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to My Programming Site,

In this site you can download my programs which are created by me. At this moment the only programs available are in Delphi and Turbo Pascal Language, but I'll add it later on, including program in C language, Prolog language, Java language and web programming (ASP).

You can download and distribute my program source code freelly, but you must not change the program source code. All of the program in the download section is created by me, but may be later I'll put programs that are created by me and my friends ( I still need permission....).

Also, you can read about the pascal bug in fast PC, and download the solution in Pascal Bug Fix link. All the patches in this link weren't made by borland, but they were created by 3rd party programmer.

Feel free to explore this programming site, if you have a question don't hesitate to send me an email.

Thank You


Programming Links

Pascal Bug Fix
If you had a problem with pentium II pascal bug, you should check this site


You can download my program and you can even download the source code...

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