
-------------- Walkthrough: --------------

Here is the main portion of the Strategy Guide. I'm going to cover the entire story in full detail, and cover every secret and hint I can possibly find. --Chapter 1: The Journey Begins--
Alex is admiring Dragonmaster Dyne's grave. Watch the great anime intro of Nall. Nall will come and tell you that Luna is waiting for you to sing with her for the Festival. As you leave to go to the village, Ramus comes to you. Ramus tells you that there is treasure in the White Dragon Cave, and he wants you to come along with him. Alex and Nall are pondering what Luna will think about this. Ramus leaves to make preparations (and to eat food ^_^). Head south to the village. Burg Item info: Dagger, Fire Ring, Garbage Can Lid (red chest) What's going on in Burg: Burg is an average town, living in memorizes of past triumphs of the hero Dragonmaster Dyne. Most people talk about how Alex is following in Dyne's footsteps, and he's going out on his first adventure. First of all, you can go to the various houses and get some chests. Alex's home has some blue chests on the second level of the house, but you'll need to ask his parents for permission to get them. Take the chests, then go into the various houses and talk to all of the people here. When you're ready, go north of the village to the springs, where Luna is singing. Watch the cool Anime scene of Luna and Alex doing the song together. Alex and Nall will eventually explain that they are going with Ramus to get the Dragon Diamond in the White Dragon Cave. Luna doesn't want Alex to get into danger, so she says that she'll come along on the adventure. After you get Luna, go back to Alex's house, and his parents will give Alex a Dagger, and Luna a Sling. These will be useful weapons for the first part of the next dungeon. When you're ready, head to the village enterance, and Ramus will be waiting for you. Ramus says that he's ready to leave for the White Dragon Cave. Exit out of the village. When you're on the world map, you can attempt to go West to the Weird Woods, but there is mist covering it, so you will head back for now. Go north of the village and curve around the mountains to the White Dragon Cave. White Dragon Cave Item Info: Herb x4, Star Light, 250 Silver, Dragon Ring, Dragon Diamond Monster Info: Slime, Mutant Fly, Synapse Guard, Albino Baboon Watch out for the Albino Baboons and Synapse Guards. The Albino Baboons will use "Ice Punch" for about 30 damage at lower levels, and the Synapse Guards will do a normal attack to you for about 20 damage at lower levels. For these reasons, Luna will need to heal your characters often. I suggest taking this cave in stages; make several trips to the cave for experience and money, and then go back to Burg to rest several times. This way, you won't run out of HP and MP, you'll have money for some of the better weapons in Burg, and you'll be leveled up so you can go through the cave normally. Once you're about level 6, head through the dungeon. After a bit of traveling in the dungeon, you'll be Introduced (in an anime sequence) to the white dragon, Quark. Quark will tell Alex that he resembles Dragonmaster Dyne in that it was similar when Dragonmaster Dyne made went on his first adventure. Ramus is scared of Quark, but eventually asks him about the Dragon Diamond. Quark says that if you bring him the Dragon Ring from the far depths of the cave, he'll give you the Dragon Diamond. Leave Quark's screen and head into the main part of the cave. When you're about level 7, head west (where a block of ice was previously blocking the way), and you can go farther into the cave. Go through the next passageway to a room with blocks of ice. There is an Albino Baboon here. To get past this room, get in the line of the ice blocks and the baboon, and when the baboon sees you, he'll charge. Move away from the Baboon when he is charging. If you are lined up with the blocks of ice, he'll break the ice and you'll be able to pass. If the baboon attacks from you, run away fast, because if you defeat that baboon, you'll have to exit a few screens and come back later, since there will be no way to break the ice. After you break the ice, go to the next screen of the cave, and you'll have to break more ice. The Dragon Ring is the item to the West that's totally surrounded in ice. Use the same strategy you used in the previous room with the baboon to break the ice. Also, in this room, to the south of this room is a chest also surrounded by ice, it has 250 Silver. Anyway, after you have the Dragon Ring, go back to Quark, and he'll give you the Dragon Diamond, as promised. Ramus is very excited for getting it. Quark tells you to visit his brothers, Red, Blue, and Black. He also notes that Alex has eyes similar to Dragonmaster Dyne, and that he can tell that Alex really wants to become a Dragonmaster just like Dyne. Once you have the Dragon Diamond, go back to town. The Characters say they are tired, to go to the statue in the middle of town and heal up. After you heal, go to the item shop. Ramus will try to sell the Dragon Diamond, but the clerk says that he doesn't even have enough money for such a large diamond. The clerk suggests that you try to sell it at Meribia. On the way back to Alex's house, Ramus will stop to talk to Alex, and he says that he wants to talk to him alone, so Luna goes to Alex's house for the time being. Ramus asks Alex if he wants to go to Meribia with him to try to sell the diamond. Ramus also suggests that Alex doesn't tell Luna about it, because she'll never let you go. Tell Ramus you want to help him. Alex will agree. Leave the town, and head to Weird Woods. While going through a bit of the forest, Ramus gets scared, and eventually runs out, towards town. When you go out of the woods, Ramus will say that he's sorry he got so sick in the cave. He'll note that it's getting dark, go back to the town for the night. Ramus leaves for his house for the night. Go back to Alex's house and talk to Luna. Luna will figure out what happened, and she'll be mad at you. Talk to your parents. Your parents will say that you should care for Luna, and your father will encourage you to go on a journey. Talk to Luna again, and she'll forgive you. After you talked to Luna for the second time, again talk to your parents. You'll say that you'll be leaving in the morning for your adventure. In the middle of the night, Luna hears Alex playing the Ocarina, and she'll walk up to Dragomaster Dyne's memorial. Alex and Luna will talk about their future together, and wonder what's to come. --Chapter 2: Beginning of an Adventure--
In the morning, you'll say your last goodbye to your parents, and you'll be on your journey. Get the best equipment for your characters, heal up, and head west out of town. Go west to Weird Woods. Weird Woods Item Info: Antidote x 6, Herb x 4, Wrath Ring (red chest) Monster Info: Flytrapper, Goblin, Gorgon, Scyth Spore If you're at level 8 or so, these enemies are cake. You're really not going to have to heal much here. Eventually when traveling through Weird Woods, you'll be surrounded by goblins. A man will come out of the forest and come to your aid. He will join your party for this battle. Laike does about 300 damage to each enemy, and can usually attack three times before any other of your characters can attack once. This battle is going to be hard to lose. After the battle is over, the man introduces himself as Laike (in a cool Anime scene). Laike will set up a fire for the night, and your characters will gather around it. When the characters wake up, Laike will be gone. Ramus suggests that you get out of the forest quickly and head south to Saith. After you exit out of Weird Woods, head west across the small bridge, then follow the mountains to the southeast. You'll come across a port town, Saith. Saith Item Info: Protection Ring (red chest) What's going on in Saith: Saith is the sister city of Burg. People talk about how they haven't seen travelers for ages, and that your group must have strength. A few people suggest that a youth Alex's age is staying here. People say that the ship isn't currently sailing because of technical difficulties. Others mention how Brett is the best gambler ever, and that he beat the captain out of his Sea Chart. I suggest you visit the weapon shop first. The new weapons here are great, and will be useful for your next venture. You probably won't need healing items, so don't waste your money on them if you don't. When you're ready, go to the house by the dock, to the very south, and talk to the captain. The captain is angry since the gambler, Brett, beat him gambling, and took his Sea Chart from him. The captain tells you to talk to the dockmaster about it. The dockmaster says that Brett is probably hanging out at the town's bar, gloating away. Head to the bar. When at the bar, talk to Brett, and he'll say that if you gamble, you'll win the Sea Chart. You attempt to gamble with Brett, and no matter what you call, "heads", or "tails", he'll win the first two times. Ramus realizes that Brett is using a double-sided coin, and then Ramus wagers the Dragon Diamond. Brett accepts instantly. Brett's plan backfires when Ramus uses his own trick again him. After losing, Brett says that he traded the Sea Chart to an old woman to the forest northwest of Saith. He gives you the Fortune Cane, what he got from the woman. In return for giving you the cane, he asks that you don't tell anyone about his cheating. ^_^ When you're ready for another short dungeon, head to the northwest of Saith, to a forest area with a home in the middle on the world map. Sea Hag Forest Item Info: Herb x 3, Monster Chest x 4, Star Light, 400 Silver Monster Info: Killer Fly, Killer Wasp, Mantle Rapper, Mutant Ant This area is also easy if you are at high enough levels. Being level 10 really helps here. Most of the enemies here poison you, so make sure Luna has enough MP to cast Purity when needed. After you get past the main part of the forest, you hear someone calling to help them from a trap. As you approach the trap, you find someone stuck under it. The group pulls the trap off, and you'll get to watch another cool Anime scene introducing Nash. Nash tells you that he is a level three apprentice in the Magic Guild in Vane. He also tells you that he has been studying from Ghaleon, one of the four heroes. Nash joins the group and tells you to go visit the old hag. Nash is also looking for a girl from Burg that is a good singer, and when he hears it is Luna, he is surprised. He says that he'd like to hear Luna sing sometime. Head one screen north, and you'll get to the old hag's house. In the hag's house, you can go downstairs and look at the cauldron. After you see that, go upstairs, and the hag says that she'll give you the Sea Chart in return for Nash's Water Cane. Nash prizes the Water Cane since it was given to him from Ghaleon, but Luna urges him to, so he gives it away. The group then receives the Sea Chart. Also, if you talk to the Sea Hag a few more times, she will take the Fortune Cane from you. Don't worry, though, if you return here later in the game, she'll give you a much better weapon. If you return to the Sea Hag's house later in the game, you can also find a Silver Light in the red chest. Head back to Saith. When you enter, you will hear that a monster is eating away at the ship! Go to the dock house and talk to the captain again, he'll give you the details. Tell him that you'll help destroy the monster. Boss: Saline Slimer Weak to Sword Attacks This guy is actually pretty tough. Two problems are that he has an slime attack where he leaves your characterin a slime, and that character can't do anything for a few rounds, and he also heals about 90 HP each round. A good strategy to use here is to use the Vigor Sword Skill on Alex, make Luna cast Cascade Song on Ramus, use Nash's Thunder Punch Spell, and have Ramus attack. After Alex has Vigor, use his Sword Dance repeatedly, it does about 200 damage to Saline Slimer, and takes less MP than Explosion Staff. When you beat the monster, the captain says that he'll take the group to Meribia for free for all of their troubles, after the ship's crew cleans the ship. That night, Luna is depressed. She says she doesn't want to go along, and she wants to look after Alex's parents. The next morning, Luna will come to the ship to see you off. At the last moment, Alex convinces Luna to come with the group, and pulls her onto the boat just in time. This is the end of the demo. --Chatper 3: Meribia--
In the middle of the night, Alex finds that Luna is not in the bunk. Alex goes out to the deck, and you get to view a very special anime scene. After the boat ride is over, you will arrive in Meribia. Meribia Item Info: 2000 Silver (red chest), Silver Light (red chest) What's going on in Meribia: Meribia is a large, busy city that is known for its huge shops and city life. There are many people that live here that do not like the busy city life, but others that do. Burg is a big city that will take some time to explore. When you arrive at Meribia, Nash says that he had a certain important matter that he needs to attend to, so he'll leave the group for the time being. Ramus also leaves the group, saying that he's going to sell the Dragon Diamond the group found as soon as possible. First of all, you'll want to have the best weapons and armor for your characters. Go to the weapon and armor shops on Black Rose Street. If you don't have enough money to buy the best weapons and armor here, you'll have to earn some Silver first, but you'll definitely want to have the best weapons and armor for the upcoming period of the game. After you have finished talking to everyone and exploring the city, enter through the main door to the castle and you will encounter Master Mel, one of the four heroes. After introducing himself, he will challenge you to a fight. Don't worry about beating him, because it isn't that important. If you do beat him, though, you get 100 experience. Boss: Master Mel Weak to Sword Attacks. Basically, just have Alex use Vigor on himself. Then, just keep throwing out Sword Dance. If you do it enough times, you will beat him and get the 100 experience. After the battle, go west to the shops, and you'll encounter Nash and Royce (the female fortune teller). She will tell you your fortune, and the outcome is fairly surprising. Go back to Black Rose Street. Head to the item shop here. You will see that Ramus is negotiating with a man behind the counter for the Dragon Diamond. The item shop owner says the he will pay 2,000 Silver for it. Ramus hands over the Dragon Diamond, and Nall will notice that it is taking a long time for the man to get the money. Nall inspects behind the counter, and finds that the man is gone! After close inspection, you will find a hole that leads to the Meribia Sewers. It's time to get your Dragon Diamond back! Sewers of Meribia Item Info: Star Light x 3, 250 Silver x 2, Herb, Antidote x 2, Star Light (in the basement of Mel's Mansion), Fortune Ring (also in the basement of Mel's Mansion) Enemy Info: Ammonia, Evil Wisp, Grog Snake The sewers are not too tough to counquer, but you'll want to be at least level 13 14 before heading to beat the boss. This is a good area in the beginning of the game to level up, since there is a statue in the area itself, so you can just keep gaining levels until you feel you're set. None of the enemies here will pose much of a threat. The sewers isn't a really long dungeon, but there are several dead-ends and treasures, so feel free to explore. Make sure to use the statue in Meribia to heal, and come back until you are level 14. Once you feel you're set for the boss, heal one last time at the statue, and then avoid enemies to conserve MP. Boss: Water Dragon Weak to Sword Attacks. Aqua Lizard isn't a very tough enemy at all if you are level 14. A good strategy is to have Alex cast Vigor on himself, while Luna uses Cascade on Alex. When powered up, your Sword Dance attack will do a large amount of damage to Aqua Lizard, and it shouldn't be too hard. Keep Luna healing the party and just attack with Ramus. Ramus will only be able to hit the Water Dragon with a bow, though, so make sure you get one for him ahead of time. The main idea is to pump Alex up, since Ramus and Luna won't be able to do much physically. Also note that the boss is in the water, so you can't use a character's normal attacks on it. Once you beat the Aqua Lizard, you will find the store owner. The store owner offers to give you 500 of the 2,000 Silver pieces, but the party gets mad. Ramus ends up with both 500 Silver and the entire store. ^_^ Ramus takes control of the store, and the previous store owner becomes the assistant. When you come out of the sewers, Nash says that it would be a good time to travel to Vane so Nash can learn magic from the city's Magic Guild. When you are ready, head out the northern exit of Meribia and onto the world map. --Chapter 4: Vane--
When on the world map, Nash tells you to follow the trail through the Katarina Zone so you can get to Vane. Once you follow the trail, you will come upon the entrance to Vane. The guard at the station recognizes Nash, but he says that Nash can not bring friends unless they have permission from Phacia. The guard tells you that Phacia can be found at the Goddess Shrine slightly to the west. Head out onto the world map again, and go to the tower to the west. What's going on in the Goddess Tower: People are praying for the good of the country. There are priestesses that are training here, and some talk about how Jessica is a striking young girl that will prove to be an excellent priestess someday. When you enter the tower, the girl on the outside of the tower asks you if you if you want to "rest" or "pray". Pick "rest" to heal your characters. Then, select "pray". You will now be able to enter the tower. When you go past the first room, Phacia will greet you. Nash will talk to her about giving permission, and Phacia will give you the item you need to enter Vane - the Application. As you are heading out, Phacia notes that she knows Luna is a talented singer, and asks if Luna will come back and sing for her sometime. Luna says she will, but she needs practice. Head onto the world map again and back to the station to get to Vane. When you get to the station, Nash hands the Application over. Nash says that since this is your first time entering Vane, you have to take a magic test to prove how strong you are. Nash leaves to go to the Magic Guild, and tells you to meet him there when you finish the test. Magic Test Item Info: 250 Silver x 3, Healing Ring Enemy Info: Death Shroom, Gunfoot, Ice Mongrel, Slumber Moth Watch out for the Ice Mongrels. They usually run away, but if they don't, you can only do 1 damage to them with normal attacks, so either run away from them or use Alex's sword attacks to defeat them. The Gunfoots have a strong beam magic attack that does about 25 damage to both Alex and Luna, but they can be taken out with a normal attack from Alex. Other than that, the enemies here won't pose too much of a threat. The Magic Test is not very hard. The only hard part of the dungeon is that your characters cannot use any items at all. This shouldn't be a problem, though, since Luna is a good healer, and there are several priests along the way that will heal your characters. The monsters sometimes come in large groups, but keep in mind that you *will* be able to heal sometimes, so don't worry about taking damage. There is a priest about midway through the dungeon that offers to heal you, but only once. If you need healing, use this now, but you can always come back later to be healed. Once you get to the next priest that offers to heal you, go into the next room, kill all of the enemies here, and then let him heal you. This makes it easy to get to the boss in the next room without having any damage done to you. After you are healed, go back into the next room and save. Now, head to the west, and fight the boss of the Magic Test, Truffle Troubler. Boss: Truffle Troubler Weak to Sword Dance The Truffle Troubler is actually one of the easier bosses in Lunar. In the first round, have Alex use Vigor and Luna use Cascade Song on Alex. The idea is to pump Alex up so he does about 300 damage for each of his Sword Dance attacks. After he is enahanced with both Vigor and Cascade Song, have him use Sword Dance each round. Truffle Troubler usually uses a magic attack each round that does about 35 damage to both Alex and Luna, but this is easily countered if you use Luna's Tranquil Song to heal both Alex and Luna at the same time. After about five or six Sword Dance attacks, Truffle Troubler will die. *Truffle Troubler's Attack Arsenal: Flash Bolt: When Truffle Troubler is floating in place with lightning bolts forming around him, he'll use Flash Bolt, and attack that hits one character for a heavy amount of damage. Mad Spark: When the bottom of Trubble Troubler becomes a small group of rotating spikes, it will use Mad Spark, an attack in which Truffle Troubler shoots tentacles out of the ground to do damage to both Alex and Luna. After you beat Truffle Troubler, you will be able to enter the magical city of Vane. Vane Item Info: Soap (red chest) What's going on in Vane: Vane is a magical city that has been a home to magicians everyone, especially magicians-in-learning that have come to study the ways of becoming experienced in magic. Students come to the city and enrol in the Magic Guild, and become a skilled magician in the ways of the guild. When you first enter Vane, you will want to stop by all of the shops and buy the best weapons and armor you can afford. There are special pendants for sale here for 12000 Silver, and you'll eventually want to get them, but chances are, you won't even be able to now. Purchase the best equippment here, and head to the Magic Guild. Nash will be there waiting for you. Nash will say that you should speak with Ghaleon before leaving Vane, because he is one of the four legendary heroes, and can give you insight on becoming a Dragonmaster. Now, in the castle, Nash says that he will show Luna (and only Luna) around the castle portion of Vane. Nash takes Luna into another room, and tells Luna about Vane. Walk out into the door behind. You will then get to watch an awesome anime scene introducing Ghaleon. Luna apologizes for intruding, and Ghaleon tells her not to worry about it. Now, the scene flashes back to Alex. Walk into one of the rooms, and you'll meet Mia. Once you meet Mia, Nash runs in, telling Alex that they shouldn't bother Mia, since she is very important because her mother is the guildmaster of Vane. Mia says she doesn't mind, and that Alex and Nall were being kind to her. Nash tells you to go and meet with Ghaleon. Go to the second floor, and into the door. You will now see yet another great anime scene introducing Ghaleon to the rest of the characters. Ghaleon asks you about becoming a Dragonmasters, and asks if you will investigate a supposed new Dragonmaster that has supposedly been born in the town of Lann. You now get to pick whether you want to help Ghaleon or stay in Vane and learn magic. It doesn't matter what you choose, as you will have to do the next mission anyway. You must now leave for Lann to investigate the supposed new Dragonmaster. --Chapter 5: The Fake Dragonmaster--
Buy whatever you need to from Vane for your characters, and head west, toward Nanza. You will need to cross the Nanza Barrier in order to get to Lann. Nanza Pass Item Info: [Confusing Chest] x 2, Herb x 2, 50 Silver x 2 Enemy Info: Antorian, Death Mutt, Giga Wisp, Mud Cyclops The enemies on the Nanza Pass should be no trouble for you at this point in the game. The enemies here aren't even much tougher then the enemies you fought in the Magic Test of Vane. Just make sure to watch your HP, and heal in battle when you need it. Especially try to keep Alex alive in all battles. When you cross the first part of Nanza Pass, you will arrive at the Nanza Barrier. Nanza Barrier Item Info: Diamond Necklace (red chest) What's Going on in Nanza Barrier: People here speak about how Kyle, their leader, is stronger than anyone else they have ever seen. Citizens also speak about how Kyle likes to get drunk often, but is a great guy down inside. People seem to indicate that Kyle is actually drunk at the moment. Once you get into Nanza Barrier, talk to all of the people. If you try to take the exit to the west, the guard will stop you, and tell you that you need permission from Kyle himself to pass. Also, make sure you talk to the guard twice. Go to the second level. Go into the tower on the right side. Go all the way up to the top, and you will find Kyle, drunk, laying on the ground. Talk to him, and he just say nonsense. Leave this tower, and come back. The girl that was in the room with Kyle will say that he has gone to the cafeteria to get something to eat. Go all the way to the bottom of the same tower you are in. You will find Kyle, in bed. Talk to the people here, and leave the tower again. Now, enter back into the same tower, and go back down to the cafeteria again. This time, go into the jail area. You will see a nice anime scene of Kyle sleeping, and then waking up, drunkenly, then going back to sleep. The guard in the jail tells you that he will give you permission to cross the Nanza Barrier if you leave now. Now, you can get past the guard and head into the second part of Nanza Pass. Nanza Pass Item Info: [Confusion Box], Star Light Enemy Info: Antorian, Death Mutt, Giga Wisp, Mud Cyclops The enemies here are the same as you faced in the other part of the Nanza Pass, so don't worry about them. This area is really short, as you will be on the world map in no time. Once you arrive on the world map, head west, to the village of Lann. Lann Item Info: Silver Light (red chest) What's going on in Lann: The people in Lann speak of how the supposed Dragonmaster from their town has been stealing food from the people. Even though the people know he is doing wrong, they still believe he is a real Dragonmaster. You will hear about how he lives on Lann Island. When you enter Lann, go to the mayor's house. You will find Jessica, and you will view another great anime scene that introduces her. Jessica will say that she knows that if it were a real Dragonmaster, he wouldn't be stealing from the town. Jessica asks if you'll help in finding the supposed Dragonmaster, and you agree. Jessica now joins the party. When you have bought all of the items here that you need, head to the southwestern part of the town. There, you can talk to a man, and you will forcively borrow his boat. :) Lann Island Item Info: 300 Silver x 3, [Confusion Box] x 5, 500 Silver, Fresh Ring Enemy Info: Barrel Snake, Monocrop, Nightmare, The Deep Lann Island really won't be hard at all, since you now have two healers in Jessica and Luna, and Alex and Jessica are both pretty powerful physically. If you want to gain levels, you can take trips from here to Lann, but you more than likely won't need to anyway. When you get to the end of the Island, you will find the supposed Dragonmaster, next to his tent. He tells you that he is a real Dragonmaster, and then summons a huge toad that he calls his "dragon". ^_^ You must now fight him. Boss: Dragon Master Zoc Weak to Sword Dance Zoc is a fairly tough battle. If you are low on HP and MP, you should use your items and then save before you fight him. You will definitely want Alex to have full MP for this particular battle. You will want to use the same type of strategy you have been using to this point. Make Alex cast Vigor on himself in the first round, and have Luna use Cascade Song on him as well. Now, Alex will be really strong, and you can just dish out Sword Dance attacks for the next few rounds until he dies. I also recommend using Cascade Song on Jessica when you have a free round, since Jessica is rather weak defensively at this point. After a few rounds of Sword Dance, he should be down. Zoc apologizes for stealing food from the people of Lann, and being a fake Dragonmaster. Zoc says that he found a toad and called it his dragon, and has lived the fantasy of being a Dragonmaster ever since. Anyway, you can now go back to Lann village. When you get back to Lann, Phacia will be there to greet you. Phacia tells you that there was reported to be a new Dragonmaster, and your group tells her about how Zoc was a fake, and how you took care of him. Phacia then leaves. The entire party is surprised that Jessica doesn't know who Phacia is, even though Jessica trains at the Goddess Shrine. After you have taken care of the fake Dragonmaster ordeal, you can head back to Vane, taking the route through the Nanza Barrier. --Chapter 6: Vane's Intent--
When you get back to Vane, you will be granted an audience with Lemia, Vane's guildmaster. You will now meet Lemia, but Lemia believes you are the fake Dragonmasters, and she sends you to prison. Mia opposes her mother, but Alex is still carried away by the guards. Once in jail, you will here another prisoner, and the voice will be familiar. Mia now comes to rescue Alex, says that she is sorry for what her mother has done. Mia tells Alex that her mother used to be the kindest woman ever, but as of late, she has been very angry and hateful to people. Mia now gives you Althena's Mirror, an item that she says will reveal the true form of people, showing either good or evil. As you are leaving the cell, you will stop to help the other prisoner. You notice that the woman has a strange device on her head. Mia insists that you help her. Now, your quest is to get through the Crystal Tower of Vane to find out what is going on. Crystal Tower Item Info: 500 Silver, 750 Silver, Star Light, 250 Silver, Angel Ring Enemy Info: Blood Lord, Neutronitor, Plasma Fiend, Reflector Fight your way up the levels of the Crystal Tower. You only have Alex and Mia here, but it shouldn't be too hard. Mia has some excellent magic spells that will do a lot of damage in the tower. Mia also has a lot of magic points, but you still may need to use a few Star Light items here. Once you make your way to the top of the tower, you will find a Magic Guild meeting taking place between Ghaleon, Lemia, Royce, and Phacia. Lemia gets very angry at Mia for introding, and even casts a spell on her. Lemia asks for Ghaleon to complete the ritual and offer his strength for the magic guild, but Ghaleon refuses, and protects Mia. Mia now uses Althena's Mirror. At first, nothing happens, but the prisoner you have been carrying emerges from the device as the real Lemia! The fake Lemia is now revealed as the dark sorcerer, Xenobia. You will see a nice anime scene showing the Vile Tribe. Xenobia leaves you with four Ultragoyles to fight. Boss: Ultragoyle (4) No strengths/weaknesses You need to use the same strategy you've been using so far. All you need to do is pump up Alex offensively with Vigor, and then rip at the enemy with the Sword Dance attack. Mia will also support you with offensive magic. The Ultragoyles you fight here are almost like normal enemies, but they are quite strong. They shouldn't pose much of a threat. After all of this is over, Ghaleon apologizes, saying that he knew nothing about what he was doing for the fake Lemia. Ghaleon now takes you to Vane again. In Ghaleon's room, Ghaleon tells you that he should now seek the power of the dragons to save Vane from the Vile Tribe. Ghaleon asks if the ground will escort him to Burg, and to lead him to Quark. Alex agrees, and Ghaleon tells him that he will be waiting for the group at Mel's mansion in Meribia. Go back to Meribia, and to Mel's mansion. Ghaleon will be waiting for you here, talking to Mel. Mel encourages you to save the world from the clutches of the Vile Tribe, and is sorry he cannot help you. Take the ship back to Saith. Once you are here, you must go back through the Weird Woods to get to Burg. Ghaleon has four spells that do about 200 HP damage to all of the enemies, is on level 99, and has about 450 HP, so don't worry about getting killed. :) Once you get through Weird Woods, you can stop back at Burg, but your destination is the White Dragon Cave to meet up with Quark, the White Dragon. Head to the Dragon Cave to the east. Once you get to Quark, the White Dragon first commends Ghaleon, and comments that he could be the next Dragonmaster. Then, you will see a startling anime scene. Ghaleon reveals himself as the Magic Emperor. Ghaleon now casts a spell on Quark, and Quark is rendered powerless in a forcefield, and then dies. Ghaleon then says that he shall rule the world and create a new empire, and take Luna as his queen. Ghaleon abducts Luna, and then casts a spell on Alex, and Alex is knocked unconsious. When you wake up, you will be back in your home at Burg. At first you don't know what happened, but your father tells you that a man named Laike saved you, and is at Dyne's memorial. Go to Dyne's memorial. Laike will be there waiting for you. Alex thanks Laike greatly for saving him, but wonders why he was in the cave to begin with. Laike tells Alex that it is a secret. Laike tells Alex that he must get revenge for what has happened, and tells him he must become a Dragonmaster. Laike now gives you the Dragon Wings, an item that allows you to fly back to any city that you have already been to. Go to Meribia. Meribia Enemy Info: Gargoyle, Guardian, Shadow Lord When you get to Meribia, you will see that it is taken over by monsters. You will now join with Jessica in a battle, and then Jessica explains what happened. You probably won't want to do much fighting in this area. Use the statue to heal yourself, then save, and make a run for Mel's mansion. It doesn't really matter if you run into a few battles, just so you get there in one piece. When you go into Mel's mansion, you will find out that Mel has went on top of the roof to fight off the monsters. When you get there, you will find the Vile Tribe. Xenobia attempts to use a spell on Jessica, but Mel steps in front of the it. Mel then turns into stone. The last thing Mel tells Alex to do is take care of his daughter. Jessica is deeply saddened, and moves Mel to a room. Jessica vows to never forgive the Magic Emperor, and Jessica joins Alex. Your next destination is Vane again, but make sure to save before leaving, because you'll have to fight a boss right as you enter. When go get to Vane, you will meet up with Nash and Mia to fight a monster that has ambushed Vane. Boss: Vile Crustacean Weak to Sword Dance Yet again, you will rely on Alex totally for this battle. Use Vigor in the first round, then beat away with Sword Dance. The other characters will be almost useless in this battle, since they hardly do any damage at all to the boss. Just make sure Jessica is always healing when you need it. Make Nash use a normal attack or Thunder magic, but it won't do much damage either way. It is vital that Alex survives here, so make sure he is always at high HP. Also, use a Star Light on Alex if he uses all of his MP up. After you destroy the Vile Crustacean, Jessica and Nash will join the party, and the group will vow to get revenge on the Magic Emperor (Ghaleon) for what he has done. You can now talk to Lemia about what happened. Lemia is sick, and doesn't remember most of what happened. Mia now joins the group. Lemia tells you that to get to the other dragons, you must first pass through the Nanza Barrier, but this time, you must head south of Nanza. Fly back to Nanza. Right when you enter, you will find a woman being attacked by several demons, along with Xenobia. Xenobia tells the group not to move, or she will destroy the woman. You decide not to move. You will now she a great anime scene. The "woman" will reveal herself as Kyle, and Kyle will slay the demons easily. Jessica now talks to Kyle about how they need to find the other dragons, and Kyle agrees to join the group. The south end of the Nanza pass is very short, so just head south until you come to the town of Reza. Reza Item Info: Silver Light (red chest) What's going on in Reza: Mostly everyone here speaks of the Thieves Guild here and how thieves are running around, stealing other people's items. Most people will recommend that you become a thief yourself. When you first enter the town, your group will split up. Someone has quickly run past Nall. When you check all of your items, you will find that someone has stolen your Dragon Wings. You hear from the person in the bar that if you successfully become a thief, the thief that stole your item must return it to you. You now set out to become a member of the Thieves Guild. You have to pass the test to become a thief. Your next destination is Meryod. Head east, through Meryod Woods. Meryod Woods Item Info: 1000 Silver x 2, Fortune Ring (red chest) Enemy Info: Brain Licker, Chrono Gorgon, Graggen, Killer Buzz The enemies here will mostly not pose a problem, except for the Killer Buzz enemies. These bee-type enemies can do a lot of damage using the "Poison Sting" attack. You will want to have Jessica ready to heal here at all times, since the Poison Sting attack can do about 90 damage to any of your characters. You may want to gain a few levels here, but don't stay too long. Head through the woods, and you'll be near the town of Meryod. Meryod Item Info: Silver Light (red chest) What's going on in Meryod: Meryod is a town made of all bridges. The people here don't visit the rest of the world , and they act like rednecks. :) The town is built on all bridges, and some people warn you about how some of the bridges are becoming weak. When you first get into Meryod, talk to the people here. You can also buy some armor here, and also a few items from the item shop. In the item shop, you can also purchase a special ring that raises your attack power, but it costs 12000 Silver. Now, walk to the east across a bridge. Your group will notice that there are cracks in the bridge, and your group will fall into the water, and the bridge will be shattered. When you emerge from the water, go and get the other members of the group. When you get Jessica, Nash, and Mia, you hear from the people here that Kyle went off to the bar. At the bar, Kyle gives you the "Old Notebook", an item that has the hidden password you will need for the next dungeon. You won't be able to get across to the other part of the land at this time. You will now need to pass the test to the south, at the Damon Spire. As you are leaving through the Meryod Woods, though, you will find that Mel is here, and he is still turned to stone! You wonder how he could have gotten all the way over here. Mel does not seem to act usual, though, since he asks Jessica to die him. Mel turns all of your characters except Jessica to stone. Kyle then breaks through the stone, and Kyle vows to protect Jessica, since he knows that this Mel is an imposter. You will now have to fight Plaster Mel. Boss: Plaster Mell Weak to sword attacks. Mel won't really be hard at all. Just keep using your Power Slash sword attack. You can also power your offense up with Kyle's "Power Up" spell. This will cause you to do much more damage each turn. Royce will then appear, and tell you that you ruined her plans. Royce will leave angrily. After you get through the woods, head south to the Damon Spire. Before heading to the Damon Spire, though, you'll want to have all of this equipment on your characters: Alex: Samurai Blade, Chain Mail, Silver Shield, Iron Helmet, Healing Ring, Fire Ring Nash: Ethereal Cane, Sorceror's Robe, Silver Bracelet, Fruity Bandana, Mia's Bromide Mia: Ethereal Cane, Sorceror's Robe, Silver Armlet, Headband, Fresh Ring Kyle: Bastard Sword, Steel Armor, Steel Shield, Steel Helmet Jessica: Flail, Purity Clothes, Silver Armlet, Headband, Devil Pendant This equipment should be enough to help you through the Spire. Notice that Kyle won't need any accessories because he is very strong both offensively and defensively, but if you have the money, get some for him. Damon Spire Item Info: Empty x 4, Star Light x 4, Sage's Clothes, Spirit Bandana, Ice Pendant Enemy Info: Bat Knight, Kill Roller, Mummy, Rufus The enemies in here have certain strengths and weaknesses. The Mummies andc Bat Knights can only be affected by your elemental attack magic, and the Rufus monsters can only be affected by your physical attack magic. The enemies should not be too hard if you know their weaknesses. Also, this is a good place to build up levels, since the enemies here give a lot of experience points. When you first enter the tower, you will given the first test. You will say that Intelligence is Strength and Wisdom is Power. You will then be able to travel through the first floor of the dungeon. During the next test, the man will ask you another question. You will have to make several decisions like this through the dungeon. It doesn't matter what character you pick for any of them, though, since you will be able to try again if you fail on them. Anyway, you should chose Mia for the first test. The man now lets you go up to the next level. Fight the enemies on the next level, and make sure to look out for the treasures here. The man will then asks you the second question as you are approaching the stairs. The correct choice here is Nash. You can now go up to the next floor. On the next floor, the test is rather unusual. At the stairs, you find a man clutching his stomach in pain. At first he tells you that nothing is wrong, but then he tells you to heal him. Jessica wonders what she should do. Chose to heal the man before heading up to the next level. In the next test, the man tells you that you need to leave one character behind so that the other characters can proceed. You have to chose which ally you want to leave behind. The answer here is to keep saying that you refuse to send anyone away, and that all members helped in getting to the top. The man tells you that you made a wise decision, and you can move up a floor. The test on the next floor is to mold something out of clay. The man says that if he likes what you make, he will let you pass, but if he doesn't, you may not. You have a new decision to make, you must chose who you want to start molding the clay. The correct choice here is Alex. He will make a clay image of Luna out of the clay. You will now be able to get to the top of the tower. At the top of the tower, the man commends you on your efforts, and he will tell you that you have passed the test. He also tells you that you should read all the books in the room. Do so, and then leave the tower. Go back to Reza. When you get there, you will be able to get to the Thieves Guild through the bar. You will also get the Thieves Crest, which lets you open all of the red chests in the game. When you get there to the thief area inside the bar, go north. You will find various shops. Buy the best weapons and armor that you can afford. Now, you can talk to the thief in the upper right. You will explain how you are now thieves, and he will give you your Dragon Wings back. He will also give you a piece of Soap for your troubles. Now, head back to the main part of Reza. As you are leaving, you will see Royce abducting Lily, the female singer of the area. Lily's grandfather will come in to try to help, but it will be too late. Your group explains how the Vile Tribe is looking for female singers for a certain reason. Your group tells Lily's grandfather that they will attempt to save her. Royce hints that the next place to go should be the Red Dragon Cave. You will now receive the Blueprints needed to make the airship from one of the Thieves that Lily's grandfather shows you. Your next destination is the Red Dragon Cave, but you will have to go to Iluk first. --Chapter 7: Iluk--
Iluk: What's going on in Iluk: Iluk is a town known for its strange inventor. The people talk about how the inventor doesn't leave his house often and usually works all of the time on his inventions. Otherwise, the town is a pretty average town living near the Red Dragon Cave. When you first get here, use the statue to heal. Then, go to the northern most house. You will find the inventor here. Give him the Blueprints. The inventor will tell you that he will help the group make the airship the Blueprints describes. The inventor tells you that he has lost his bug, and tells you to find it in the Iluk Field. You agree to his terms. Go north to the Iluk Field. Iluk Field Item Info: Crystal Bracelet, Healing Ring, Spook Hairpin, 1500 Silver Enemy Info: Fluffy Bug, Fly Devil, Man Eater, Puffy Bug The enemies here are really not too tough. You have five members in your party now, and you have a wide variety of attacks. Nash and Mia will use magic on the enemy groups while Alex and Kyle attack physically and Jessica either attack or heal. If you have problems, you can always take trips back to Iluk to heal at the goddess statue. This is also a great place to gain levels in the game, since the enemies here give you considerably more experience points than before. There are several springs here that will shoot you to other places in the field. When you are ready, head up to the upper-left area. You will see a bug sitting there without moving at all. Try to talk to it, and you will have to fight an easy enemy group. Once you win, you will receive the "Fluffy Bug" item. Now, head back to Iluk to give this to the inventor. When you get back to Iluk, give the inventor his bug. The invetor will say that he has finished your baloon, but it is too late at night, so he invites the party to stay at his home for the night. The group agrees, and you depart to try the baloon the next morning. At first the baloon doesn't work, but Nall bumps it, and it will suddenly inflate itself. :) You are now ready to head to the Red Dragon Cave to the northwest in the baloon. *Note: After you get through Iluk Field, you have the option of visiting each Altena Spring. There is a spring for the males, and a spring for the females. You probably can only access the spring for the males right now since the eneimes surrounding the female springs are really tough for right now. When you get to the male spring, and given that you have a bar of Soap, you can watch a short anime scene showing the male characters bathing. If you have two bars of soap, you can watch both scenes. There are two anime scenes for each bar of soap you use. If you only have one bar of soap, save before you watch that scene, then load your game again, and watch the other. You can travel to the female spring later in the game. --Chapter 8: Red Dragon Cave--
Red Dragon Cave Item Info: Star Light x 8, Barrier Ring, Rainbow Tiara, Angel Ring, Flame Sword, 1000 Silver, 5000 Silver Enemy Info: Blood Slime, Burner, Fire Elemental, Scorpion The enemies in the Red Dragon Cave are actually quite easy since you should have all of the Ice equipment that you bought in Iluk. Usually an attack spell combined with a normal attack from one of the fighting characters will usually kill each enemy. Most of the Ice equipment you should have does a *lot* of damage to each enemy, and Alex and Kyle can attack multiple times with their weapons, so you might not even need much attack magic at all. Nash won't be very useful here, since he only has thunder type attack magic. Mia has some great Ice spells that are useful here, though. Take some time to explore the dungeon and fight the enemies to gain levels. There is one notable secret in the cave, though. In one area, there is a place near a certain blue treasure chest with a strange red colored object on the ground. If you step on this object, Alex will be flung across the lava to another island. Once you travel down this island strip, you will get the Flame Sword. Don't equip this sword yet, though, since you are in a fire based cave, and the sword won't do much damage to the enemies. Once you get past a long area of fire, save, and walk north. You will now see Royce appear before you, trying to set a trap for you to walk into. Royce sends two Fire Dogs to ambush you. Boss: Bronze Dog (2) Weak to Ice The Bronze dogs aren't a very hard boss battle. In the first round, have Alex use Vigor on himself, Kyle use Power Up on himself, have Mia use one of her Ice spells that affects both monsters, have Nash cast Thunder Thrust on the monsters, and have Jessica attack. When the monsters start to attack, have Alex and Kyle use their most powerful sword attacks, have Jessica heal the party if needed, and have Mia either use her ice magic or cast Power Drive on either Alex or Kyle. Try to concentrate on one dog at a time. The dogs do have a special attack that does a pretty large amount of damage to the entire party, but Jessica should be able to take care of things with Calm Litany. Nash won't be too useful, but just have him use Thunder Thrust. *Bronze Dogs' Attack Arsenal: Heat Rush: When a Bronze Dog is flaring with energy, he is about to use Heat Rush, and attack hitting every character in your party for about half of that character's HP. Fire Ball: When a dog isn't on fire (like Heat Rush), he's about to use Fire Ball, shotting three balls of fire at one character for a large amount of damage. Normal Attack: A Bronze Dog may hit a single character (or two characters once each) with a normal attack that hits twice to do physical damage. Once you defeat the d ogs, you foil Royce's plans, and she leaves. You now receive the Dragon Shield. You are yet another step closer to becoming a Dragonmaster! When you are ready, go back to the beginning of the dungeon and attempt to use the baloon to fly back to Meryod. As you are flying, though, the baloon starts to leak air, and Nash will attempt to break the crash of the baloon. :) You will see a rather amusing anime scene now, and you will crash near Reza. When you end up in Reza, Laike will come and congratulate you on getting the Dragon Shield. Laike encourages you to becoming a Dragonmaster. When you are ready, you will want to go back to Meryod now. --Chapter 9: Layton--
When you get back to Meryod, you will find out that the bridge has been fixed! This means that you can cross over to the other side of the continent. Be sure to stop at the new weapon shop after crossing the bridge, now, the weapons here will be very useful in the coming part of the game. You now should go to Layton. Follow the coastline north and to the west. Do not head east into the Forbidden Forest, because the enemies here are very tough and you are not supposed to be here yet. Layton is the town by the waterfall and springs. Layton: What's going on in Layton: Layton is a strange town that lives in music from the spirits of the wind. Lately, the music has changed, though, and most of the people here agree that it sounds hideous. Most of the people here also urge you to get their normal song back through the village's Lyton Shrine. There is a great armor shop here that sells new heavy-type armor for most of the characters. Make sure to buy all the best armor here, as you will definitely need it for the next part of your journey. When you first enter Layton, your party will notice the hideous racket going on. The group encourages you to find out what has happened in this town. Go into one of the north houses, and talk to the village elder. He will tell you that the spirits of the wind have begun to play a different "song", and this is what is causing the terrible racket outside. The elder urges you to help the town by seeking the spirits at the Lyton Shrine. To get to the Lyton Shrine, go to the east part of the city, and head into the small building near two people. Lyton Shrine Item Info: Wisdom Robe, Star Light, 2500 Silver Enemy Info: Bob Goblin, Brainpicker, Electro Eye, Giga Ant The enemies here are decently strong. You will basically *need* to have the armor sold in Lyton village to get through here. If you need more money, stop here to gain some levels and head back to the town to get the armor. Once you feel strong enough (level 29 is great), head through here. The Lyton Shrine is not very long, but there are several pitfalls that you can fall down to the next level of the dungeon in. You can spot the pitfalls before you fall down them, though, as there are cracks on the floor where a pitfall is going to appear. Avoid the pitfalls, as they will try to throw your direction off. Once you get to the top, you will see two rocks, and four holes. Your party tells you that the air flowing through the holes must change the music outside. The group tells you to make changes to the positions of the rocks so the music returns to normal. Here is a small (and rather simple) diagram of the rocks and holes:

___________| 3 - 4 |
| 1 O 2 |
| |
1, 2, 3, 4: Holes
O, -: Rocks

This is a rather simple and easy puzzle. Try all of the different combinations yourself, but if you are still stumped, check the puzzle answer. :P Puzzle Answer: -Move the "O" rock into the "1" hole. -Move the "-" rock into the "4" hole. Once you finish the puzzle, the group can hear the music change to something more listener friendly. :) Head back to Lyton. In Lyton, the people will thank you for making the town the way it once was, and they say that they can now travel outside freely now without having to shudder from the wretched racket from outside. When you talk to the elder again, he thanks you, and then tells you that the Blue Dragon Cave can now be accessed from the underwater area to the north. He also tells you that two lovers will have to sing along with each other and open the way to the Blue Dragon Shrine. --Chapter 10: Blue Dragon Shrine--
Blue Dragon Shrine Item Info: Angel's Tear, 5000 Silver, Ruby Tiara, Angel Ring, Jewel Bracelet, Chira's Tail, Dragon Armlet Enemy Info: Aqua Genie, Gelatin, Razor Wolf, Water Elemental The enemies in this area won't pose much of a threat if your levels are where they should be. The Gelatins are very weak, as are the Water Elementals (weak to fire magic), but the Aqua Genies and Razor Wolves are quite strong, and have a decent number of HP. Just have Alex and Kyle do normal attacks in this area, have Nash use any of his thunder spells, and have Mia use her fire spells. The normal enemies shouldn't be that hard, though. The enemies in this dungeon yield only slightly more experience points then the enemies in the Red Dragon Cave, but it is still a decent place to gain levels. The Blue Dragon Shrine is quite a large dungeon. It is basically a maze type of dungeon. During the course of the dungeon, you will find several small pools of water. If you try to enter one of the water pools, you will either have to fight a single battle with a few Gelatin enemies, or you will be able to pass to the next area of the dungeon. It doesn't really matter how many battles you get into with the Gelatin monsters, though, since they are very weak, and there is no boss of the Blue Dragon Shrine. Basically, it's all just a "guess-and-check" challenge into finding the pools that lead to the exit. It shouldn't take too long here. When you get to the end of the Shrine, you will discover the Blue Dragon. The Dragon thanks you for coming this far, and tells you that you should strive to be the next Dragonmaster. The Dragon then tells you that he will open the door to the Dragon Helm so you can get another piece of the Dragonmaster equipment. Once he opens the door, head to the new area to the east. You will see a glowing orb. You will then get the Dragon Helm. After you get the Dragon Helm, you will hear commotion from outside. The party then realizes that something has happened to the Blue Dragon! Leave the room you are in, and go outside. You will see that Phacia has slayed the Blue Dragon! Phacia then runs off. Now, only three of the original four dragons are left. After you are finished in the Blue Dragon Shrine, head back to the village of Lyton. The people will be sad that the Blue Dragon has been slayed, but they encourage you to find the Black Dragon, to the east. You must now head east, into Tamur Pass. --Chapter 11: Tamur--
Tamur Pass Item Info: Star Light, Shira's Tail, Wind Cane, Ange's Tear, Healing Nut, Dark Helmet Enemy Info: Shrieker, Octo Plant, Great Hornet, Ice Pup The enemies in Tamur pass will be just as easy as the most of the normal enemies you faced in the Blue Dragon Cave. If you really need to heal though, just head back to Lyton and then come back here. You shouldn't really need much healing, though. As you walk through Tamur Pass, you will notice several "Danger Ahead" type signs. Also, you will find from one sign that Tamur lies to the south. Go around collecting items in the area, then save and head to the southeastern area. You will suddenly be ambushed by Xenobia! Xenobia summons monsters to fight the party. You will have to fight two battles. Here is what you must fight: 1) 3 Carapace Knights, 1 Dark Sorceror 2) 4 Carapace Knights, 2 Dark Sorcerors The battles here shouldn't be very hard at all. Just have Nash use Thunder Thrust, Mia use Blizzard, and Alex use Flash Cut. This combination should kill both groups in one round. After you win both battles, Xenobia will summon yet more enemies to attack your party. Your party knows that you are in trouble, but suddenly, arrows rain down from the sky and hit the monsters! Xenobia will now run away, and you get to see an anime scene that gives you a glimpse of Tempest and Fresca. You can now exit Tamur Pass and head to Tamur. Tamur: What's going on in Tamur: Tamur is a nature town. Most of the people that live here enjoy hunting and fishing. Some of the people talk about the Prairie Tribe, and its leader, Tempest. Some others will tell you how there is a large tower which is home to an old man, Myght. In Tamur shop, you can talk to the villagers about many things going around in the area. Also, there are new weapons and armor in the shops here, so make sure to upgrade all of the equipment for all characters here. When you're ready, head for the north exit of the village. When exiting the village, you will find Laike. Laike will tell you that he will help you find the Black Dragon. Laike tells you that you should get clues and information from Myght, a man that lives in a large tower. Laike tells you that he will go along with you to find Myght, but only with Alex. The rest of the characters will have to stay behind. Laike will ask you if you want to leave. If you say yes, your other characters will leave the group of Alex and Laike. If you say no, you can come back later and talk to Laike in the Tamur bar, but you need to complete this part of the game, even if you say no. At this point you will only have Alex and Laike in your party. Head north have Alex and Laike, and your other party members stay behind. You will now have to head to Myght's Tower. It looks like well, a tower, as opposed to a village. ^_^ --Chapter 12: Myght's Tower--
Myght's Tower Item Info: Silver Light, Barrier Ring, 500 Silver, Heavling Nut, Crystal Sword Enemy Info: Magic Hat, Mecha Star, Plasma Prism, Tormentor The enemies here shouldn't be hard, just because of the fact that you have Laike here. Alex won't be much of a help here, since he does very little damage. This area is pretty short, though, so it won't be long until you find Myght anyway. When you first enter the tower, you will be presented with a puzzle. This puzzle shouldn't be too hard to complete with the "guess-and-check" method, but if you want the answer, go down to the Puzzle Strategy. *Puzzle Strategy Take the corresponding doors in this order: (Planet, Star, Sun, Moon) You will now be headed through the main part of the maze. Check the areas for the three treasures here, and head up the tower. Note that if you get stuck, you probably have to ride an elevator twice. When you meet Myght at the top of the tower, Laike explains that Alex needs an airship. Myght tells you that he'll work on one for you. Laike then leaves the group. Myght tells you that it will take some time to build. You can now go back to Tamur and meet the rest of your party at the bar. The party will tell you that they don't know where Nash is. Suddenly, Nash returns, telling you that there's a incident in the town square. When you go outside to see what is happening, you will you see a man being hung by two members of the Prairie Tribe. You can choose whether or not to help the man that is being hung. You should choose to help him. After that, you'll see a scene introducing Tempest and Fresca. Tempest will then introduce himself as the leader of the Prarie Tribe. Tempest says that he doesn't trust your group, and even though he has helped the group from Xenobia, he wants to test Alex to see how strong he is. You must now fight Tempest with Alex alone. Boss: Tempest No strengths/weaknesses Tempest won't be hard at all. Just use Vigor, then keep using Sword Dance attacks. He should go down in only a few rounds. Tempest will now tell you that he believes your group, and tells you that you are very strong. Tempest now gives Alex the Dragon Necklace. At first Alex doesn't accept it, but Tempest insists on it. When Tempest leaves, your party realizes that you should find the Prairie Tribe to get information on the Black Dragon. To get to Pao, the Prairie Tribe city, you will have to head south, through the Lost Woods. --Chapter 13: Pao and the Prairie Tribe--
Lost Woods Item Info: Chira's Tail, Holy Hairpin, Healing Nut x 2, Silver Light, Dark Shield, Star Bracelet Enemy Info: Ambush, Killer Shroom, Monster Wasp, Yeti The enemies won't pose much of a threat if you have the weapons and armor from Tamur. Watch out for the Yeti enemies, though, they have high HP and can do some high physical damage. Once you get to a certain point in the forest, your party tells you that it is getting dark, and that you should rest and try to find the exit tommorow. You can either go to the south part of this small grove, or keep searching for the exit. If you do choose to continue looking for the exit, you can find the many treasures this area has to offer. When you get everything here that you want, you can go back to the grove and rest. When you wake up in the morning, you will find some people of the Prairie Tribe. The people will agree to show you to their village, Pao. Follow them and head south. Pao: What's going on in Pao: Pao is the village of the Prairie Tribe, a group of people that live by themselves isolated from most of the world. The people of the Prairie Tribe live by themselves, and rely on nature to survive. Some of the people here are scared of your party, since you are outsiders. A lot of the people here are mysteriously being struck by a fatal disease. When you come to Pao, visit the various tents and talk to the people. You will learn about the disease that has been plaguing the village. Seek Tempest out in one of the large tents. All of a sudden, the disease strikes Jessica, Mia, and Fresca. Tempest is angry, and asks the elder's permission to seek out Ghaleon in the Black Dragon Cave. You can now head to the Black Dragon Cave, in the east part of the village. Make sure to heal and save near the statue, then enter the cave. --Chapter 14: Black Dragon Cave--
Black Dragon Cave Item Info: Dragonfly Wings, Healing Nut, Dragon Bandanna, Dream Bow, Angel Ring, [MP Drain Chest] x 3, Silver Light x 2, Dark Armor, Dark Sword Enemy Info: Chaos Fiend, Hell Raiser, Nipple Yanker, Slice O' Dead The enemies in the Black Dragon Cave are very hard, especially the Chaos Fiend enemies. You should be at least at level 32 at this point, if you're not at that point, you can always exit the cave, and then return again (Tempest waits for you). The actual area is not very long, but there are a bunch of tough enemies. It's going to be tough the entire way through, and a hard boss at the end awaits. Make sure to fill your HP and MP up before you fight the boss. Eventually, you will run into the Black Dragon. The Black Dragon will then give you the last item needed to become a Dragonmaster, the Dragon Armor. The Black Dragon tells you that you will only become a Dragonmaster once your heart is intent on doing so. Save before you head up to the next floor. When you get to the next floor, Ghaleon will be controlling the Black Dragon. At first, the Black Dragon slaughters your group. Then, Alex gets up, and is determined to fight. Alex now becomes a Dragonmaster, and you will see an awesome anime scene. Now, you will really have to fight the Black Dragon. Boss: Black Dragon Weak to Sword Dance You will totally rely on Alex for this entire fight. Alex can do about 500 damage when powered up with Sword Dance. Make sure you use Vigor on Alex in the first round, and then keep lashing out the Sword Dance special attacks. Use Thunderbolt with Nash if you have it, otherwise just have him use healing items or else normal attacks (or Thunder Thrust). Have Tempest keep using Flash Arrow, and have Kyle use Power Up on the first round, then use the Power Slash special attack. It's a hard battle, and you won't have a healer, so it is a good idea to equip Healing Rings on all of the fighters (at least Alex and Kyle) before the fight begins. Another trick here is to have many Healing Nuts in each of the character's inventories, since you don't have a healer here. *Black Dragon's Attack Arsenal: Fire Breath: When the Black Dragon breathes fire in and out, he's about to use Fire Breath, an attack that strikes one character with a piercing flame for heavy damage. Thunder Breath: When the Black Dragon cracks with bolts of flaring electricity, he's about to use Thunder Breath, a volt hitting all characters do moderate damage. Cold Breath: When the Black Dragon has bolts of cold air coming from its mouth, it is about to use Cold Breath, a beam of cold air that hits all characters for moderate damage. When you defeat the Black Dragon, head back to the Pao tent. Meet with the others. Since you've beaten the Black Dragon, the plague has stopped in Pao, and everyone is back to normal. Laike then walks in. Laike tells the group that the airship Myght is making for you is almost ready. Laike suggests that you visit Myght and receive the airship. Before you leave the area, talk to Tempest. Tempest will give you the Master Sword. Kyle doesn't accept it at first, but Tempest insists (just like the Dragon Necklace). Also, Alex gives back the Dragon Necklace to Tempest at this point, but Tempest says that he's only holding onto it, but it Alex is the owner. After you become a Dragonmaster and out of the area, you can do many of the game's side-quests and hidden secrets. One of the hidden secrets is the Forbidden Forest. Remember that really tough forest east of Meryod that had the really tough monsters? Well, you should now be strong enough to head through there. The key thing you'll be using here is Alex's "Dragon Grief" spell. If you make it through the forest without the Dragon Grief spell, you were incredibly lucky. Also, make sure you have at least one Soap before you head to the Forbidden Forest. If you don't have any Soap, there is one in one of the red chests in the game. If you can't get any more Soap in the game, don't even go through the Forbidden Forest unless you want to fight the enemies, since you need Soap to view the scenes at the end of the forest. Forbidden Forest Item Info: 5000 Silver Enemy Info: Cannon Foot, Killer Weed, Hell Hound, Shell Walker The enemies in this area are very tough, and will likely kill your characters unless you really know what to do here. The area around here is not too long, but the enemies will constantly attack you, and there aren't many that you can avoid. The only real strategy you can use here is to use Alex's "Dragon Grief" on each group of enemies, because it will wipe them out with no hassle, but you get very little experience if you do this. It probably won't be very easy to make it through without Dragon Grief, though, so you don't have to worry about the experience very much. Anyway, make your way to the east exit, trying to avoid as many of the monsters as possible. Go to the northeast corner of the area to get a chest with 5000 Silver. Head out the east exit whenever you're finished here. Once you head out the clearing, you will be at the female bathing area (rejoice)! This will be the highlight of your adventure. ^_^ If you have two bars of Soap, talk to the guardian and say "Oh, that sounds great!" to see very steamy and sexy scenes of Mia or Jessica cleaning themselves (my personal favorite part of the game ^_^). If you only have one bar of Soap, you can save, get one bath scene, and then keep reloading your data until you get the second one. The bath scenes here are shown at random, so even if you have two bars of Soap, you might get the same bath scene twice, so make sure to save your game before you view the bathing scenes. At this point you can do many more subquests. Especially important are the special accessories you can get at this time (refer to the "Miscellaneous Secrets" part of this strategy guide for locations of them). Also, you can go back to many of the different towns in the game and talk to various people to get more text. Most people will say new things now, since you've become a Dragonmaster. Once you're ready for the next part in the adventure, journey into the next chapter. --Chapter 15: The Airship and the Frontier--
Travel back to Myght's Tower. To get there, you must pass through the Lost Woods again, but it won't be a problem. If you want to spend some time here to gain levels, that is also advisable. Just head to Myght's Tower when you think that you're ready. When you pass through the maze in Myght's Tower again, you will be able to talk to him. Myght tells you that he is almost done with your airship, and should be finished by morning. Myght goes outside to work on the airship for the last night, he leaves your party inside to sleep for the night. You can talk to both couples (Kyle/Jessica and Nash/Mia), and then you decide that it's time to go to sleep. Your party then sleeps for the rest of the night. When you wake up in the morning, you will be outside, and you will see that the airship is ready. As you are ready to leave, Nash has started to be uneasy about leaving to fight Ghaleon. Nash says that he doesn't want to continue fighting. All of the other characters start to wonder what has happened to Nash, but Nash still holds his view. Right before your party is ready to leave for the Frontier, Nash shoots a single bolt of thunder, thus destroying the airship's engine. The party is terribly surprised about what Nash did. Nash then shows his betrayal, and leaves with Royce. The party is very upset of what just happened, and most of the members of your group start forming grudges against Nash for what he did. Your party is very surprised, but they still want to press on. You learn that the engine is now totally destroyed, and you'll have to find another or get the parts to rebuild this one. Your group suggests to go back to the Thieves Guild in Reza. Note that right before Nash's betrayal, you will see a humorous Working Designs inside joke. Right before you lift off, your party will complain about how long it took. Myght will say "Delays are temporary, mediocracy is forever". This is a quote that Working Designs owner, Vitor Ireland used a lot while delaying the game several times. :) When you get to the Thieves Guild, go to the Thieves Bazzar. When you get there, talk to the various people here. One of the people here gives you the Blueprints for making the most perfect airship engine. Take the Blueprints back to Myght. Myght will finish the airship, and you will finally be able to fly to the Frontier. You will now get to see a great anime scene. You start to fly to the inner part of the Frontier, but there is a barrier blocking the way. Your party memebers spot a town to the west, so you land the airship in that area. Go to the small mining town of Talon. Talon: What's going on in Talon: The people of the Frontier are working in the mines to provide Ghaleon with power. You learn that Althena has expelled the people of the Frontier to this desolate area to protect the world. As a result, most of the people here have extreme problems with humans. There is a weapon shop here, but it's actually an inn. :) The guy here will tell you that since you're humans, he can't allow you to sleep there, but he does heal your HP/MP magically anyway. There's not much to do here other than talk to the minors, so just go into the mine to the north of the area. Talon Mine Item Info: Healing Nut x 3, Silver Light x 2, Star Light x 2, Hell Armlet, Holy Robe, Devil Pendant, Refresher Ring, Angel's Tear, Fire Tiara, Protection Ring Enemy Info: Groper, Mecha Tank, Rock Biter, Stalker The enemies won't be very tough here. The Mecha Tanks have high defense, attack, and HP, but they will go down in awhile. You shouldn't have trouble if you are at decent levels and have good equipment. Fight through the mines, taking the wrapping passages and getting the treasures. Spend some time taking all of the paths to insure you get the treasures, some of them are good armor/accessories. When you get to a certain point, you will hear an earthquake, and your party thinks something happened to one of the miners. You run to the previous area, and you see that a miner is stuck under some rocks. You help the miner out, but some enemies find that you are humans, and attack you. You will now fight 3 Stalkers and 1 Groper. Nothing too hard. After you save the miner, talk to him and he will thank you. You can now continue through the mine. Going through the rest of the mine, you come upon a goddess statue by itself in a room. Your characters wonder why there is a goddess statue on the frontier. The miner you saved will be here, and he thanks you again. He tells you he took hidden passageways to find you. Heal at the goddess statue, save, and then go north. When you get into the next area, Xenobia will appear. Xenobia then abducts Jessica and Mia. Xenobia holds them while Alex and Kyle tell her to leave them alone. Xenobia tells the males that she will only let them go if you fight with Kyle and shed blood. You will now have to go into battle with Kyle. In the battle, no matter what you use, you won't be able to do any damage to Kyle, and he won't be able to do any damage to you. You will go on attacking for 0 damage until Xenobia stops the battle. Xenobia can tell that you aren't trying, and tells the males that she will not let the girls go. Kyle tricks Xenobia into thinking that he doesn't care anymore, since Jessica is a bother to him now anyway. Kyle basically tricks Xenobia into letting the females go, and Xenobia summons a Shadow Spectre to fight you. Boss: Shadow Spectre No strengths/weaknesses Not much of a complicated strategy here. Have Alex use Vigor on himself and Kyle use Power Up on himself in the first round, as usual. Also, have Mia power Alex and Kyle up in the first two rounds. Keep Jessica aside as a healer, but you can also use her to attack the first round or so. You'll then want to throw out your best attacks. Have Alex use Sword Dance, have Kyle use Power Slash, have Mia use Ice Lance or Flame Bomb. Shadow Spectre has one powerful attack, though, Piercing Eyes. Piercing Eyes does a large amount of damage to the entire party. Just use Jessica's Calm Litany after every round Shadow Spectre uses it. It won't be too hard to take Shadow Spectre down. After you beat Shadow Spectre, you can go through the main areas of the frontier. --Chapter 16: Ruid--
You can try to enter Ruid normally, but the door is sealed shut, and you can't find any other way to get in. You can now go to the large green structure to the slight southeast of Ruid. When you get here, Phacia will be waiting for you. Phacia comes before you as a friend, but at first your group doesn't trust her. Phacia tells you that she regrets working in evil, and that she wants to give you the password to Ruid. You can now choose whether you want to trust her or not. Tell her that you trust her. She'll now give you the password to enter Ruid - "Green Earth". She tells you that you must enter through the door on the west side. Now, you can go to Ruid and use the password. When you get to Ruid, you will walk to the west side of the main door, and Jessica will say the password. You'll now be able to go through Ruid. Ruid Item Info: Silver Light x 2, Star Light, Fortune Ring, Dark Mace, Healing Nut, Fire Armlet, Fortune Ring, Tri-Ring Enemy Info: Baigen, Devastator, Flash Lord, Master Mirror The enemies here are pretty tough. You'll find that many of them strongly resist physical attacks, and you're going to need to use a lot of your MP to stop them. Nash's MP will go down very fast, so provide him with Star Lights if he gets low (not Silver Lights, you'll need them for the end of the game). If you really feel weak here, you can go back to a statue and heal, then come back. If you gain levels fast here, you probably need to build your characters' levels up a bit. A useful ring to equip on Jessica is the Ghaleon's Tear, since you will want to have both Alex and Kyle doing many attacks, you can use Jessica's attack to hit all enemies for the normal amount of attack damage. Equip the Hell Ring on Nash if you have it. Go through all of the areas, collecting the treasures. There is an open area here, and it isn't hard to find your way around, but there are a few chests in this area. Take some time to look around the Ruid area and exploring each path. Save often when going through Ruid. You will soon come across a fairly tough boss. After a bit of climbing and searching, you will come across Taben, an evil inventor that is working for Ghaleon. Taben will tell you about how he has made a new weapon, "Mobile Magic Masher". Taben will summon the weapon to fight you, and Nash comes out in a special armor! Nash tells you that he wants to stop you from fighting Ghaleon, because it is useless. Mia slaps Nash in the face, and Nash regains his senses. Nash tells you that he will fight with you again, and your party accepts his words again. But, then, Taben will active the weapon, and Nash's armor will go berserk. Nash then fights you unintentionally, as Nash can't stop what he is doing. Boss: Magic Masher No strengths/weaknesses Magic Masher is an easy boss. He can't do much damage to you, and he is rather slow. About the only damage he can do to you is his thunder spells and normal attacks. You can counter the magic by using Jessica's Litany healing whenever needed. As usual, power up your fighters (Alex and Kyle), and then bust out their physical attacks. Jessica should be reserved to heal, and Mia should use some of her fire elemental spells. After you defeat Magic Masher, Taben runs away, telling you how he is going to activate the Grindery, his life's work. Nash then joins you again, and the party begins to forgive him, although there is still some distrust among members about him. Save and then head to the north, through the exit. When you exit, you will find Ghaleon and Taben, Ghaleon will tell you about his plan of destruction, and how the Grindery will be an unstoppable force. The Grinder then emerges and rolls away, and you will see a great anime scene. Your party will be left wondering what to do. The Grindery made a gap in the barrier of the Frontier, so you can walk to the west to get to your airship. Go inside. You will now be flying away in the airship. The party will notice that the Grindery is rolling toward Vane. Mia knows that the Grindery is going to destroy Vane if not stopped, so she tells you to go to Vane as fast as possible. In Vane, go to the Silver Spire in the back of the first level in the Magic Guild. Mia will attempt to channel all of Vane's powers (in a quite cool anime scene) to destroy the entire Grindery. The Grindery and Mia both fire off a shot at the same time, but it is too late, the Grindery hits Vane, and the entire city falls to the ground. Your party is very shaken, but they will awaken. At this point, you will be trapped in the Silver Spire of Vane. You cannot leave, so the group suggests that you use the Dragon Wings. You can now go to any of the locations that you've already been to. There are now a lot of things to do. You can get many awesome secret items (check the Miscellaneous Secrets section for more information), and you can get a lot more text from the towns and story information. Also, when you go into the Grindery, the entire rest of the game will be on a certain path. After you enter, you cannot go back to any of the other villages in the game, and you can't even walk out of the Grindery. Do everything you want to do, then head to the Grindery. It's on the ground near Althena's Shrine. It is vital you have the best equipment and items at this point in the game. Here are a few things you should check before going into the Grindery: 1) Characters at at least level 43. It's going to be a long way through the Grindery, and you'll probably end up higher than this, but it is still a good idea to raise your levels if you haven't already. If you are lower than level 40, the enemies inside of the Grindery will be very tough. 2) At least 10 Silver Lights in your inventory (make sure to put them in character inventories). If you don't have enough, you can open more red chests in the game, as the red chests often hold Silver Lights. 3) At least 10 Healing Nuts (also put in your seperate characters' inventories). You will want to be sure to give individual ones to the allies, as even Jessica will not be enough during a few of the final battles. 4) At least 7 Angel Tears (again, put in character inventories). There are going to be a lot of times on the last few bosses where characters will die. It's very hard to avoid having at least a few characters die, especially on the final battle. Jessica will often need to heal the party as well, so it's really vital you have a few on the allies to use so Jessica can get off her healing spells, while reviving an ally in the same turn. Once you have all of this, you should be set to go to the Grindery. Head to Althena's Shrine with the Dragon Wings, and just walk over to it. --Chapter 17: The Grindery--
Grindery Item Info: Healing Nut x 2, Saint Clothes, Silver Light x 2, Angel Ring, Stone Bracelet, Insane Shield, Healing Ring, Holy Bandana, Insane Helmet, Phantom Ribbon, Star Light Enemy Info: Archmage, Arrow Fish, Blyzer, Bomb Angel, Death Armor, Magic Machine, Soul Yanker, Tank Golem Whoa. The Grindery is a *huge* dungeon. There are many excellent items here, as well as many hard enemies. Once you get into the Grindery, you can't get out, so make sure you are ready in terms of items for the rest of the game. It's going to take a long time going through the Grindery, as there are many puzzles here, as well as many enemies that you cannot avoid. The first part of the Grindery won't be too bad. There's basically a set path you walk on until you get up a few levels. There are a few places with great treasures that you will need (like Silver Lights) early in the place, but nothing that will be too hard to find. There are a few levels of basically mazes, but if you keep looking for the exits, it shouldn't be too hard at all. Attempt to avoid some as many monsters as you can until you find the healing statue. Once you get through about the first half of the Grindery, you will be in an area of pixies. The pixies here speak of Ghaleon in love and and care. The characters are very confused since they know how utterly insane Ghaleon is, and they try to explain it to the pixies that live here. The pixies say that Ghaleon has given them a hope, but your characters to set them straight. At any rate, there is a goddess statue here (rejoice!). You can now go in the north door through the rest of the dungeon. Note that this is a great place to gain levels, since there is a goddess statue right in the area, and you can just keep fighting enemies in the first area after the door, healing, then repeating the cycle. If you haven't taken the time to gain levels before, this is one of your last chances. Save and continue through the tower. You will come across Phacia. Xenobia and Royce then appear. Xenobia and Royce now know that Phacia has betrayed them. Phacia holds back Xenobia and Royce, allowing the party to continue north. Save here and keep going north. You now meet the Magic Emperor in the next area. He now challenges you to a fight. You must now fight the Magic Emperor! Boss: Magic Emperor Experience: 50,000 No strengths/weaknesses This will be a basic fight. Use your normal boss strategies on the Magic Emperor. Alex should use Vigor and Kyle should use Power Up, then power them up again with Mia's spells. Have Nash use Thunderbolt, Jessica as a healer, and Mia use her single enemy attack spells. Magic Emperor has some strong spells, but nothing Jessica can't take care of, and it should be a rather short fight. After you beat the boss, the party thinks you've won. Alex is ready to go save Luna. Save before you head into the next area. When you get into the next area, Ghaleon will be here! The party wonders why Ghaleon is still here. Ghaleon says that you were fighting a very weak clone, and his power is many times greater. Ghaleon then awakens Althena from Luna. It turns out that Luna is Althena! Ghaleon pronounces that he is now totally powerful since he has the goddess under his control. Ghaleon then uses the dragons to erect the Fortress of Althena from the Goddess Shrine! Your party is very surprised, but Alex still wants to do anything he can to save Luna. You will now start have to fight Ghaleon. Boss: Ghaleon No weaknesses (you can't damage him) You will begin to fight with Ghaleon, but you can't damage him at all. After a few rounds, Ghaleon will slaughter the entire party. Ghaleon then runs off to the Fortress of Althena. The Grindery is going to explode now! Your party wonders what they can do to get out of the area. The Grindery explodes, but your White Dragon Wings magically take you to Meribia! Alex wakes up inside Mel's Mansion, and Nall tells you that you've been asleep for many days, and the party was getting worried about you. You can now go into Mel's office and talk to Mia and Jessica. They will tell you that they are happy that you pulled through, but they are sad about how Nash and Kyle. They tell you that you should go look for them and talk to them. Meribia: What's going on in Meribia: The people here are saddened that the Dragonmaster coudln't defeat Ghaleon. They people are starting to give up hope, and they think that it's the end of the world. Nall assures the people that you really can do it, you just need to regain your strength. Some of the people from Vane are now in Meribia. You can now freely walk around Meribia, but you can't go anywhere else. You can talk to Lemia in Royce's former area of Black Rose Street, and you can talk to all of the other villagers. When you are ready to continue with the game, go to the Seagull Tavern in the southeastern area of town (near a drunken man that is on the ground). Go inside, and talk to Nash and Kyle. Nash and Kyle say that they are unwilling to fight. Now, go back to Mel's Mansion and talk to Mia and Jessica again. They now will come with you to talk to Nash and Kyle. Go back to the Seagull Tavern, and talk to them again. Mia and Jessica tell Nash and Kyle that they need to continue fighting Ghaleon for the sake of the world. They soon slap some sense into Nash and Kyle, and they will rejoin you now. Laike now comes in the tavern. Laike tells you that he will help you find a way to fight Ghaleon again. Laike tells you now to come back to him when you are ready to leave. You can now walk about Meribia again. If you go to Ramus' shop, he will give you his items for free now. The party also says that he has new weapons, but he doesn't (does anyone know why this is?). You can take whatever you need for free. I suggest taking plenty of Healing Nuts and Star Lights. You'll really need them for the coming area. When you are ready, head back to Laike in the tavern. Laike will now tell you that he is taking you back to Burg by the power of the White Dragon. The party is confused. Laike will now awaken the powers of the Dragon Wings and bring the party back to Burg, to the place your adventure started. You will be standing beside Dyne's memorial. Laike will now tell you a story about how Dyne "died", and you will now see a flashback of Laike's. Dyne and Ghaleon are near the goddess. Ghaleon urges Dyne not to get near the goddess, Althena. Dyne proceeds to walk toward the goddess. Ghaleon tells Dyne that he will lose his power if he continues, but Dyne cointues walking toward Althena anyway. Dyne is stripped of all of his powers when he gets near to the goddess, and Ghaleon runs away. Ghaleon only valued physical power, and not the power of love. Ghaleon is grieved that his best friend did this. The party will wonder how Laike knows all of this, and Laike turns away. Laike now reveals that his real name is...Dyne. Your party is very surprised, and wonders how that is really possible. Laike (Dyne) tells you that the Dragonmaster who was Dyne died that day, and a new life was born into Laike. He tells you that he never regretted the decision he made that day, and that he couldn't continue fighting. Laike tells you that he is now a new mission - to explore the world. Laike tells your party that you are now the only hope for the world. Laike (Dyne) tells Alex to pull out the sword of Althena from Dyne's memorial. Walk over to the memorial, and press X. You will now see a great anime scene of Alex pulling out the sword of total power (and the strongest sword in the game), Althena's Sword. Laike (Dyne) tells you now that you should now fly to the Fortress of Althena on the White Dragon. Nall knows what Laike is talking about, and tells the party that he always knew he had true power inside of him. Nall now becomes a very large dragon. Nall now flies the group to Althena's Fortress, and Laike (Dyne) wishes you luck. Laike (Dyne) now looks back at what happened that day by himself, talking about how Ghaleon never understood why Althena gave up power. You will see a great anime scene, and you will be at the Fortress. You can't leave this area. Head north, into the door, to be in the actual fortress itself. --Chapter 18: Althena's Fortress--
Althena's Fortress Item Info: Silver Light x 3, Holy Mace, Dragon Cane, Starlight Bow, Insane Armor, Aegis Robe, Holy Clothes, Insane Sword, Detonator Armlet, Sage's Robe, Spook Armlet, Spirit Talisman Enemy Info: Death Warrior, Cannon Thug, Gades, Necromancer, Ring Horn, Stone Creep, Ultra Fiend The last dungeon in the game has some very powerful enemies, and many different enemies. They enemies here will be very strong to physical attacks, and it's going to take a lot of your magic to just get through the area. Althena's Fortress is longer than the Grindery, so it's going to be a long way. Also, a great number of normal enemies can't be avoided here. Most of the battles you will fight here contain five or more monsters per battle, so it is very likely these battles will be tough. If you stocked up on Star Lights from Ramus, you should be able to get through on them until the first healing statue. There are many great treasures in Althena's Fortress, including some of the best weapons and armor in the game. Just go through Althena's Fortress (there's only a few set paths), getting all of the treasures. You will eventually find Luna in the hall. Your party is very surprised, and Luna says that she escaped from Ghaleon. The party say they still want to destroy Ghaleon because he is trying to rule the world. Luna says "what's wrong with that?", and the party immediately knows that is not the real Luna. The fake Luna then turns into Royce, who casts a very strange spell on your party, then runs away. Royce says you must pass her test before you fight her. The party then wonders what spell Royce casted on your party. The spell that Royce casted on you is a pretty harsh spell. Each time you get into battle until you fight Royce, two random allies will be asleep during the battle. This is tough because now the enemies will often get their best attacks off sooner, and your party will often take a lot more damage. Jessica can use Cleanse Litany to heal the condition the sleeping members are in. Try to avoid as many enemies as possible and head for Royce. When you get to Royce, she will show you your supposed future. The future shows your characters laying on the floor, dead. Your characters get through it and continue fighting, because they know that this is just a fake made up future that Royce made for them. Boss: Royce Experience: 50,000 Weak to Sword Attacks/Ice Royce isn't hard compared to the next few bosses. You'll want to conentrate of pounding on her very fast to stop her with physical attacks. Royce doesn't have too many spells that will hurt you too badly. If you need to use Star Lights, use them, but try not to waste your Silver Lights. The main idea is just to slaughter her fast and quick with your sword attacks like most of the other bosses. Alex and Kyle will be most important in this battle. Make sure they have enough MP to execute many sword attacks. Royce is not very hard of a boss overall. *Royce's Attack Arsenal: Cross Bridge: When Royce is stretching her limbs, she will use Cross Bridge, a heavy attack that nails everyone within a horizontal path from her. Arch Flare: When electrical energy bounces around the tip of Royce's staff, she's going to use Arch Flare, an attack that hits everyone on the screen for heavy damage, but still less than Cross Bridge. Shoot Lancer: When Royce is floating with no electrical energy on the staff, she'll use Shoot Lancer, in which she throws her staff at one party member, sometimes even killing them. Flare Strike: When Royce is floating with her legs crossed, and her arm behind her, she'll cast Flare Strike, an attack that she summons fireballs to nail a single character. Flame Bird: When the faces within Royce's flames are glowing with a certain white color, she'll cast Flame Bird, in which she wraps around a character and does damage for a few rounds in succession. The person Royce uses Flame Bird on can't do anything while she is wrapped around him or her. After you defeat Royce, the north door opens. Save, and then go through. There are many simple puzzles in the next area. The coming few floors will all revolve around the four colors of the dragons that you've met on your journey. The first room you enter is very easy. You're supposed to hit the colors in the order that you met the dragons. Puzzle Strategy: Hit the buttons in this order: (white, red, blue, black), and step in the teleporter. You will now be in a smaller room, but the solution to the puzzle is the exact same colors as the last. Just hit these buttons in the order of (white, red, blue, black), and then step in the teleporter. You'll now be in yet another color puzzle. These buttons are spread over a few rooms, so you'll have to enter a few teleporters to get to the buttons. The solution is quite easy to figure out, even if you don't know what the question is talking about, since you can *only* hit the buttons in order, you can't even try to do a incorrect combinations. Puzzle Strategy: Hit the buttons in this order: (blue, black, red, white). Now, step in the teleporter. You'll now be in a bigger area, but there is still one more color puzzle to go. This puzzle is also quite easy, since like the last, you can only step on the correct button combination, as the others won't even work. Clues: "Smashing Through the ice..." "Smashing Through the red flames..." "Swimming through the blue water..." "Sojourning on the black earth..." Puzzle Strategy: Hit the buttons in this order: (red, black, white, blue). Now, go to the southern part of the room, and walk north into the next room. Soon enough, you'll come upon a statue of Althena! Woohoo! You can now heal yourself. Healing your characters will be very neccessary here because you'll need to save your Silver Lights for the next bosses. This is a very good point to gain levels (and the last legible place to do so), so if you want to gain some levels, do so now. I recommend at least level 46 at this point. A few rooms will pass in which you must fight some enemies, but there is nothing really hard here. Save, and head north. You will now have to fight through a few more rooms, but you can dodge most of the enemies here. Keep saving before you enter each room. Eventually, you will get to Xenobia. When you get to Xenobia, she shows your party's supposed future. In their future, the party's mirror image will discourage that character to stop fighting Ghaleon. Each character in the party shrugs the fake images off, then appears near Xenobia again. Alex now must face his fears. Alex's image tells him he is fighting for a useless cause. You must keep walking toward Luna. Even when the image tells you not too, keep walking toward her. The party will now be all together at Xenobia. You must now fight Xenobia. Boss: Xenobia Experience: 55,000 Item Won: Silver Light Weak to Fire. Xenobia is a pretty tough boss, but nothing compared to what you have to face soon. The strategy is to keep your MP up and keep executing each character's best attacks. If you need MP at any time, use Star Lights, and try to refrain from Silver Lights. You will want as many Silver Lights as possible in the next battle. Here is a good individual strategy to beating the boss, Xenobia: *Strategy for Xenobia: Alex: Vigor on the first round, Sword Dance every next round. Kyle: Power Up on the first round, Power Slash every next round. Nash: Thunderbolt magic spell, or use healing/MP restore items on allies. Nash won't be that much of a help in this battle. Mia: Power Up on fighters (Alex and Kyle), then use Flame Bomb, use healing/MP restore items if neccessary. Jessica: Healer. Make sure she heals whenever needed, otherwise just do normal attacks, or MP restore items. *Xenobia's Attack Arsenal: Chaos Wave: Magic attack, does high damage to all characters. Aura Shot: A magical beam that does high damage to a single character in the party. Normal Attack: Does about 80 damage per hit, hits twice. Xenobia should go down within a few rounds. It will be decently long, but it won't be too hard. After you beat Xenobia, make sure to save! The coming battle will be *very* tough, and you won't want to go back to fight Xenobia again. Save, and then go north once more. In the next room, you will find Ghaleon and Althena. Ghaleon talks about how he wants to conquer the world and create a new nation with Althena. Althena gives Ghaleon the ultimate power, and he will attack you. It's time to beat Ghaleon for the last time! Boss: Magic Emperor No strengths/weaknesses Wow. Here's definitely the toughest battle in the game. Ghaleon can do two things during each of his turns. Sometimes he will cast two spells in a row that will either kill almost all of the party members, or put them down to incredibly low HP. This is one battle where Alex's "Dragon Healing" magic comes into great use. Sometimes Jessica's Calm Litany won't heal for enough, so make use of Dragon Healing. Sometimes Ghaleon came be extremely annoying, since he uses "Chaos Shield", which causes two orbs to form around him. When he has these orbs, he will be protected from all attacks, and once you do about 1000 damage to Ghaleon, the orbs will die, and you will be able to attack him again. This is very annoying since you will often have to do a lot of damage to Ghaleon before he actually dies. You'll want to have many Star Lights, Silver Lights, Healing Nuts, and Angel Tears scattered through all of the members of the party. Here is an individual strategy on how to beat the Magic Emperor: *Strategy for Magic Emperor: Alex: Vigor in the first round, Sword Dance every next round unless your characters are all at very low HP, then use your Dragon Healing magic spell. Kyle: Power Up in the first round, Power Slash every next round, also use healing items or MP restore items if needed by allies. Nash: Thunderbolt spell, otherwise healing/MP restore items. Mia: Power Up Alex and Kyle in the first round, then keep using Ice Lance or Flame Bomb, you will often need her to heal other allies with items, though. Jessica: Healer. Use Calm Litany every round your character have about minimal HP. You will often need to use Althena Litany, and Miracle Litany (if your characters faint). *Ghaleon's Attack Arsenal: Inferno: Very powerful fire magic on all allies. Nitro Dagger: Very powerful ice magic on all allies. Tornado: Very powerful wind magic on all allies. Rock 'N' Roll: Very powerful earth magic on all allies. Siphon Soul: Steals HP from everyone and heals Ghaleon for about 370 HP. Chaos Shield: Summons protective orbs with about 1000 HP. Fate Sword: Automatically kills one character. Worm Crush: A physical attack on a small group of allies. Hell Wave: A large beam that hits all enemies. Whoa. This is going to be a long battle, expect it to take many rounds. Once you beat Ghaleon, you get to see the game's ending! It is a really great and long ending, and you can do many things during it. The ending is the longest anime sequence in the entire game, by far. Also, after the game, listen to Working Designs' outtakes for the game. Most of them are very humorous. There are about 15 minutes worth of just outtakes from character voices. Sit back and listen to them!

------------------- Bromide Locations: ------------------- Working Designs had added 13 total Bromides in the game that are basically just to collect. Some of the Bromides are very well hidden, and are going to be very hard to find, while others are quite easy to find. It is tough to find all 13 in the first run through the game, but if you take a lot of time looking on your own, you can find them all. Most of the Bromides are very tough to find because there is only a short timeframe window in the game in which you can get them. That's why it's a big challenge to collect all 13 in the game, and you must know when you must get each one. *Jessica's Bromide: Go to Althena's Shrine. Talk to the girl who thinks Jessica is her sister twice. On the second time, the girl will hand you Jessica's Bromide. You can only get this Bromide after Kyle joins your party, but before you head to the Frontier. *Jessica's Bromide 2: This is the toughest Bromide to get in the game. You must go to Lann Island in the boat. But, before you fight Dragonmaster Zoc, go back to Lann village and talk to the guy who you took the boat from. He will say "If ya still want ta use my boat, it's ready an' waitin'!" You now have triggered the path in the game to get the Bromide. Now, right after Alex becomes a Dragonmaster, but before you go to the Frontier, go to Lann and talk to the boat guy. He'll give you Jessica's Bromide 2. *Jessica's Bromide 3: You can purchase Jessica's Bromide 3 and Mia's Bromide 3 from Ramus, but only in the game's epilogue, and he must have given you Luna's Bromide 1 again. Talk to him again, and you'll be able to buy them. *Jessica's Bromide 4: After Kyle fights off the demons in Nanza Barrier, go to Kyle's bed, but only *before* he joins the actual group. Most people miss this one because you can skip over that part very easily. Search his bed, and you will find the Bromide. *Luna's Bromide 1: At the end of the game (in the ending), you can go to Ramus' shop. He will be there, and he will give you Luna's Bromide for free. *Luna's Bromide 2: Go to Alex's house, in the basement, in the same area you got several chests in the beginning of the game. Search all of the shelves in the room. Once you find the right area, Nall will comment on the picture, and Alex will tell him to be quiet. :) You will then pick up Luna's Bromide. You can only get this Bromide if Luna has already been taken from the party, but it must be done before you head to Meribia with the Dragon Wings. *Mia's Bromide 1: Mia's Bromide is already equipped on Nash when you first get him in the Old Hag's Forest. :) *Mia's Bromide 2: In the Guild Mansion in Vane, go the the most eastern classroom on the first floor. There is a student at the back of the left desk. If you talk to this student twice, he will give you Mia's Bromide 2. You can only get this Bromide once you return to Vane from the Frontier, but before you retrieve Nash from Transmission Spring. *Mia's Bromide 3: You can purchase Jessica's Bromide 3 and Mia's Bromide 3 from Ramus, but only in the game's epilogue, and he must have given you Luna's Bromide 1 again. Talk to him again, and you'll be able to buy them. *Mia's Bromide 4: After Nash destroys the airship engine, but before you head back to talk to Myght, go to Iluk and talk to the guy that wanted to photograph Mia. Jessica and Mia force the photographer to give it to the group. You must get Mia's Bromide 4 after Nash destroys the balloon engine, but before you head to the Frontier. *Phacia's Bromide: After the events with Xenobia, Phacia, and Royce in the Crystal Tower, go to Althena's Shrine and talk to the girl in the back end of the shrine. This girl will say that she found an strange item, but doesn't have any use for it, so she will give you the item, Phacia's Bromide. You can only get Phacia's Bromide after the three members of the Vile Tribe reveal themselves, but you must get it before you return to Meribia. *Royce's Bromide: Royce's Bromide is found only after Master Mel is turned to stone. After Mel is turned to stone, go back to Black Rose Street, and talk to someone there. A person will give you the Bromide. You must get Royce's Bromide after Mel is turned to stone, but before you travel to Vane. *Xenobia's Bromide: After you see Taben's Grindery moving away for the first time, and given you've saved the Vile Trible miner in the cave, you can go back to talk to the miner on the southwest side of the screen, and he will give you Xenobia's Bromide. You must get Xenobia's Bromide after the Grindery has rolled away, but it must be received before you leave the Frontier.

-----------------------END WALKTHROUGH----------------------------