Greydragn's Layr

Very Boring Personal Page

singing woman in tailcoat

Carol E. Wheeler, MA, BA, BA
(always have an extra in case one goes missing)

This is me, in a wool tailcoat, outside, in August, in DC. That says it all. I am singing, and it is Gilbert and Sullivan. Here I am singing from Iolanthe (I was Private Willis in Act II). The next year I stepped up to Katisha (Mikado), did Patience as Grosvenor in 2004. I 2005 sang the part of the Boatswain's Mate in Pinafore . Yes, I have a pipe and did pipe The Side. All this is for the GLBT Arts Consortium in DC.

I love wordplay, not that you can tell from this. I adapted the lyrics for Mikado, Patience and Pinafore to make them somewhat more 'now' and 'DC'.

Mostly I sing in a blue jacket (when on stage) with my chorus Bread and Roses Feminist Singers. We are a SSAA feminist chorus* and helped found the Consortium in 1999. Besides singing mostly Alto II, I am one of the song leaders (conductors) and do some composing and arranging for the group. We have many varieties of sexual orientation in the chorus, but you can't tell the players without a scorecard. Trust me.

I also enjoy watching baseball, live. I have followed the Orioles, but not much this season, sigh.

I read too much, or not enough, depending on your point of view. I am particularly fond of British humor, and an ardent Nexian, among other failings.

I love most genres of music. Including the stuff on

I am owned by a ruddy Abyssinian cat, The Great Goddess Louise.

Are you still reading this?!?

* Not all the members identify as women, but we all sing soprano or alto. [back]