c. eileen duckett - 11/10/00 01:58:27
My Email:jinaq@aol.com
Your race(for fun): klingon
Favorite Trek series: ds9
Favorite character all-around: checkov
cool site. i happen to have a ferengi crewmember on my ship. Ghass has been whining for me to find him some little playmates. if this is a funny ferengi contract i may have to make you come play w/ him.
Kane Coxon - 10/28/00 17:32:07
My Email:Kane.Coxon@btinternet.com
Your race(for fun): hew-mon
Favorite Trek series: tng\ds9
Favorite character all-around: Quark
This site is brilliant,and by the way just because im a hew-mon it doesn't mean i dont like profit.
Seth Balaban - 10/12/00 06:49:37
My Email:bosscatt@webtv.net
Starting with ST:NG and through the run of DS9, the Ferengi were skillfully developed, resulting in a compelling and interesting fictional race and culture.
Then, in the last episode, apparently for the purpose of humor, the producers of DS9 THREW IT ALL AWAY.
They ruined the Ferengi, expecting the viewers to believe the entirely implausible proposition that Ferengi society would change SO fundamentally in such a short period of time.
Attempting to so radically change his society would only reasonably result in Zek being flung from the Tower of Commerce.
Such a shame........
Thomas"Mid-West Grand Nagus MooLa' " Gambino Na - 09/26/00 03:34:25
My Email:MrTJGambino@aol.com
Your race(for fun): Ferengi
Favorite Trek series: Manifigante 7
Favorite character all-around: Rom
I would like to join the alliance i am in st. louis missouri and have been the only one in the area that is knowen for portraying a nagus..
Grand Nagus Keldar - 04/10/00 23:58:42
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/GrandNagusKeldar
My Email:GrandNagusKeldar@aol.com
Your race(for fun): Ferengi of course
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Quark
Quark is my son!
I was Grand Nagus before that Dried out old Slug Zek stole my rights. Therefore - Rom cannot be Grand Nagus!
Ralf Kleinophorst - 04/10/00 23:47:40
My Email:MutantZombie@web.de
Your race(for fun): Cardassia
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Gul-Dukat;Garak
Keep trying insects........
Daniel - 04/02/00 03:45:11
My Email:zekk_86
Your race(for fun): Ferengi
Favorite Trek series: Deep space nine
Favorite character all-around: Quark
I think the ferengi are really cool, you must too.....c-ya :)
Drucilla - 02/24/00 02:09:33
My Email:drucilla@netease.com
Your race(for fun): cardassian
Favorite Trek series: All of em'
Favorite character all-around: Quark
A ferengi Language Lesson:
-Whife: booplop
-to serve:boop
-to do something:lop
-to get something:doop
therefor, Booplop boop, dooplop doop, or, in English, whives serve, brothers inheret - Rule of Aquisition#139
"Odessa N. Sukot" - 01/06/00 22:01:27
My URL:http:/www.geocities.com/meg-a-bytes
My Email:choctaw@bolt.com
Your race(for fun): Bajoran-Cardassian
Favorite Trek series: All of them!!
Favorite character all-around: ?????TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM!!!!!
Hey- love the page. You may want to stop on by the sim group called FFO. I've recently joined and found it to be a great place for fun!
Odessa N. Sukot
Grand Nagus Gint - 12/16/99 03:37:47
My URL:/gngint
My Email:gngint@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): Ferengi
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Gint
Your page is pretty good.
Peter Luckett - 11/09/99 23:54:16
My Email:pdgl3755@aol.com
Your race(for fun): "Hew-mon," as you so quaintly put it.
Favorite Trek series: ST:DS9
Favorite character all-around: (Who else) G.N. Zek
I like doing business and cheating on people.
chris - 11/08/99 23:43:32
My URL:http://n/a
My Email:bowes@startrekmail.com
Your race(for fun): hewman
Favorite Trek series: voyger
Favorite character all-around: worf
Live Long And Prosper
Matthew Orlando - 07/28/99 17:43:35
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~neato10
My Email:neato10@earthlink.net
Favorite Trek series: TNG
Favorite character all-around: Data (until he got his emotion chip)
Nice Site. Where'd the music and graphics come from?
Bronwyn Denehy - 07/12/99 03:14:40
My Email:na
Your race(for fun): Human
Favorite Trek series: Voyager
Favorite character all-around: 7of9
Bob Bosscher - 06/27/99 20:19:32
My Email:BB6000@ Aol.com
Your race(for fun): Vulcan
Favorite Trek series: TNG
Favorite character all-around: Spock and Data- Both very logical choices
Live long and prosper. Neat site you have here!
Ben Kelly - 04/26/99 20:43:11
My Email:benakelly@aol.com
Your race(for fun): Feringi
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Quark
Quark - was actually copied from my personality.
Current job function - Aide to the grand Nagus.
Would like to know where costums are available.
sara - 03/25/99 20:04:40
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Quark
cool page.
Aimee - 03/19/99 19:26:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab/littleperson/inde.html
My Email:sweater_girl_14@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): Human
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: all of them
I like the site! Its very funny, I think I'll come by again.
chEEEeeeEEEEt - 11/16/98 07:35:45
My Email:tafkatpod@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): Tribble
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Garak
I just (chEEEEEEE) couldn't resist (cheee) This is a bonus (chEEEEE) website, besides its hard to find the (cheeeee) rules of aquisiton anywhere.
10/16/98 02:44:46
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
JO - 10/09/98 15:42:01
My Email:yep
Your race(for fun): Binar
Favorite Trek series: TNG
Favorite character all-around: SevenofNine, The Doctor
Nice site. Quark is in my top 5 - he makes me laugh.
Cindy - 09/23/98 11:16:15 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
I'm first and foremost a Klingon fan, but you just gotta love the Ferengi.
Kruge - 09/08/98 20:55:30
My Email:etoler@mail.dep.state.wv.us
Your race(for fun): Klingon
I've been trying to register at the new forums for two days. It keeps kicking me out. I'm begining to wonder if there is a conspiricy(sp). Then again, maybe I've been watching to much X-Files. :-) Please tell Coyote I said Happy birthday.
M.I.K. - 08/11/98 03:38:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimeSquare/Stadium/5034/index.html
My Email:mik_24@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): male
Favorite character all-around: Sabin Rene Figaro
Pretty cool page!
small, but cool...not too many fans heh?
I'll put your page on my links
Ed (Kruge) Toler - 08/07/98 20:43:57
My Email:etoler@mail.dep.state.wv.us
It's me again. Please send me an E-Mail so I will have your address. I thought of an insult.
"You have the lobes of a Hew-Mon"
Brandon Grasmick - 07/06/98 21:55:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/2584
My Email:bgrasmick@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): Human
Favorite Trek series: The Original Series
Favorite character all-around: James T. Kirk
Cool webpage
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 11:13:05
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Cathy AKA Borg Queen Cathy, RomulanCmdrCathy - 06/16/98 20:52:21
My Email:romulancmdrcathy@mailexcite.com
Your race(for fun): Romulan assimilated into Borg
Favorite Trek series: VOY
Favorite character all-around: 7of9 and Picard
KOOL Page, Tora!! Sorry I didn't get a chance to visit it earlier. =)
Vampiric - 06/14/98 10:40:02
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Vampiric/
My Email:nope!!!!
Your race(for fun): Vampire
Favorite Trek series: Voyager
Favorite character all-around: 7of9
Good start.....love the changes you made to the geocities thingy......Of BTW if my HTML tags don't work...feel free to take this entry out!!!
MaGiC - 06/14/98 10:33:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/8467/
My Email:magic1@lineone.net
Your race(for fun): omnipotent entity..(notQ)
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Quark!!!
Nice site...I'll be better when its finished...so i bookmarked it for safekeeping.. as an exploitable commodity.....Ha!!
Froggy - 04/25/98 22:41:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/9919/
My Email:froggyzilla@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): Frog
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Sisko
Nifty Page you have here...
Captain_Wesley_Crusher1 - 04/20/98 23:05:02
Your race(for fun): 1/2 human 1/2 Romulan
Favorite Trek series: ALL!
Favorite character all-around: WESLEY!!!!!!
Cool page
TALKIETOASTER - 04/02/98 18:09:30
My URL:http://www.waffles//teacakes.html
My Email:Flapjacks@crumpet.com
Your race(for fun): toaster
Favorite Trek series: RED DWARF
Favorite character all-around: Dave Lister
Well tora! I just found your webpage and was shocked that a certain chirpy and handsome toaster was left off your list of yahoo trek regulars. Oh well. I do have a quick question. When deep fat frying Ferengi, how much longer do you leave the ears in
I undestand it takes a while to get them to cook all the way through.
Jay aka Omni Q & Nettraveller... - 03/18/98 03:53:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/1979/index.html
My Email:nettraveller@hotmail.com
Your race(for fun): Vulcan
Favorite Trek series: STTNG....well, can't say...since I've only watched only 3 or 4 episodes of VOY and DS9...AND TOS.
Favorite character all-around: They are all great.
TMTIJ!!! it's a good page, keep up the good work. I hate Ferengi though...=) j/k.
Cabbitcabbit - 03/13/98 12:01:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/4183
My Email:cabbit@snet.net
Your race(for fun): Cabbit
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Nice Trek page...just watch out, cabbits can overrun one as fast as Tribbles...
Great page Tora!! Can't wait till it's finished!
Kara Dax - 03/12/98 05:24:53
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/uhura/199/index.html
My Email:kknick@citnet.com
Your race(for fun): Trill
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Jadzia Dax
Great page Tora!! Can't wait till it's finished!
Shinichi - 02/26/98 06:42:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/7168
My Email:shinichi@aznet.net
Your race(for fun): human
Favorite Trek series: DS9
Favorite character all-around: Spock
Cool Site. I look forward to seeing more. Here's my thumbprint.@
_Curzon_Dax - 02/24/98 19:13:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~NicRick/
My Email:nicrick@yahoo.com
Your race(for fun): Trill
Favorite Trek series: DS9, Voyager, TNG
Favorite character all-around: Dax- Jadzia, Curzon, ect.
Hey Tora, I came by to see your page. It looks good. Keep up the good work. Talk to you later. _Curzon_Dax
Solipcist - 02/24/98 09:09:38
My Email:simsizer@bentonrea.com
Your race(for fun): Vorta (why not?)
Favorite Trek series: Whichever is on at the time.
Favorite character all-around: NANITES! Um, just kidding. Oh, uh, Picard's good, I guess. (Weyoun or Nanites, I can't decide)
It's quite nice here. Good job. (Now if I can just figure out HTML...)
Trekkie_Guy - 02/21/98 23:53:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/9065
My Email:shazerzal@yahoo.com
Your race(for fun): Human
Favorite Trek series: Original Series!!
Favorite character all-around: Mr. Spock (He's just so darn LOGICAL!!!)
Hi there... Cool web site! I like it!!
Ron_RPL96 (Ronald) - 02/21/98 06:46:10
My Email:astarte@alpha1.net
Your race(for fun): Hew-mon
Favorite Trek series: Deep Space Nine
Favorite character all-around: Data
TMTIJ!! Can't wait for you to include the Ferengi rules of acquisition. Add more insults!!
Archanus - 02/21/98 06:30:25
My Email:Admiral_Racer@yahoo.com
Favorite Trek series: I don't play favorites; I like them all equally
Nice site. Quark will be proud, but to answer your request to sign, here's another Rule of Acquisition that I'm surprised hasn't made it into the DS9 archives: "If you're not absolutely sure what it is you're signing, never sign your real name."
Vasha - 02/21/98 06:27:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/1291
My Email:CnslrLathe@yahoo.com
Your race(for fun): Betazoid/Bitch..Q
Favorite Trek series: STNG!!
Favorite character all-around: Um.... ME
Very cool site!! I like it! I'd write something witty, but I have 3 midterms on MON! ACK!
Jaydub - 02/19/98 08:07:21
Comments: Comments:
this is looking nice so far, keep it up
Travas, aka __paradox__ - 02/14/98 07:10:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/9966
My Email:__email__@yahoo.com
Your race(for fun): Human, or Cardassian
Favorite character all-around: Also in Order: Data, not in order, Tuvok, Neelix, Odo, Garak.
COOL page, even though i just saw a peek of what i know is going to be good