Weyrwoman Carah
and Senior Queen Raenith

You step into the senior queen's weyr and are met by Raenith, a large gold dragon. "Carah will be out in a minute, she doesn't move as fast as she used to now that she is carrying a child inside her."

You are startled and honored that the queen spoke to you. Seeing a couple of chairs you make yourself comfortable in one while you wait.

In a few moments, you are met by the weyrwoman. The first thing you notice is her abdomen since she is obviously pregnant. She is about average height for a woman. Her light brown hair is tied at the base of her neck, but there are a few strands that have escaped which she keeps brushing back off her face. She has brown eyes, and a pleasant smile. She is in her early-twenties and looks pleased to see you, although you sense she is a bit tired. A bronze fire-lizard follows her.

"I'm Carah," she says, "I see you have met Raenith?" You nod as she adds, "and this handsome bronze is Nap. I asked for his egg when things got so busy around here, I had to have a way to send messages back and forth faster." bronze Nap

Catching herself from going on and on, she asks, "And you are probably here to apply to be a candidate, right?"

"Yes, I am," you answer. "What do I need to do?

"Well, there have been a few changes around here. The last clutch at Jerdan Weyr is almost ready to hatch. All candidate positions have been filled and we aren't accepting any more applications. If you want to look at the eggs, or see who has been accepted as a candidate, the sands are that way," she points.

Jerdan Weyr Sands

Before you leave, she continues, "Jerdan Weyr has gotten so large, we had to send some dragons to start another Weyr, Aden Weyr. Weyrwoman Bretta of Aden Weyr is taking over the responsibility of future clutches so you will need to see her about candidacy."

Sensing your disappointment that you are still a long way from your goal of becoming a candidate, Carah continues, "we do have a few weyrlings on duty that can convey you to Bretta's Weyr if you like..."

"That would be wonderful!" you exclaim, looking forward to riding a dragon.

To Weyrwoman Bretta of Aden Weyr

Dragon Name: Raenith
Dragon Color: Gold
Impressed by: Carah
Dragon's Age: Adult
Dragon's Dam: NA
Dragon's Sir: NA

Read more about Carah and Raenith
in the
Records Room

I found the hidden link at Aden Weyr

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