In July, 1976, Viking Orbiter
1 was acquiring images of the Cydonia region of Mars as part of the search
for potential landing sites for Viking Lander 2. On 25 July, 1976, it photographed
a region of buttes and mesas along the escarpment that separates heavily
cratered highlands to the south from low lying, relatively crater-free,
lowland plains to the north. Among the hills was one that, to the Viking
investigators scrutinizing the images for likely landing sites, resembled
a face. Owing to the importance of the landing site search, and with a
desire to provide the public with at least one familiar-looking landform
amid the craters and exotic terrains found all over Mars, an image including
the face-like hill was released as part of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's
public relations effort. As you can see in the photo below this face
like structure is located among pyramid shaped objects and other possible
ancient ruins. Notice that the pyramids are oriented in the same
manner as the Egyptian pyramids in Giza.
NASA also released a blown up photo of the face which
revealed an image that is similar to ones found on Mayan artifacts.
This fact now links three ancient civilizations. The Egyptian, the
Mayan, and the Martian.
However, there is another photo which was not released
to the public. Take a look at the landscape photo above. Just
under and to the left of the great pyramid is an intriguing structure which
is similar in many ways to the face on Mars shown to the public.
This object has been airbrushed out of the released photographs.
I have blown up this object to reveal a startling development. The
Martians may be more closely related to the human race than previously