The Chapterhouse Oracle

22nd August 2002

Changes since the last edition are marked with a [+].
Errata is marked in bold red.

Gameplay and Rules

Allegiance A house card with an allegiance:

Capturing, Transferring and Discarding

Command. This value indicates the number of personnel cards that can be attached to this card. Only currently deployed cards count towards the limit, subdued cards are ignored. You may not deploy a card (either from hand or currently subdued) if it would violate the limit. If the Command rank of a card is decreased, and the card then has too many personnel cards attached to it, you must reassign or discard personnel cards until there is no violation.

Deck Construction - errata

Your House deck must be no less than 30 cards. When constructing your House deck, you may include cards bearing no allegiance or cards sharing allegiance with any card included in your Imperial deck. You may include no more than four of any one card (by card name).

[+] Events. Events are blue-faced House cards.

All Events have one of two subtypes: Imperium and Dune.

During your House Interval, you may place several events from your hand, but you may only deploy one Imperium and one Dune event during your House Interval. Events you deploy outside of your House Interval do not count towards this limit.

In addition, some Events have the Nexus subtype. Nexus Events have effects that last more than one turn.

Imperium Events may only be deployed if you control a homeworld - remember, Dune becomes your homeworld when you deploy it.

Dune Events may only be deployed if you control a Dune Fief.

The following operations may be used with events:

[+] Events, Dune

Dune events may only be deployed if you govern a Dune Fief. Dune counts as a Dune Fief.

You may only deploy one Dune Event during your House Interval.

[+] Events, Imperium

Imperial events may only be deployed if you govern a Homeworld; remember that Dune becomes your homeworld whilst you govern it. Thus, control of Dune allows you to deploy both Dune and Imperial events.

You may only deploy one Imperium Event during your House Interval.

[+] Events, Nexus

All Nexus events are Duration Effects.

When you reveal a Nexus event, the deferment tokens remain on the event; they are not discarded.

During your House Discard step, instead of discarding your Nexus events, remove 1 deferment token from each Nexus event. If you cannot do that, then discard the event.

House Deck. Your House deck must be no less than 30 cards. When constructing your House deck, you may include cards bearing no allegiance or cards sharing allegiance with any card included in your Imperial deck. You may include no more than four of any one card (by card name).


[+] Initiative Phase - errata

This phase is played as follows:

1. Each player declares their current favor.

2. Beginning with the player who was assigned the last initiative rank in the previous round, and proceeding clockwise around the table, each player may play an initiative tactic, or pass. (In the case of the first turn of the game, determine randomly between the players with the lowest favor).

3. When every player passes in succession, initiative ranks are assigned. Proceeding from highest declared favor to lowest, each player is assigned an Initiative rank. The player with the highest favor earns Initiative rank 1, the second highest favor gains rank 2 and so on.

If two or more players tie for declared favor, all deadlocked players discard the top card of their House deck. The player who discarded the card with the highest deployment cost wins the ranking, with subsequent ranks assigned from highest to lowest deployment cost. If the cards drawn are also tied, those still tied draw again until the tie is broken. If the deployment cost of a card is 'X', count it as a 10. Cards drawn in this way cost nothing and generate no effects.

Programs - errata


Individual Cards


Forbidden Zone - errata
Homeworld, Dune Fief
5, Fremen, Imperial, Box, EotS
B1, C4, R5, NTR
Engage to produce 3 solaris in your treasury. When deploying Dune, do not subdue Forbidden Zone.

Imperial Cards

Baronial Tithes
Charter, Directorship
3, Harkonnen, Imperial, Set
A0, C2, R5, NTR
Engage and subdue a Harkonnen Ally you govern to disengage a fief you govern.

Caladanan Exports - errata
Charter, Directorship
2, Atreides, Imperial, Set, EotS
A0, C2, R6, NTR
Engage to produce 3 solaris in your treasury.

Dune - Center of the Universe - errata
Siridar Fief, Dune Fief
7, NA, Imperial, Set
B1 A1, C5, R5, NTR
Engage to transfer up to 3 spice assigned to a target desert you govern to your hoard.

Feige Treazal - errata
Ally, Vassal, Native
3, Smugglers, Imperial, Set
I3 A1, C1, R3, NTR
Engage Treazal and discard a target resource from your hand to produce X solaris in your treasury. X equals the deployment cost of the target resource. If the deployment cost has an 'X' in it, Treazal produces 5 solaris in your treasury.

Guild Bank Arbiter
Decree, Enhancement, Title
3, Guild, Imperial, Random, JotC2
Assign to a target delegate you govern. Arbitration tactic (engagement) Engage the assigned delegate and pay X solaris to capture a target Dune charter vanquished during an arbitration rite you initiate. X equals the deployment cost of the target charter.

Insert Watchers - errata
X, Bene Gesserit, Imperial, I/R
Assign 1 program token each time you subdue or discard an event in a rival's domain.
Venture. Produce 4X solaris in your treasury. X equals the number of program tokens assigned.

[+] Initiative Coup - errata
X, NA, Imperial, Random
Whenever you are assigned first initiative rank and have played at least one initiative tactic this turn, assign 1 program token to Initiative Coup.
Venture: Produce 4X solaris in your treasury. X equals the number of program tokens assigned.

Lisan Al-Gaib - Voice of the Outer Worlds
Decree, Enhancement, Title
5, Fremen, Imperial, Random
NT, NC, NR, W1
Assign to a noble heir.
Declaration tactic: Engage to immediately end a rite in which any native persona or Dune fief you govern is declared a participant. The rite still counts against the attacker's House interval limit.

[+] Remain Invisible - Operate in the Shadows - errata
X, Smugglers, Imperial, Random
Whenever you are assigned last initiative rank and have played at least one initiative tactic this turn, assign 1 program token to Remain Invisible.
Venture: Produce 4X solaris in your treasury. X equals the number of program tokens assigned.

Shadow Partnership
Charter, Partnership
5, NA, Imperial, I/R, JotC3
A0, C2, R6, NTR
Upon deployment, name a target charter governed by a rival. Shadow Partnership gains the same operation as the named charter, functioning in the same manner.

Smuggling Revenues
Charter, Partnership
4, Smugglers, Imperial, Set
A0, C3, R5, NTR
Declaration Tactic. Engage to produce X solaris in your treasury. X = the deployment cost of a target House card deployed by a rival.

"Soo Soo" Nejhre
Ally, Vassal, Banker, Native
2, NA, Imperial, Set
A2 D1, C1, R3, NTR
Engagement Tactic. Engage to add +2 to the resistance of a target Dune charter you govern

Water Despot - Appropriations Director - errata
Decree, Enhancement, Title
3, Water Sellers, Imperial, Random
Assign to target ally. During petitions for Dune fiefs, you may increase the bid as if you had five additional solaris in your treasury. If you are the victor and cannot pay the final deployment cost, you may subdue the assigned ally instead of reducing your favor.

House Cards

Baliset - Stringed Instrument - errata
Equipment, Device
3, NA, House, Common
Limit 1. Assign to a target persona. Engage Baliset and assigned persona to disengage a target persona or personnel card you govern.

Best Blade - errata
Venture, Dueling
2, NA, House, Common, EotS
NT, NC, NR, D2
Apply X force to a target ally. If applied force equals or exceeds the target's resistance, subdue the target. X equals the assigned persona's dueling rank.

Brilliant Rhetoric - errata
Tactic, Arbitration, Declaration
0, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
Duration Effect: Target persona may Counter

Full Reverend Mother
Enhancement - Title
4, NA, House, Rare, EotS
NT, NC, NR, W3
Limit 1. Assign to a target persona. Target gains Reverend Mother subtype, +1 weirding rank, and +1 prescience rank. Target is immune to Poison effects.

Guild Bank- Financial Headquarters - errata
Enhancement, Bastion
5, Guild, House, Uncommon; TaT2
Limit 1. Assign to a target city or homeworld governed by a rival, ignoring allegiance restrictions. When engaged to produce solaris, produce X solaris in your treasury. X equals the target's command rank. If assigned to a Dune fief, you may deploy native personas and Dune events.

Harkonnen Sleeper
Aide, Assassin, Spy
1, Harkonnen, House, Uncommon, JotC2
I1, C0, R2, NTR
Place and deploy Sleeper like an event, but do not discard its assigned deferment tokens upon deployment. Sleeper gains +1 Intrigue rank per assigned token, but if it becomes subdued discard all of its assigned deferment tokens. Sleeper must be deployed once it has been assigned 5 deferment tokens.

Implicate Traitor - errata
Venture, Intrigue
2, NA, House, Common, EotS
NT, NC, NR, I2
Apply X force to a target ally. If applied force equals or exceeds the target's resistance, subdue the target. X equals the assigned persona's intrigue rank.

Litany Against Fear - errata
Venture, Weirding
0, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
NT, NC, NR, W1
Initiate a Rite. The assigned persona gains a +X bonus to their Resistance where X is the target's Weirding Rank.

Lt. Kinet - Scarface - Errata
Aide, Pilot, Unique
3, Harkonnen, House, Rare, TaT2
B2, D1, C1, R2, NTR
Kinet is immune to the effects generated by weirding ventures and Voice effects.

Name of the Great Mother
Tactic, Declaration
X, NA, House, Uncommon
Deploy a target subdued event you govern. An event must be assigned the necessary number of deferment tokens in order to be targeted by this tactic. X equals the number of deferment tokens assigned to the target..

Noble Born
Enhancement, Title
2, NA, House Common
Limit 2. Assign to a target persona. If the target is an aide, it's subtype changes from "Aide" to "Ally." If the target is an Ally, it gains the subtype "Noble."

Petitioning Tithes - errata
Tactic, Petition, Declaration
0, NA, House, Rare, EotS
Duration Effect. Assign to the petition target. The victor must pay X solaris of the final deployment cost to you instead of the Imperial treasury. X equals the final deployment cost minus the listed deployment cost. Once deployed, no other house may deploy Petitioning Tithe.

Perilous Terrain - errata
Tactic, Battle, Declaration
0, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
Duration Effect: Target persona may Counter

Pogrom - errata
Venture, Battle
2, NA, House, Common, EotS
NT, NC, NR, B2
Apply X force to a target fief. If applied force equals orexceeds the target's resistance, subdue the target. X equals the assigned persona's battle rank.

PreOrdained Sequence
Tactic, Initiative, Declaration
0, NA, House, Uncommon
Limit 1: Discard X favor and assign to a target rival's homeworld.
Duration Effect: After all initiative ranks are assigned, change the target's governor's initiative rank to X. Players must draw cards normally to break any ranking ties this effect creates.

Production Quota
Event, Imperium
3, Guild, House, Uncommon, JotC3
Engage all deserts to produce X spice in the Guild Hoard. X equals 1 spice per desert so engaged.

Provoke Insurgency - errata
Venture, Arbitration
2, NA, House, Common, EotS
NT, NC, NR, A2
Apply X force to a target charter. If applied force equals or exceeds the target's resistance, subdue the target. X equals the assigned persona's arbitration rank.

Renegade Sister
Aide, Sister, Adept
3, Bene Gesserit, House, Rare, EotS
W2 I1, C1, R2, NTR
Engage to engage a target a persona.

Secund-Elect Dueling - errata
Tactic, Duel, Declaration
0, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
Duration Effect: Target persona may Counter

Shield Failure - errata
Tactic, Engagement
0, NA, House, Common, EotS
Discard a target Shield.

Spice Infusion - Melange Overdose - errata
Enhancement, Condition
X, NA, House, Rare, JotC1
NT, NC, NR, P1
Limit 1. Assign to a target persona. The target gains +X prescience rank. X may not exceed 3. Subdue Spice Infusion during your next house discard phase. When Spice Infusion is redeployed, its deployment cost may vary but it must remain assigned to the same target.

Unforeseen Difficulties - errata
Tactic, Intrigue, Declaration
0, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
Duration Effect: Target persona may Counter

Usurp Holding - errata
Venture, Transfer
3, NA, House, Common, EotS
Transfer a target subdued, non-homeworld holding to it's governor's assembly.

Voice Command
Venture, Weirding
3, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
NT, NC, NR, W2
Duration Effect (Voice). Capture target persona whose weirding rank is lower than the assigned persona's. Replace target when Voice Command is discarded. Target retains its status when replaced.

Weirding Way - errata
Venture, Weirding
0, NA, House, Uncommon, EotS
NT, NC, NR, W1
Initiate a Rite. The assigned persona gains a +X bonus to their Force where X is the target's Weirding Rank.

Well-Placed Bribes - errata
Tactic, Arbitration, Declaration
1, NA, House, Common, EotS
Engage a target persona or personnel.

[+] Windtrap - Dew Precipitator
Equipment (Enhancement), Bastion
2, NA, House, Common
Limit 3. Assign to a target Dune fief. Reduce the deployment cost of all subdued personnel assigned to the target by 1 solari each.