Heather's Star Trek Voyager: Paris and Torres Page-- Heather's page has some great-- no, wonderful, pics from the eps, a fanfic page, and the best P/T message board around... check it out
A Li'l Piece of Paris and Torres Heaven-- one of the best collections of P/T links I've run across (not counting webrings, of course)
The Official P/T Collective Archive-- the best P/T fanfic around!
P/T Teens-- Homepage of the P/T mailing list-- for the young and the young at heart-- includes fanfic, reviews, and much more!
The XTorres and WinTorres Homepage-- Put B'Elanna on your desktop! This is really, really cool!
Musings From the Comfy Chair-- wonderful reviews from Kris and her Rec Room residents (the P/T preference is purely coincidental)... Look for me there as one of the Rec Room Res...
Julie's P/T Page-- Stories, links, what more can you ask for?
Looking for PAr'mach in the Delta Quadrant-- Still under construction, but there are some great pics in the meantime...
The Star Trek Voyager Chronicle-- The ultimate 24th century newspaper-- and the only other place where you can find Cinderella, Voyager Style, in the Kiddie Corner! Also has a great advice column for all of your 24th century queries, straight from the mouth of B'El-- uh, Miss Manners...
MajCullah's Voyager Page-- This page has just about everything you wanted to know about Voyager, and more, along with a ton of great links.
The Happyface Generation:)-- Sforzie's wild Voyager parody. Not for the faint of heart...
Annorax's Star Trek: Voyager Database-- Voyager, from our favorite Year of Hell bad guy...
Nitpicker Central-- Help the author of the Nitpicker's guide find nits... and become a part of the Nitpicker's guild!!!
USS Constant-- One of the RPG ships I belong to... it's message board and chat...
USS Constant-- another page for Constant-- this time with our character bios, pics, and ship info...
Forever Knight Fanfiction-- the largest collection of fanfiction by the fans of the wonderful television show Forever Knight. Also has links to other FK pages, including Kickstart the Knight and various pages devoted to bringing back the return of the show.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer-- the official page for all Buffy info.
Lucard's Home Page-- Where to go for info on the show Dracula: the Series, a campy, fun romp into the vampire vs. mortal relationship...
Elizabeth's Earth 2 Page-- a great starting point for finding out about Earth 2-- probably one of the best sci-Fi shows ever produced. Also has info about the New Pacifica Con.s!
DanceArt-- a wonderful site with articles, advice (Dear Jenny is the best!), coaching, and on-line Tetris. Definitely worth a peek, even if you don't dance.
Pointe and Click-- a great site-- be sure to check out the Dance Bag-- where each item out there in the dance world is reviewed and rated, along with tips (Great for beginners just starting out!)
Blue Diamond Dance-- a great resource for people starting late in dance, with stretching advice, weight loss tips and info for Ballet, flamenco, and other sorts of dance
Cyberdance-- Probably the most comprehensive set of ballet links on the web
Dance with Michelle-- a great page to check out! Advice from someone who knows
Dancer Online-- great links, some articles, and the Dancer mall is awesome!
Capezio-- one of the largest dance suppliers in the world. Has an online catalogue and a message board and chat for dance... **This paper catalogue gets four toeshoes approval!**
Sansha-- good site to look at Sansha merchandice. While I have yet to recieve their catalogue, I have a pair of their split-sole slippers and love them
Discount Dance-- as advertized, THE most comprehensive catalogue in the industry-- a beautiful colour catalogue with all of the great name brands, at VERY reasonable prices. Not only is there a catalogue, but Discount Dance continues to send out seasonal supplements, with new stuff each time. **This catalogue gets a kajillion toeshoes approval (or at least as many toeshoes as ABT goes through in a year...**
Estrella Dancewear-- a nice online catalogue and a good paper catalogue-- just a basic black-and-white, but with reasonable prices and fabric swatches. **Two toeshoes out of four**
Dance Express-- while their online catalogue hasn't been updated in a while, the prices can't be beat-- and it also has a beautiful paper catalogue-- **three out of four toeshoes**
New Jersey Institute of Technology-- find out more about my college
Lusiadas-- The Portuguese club at Rutgers/NJIT, and some awesome Portuguese links. Check out the one on Expo '98-- the last World's Fair of the millenium!
The Principality of Antioch-- the medieval recreation society at NJIT
VFW Voice of Democracy 1996 Homepage-- The most awesome program around-- and where I met some amazing and wonderful people, and got some (very) much needed scholarship money. If you are in High School, contact your teachers or your local VFW and take part in the program!
Academy of Achievement-- this is one of the most amazing programs to participate in-- I got to meet tons of famous people, eat lunch with them, etc...
The Phantom's Lair-- my friend Courtney's Phantom of the Opera homepage...
Aaron's HomePage-- my friend Aaron's homepage-- he is an absolute html genius...