A bunch of cool links to Dragon/Pern sites.

Frelist's Library: This isn't a Pern or Dragon site, but it is reeeeally nifty, and one of my best friend's, so bear with me.  The rest all are dragon/Pern.  I promise. :)

Save the Dragon Campaign:  A neat site that, well, has a bunch of cool stuff about saving dragons.

Dancing Dragons Designs:  The online Dancing Dragons catalog.  They have some really great stuff on here!  Almost all of having to do with dragons ;)

Fantasy in Flight:  A site by Theresa Mossberg, the creator and maker of really nifty stuffed dragons and firelizards that you can order.  I finally got my gold!!   She is so cool!!  I'll put a pic up one day.  :)

The Dragon's Toybox:  Another site that makes and sells stuffed dragons-- 'Shoulder Dragons'.  They're pretty neat, and cost less than those at the above mentioned site. :)

As Pern Turns:  A site specifically about Pern... as a movie!  Cool links and neat characters to play the characters in the movie :)

You know you've been readin Pern too long when...:  An awesome site with clever ideas that tells you exactly how obsessed you are with Pern!

The Dragon's Lair:  A site full of Dragons pictures, drawn and posted by the creator.

Tamfay's Home Page:  This is where my firelizard eggs came from!  Hurry, the rest are running out quickly!

The Traveller's Domain:  One of the best Dragon sites I've seen so far, it takes you through mazes, exploring through Weyrs, the works!

RestingWaters Weyr:  A page created by Kikee, a fellow MOOer.  This is where I Impressed a few dragons (Who aren't here yet..)

L'ren of StarStone's Webpage:  Another fellow MOOer, from StarStones (see bottom of page) with everything you could possibly want to know about him!

Onix's Homepage:  A friend of mine from two MOOs, she has a really great page with a /beautiful/ dragon that she drew herself!  And she's due to have eggs!

Rimrockias' Homepage:  A friend of mine from real life and MOOs, she has a neato page!

VirtuaPern's HomePage:  The coolest MOO that I'm on!  As Vanetin, of course.  Right now, I'm a Fort Weyr Candidate!!  *Yay for me!*  If you have no idea what a candidate is, don't worry, some day I'll make a page that's all about Pernese terms, traditions, and, uh, stuff... Give me a while, though, it's a lot harder than you may think!
To connect on raw telnet (which I /really/ don't suggest, unless you are /desperate/) it's: telnet://moo.Virtuapern.com:9999

StarStones' Homepage:  Another cool MOO, very nifty, I live at Telgar Weyr on this one!
To connect raw telnet (Ewww) on thisone, it's: telnet://mserv1.wizvax.net:9988

DragonsFire's Homepage:  A MOO that I started a character on, but never finished, since I was getting a little overboard with the MOO's by the time I started it... It was pretty neat though.
To connect raw telnet (Yuch!) for this, it's: moo.eskimo.com:7777

Harper's Tale's Homepage:  Another nifty MOO that I'm on.  In this one, I live in Ista Weyr.
raw telnet (gross!) address for it:  moo.astroarch.com:7007

CrystalDreams Mush:  No homepage, but worry not, I'll find one!!
raw telnet (AUUGH!!) is:

If you are getting worried about my continuous slandering of raw telnet (*gag!*) Fear not!!  I have the answer, a wondrous invention of epic proportions!   Presenting, for your MOOing pleasure, SimpleMu!!!  *Yes!!*  Pretty cool, huh?

Adopting Sites:

Adopt a Dragon foundation:  I'v signed up for adoption, and I hope I get a reply soon!

Downloadable Dragons:  The dragon adoption agency that Lanoth and Namoth came from.  They're really cute!

Lady Guenevere's Dragon Sanctuary:  Another site hosted by an obsessed Dragon collector!  You can adopt dragons here, which I'm going to try, as soon as there are some new eggs!

R2-D2's Homepage:  An avid fantasy fan (Like me!)  who has colleted 48 dragons! (I think, somewhere around there!)  And with an adopting page as well.

Random Access by Darcie:  Another dragon adoption agency, and she has a bunch of information about dragons.

Dragontopia:  Another dragon adoption agency, with real neat eggs.

Dinodragon Adoptions:  This is where my orange, Corith, came from.  By Lasy Shinshin.

Shin Dragon Adoptions:  I tried to adopt one, but they'd all been adopted already, but soon there should be more eggs.  By Lady Shinshin.

Mystic Dragon Adoptions: This is where Myth,.myMysticdragon came from.  Also by
Lady Shinshin.

Kierinath's Weyr:  There are't any eggs right now, but it's still a neat site.

Adopt an Elyshan Dragon: This is where my Elyshan dragon came from.  You apparently just put it on your page and tell the owner where it is, then she decides by your page whether you are worthy enough to have it hatch.

Adopt a Melaquin Dragon:  There weren't any eggs when I went there, but it's still a cool site.

Impress a Nimublan Dragon:  We have to wait until August 5th for the eggs.  But I am patient.  :)

Azerith's (Taziath's) Weyr:  There aren't any eggs up for grabs right now, but maybe there will be soon.  (I hope I hope I hope!!)

Circle Cove:  A place to adopt firelizards, and they look very neat!  And hopefully, one day, I'll get one.. :)

Land of Kali:  Another dragon adoption place, with a weekly contest for eggs.. :)

Sarina's Dragon Orphanage:

Kitty's Lovables:

Well, that's it for now.  I'll put up more as I find them.  EMAIL me if you want to talk to me or if you have any suggestions or if you jave an adoption agency yourself!  I'd love to hear about it!
Or you could just sign my Guestbook... I'm okay with that...

The Dragonriders of Pern® is a trademark, Registered U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, 
and is used with the permission of its owner, Anne McCaffrey.  This page is based on 
VirtuaPern MOO, an online game already approved by Anne McCaffrey.