![My Favorites](Linksarrow.gif) |
Here are my favorites, look around to see some of the websites I visit most often. |
![Fark](Linksarrow.gif) |
Fark is a news blog, for lack of a better description, that I read all the time. |
![NCSA](Linksbutton.gif) |
NCSA's HTML primer contains the basics of HTML 4.0, and many links to other, more in-depth sites. |
![Red Meat](Linksarrow.gif) |
Red Meat is a very funny (and more than a little off-kilter) cartoon strip. |
![Goats](Linksarrow.gif) |
Goats is another funny but weird cartoon strip. |
![SETI@home](Linksbutton.gif) |
SETI@home is a program where you download a screensaver that processes radio signals collected by SETI's radio telescopes. Help search for extra-terrestrial life! |
![Am I Hot or Not](Linksarrow.gif) |
Here you rate pictures of people 1 to 10 based on their looks. Entertaining in a weird sort of way... |
![Phone Spell](Linksbutton.gif) |
At this web page you can enter your phone number and it will tell you if the numbers spell any kind of words. |
![Polling Report](Linksbutton.gif) |
This website contains the results of all kinds of public opinion polls. Its always interesting what those crazy Americans think! |
![Switchboard.com](Linksbutton.gif) |
I use this website all the time to look for businesses nearby. Its like an online yellow pages. |
![Slashdot](Linksarrow.gif) |
Slashdot is a cool news site. Motto: News for nerds. Stuff that matters. |
![Wheresgeorge.com](Linksbutton.gif) |
This is a great website that tracks dollar bills. You enter in the serial numbers, and when someone else enters your bill, you can see where it ended up at! |
![Volunteer Match](Linksbutton.gif) |
If you have any interest in volunteering some time, this website will help you find a nearby charity that could use your help. |
![Virtual Om](Linksbutton.gif) |
This is a trippy website full of very, erm, interesting features. For all you people out there who do drugs. |
![Pricewatch.com](Linksbutton.gif) |
If you need to buy any computer parts or equipment, this is the best place to find it. Dirt cheap, lots of suppliers, fast shipping, good selection. |
![Tico Times](Linksbutton.gif) |
To get the latest news from Costa Rica, check out the Tico Times. |
![Strongbad](Linksarrow.gif) |
Funniest. Cartoon. Ever. |
![Engrish](Linksbutton.gif) |
For all you japan-o-philes. |
![Pete's Lake Message Board](Linksbutton.gif) |
This is the place to go to talk about Pete's Lake, the best place on earth. |
![Chicago Bar Project](Linksbutton.gif) |
Looking for a good bar to go to in Chicago? This website has an extensive selection of reviews. |