================================================================= Calculating Contendership Points ================================================================= This system incorporated as of (IC: 10-25-98). As of this time, contender points for each cycle are totaled for a period equalling 3 game months (at least 12 cards). Note that CP ratings are calculated separately for tag and singles matches. "Captains' Matches" count for /both/ tables (in essence, a "captains' match" is considered both a singles match and a tag match where both sides agree not to tag out). The North American champion is by default the #1 contender to the World Championship, though contender points are still tracked for both champions (in case they lose the title). FOR EACH MATCH: Score = 7 "Fall" (Pin/Submission/KO) = 3 "DQ" (Countout/Disqualification) = 1 "Draw" (Double DQ/Double Countout/Time Limit Expired) = 0 "Loss" (Opponent got Fall or DQ -- obviously) A decision of "No Contest", obviously, scores no points for either wrestler, as "no match" took place. Add: +1 Opponent was title holder (adds to below). +1 Opponent was top 10 contender last cycle (adds to below). +1 Opponent was higher ranked last cycle. -1 Opponent was lower ranked last cycle. -2 Opponent was preliminary wrestler (adds to above). +1 Wrestler has Wrestling Heritage merit. +1 Wrestler has Living Legend background. +1 Match had unfavorable stipulations. +2 Match had dangerous stipulations. An "unfavorable" stipulation is one not chosen by the wrestler. A "dangerous" stipulation is anything which, in the Promoters' opinion, renders the match in high risk of injury -- cage matches are a big offender here (you are SURROUNDED by a "foriegn object"). These are cumulative where applicable. Match Length adds: +0 Up to 5 minutes +1 For each extra 5 minutes or fraction thereof (The logic here is that longer matches are more impressive -- or, at the very least, more valuable to the league.) FOR EACH CYCLE (4 game weeks): Score: +1 Wrestler is former Television or Light Heavyweight Champion +2 Wrestler is former North American champion +3 Wrestler is former World champion +3 Wrestler is current Television or Light Heavyweight Champion +5 Wrestler is current North American champion* +7 Wrestler is =immediately dethroned= World Champion.** A wrestler is considered "immediately dethroned" until he either gets a rematch/title shot or another wrestler gains the title. Being the current champion in the "wrong" division (i.e. tag champs relative to singles CP) is scored the same as having been the equivalent former champion in the "correct" division. A wrestler uses the /best/ applicable bonus from titles, and ignores others. +7 Wrestler is of Megastar/Monster Heel PRE (+/- 2000) +3 Wrestler is of Superstar/Heel PRE (+/- 1000) +1 Wrestler is of Hero/Villain PRE (+/- 400) +0 Wrestler is of Favorite/Rogue PRE (+/- 100) x1/2 Wrestler is of Preliminary PRE Popular or infamous wrestlers are considered more valuable competitors, since they draw bigger crowds and thus more cash.