Last Updated July 20, 2000
Because I'm getting a huge amount of e-mail about trading cards, I can't guarantee a reply to your offer. However, I read every offer, and the better your offer, the more likely I'll reply. I would like to reply to all offers, but I am REALLY busy. I work full time and raise a family. If you think you have provided an offer that is more than fair, and I don't reply, try again. Thanks for your patience.


    1. Look at my Card Tables and determine if I have any cards you want and you have any cards I need.
    2. If you don't have cards I need, I'll still trade with you, but at a 2-for-1 ratio.
    3. You can then e-mail me with an offer.
    4. If I can, I will reply to your message within a few of days to let you know whether I accept your offer. If I do, I will give you my mailing address and confirm the mailing date.
    5. If it is a small trade for non-chase cards, sometimes it will help if you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope.
