The Serpent's Lair

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  |- Felipe's Meal - by Escobar Pantanal

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Felipe's Meal:

Fate writes the script. "...Male meets female. They attract each other. Male tempts female with the offer of a meal. Male and female get intimately close. Male satisfies female..."

Rosie waits in her cantina for Felipe. He promises to bring her a special meal, one he catches himself in the Pantanal. She wonders what it will be. How will she cook it?
"I'm a fussy girl" she had says to him, "I won't eat just anything"." Don't worry" he replies, "This will be a meal you will not forget".

She looks at him and takes his arm. "I'm relying on you to satisfy a hungry girl," she says. She gives him an old fashioned glance. She nibbles his ear. Felipe smiles to himself.

Now he is out in the Pantanal. His idea is to give her a juicy anaconda steak. He looks forward to the dinner date and getting to know Rosie better.
Felipe is an experienced anaconda hunter. In his time he has caught many of the huge snakes. Once you know the trick it is easy. Wait for the snake to strike; step sideways; catch it behind the head and slice through its neck with a knife. Nothing to it.

He spots an anaconda at the edge of a marshy area. It is a very large female, eight metres long. Its bright colour shows that it has recently shed its skin. He will have to be more careful than usual. Anacondas are hungry after shedding this makes them aggressive.

The snake senses Felipe, senses a warm-blooded animal. Her instinct tells her that warm-blooded animals are food. This is her next meal. Her body gets ready to eat. Her temperature rises. Digestive juices flow in her belly. Her muscles flex. She flicks her tongue. She moves towards the animal, stalking it. The animal moves away from her. It seems unafraid. She moves nearer.

Felipe estimates how close the snake will come before striking. He keeps just out of reach. Adrenalin flows in his veins. The excitement of the hunt is on him. He dances on his toes. He takes out his knife. Any moment now he thinks. He tosses the knife from hand to hand, waiting.

The two hunters face off. It is a scene as old as the Pantanal. One will eat. One will be eaten.

Felipe drops the knife. Something he has never done before. He stoops to pick it up. At that moment he is distracted.

Fate now writes Rosie out of the script. She is replaced as the female by the anaconda. Felipe is still due for a dinner date. But the main course on the menu is changed. It is no longer anaconda steak. It is Felipe.

The snake strikes seizing him by the shoulder. In an instant she throws three coils around his body. The end comes quickly.

Each time he breathes out she tightens her coils. He can breath no longer. After a minute he loses consciousness. A few minutes later the pressure stops his heart. As may happen in sudden death, there is a final erection and a spurt of semen. He twitches once or twice. His body goes limp. The pressure forces out a dribble of urine and a few lumps of faecal matter. It is all over.

The anaconda is a demanding mistress. She has takes his life and his dignity. Now she claims his body.

Sensing his heart stop, the anaconda relaxes her grip. She locates his head with her tongue. She spreads her jaws and begins to swallow her meal. Prey the size of man is large, but not unusual for an eight-metre anaconda. She will have no trouble swallowing him.

Rosie waits in the cantina. No Felipe. Men are all the same she thinks, unreliable, boastful, fools, unable to make any sort of commitment. He is probably lying with another woman. Well, good luck to him, I hope he enjoys himself.

In the Pantanal the dinner date is coming to an end. The anaconda closes her jaws, the meal slips down her throat to her stomach. She lies still for a moment, then quite satisfied, moves off. The bulge in her middle is clearly visible.

The anaconda has eaten Felipe.

A male and a female come together in an intimate affair. The male provides the meal. He makes a final, if unwilling commitment. The female is satisfied.

Of Felipe nothing remains. Stomach enzymes, helped by the warmth of the sun, will digest the meal. Very little will be wasted. After ten days the anaconda will expel a few tufts of hair and Felipe's gold ring.