Alaric's Den

    Vanetin leads you into a dark room, the two lizard creatures staying behind, in the lighted cavern.  You can barely see anything, and she speaks to you, her voice oddly muted, "This is Alaric's den.  He's a Watchwher.  It's so dark in here because the Watchwhers' eyes are very sensitive to light, making them wonderful nocturnal guards, but they don't function well in the sun or during daytime.  Alaric is no exception, of course.  He is a Bronze."

    Out of the shadows slinks a large bronze animal with large faceted eyes.  He growls menacingly as he sees you, but Vanetin quiets him with an outstretched hand, which he sniffs.  Recognizing the scent, he turns and slinks back to the darkest corner of the cave, keeping up his silent vigil.


Vanetin then pulls you back to the entrance, "Let's not stay any longer than we have to.  He'll tolerate visitors as long as I'm here to reassure him, so I don't suggest you coming back without me."  She motions for you to follow her through the door, "Quickly."

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VirtuaPern MOO, an online game already approved by Anne McCaffrey.