The Serpent's Lair

Start Page
|- Konstricta's Lair
  |- The Early Years
    |- Thunderstorm
    |- Boat Ride
    |- Snake Search
    |- Conger
    |- The Jungle Book - Revisited
    |- The Naga
    |- The Human Charmer
    |- Underground
    |- Blind
    |- The Creature
  |- The Hotel
  |- The King's Girls
  |- Predator
  |- Pheromones
  |- The Benefits of Live TV
  |- The World of the Dragons
    |- Introduction
    |- Book 1
    |- Book 2
    |- Book 3
  |- Lady Syn
    |- Servants of Syn
    |- She Returns
    |- Lady Syn
    |- Priestess

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Konstricta's Lair

Choose a story from the left hand side.

I've put up some older stories, under the category "The Early Years". Unified by the lack of inspiration in naming characters, the (I think) poorer writing compared with my more recent work, and the use of all the good snake/woman plot ideas, some have had a bit of editing, some haven't.

Some of them I like, some of them I think are a bit rubbish. Quite a few have suprised me somewhat, with no real recollection of writing them. But I've put them up anyway. I'll put more of them up fairly soon.

And to confuse matters more, I've put up some of my more recent stories, still in chronological order of writing, but not under the early years category.

The World of the Dragons

In fact, when I say being rewritten, it has been slightly more severe than I expected. For a start, the series seems to have grown a plot. This means less sex (boooo), and more filler and my poor attempts at dialog. Following that, a lot of the actual text had to go. So it's a rewrite, but with different words and a different plot.

Of course, when I say less sex, I only mean less by density. When the story was last up, it was only six chapters. The first three are up now. The next three I've only just started reworking, but I'll be reusing more of the previous draft. Then the next three chapters are all new, the first two of which (chapters 7 & 8) are nearly finished, the last half-written. The three chapters following that are still in the planning stage, but I know what's going in each. And the three after that are no more than a rough idea.

Still following?

Oh yes, and there's a bonus introduction, free to each and every one of my readers. That's up now, to tease you all, and try and get everyone ready for the idea of plot.

And if I'm feeling really creative, I'll put up a few extra bits which accompany the story, although they aren't part of it. There's one to go with the first three chapters, but I haven't written it yet. And I might not.

E-mail Konstricta