The Gallery, Part IV, section 2--Past Guest Exhibits

This is where I am archiving the works of my favorite dragon and fantasy artists that were previously displayed in the Main Guest Gallery.

Featured first was Real Musgrave, whose Pocket Dragons (and their various fantasy companions), are generally too cute for words. They inhabit a charming little world centered primarily around cookies, bedtime stories, and assorted varieties of mischief and fun. Mr. Musgrave bases his art on the antics of his various charming cats and dogs, and some of the other creatures are inspired by plush (though no less real) guests, who share a home with Mr. and Mrs. Musgrave (Real and Muff to their friends).

All of these pictures came from greeting cards, which I framed for my enjoyment.

This image of wizard, dragons, gargoyle, & company trying to find their way to their new home with all their worldly goods in tow reminds me a lot of moving into my apartment. That's part of why I love it so much. There's a lot going on, which makes it fun to study to see all the little "subplots".

This is entitled "Romantic Voyage". If you have ever seen a photograph of the artist and his wife, you will recognize the happy couple in this dragonish vessel. :)

This happy little snorkeler needn't be alarming to his finny friends--he's "Just Visiting".

This was inspired by an actual photograph of the artist's cats, Beanie and Whimsy, "helping" to bathe their steadfast and long-suffering friend, Shelby the dog.

In "Dragon of the Depths", the kindly wizard brings his tiny companion to visit a larger marine relative.

I keep these two adorable cookie thieves in my kitchen.

This maiden has nothing to fear from dragons--or from dancing gargoyles or winged cat librarians, for that matter--for all are thoroughly enjoying their chamber music.

I love Real Musgrave's interpretation of the real story of St. George and the dragon. :-)

This little guy is my "muse". He sits over my desk while I work on poetry, novels, or my latest art. Like him, I'm afraid I usually make more of a mess than anything else!

More knights and dragons as they were meant to be. Don't fight a dragon; feed him cookies and make him your backup!

A tiny dragon and his teddy bears gets "All Tucked In".

Real Musgrave was inspired by his little dog flower to imagine what a dragon (who grows far larger than a dog!) would do once he "outgrew" his favorite spot "Under the Bed".

From the shelter of the princess' skirt, our tiny hero barks defiance at his foes (no doubt very sinister cobwebs and dustballs.)

Trying to find a seatbelt for this princess' "Joyride"-ing friend would be quite a challenge!

"Magic on Wheels"is a fun lesson in bicycle safety. :)

If you have any comments about my dragon pictures, email me at Also, if you have a favorite piece of dragon art and would like to see it here, let me know! Maybe we can put it up somehow.

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Click here if you would like to go back to The Gallery II.

Click here if you would like to go back to The Gallery III.

Click here if you would like to see the current Guest Exhibits in The Gallery IV, 1.

Click here if you would like to see the works of Jack Shalatain in The Gallery IV, 3.

Click here if you would like to see the works of Claire Wharmby in The Gallery IV, 4.

Click here if you would like to see the works of Jody Bergsma in The Gallery IV, 5.

Click here if you would like to see the works of "Eli" in The Gallery IV, 6.

Click here if you would like to see various single subjects and submissions to this page by generous visitors in The Bonus Gallery .

Click here Photo Album to see the real thing!

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