Color Game Boy.

Purchase Lynx(and Jag)things here!

Atari Lynx Reviews

Latest Lynx News

Lynx 2000: The Next Generation

Carl has the rights to three unreleased games that were under development by Beyond Games. The list includes Ultra Vortek. The other games use the engine BattleWheels used. Stay Tuned for more news soon! opens

A new Lynx site has opened, and is planning on offering the same to Lynx fans as the Jagu-Dome offers to Jag fans. Here's the URL:

Crystal Mines 2: Buried Treasure after Christmas

Due to software glitches, CM2:BT will be delayed until after Christmas. No definent release date as of yet, but stay tuned to find out.

Atari Lynx Specs N' Stats.

Current cart count= 90?
Screen size= 3.6 inches
Main CPU: 6502
CPU clock: 16 mHz
RAM: ?
ROM: Max size 8 megabits
# of processors: 2
Color depth: 4096
Color display: Minimum of 16(can display more w/ proper programming
Sound: Lynx 1: Mono; Lynx 2: Stereo
Resolution: 160x102
Networking: Up to 8 players via ComLynx
Sprite capabilites: 32,000?
Architecture: 16-bit

Also includes right OR left handed play. Has a backlight(something that the CGB also doesn't have) that can be turned on or off.
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