Jack In The Box PEZ For SALE!!!

Hello everyone!  Do you not have a Jack In The Box store near you.  No need to worry!  Finally, the long wait is over, and I have them for sale for everyone who isn't able to get them!  As you may have seen, the Jack In The Box PEZ have been selling for $40 a set and even more sometimes!

I am selling them individually or $12, or $30 for the set.  These are HOT ITEMS!  They will only be availiable for about 3 weeks and after that will be discontinued.  These are probably going to be the most famous PEZ premiums ever!  Since only 13 states have Jack In The Box stores, and they will only be available for three weeks, these PEZ will be extremely rare as time goes on.  These prices will not stay as low as they are for long, so hurry up and order them while they're still cheap!

Please e-mail me at Pezfreak2@aol.com if you want to purchace the Jack In The Box PEZ.  The stem colors are red, blue, and yellow.  Remember, these prices will only be what they are for about 3 weeks!