Sign away and say what you think of our page! We also want to know what you think of the Mulder/Scully relationship! We will reply personally!

09/16/00 05:56:56
Name: Jb My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: tx Favourite X-File Episode: reqiuem
Favourite X-Files Character: mulder How long you have been a fan: day one Worst Character: bitch fowley

mulder -n- scully msr forever fowley never

04/27/00 00:20:02
Name: Katie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: California Favourite X-File Episode: All
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully, of course! How long you have been a fan: Since the very first ep. Worst Character: Det. White, Bambi, you get the picture.

The X-Files is the best thing in the world!!!!!

04/19/00 20:43:14
Name: felicia &mariah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13,13 Where you live: dover,nh Favourite X-File Episode: all
Favourite X-Files Character: scully How long you have been a fan: 1 year Worst Character: -----

great page

04/06/00 03:39:48
Name: Molly O'Brien My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: Arizona Favourite X-File Episode: Millenium (they kiss!)
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully and Mulder How long you have been a fan: since the show started Worst Character: The brunette that was Mulders ex, good thing she's dead now!

I have loved the X-Files for ever. I never miss an episode. I have tons of pictures of them and i tape all the shows and watch them over and over. I really think that what they have is very special but Chris Carter, you need to get those two together! T ey are so cute for each other and they both have great sence of humors. And they need to kiss more. I LOVE THE X-FILES!!! Anyone else who loves them as much as I do you rule!

01/29/00 16:36:04
Name: UK My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where you live: Out there... Favourite X-File Episode: Any thing 'Shippy! Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder
How long you have been a fan: 3 yrs and counting... Worst Character: Diana Fowley

'Shippers rule! Great Site!

01/28/00 23:49:17
My URL: Visit Me


01/14/00 16:23:19
Name: Jeana My URL: Visit Me Age: 16
Where you live: Tn U.S. Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori Favourite X-Files Character: Scully
How long you have been a fan: Sinc the beginning Worst Character: CSM


01/12/00 01:35:31
Name: Heather My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: TN Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: Fox Mulder AND Dana Scully!!! How long you have been a fan: 2 years

I LOVE FOX! hehe But don't we all... ;o)

12/16/99 02:21:44
Name: Katie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Indiana Favourite X-File Episode: love em' all
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: 4 years Worst Character: Diana Fowley

I love your site!!! I have it on my favorites list! Keep up the good work!!!

10/30/99 07:13:26
Name: Sherie Zerft My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 years Where you live: Christchurch, New Zealand Favourite X-File Episode: I can't decide:-)
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: 7 Months Worst Character: Fowley


10/15/99 18:06:20
Name: Alex Krycek My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: until 25 Where you live: Moscow, Russia Favourite X-File Episode: Dreamland 1,2, PaperHearts, etc.
Favourite X-Files Character: me... (well, and agents) How long you have been a fan: 4 yrs Worst Character: Smoking-guy!!!

Well, girls, thats worth of my words... COOL!You're both talanted as site-masters. O'K. I've apearred for business - I've got one friend who has no problem to translate her fanfic in English and transfere it to ur page. She's a good writer (actually, she' my sister), and so on. How dU like this idea?

10/07/99 21:39:14
Name: Amanda Lewandowski My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: PA Favourite X-File Episode: All of them!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder & Scully !!!! How long you have been a fan: Sence the show started in 1993 Worst Character: CSM, Krycheck, Diana Fwoly!! Yuck!

Hey Boss page girls it kicks butt. It is so cool. Mulder and Scully belong together and a lot of people dont think so but your page tells that they do and i loved the picturs they rocked. Keep up the good work.

10/05/99 18:15:03
Name: Layna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: Indiana Favourite X-File Episode: Paper Hearts
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully (You can not make me choose!!!) How long you have been a fan: 1 year, 6 months Worst Character: Diana Fowley!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, even though I've only been a fan for 1 year and 6 months, I know more than a fan of 7 years I'm sure. =) Sorry, just wanted to get that out. This is a *very* nice page so keep up the good work! =)

10/02/99 02:22:57
Name: Dawn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 30 Where you live: Washington state Favourite X-File Episode: any shippy one
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder AND Scully..can't choose How long you have been a fan: mid fourth season Worst Character: oh I don't know...i guess Krycek


09/21/99 08:56:08
Name: dina My URL: Visit Me Age: 22
Where you live: manila Favourite X-File Episode: a lot Favourite X-Files Character: scully
How long you have been a fan: 5 (6?) years (a really long time) Worst Character: alex

We're not even finisihed with season 5 here! We're more than one season late!

08/13/99 04:03:33
Name: Lauren My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: MD Favourite X-File Episode: Triangle, Arcadia, i luv them all!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: 3 yrs Worst Character: Diana

I LOVE THE XFILES!!!!! Mulder and Scully should definately be together. If anyone knows where i can find more MSR fanfic email me!!

07/15/99 15:35:12
Name: xfa1219 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 Where you live: US Favourite X-File Episode: I can't decide....I like them all except for three.
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully!!!!! How long you have been a fan: about one year or so....but I'm very obsessed Worst Character: Diana Fowley!!!:-(

Love ur page! Mulder and Scully should be together and Diana should die!!!She is the queen of evil, if she's gone M&S can be together.

06/22/99 19:44:44
Name: Cheryl Brett My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Valrico, Florida Favourite X-File Episode: 'Triangle'
Favourite X-Files Character: Fox Mulder How long you have been a fan: four years Worst Character: Diana Fowley

You've no idea what a comfort it is to me to know that there are so many others who share my view on the Mulder/Scully romance. Who wrote 'Memento Mori' and the Notion of Love and Romance? Whoever it was, they read my mind completely. It was uncanny how p rfectly their views mirrored mine; almost word for word. Please keep this site up and continue to be 'shippy! oh, and keep praying that Cris Carter will not dissapoint us in the end!(in other words, pray that he'll get Mulder/Scully romantically involved efore the show ends!)

06/16/99 02:40:55
Name: kathy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 23 Where you live: oklahoma Favourite X-File Episode: love them all
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: 3 years Worst Character: diana

I love the show, and am definately a shipper. I love to read the gossamer projects, you should read them if you haven't. Love the page!!! add more pics!!!! it was rumored that david and gillian really don't get along in real life, but your pictures pr ve the rumors wrong!! I am so glad. thank you!

06/05/99 20:34:19
Name: Sofie and Lena My URL: Visit Me Age: 15 and 15
Where you live: Denmark Favourite X-File Episode: Triangel Favourite X-Files Character: Sofie= Scully Lena= Mulder
How long you have been a fan: Ca. 3 yars Worst Character: Diane

Get them to kiss!!!!!! PLEEEEEEASE Thats all we want. Come on. (But it wouldnt be bad whit more.)

05/24/99 00:53:56
Name: Alicia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: Washington State Favourite X-File Episode: Well, this season, I would have to say Milagro
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully, with Emily (and Queequag) coming in second How long you have been a fan: When I discovered the show, a long time ago Worst Character: DIE-ana FOUL-ey

This is a great webpage. It has everything I like about the show, and the direction I want to show to go in.

05/07/99 01:22:22
Name: Kiki My URL: Visit Me Age: 27
Where you live: Montreal Favourite X-File Episode: Too hard to choose Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder
How long you have been a fan: 6 months (intense months) Worst Character: Alex

Loved your sight... especially the montage. Keep it up

04/22/99 15:08:23
Name: Anna & Nina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 and 16 Where you live: Finland Favourite X-File Episode: Saving it for when we see the 6th season!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully How long you have been a fan: A year Worst Character: Diana Fowley--the FOWL one!!

'SHIPPERS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and, um, yeah.

04/19/99 20:08:59
Name: Mad and Dan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 and 27 Where you live: Reading, ENGLAND!! Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes, PMP, Christmas Carol....
Favourite X-Files Character: MULDER [Mad] and SCULLY [Dan] How long you have been a fan: Mad - 4 years, Dan - 4 minutes Worst Character: CSM [Dan] and None! [Mad]

Hi Everyone! We're rocking here in England... Umm, we ROCK. Umm, see ya. Visit my page, it's a franchise of this one!! Well, not quite, actually.. um.. LATER. This page KICKS ASSSSSS! And that's cos I helped make it!! HURRRRAAYYY!!

04/17/99 06:50:35
Name: X_philerette My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Vancouver, CA Favourite X-File Episode: too many
Favourite X-Files Character: mulder and scully Worst Character: spender

I got here by going through someone's guestbook. Please checkout my webpage, and sign my guestbook. By the way I am a major Shipper.

04/17/99 03:32:26
Name: XFVampyre My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 12 ( considered 13 though) Where you live: Hamburg NY, near Hamburg Favourite X-File Episode: too many, the shippy ones
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder & Scully ( they must be together) How long you have been a fan: 3 years....i still HAVE to see Pilot Worst Character: Diana Fowly....ugh

love it. there must be more soon though....i need to print out more pics. Say, where do you actually get all of these pics from anyways?..... once again, LOVE IT! the obssessive one, XFVampyre

04/10/99 19:46:14
Name: Jo Age: 14 Where you live: England
Favourite X-File Episode: The Movie Favourite X-Files Character: Dana Scully How long you have been a fan: Since it came on TV
Worst Character: None!!

I want them to bring out a new Movie!!!

04/08/99 07:24:38
Name: Scully My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Sydney, Australia Favourite X-File Episode: Ice, Eve, Humbug, Anasazi, Paper Hearts, Small Potatoes, Detour, Chinga, Bad Blood, Triangle, How The Ghosts Stole Christmas
Favourite X-Files Character: At the moment, Mulder :) But otherwise, it's hard to choose between him and Scully! How long you have been a fan: Since the show started here in Australia, which is I think 1993 Worst Character: DIANA FOWLEY!!!!!!

This page is looking great! I love the new updates, I was getting worried there for a second, I thought it was going to shut down for a while! Keep up the great work, I can see a lot of time and effort has been put into making this page :) Come and visit< >

The X-Files Vault

04/03/99 20:41:12
Name: Melodye My URL: Visit Me Age: 17
Where you live: California Favourite X-File Episode: Triangle,Arcadia,Redux II, Detour Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder,Scully, and me!
How long you have been a fan: since season 3 Worst Character: Fowley

Visit my webpage!! Please!! It's not done yet but visit!!

03/17/99 17:21:13
Name: Marie-Eve Vallée Age: 17 Where you live: In Canada
Favourite X-File Episode: Redux I and II Favourite X-Files Character: I go with Scully How long you have been a fan: 4 years now
Worst Character: Alex Krycek

I love your site. I'm a shipper too. But, just at the end of the serie. I can't "come" here a lot because I don't have a computor in my house. When I have the chance, I go surfing into your fabulous site and I enjoy. So, bye, or "à la prochaine!" It's in french. (I don't have any URL or E-mail, sorry)

03/17/99 17:19:20
Name: Marie-Eve Vallée My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: In Canada Favourite X-File Episode: Redux I and II
Favourite X-Files Character: I go with Scully How long you have been a fan: 4 years now Worst Character: Alex Krycek

I love your site. I'm a shipper too. But, just at the end of the serie. I can't "come" here a lot because I don't have a computor in my house. When I have the chance, I go surfing into your fabulous site and I enjoy. So, bye, or "à la prochaine!" It's in french. (I don't have any URL or E-mail, sorry)

03/14/99 18:49:25
Name: Marie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Virginia Favourite X-File Episode: too many! all the 'shippy ones my top 2 are Triangle and Arcadia tho :*)
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully of course! How long you have been a fan: since middle of the 4th season--Never Again was my first ep Worst Character: DIANA FOWLEY MUST DIE!!!

COOL page! Hope you all keep up the GOOD WORK!!! I LOVE DAVID DUCHOVNY!! Hehehe well see you all later :*p

03/07/99 21:11:54
Name: X-Chica My URL: Visit Me Where you live: CANADA!
Favourite X-File Episode: triangle, small potatoes and lots more! Favourite X-Files Character: Scully & Mulder, Krycek, Frohike How long you have been a fan: Since the beginning (the very beginning, not the ep)
Worst Character: Diana Fowley

Great page! Keep up the x-cellent job! Come see mine too pls!

03/04/99 06:52:12
Name: Kelly My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 26 Where you live: winnipeg, canada Favourite X-File Episode: TOOMS (maybe. That's a hard question)
Favourite X-Files Character: DANA SCULLY(of course) How long you have been a fan: one year Worst Character: deep throat

Absolute X-Files junkie. Great site(s)!! Let's see more of Gillian Anderson. I think she is an extemely talented lady who deserves more recognition. I'm a real admirer of GA.

02/21/99 23:02:22
Name: Dana Renee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: New York Favourite X-File Episode: Triangel
Favourite X-Files Character: Dana Scully herself How long you have been a fan: 3 years Worst Character: Diana Fowley

I am SO in favor for the Mulder and Scully relationship!! I just want Dana to kick Diana then get with Mulder I would be so damn happy after that. Two thums up to this web page! It's the bomb!!

02/20/99 01:49:11
Name: Terri-Paige Ashlea My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Maryland half the year Ky the other half Favourite X-File Episode: Thats a hard one........ Triangle ,Irestible I like all the shippy ones
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: a little over two years Worst Character: Smokey or Fowley I hate her so much I wish she would have died when she was shot in season five.....whats up with Mulder kissing her??????

I LOVE X-Files I am a true "green" fan. (Get it true blue hardy har har lol) I wish Mulder and Scully would get together and atmit there true feelings for each other like any day know. I wish smokey would die already!!!!!! I am so sick of seeing his deme ted face!!!!!!! Someone e-mail me okay???? Please!!! :) :) Gota Jet!! Terri-Paige Ashlea

02/15/99 21:21:25
Name: Astrid(assii) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Austria Favourite X-File Episode: I really don't know, there are too many!
Favourite X-Files Character: Fox and Dana How long you have been a fan: since 1994 Worst Character: DIANA FOWLEY (I could kill her!!!!)

Great page, like it very much! Hey, are there any shippers out there who'd like to write me? Although I'm from Austria and so haven't seen the 6th season yet I know a bit about it and saw Triangle, The Beginning and Drive. I love e-mails, so don't let me wait, please!!!! Byers, shippy assii

02/15/99 00:24:11
Name: Heather Horn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 Where you live: Ilinois Favourite X-File Episode: Dreamland II
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: 2 months Worst Character: Diana

Hi! Kewl site! I luv that image on the front page! Have a shippy day!

02/14/99 05:26:12
Name: Joanna Randall My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: Portland, Oregon Favourite X-File Episode: Bad Blood
Favourite X-Files Character: Agent Dana Scully How long you have been a fan: Since June 18, 1998 Worst Character: Agent Jeffery Spender

Hey- I absolutly love The X-Files. I know I haven't been a fan for that long and if I could rewind time, I would have started watching The X-Files the very day it premiered. I am surfing the net, looking up X-File web sites and I came across yours. I lo e it to death. Thank you so much for creating it. From a fellow X-File Fanatic- Joanna

02/07/99 14:12:34
Name: Madle My Email: Email Me Age: 14
Where you live: Reading Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes, etc. Favourite X-Files Character: mulder!!!!!
How long you have been a fan: ages Worst Character: emily

hey emily, tis page

01/30/99 23:50:06
Name: Karlie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Chicago, IL Favourite X-File Episode: Triangle
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder/Scully How long you have been a fan: Ever since 6-19-98 Worst Character: Diana Fowley. Die Diana Die!

X-Files is the best show on earth! There's no more to say than that, except SHIPPERS ROCK!!

01/21/99 21:45:04
Name: scream My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: xxxxxx Where you live: xxxxxx Favourite X-File Episode: every episode
How long you have been a fan: a long time

This page rules!

01/19/99 14:31:34
Name: Anouk My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: Holland Favourite X-File Episode: Redux II
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: 4-5 years Worst Character: Skinner

We just started in season five here in Holland, so I don't know wants really happening in season six, so I chose Redux II as my favorite, but if I had seen triangle I would love that one

01/19/99 04:44:18
Name: jess b. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Where you live: Indiana Favourite X-File Episode: not sure (The movie!)
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: about 2 years Worst Character: Kristen Kilar

If anyone knows any other good shippy pages please e-mail me!

01/16/99 16:37:01
Name: The One With Red Hair My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: not tellin'! Where you live: Engliand, and it stinx Favourite X-File Episode: Every single one eXcaept The End
Favourite X-Files Character: M and S- durrrrrrrrr How long you have been a fan: 3 years? Dunno Worst Character: The stupid bee, h8 it!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHIPPERS RULE THIS PLANET! Come visit my website, or mail me, or whatever. M and S love each other and I will ide if they don't kiss soon! I believe!

12/31/98 16:26:36
Name: Mojo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: UK Favourite X-File Episode: the one where mulder and scully are in it
Favourite X-Files Character: mulder How long you have been a fan: since 1956 Worst Character: the alien

visit my page, cos its cool, not as cool as this one though.

12/28/98 10:07:05
Name: Ronan My Email: Email Me Age: 22
Where you live: Brisbane Favourite X-File Episode: Christmas Carol Favourite X-Files Character: Scully
How long you have been a fan: since 1995 Worst Character: Skinner


12/23/98 03:23:04
Name: Mel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Bay Area, California Favourite X-File Episode: One Breath,Anasazi,The Blessing Way, Jose Chung's "From Outer Space",The Field Where I Died,Memento Mori, Small Potatoes, Redux II, Detour,PMP, Emily, Kitsunegari, Chinga, All Souls, Triangle, DreamlaFavourite X-Files haracter
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder, Scully, Well Manicured Man, Skinner, Krycek (because he's cute, I admit it!!!) How long you have been a fan: for three and a half years Worst Character: CSM, Kersh,Spender, Fowley..( I think all four need to get hit by a bus

I think Mulder and Scully should get together in like, a couple of episodes before the last one. That way, we could see them having a relationship, but the whole show wouldn't be monopolized by it.

12/21/98 23:05:12
Name: Melodye My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: California Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: three years Worst Character: Spender

I admit it, I am a Shipper. I can't help it. I love the X-Files and I tape every episode I can.

12/20/98 21:20:35
Name: Charlotte My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: Stoke Mandeville, UK Favourite X-File Episode: Anasazi, Pusher, Kitsunegari, PMP. Detour, the pilot, memento mori, small potateos, demons and on and on!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully How long you have been a fan: Since season Two Worst Character: The Ferman man in the movie

This page is fabulous! There's so many shippers around but most of the pages aren't that great. This is really good, and I'm definitely going to bookmark it. By the way, if anyone in England has Series 1 on tape, could you email me? Ta!

12/09/98 01:13:26
Name: Dana Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 22 Where you live: Anywhere I want.. Favourite X-File Episode: All of them, I love. But I like "Dreamland" a lot
Favourite X-Files Character: Krycek or Mulder(they both are good-looking) How long you have been a fan: Since X-Files came on Worst Character: I hate Fowley and Spender

What's the deal with Fowley and Mulder? Why is that little tramp on the show? Mulder still has something going on with Fowley and it's yanking Scully and Mulder apart because it gets on Scully's nerves. I think they should get rid of her. I don't know about Spender... he makes my skin crawl just thinking about him.

12/09/98 01:02:44
Name: Courters Cha Ching! My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: Texas Favourite X-File Episode: Any that envolve Mulder and Scully romantically!!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder of course! How long you have been a fan: Since 1995 (3 years) Worst Character: Diana and Spender (Diana: Mulder trusts too much and gives her too much credit) Spender: annoying

X-FILES FOREVER!!!! (kill off Diana and Spender!)

12/07/98 15:35:35
Name: Dana Scully My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Where you live: Peoria Illinois Favourite X-File Episode: ALL OF THEM
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: Since the Pilot ep Worst Character: CSM,Krycek,the Syndicate


12/03/98 12:50:50
Name: Scully eXtremis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where you live: Aus Favourite X-File Episode: hmm... Favourite X-Files Character: Scully
How long you have been a fan: 2 years Worst Character: Spender.

This is one cool site. how do you get awards?? X X Neat.

11/23/98 22:06:50
Name: Gina T My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 28 Where you live: Mass Favourite X-File Episode: Post Modern Prometheus
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: 5 years Worst Character: Spender

There is a video clip out there of Memento Mori where Mulder does in fact kiss Scully on the mouth. It was cut from the actual viewing episode from Fox. I used to have the clip, but my computer died, and I lost it! If you know anyone who has it, please e mail it to me!!!!!

11/13/98 17:11:57
Name: Mikey G My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 22 Where you live: Reading Favourite X-File Episode: I'm not sure, but there's one where there's a plane crash and someone's missing- I enjoyed that one. And then the one where Scully finds she's got cancer or something- bad day at the office.
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully- but has anyone ever seen her teeth? How long you have been a fan: When it started I thought it was good. But the last series was the best. Worst Character: M&S's bald boss. Dislike.

Emmy, nice page. Hope to see you before you go down under but if not have a fantastic time. Don't think of the rest of us slaving for a living! Mx

10/24/98 18:15:27
Name: Debbie Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: West Virginia Favourite X-File Episode: Memento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: Agent Dana Katherine Scully How long you have been a fan: Since the Begining Worst Character: DIANA FOWLEY

Great page. I love the pics. Keep up the good work.

10/16/98 02:56:15
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

10/15/98 19:15:32
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: old enough. ;) Where you live: Massachusetts Favourite X-File Episode: i have tons! PH, BTS, PMP,Pusher, Detour, Redux II, Detour, Jose Chung, Ice, Humbug, Quagmire, FAD, the Pilot, Irresistable, MM, Our Town,Terma, All Souls, Anasazi, One Breath, etc...
Favourite X-Files Character: ... Mulder or Scully How long you have been a fan: awhile! Worst Character: CSM

Hey, great page!!! I love shipper pages! I really like your counter! Hopefully CC will get some sense knocked into him and Mulder and Scully will get together during the 6th season.. sigh.. I bought the movie on the 13th and I watched the hallway scene ab ut 50 times, already!! hehe. Thanks for visiting my page- I'll definitely be back here! :-) *~Sarah

10/15/98 12:13:52
Name: Mike's Mum (again) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: Old enough to teach you a thing or two. Where you live: 22 acacia avenue Favourite X-Files Character: The one Mulder gets his info from
How long you have been a fan: Since I was a wee lass

Sorry everyone, but I've still got something to say. In response to earlier accusations that I was not divulging my true identity, it makes no difference cos you boys (and girls) can call me what you like. Right see you all later!

10/15/98 08:52:32
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 22 Where you live: Reading! Favourite X-File Episode: The one where Mulder is in Russia and he gets beaten up and tortured.
Favourite X-Files Character: Cigarette Smoking man's son. OK he hasn't been in it yet but he sounds cool. How long you have been a fan: Not as long as Emily Worst Character: Cigarette Smoking man's son. OK he hasn't been in it yet but he sounds cool. OK so I'm confused.

Hey everyone today's Emily's Birthday! Happy Birthday Emily! Why is my mum writing in your guest book? Why did she write Mike's mum not her real name? The truth is out there.

10/13/98 15:30:16
Name: Nessy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: You'll know when you visit my homepage :) Where you live: far away....Berlin, Germany Favourite X-File Episode: Redux 2 (it was sooooo sweeet!)
Favourite X-Files Character: Don't make me choose between them. But I guess they could go as one person? How long you have been a fan: since about the first second. Worst Character: Marita Cuvarrubias, definately.

Hey, I stumbled upon your page and think it's great. I have a shipper page myself and was wondering if I could put a link to yours on mine? Well, anyway keep up the good work! Nessy

10/13/98 12:40:48
Name: Mike's Mum My URL: Visit Me Age: Oooh how rude.
Where you live: Reading Favourite X-File Episode: The one where Mulder and Scully's infant child........ Favourite X-Files Character: That Biker bloke who could make things happen telepathically
How long you have been a fan: To be honest I hate the x-piles Worst Character: The lot


10/10/98 18:17:16
Name: Blith Collins My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 12 Where you live: Vermont Favourite X-File Episode: Bad Blood and Jose Chung's From Outer Space
Favourite X-Files Character: Agents Mulder and Scully How long you have been a fan: 3 years Worst Character: Diana Fowley

I've seen the movie five times,(or was it six?). I love the show because it's the best Sci-Fi/Drama/Action/Horror and a-little-bita'-humor show out there. It's a smart show with a little of everything,well wrighten, suspenceful,but way deprived of sexual content(if you know what I meen). :-)

09/28/98 23:56:35
Name: EMMA My URL: Visit Me Age: 13
Where you live: Australia Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori Favourite X-Files Character: Scully
How long you have been a fan: 3 years

the x files rules. I cant wait

Cindy - 09/23/98 11:23:57
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

09/07/98 08:05:22
Name: Mike My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 22 Where you live: Reading Favourite X-File Episode: The one where the shape changer guy pretends to be Mulder and tries to pull Scully
Favourite X-Files Character: Smoking man How long you have been a fan: A while Worst Character: Mulder, er no maybe not


09/06/98 19:46:26
Name: jeanne My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 12 Where you live: NY Favourite X-File Episode: detour,bad blood, pmp
Favourite X-Files Character: frohike How long you have been a fan: 2months Worst Character: det.White, Diana Fowley, Phoebe Green

why cant mulder and scully kiss already?????!!!!!!

09/06/98 06:21:06
Name: Rinday Barrett My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Georgia Favourite X-File Episode: Detour, Pusher. The list goes on and on!!
Favourite X-Files Character: Dr. Dana Katherine Scully How long you have been a fan: 4 years Worst Character: Krycek

Scully and Mulder are such an amazingly romantic couple! All of their struggles and triumphs would be meaningless if they didn't have each other. No one else knows them like they know each other. Both of their lives have been so terribly hard that these oo deserve each other's love and promise of forever!

09/03/98 19:28:51
Name: Jenna Fitzpatrick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: NF Canada Favourite X-File Episode: Never Again
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: Since season 1 Worst Character: Flukeman!!!

Great page! I've got it linked :-)

08/18/98 18:20:23
Name: Alfred Age: 23 Where you live: Boston, MA
Favourite X-File Episode: The End Favourite X-Files Character: Skinner How long you have been a fan: 2 years
Worst Character: Krycek


08/06/98 13:34:31
Name: Madeleine My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 Where you live: Reading Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes, Emily, Christmas Carol, ANY XFILES EPISODE IS GREAT WITH ME!!!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder, Scully, Ratboy, Ciggie Man, X, Skinner, Langly...the list is endless! How long you have been a fan: For ever

Hi! This is me, Mad! If you wanna visit a cool site, click on my url. Apart from this page I have a couple and that one is my latest.. Hi Em!!! Luv, Madeleine, co owner of site

07/22/98 00:51:26
Name: Christine Chan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 12 Where you live: New York Favourite X-File Episode: The End
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: Since Dec. '97 Worst Character: Cigarette Smoking Man

this site rocks.

07/22/98 00:47:38
Name: Christine Chan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 12
Where you live: New YO


07/21/98 05:46:06
Name: Victoria My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Arizona Favourite X-File Episode: The Christmas one where she finds out that she has a daughter......
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully. How long you have been a fan: Not too long. Worst Character: The pizza boy from that vampire episode.

There is a strong sense of chemistry between Scully and Mulder. You know they want to get together, but something's not letting them.... Their pride, I suppose. The movie still hasn't come to my hometown, and I've yet to see it..... I like this site. Cool pictures. :-)

07/16/98 00:21:21
Name: Emily My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: PA Favourite X-File Episode: i'm not sure...
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully!!! :) How long you have been a fan: since last year, around March Worst Character: RatBoy

Great page....just one thing. Momento Mori is NOT spelled like that. It's "MEmento Mori" with an "e" :)

07/03/98 00:50:47
Name: Heather My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Kenosha, WI USA Favourite X-File Episode: "Jose Chung's From Outer Space," & "The Erlenmeyer Flask"
Favourite X-Files Character: Krycek and Langly (I can't pick just one!) How long you have been a fan: since Feb '96 Worst Character: Diana Fowley


Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 11:19:12

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

06/29/98 05:24:51
Name: Ada My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 Where you live: Hong Kong Favourite X-File Episode: Memento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: Dana Katherine Scully How long you have been a fan: Four years ago Worst Character: Cancer man

Your homepage is very nice , I like it . Keep working !

06/25/98 03:13:22
Name: Melody My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: Planet Earth (I hope) Favourite X-File Episode: Memento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: CSM How long you have been a fan: Two and a Half Wonderful Years Worst Character: Marita Covarrubias

I love The X-Files. I love Mulder and Scully, and I can't wait till they get together. What? YOu say that Chris Carter says it's going to remain platonic? HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE??!!! God, they were so close...

06/25/98 01:06:47
Name: Chrissy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Kansas City Favourite X-File Episode: Bad Blood
Favourite X-Files Character: You mean it can't be Mulder and Scully?!?! How long you have been a fan: I have been obsessed for 2 years now Worst Character: That ho that is trying to steal mulder! (in 'the end')

I really like your page! Shippers are the best. It's like one of my X-Phile friends said: "Shippers are hopeless romantics, noromos are just hopeless!" Keep working on the page, its really cool!

06/24/98 20:50:48
Name: Jenny J. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: IL Favourite X-File Episode: Can't decide! any shippy ones!!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully How long you have been a fan: 1 year, and saw all the eps at least 2 times each! Worst Character: I hate and like Kryckek at the same time! He is cute, but evil!

I LOVE this site! The pics are GREAT! This is one of the best sites there are! SHIPPERS RULE!! X-cellent site! I LOVE it! Jen the Alien Girl

06/17/98 01:02:38
Name: Tamie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: Arizona Favourite X-File Episode: anything shippy (Pusher, Redux2, the dancing in PMP, and Bad Blood was hilarious!)
Favourite X-Files Character: Uh - this is hard... I would like to see Mulder and Scully get together and become one person ya know what I mean? How long you have been a fan: since DAY 1 - the pilot in 1993... I was only, like 11, but I was obssessed and knew the show had potential Worst Character: DIANA FOWLEY ~ HELLO!!

Emily - thanks for visiting my webpage - the M&S Love Connection a.k.a. Tamie's X-Files 'Shipper Page, and signing my guestbook! This page is very well done, and very 'shippy! Keep up the good work! =)

06/16/98 23:20:51
Name: Kristin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: New Jersey Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori and Redux II
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: Four Years Worst Character: That new agent lady oh what the hell's her name...the one that used to work with Mulder god I can't think of her name, from 'The End' you know what I'm talking about..:-)

Mulder and Scully belong together, wonderful site ya got here !! Shippers Forever !!

06/16/98 22:41:51
Name: Dennis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Illinois Favourite X-File Episode: I love them ALL!!!
How long you have been a fan: 2 and a half years Worst Character: I dun know

Hi Madeleine, Just wanted to say HI and that I liked this site you all made. I like the pic you put at the top of the web page. Later

06/16/98 21:45:36
Name: Jessica aka alienkid2 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: california Favourite X-File Episode: One breath
Favourite X-Files Character: mulder How long you have been a fan: 4 1/2 years Worst Character: krycheck

Cool site.....i'll always come back!!!

06/14/98 10:50:20
Name: Jessica Age: 17 Where you live: California
Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes Favourite X-Files Character: Krycek How long you have been a fan: Since the start
Worst Character: Cancer man

This page is good!

06/03/98 00:34:59
Name: Kim Maurice(aka Scully Girl) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Vancouver Canada(where XF *used* to be filmed!*sigh*) Favourite X-File Episode: To name a few...Memento Mori, Pusher, PMP, Detour, The End, etc etc...
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully...but I think Mulder is SO hot! *g* How long you have been a fan: Sadly, just over 3 months(but I've nearly seen every episode already! Worst Character: Mr X (he just bugs me)

Okay so you signed the guestbook of my general XF I have a Scully page and so have pretty much "abandoned" my other page. People call me Scully now because they say I look like her, and talk like her more each day! It's nuts! Anyway, since you isited my site I thought I would visit yours just to be nice...IT ROCKS!!!! I am going to add a link ASAP (to my Scully page)! Please add check out my new page and if you like it add a link! You have so many awesome shippy pics! I feel so full of shippine s! YAY! *BG* Have a happy day!

06/02/98 04:28:40
Name: Dana My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Washington/OR Favourite X-File Episode: Momento mori/ small potos and a bunch more
Favourite X-Files Character: Dana Kathrine Scully How long you have been a fan: 4 years Worst Character: Skiner

Mulder and Scully should so be a cupple!!! X-FILES RULE!!!!

05/31/98 23:56:45
Name: Nicole My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Albuquerque NM Favourite X-File Episode: Reduxll
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: since the second season Worst Character: Krychek


05/30/98 23:06:44
Name: Elder Alice My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 31 Where you live: Cambridge, England Favourite X-File Episode: Hmm. Possibly Paper Hearts
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: Since the first season was shown in Britain. Worst Character: That bloody Marita Covarrubias.

Thanks for visiting the Consortium site! We're not really "shipper friendly", but then we're not exactly shipper hostile! After exams I'll be upgrading the links page into sections, and we'll be happy to include your site if you include ours!

05/30/98 03:58:04
Name: Sarah McCorkle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 20 Where you live: Napoleon,Ohio Favourite X-File Episode: ALL!!!!!!!!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder&Scully(DUH!! they are soulmates) How long you have been a fan: Since the beginning Worst Character: none, they are all good. w/o them there wouldn't be any show.

The X-Files is the best show on television, the movie will be excellent. I like this page it's a good source. Keep up the good work.

05/30/98 01:20:03
Name: MonkeysUncle My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Canada Favourite X-File Episode: Can't really think of any one in particular. Kind of happens when you dont watch T.V. for a year. I suppose it would be the one with the vampires.
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully, definately How long you have been a fan: couple of years now Worst Character: Cancerman, I dont like him but he makes up for quite a bit of the plot, so he is essentail

Just checked my guestbook and noticed you had signed so I came by to check out your site. Nice work, I like the content... and the spinning hearts. Thanks for the visit. Take care.

05/29/98 23:05:05
Name: Amanda Green My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 26 Where you live: Hawaii Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully/Mulder (they are one in soul) How long you have been a fan: the whole long wonderful journey Worst Character: marita

great show. wonderful show. best show. need-to-get-the-two-so-obviously-in-love-with-each-other-main-characters-together show.

05/29/98 23:05:40
Name: Amanda Green My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 26 Where you live: Hawaii Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully/


05/29/98 23:03:14
Name: Dana Valencia My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favourite X-File Episode: ALL!! (except for the Bambi 1) Favourite X-Files Character: Scully & Mulder How long you have been a fan: 1 year (just heard about it)
Worst Character: Alex

Hey, Thanks a hole lot for doing this! Finaly someone who agrees with me. My friend and I where going to sing a potition and stop watching until CC gives us one ep. about them but, we couldn't last 5 min.

05/29/98 15:28:59
Name: hcolleen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 21 Where you live: Phoenix Favourite X-File Episode: Foilx a' Deux (sp?)
Favourite X-Files Character: Hmmm...Mulder How long you have been a fan: 4 months Worst Character: that flatworm thing ewww

Loved your page! added a link on mine to you! Just to let you know I do read my guestbook! Thanks for dropping by!

05/23/98 18:38:42
Name: LV My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where you live: CALIF Favourite X-File Episode: NO FAV. Favourite X-Files Character: SCULLY
How long you have been a fan: NEW Worst Character: THAT SMOKER GUY


05/23/98 18:35:36
Name: LUCY AND VICKY My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 34 & 41 Where you live: CALIF Favourite X-File Episode: NO FAV.
Favourite X-Files Character: SCULLY & SCULLY How long you have been a fan: NEW Worst Character: THAT SMOKER GUY


04/30/98 19:27:19
Name: Heather Joy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Maine, USA Favourite X-File Episode: Anasazi, Momento Mori, Small Potatoes, One Breath
Favourite X-Files Character: Fox Mulder How long you have been a fan: 2 years Worst Character: Cancer Man

Awesome site! I love fanfic and I will definatly come back to this site! Thanks for signing my guestbook.

04/27/98 23:56:06
Name: MikE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: Ontario, Canada Favourite X-File Episode: Erelemyer Flask and Memento Mori
Favourite X-Files Character: Pendrell ....... *cry* How long you have been a fan: Since SEASON 1, Damnit! Worst Character: Ratboy .... That Damned Bastard ..... Stick to your own show!!!!

Hi, great page ... lots of good stuff! Nice info on all the 'shipper friendly eps. Stop by my page and sign the Guestbook, please! Cya later!

04/25/98 19:03:07
Name: IRENE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 27 Where you live: Mexico Favourite X-File Episode: Jose Chung's From Outer Space and, of course...Small Potatoes
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: Since the first season Worst Character: Even the mean ones are great!

I loved your site....a nice place for us shippers to come and dream for a while .Congratulations!

04/22/98 20:26:31
Name: Jaded Jess My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Eau Claire, WI Favourite X-File Episode: Redux II
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder or Scully, no fav. How long you have been a fan: 5 years Worst Character: I like them all.

Just surfin' around for links for my page! Great job.

04/15/98 15:52:48
Name: Nina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: Denmark ( That IS a country !! ) Favourite X-File Episode: "Emily" and "Small Potatoes"
Favourite X-Files Character: Scully ....but Mulder is the sexiest!!! How long you have been a fan: ALWAYS Worst Character: That cigarette - smoking man who looks like shit and talks like shit ....

If X - Files didn't exist I would probably be a fan of 90210 and that wouldn't be nice , would it ? I know the day will come when Mulder and Scully are making love in their don't stop believing in it !! HILSEN TIL ALLE DANSKERE - HEJ...

04/13/98 18:23:47
Name: Kimberley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Where you live: Earth, Universe, Milky way, This Dimension Favourite X-File Episode: Memento More
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder/Scully How long you have been a fan: Since the beggining Worst Character: Marita corra....whatshername

Cool site. I'll recomend it to all my friend. By the way. Come visit my site!

04/13/98 14:37:39
Name: Homer Where you live: Springfield
Favourite X-File Episode: The Simpson One Favourite X-Files Character: Scully. She is one fine lady. I'm sorry! I love Marge!
How long you have been a fan: Huh? Worst Character: That man that stands in the corner with a cigarette - he's strange...

This page is good -- D'oh! Get off the computer boy! I'll come again some day - Lisa shut up! Bye.

04/06/98 13:09:47
My URL: Visit Me

WERE AT FUTROSCOPE NOW, the net is free!! OK , have to go! bye! i will maybe mail ya!

04/05/98 22:55:12
Name: maritacovarrubias My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 20 Where you live: CAL Favourite X-File Episode: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
Favourite X-Files Character: Dana Scully, CSM How long you have been a fan: i've started watching since "conduit," but became BIG fan at "redux"

This site is nice; I'd like to link to this site on my page!

04/05/98 17:20:27
Name: Flann My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Where you live: NJ Favourite X-File Episode: hmm...only 1? ;)
Favourite X-Files Character: besides the usual...CSM How long you have been a fan: mmm...4th season is when I became a real hard-core fan Worst Character: SPENDER!!

Hey! Cool page, thank you for signing my guestbook! :)

04/05/98 15:21:51
Name: Madeleine and Dad!! Age: 13 Where you live: Poitiers
Favourite X-File Episode: Emily and Christmas Carol Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder! How long you have been a fan: 4 ever
Worst Character: marita

Hi Em! Here me and dad are in a museum in france! It has net for free! The keyboard is all laid out differently, it is weird! I have to go! See you on Weds!

03/29/98 03:13:03
Name: Crimson X My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Boston MA Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes
Favourite X-Files Character: MULDER & SCULLY How long you have been a fan: Forever Worst Character: Marita Whateverhernameis


03/28/98 19:15:31
Name: Kate My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Where you live: USA Favourite X-File Episode: There's so many!
Favourite X-Files Character: It's a tie! M&S :) How long you have been a fan: About 3 yrs. Worst Character: Fleabag...I mean Phoebe

Wonderful page! I'll be sure to visit often! Best wishes- :oq Kate

03/26/98 03:17:21
Name: Amy Lang My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 30 Where you live: Denver, Colorado Favourite X-File Episode: Pusher
Favourite X-Files Character: Modell How long you have been a fan: Since Pilot aired :-)

Love your episode guide! particularly the Pusher one. I have linked to it from my Temple of Modell Page (Home to the Vince Gilligan Shrine--come check us out :-) Heck--sign up to be an altar girl and come worship at the temple.....

03/21/98 12:00:23
Name: Anasazi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: Sydney, Australia Favourite X-File Episode: A lot! I guess off the top of my head, Eve, Anasazi, Paper Hearts, Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose, Detour, Small Potatoes, Pusher...
Favourite X-Files Character: Oh, I'd have to say the 2 heroes, of course How long you have been a fan: Since the aliens gave me a, seriously, about 5 yrs? Whenever it started here Worst Character: The blonde "Marita" chick who works for the SRSG, Phoebe ("Care to take me to lunch?" !!)

Pretty cute page! I haven't been through everything yet, but you'll be happy to know I've bookmarked it.

03/18/98 23:22:00
Name: Whitney My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 20 Favourite X-File Episode: "Beyond the Sea" How long you have been a fan: From the very begining
Worst Character: Marita C.

Great page! Shippers unite!

03/14/98 21:07:48
Name: M.L. Nguyen My Email: Email Me Where you live: Virginia
Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: 4 years
Worst Character: Bill Scully

Great site! You actually got every single word from Scully's journal in Momento Mori right!!!

03/14/98 21:08:59
Name: M.L. Nguyen My Email: Email Me Where you live: Virginia
Favourite X-File Episode: Momento Mori Favourite X-Files Character: Scully How long you have been a fan: 4 years
Worst Character: Bill Scully

Love the show, love the show, LOVE THE SHOW!!!

03/10/98 02:54:38
Name: Katie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favourite X-File Episode: Redux II Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder and Scully, can't pick How long you have been a fan: Seems like forever...
Worst Character: The Uniblonder or Ratboy

Good site!! When did you start your site? I got mine in August, and hardly anyone's been there. I'll add you to my links if you'll add me to yours!

03/05/98 22:48:48
Name: Sherrie Smith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Where you live: USA Favourite X-File Episode: Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose (My secound, is, of course...Memento Mori)
Favourite X-Files Character: Fox Mulder How long you have been a fan: Since Beyond the Sea Worst Character: Bambi, Kirstne, Pheobe, Marita

Nice page! All Philes MUST love Memento Mori! (What's not to love?) Come visit my site! and PLEASE, I can not stress this enough....SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!!!!! (yes, this is another shameless plug, so what?)

02/28/98 07:59:05
Name: Saul Molina My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 23 Where you live: Mexico Favourite X-File Episode: All of them!
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: 2 years Worst Character: not really. . .

Cute, X-files are cool!, the women´s "touch" shows, nice goin´ girls!

02/21/98 11:49:43
Name: Doctor Scully My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Where you live: Belgium Favourite X-File Episode: Smal potatos
Favourite X-Files Character: Gillian Anderson How long you have been a fan: 5 years (its the truth) Worst Character: i'm a mad bitch (sometimes)

The truth is out there !!! don't you know that ? Mulder and Scully your the best !!!!!! Love ya Kryeck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02/13/98 19:09:48
Name: Emma Age: 13 Where you live: Reading
Favourite X-File Episode: Small Potatoes Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder How long you have been a fan: Ages
Worst Character: No one!

Cool! (:o)

01/29/98 20:51:59
Name: Fwank (aka Clare!) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 17 Where you live: in a house by the side of a road funnily enough, opposite a park (214 Tilehurst Road) Favourite X-File Episode: Too many to choose from! We (the bro & i) like the man with the salamander hand, the one with green fly type bugs in the forest, andthe one with the mutant insestuous wierd family where they kept theiFavourite X-Files haracter
Favourite X-Files Character: Mulder (Fox) - more like foxy eh Wobin! How long you have been a fan: Forever Worst Character: Cancer Man - he killed JFK & Martin Luther King!!!

my favourite symbol for today is:- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (it looks like a paper clip) i'll see you in art wobin.

01/22/98 03:33:04
Name: Arwen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Favourite X-File Episode: One Breath Favourite X-Files Character: Can't decide
How long you have been a fan: 3 years Worst Character: Marita!!!!!

I love your Momento Mori shrine! This is a great shippy page, it's nice to see other people who view it the same way.

01/08/98 21:42:43
Name: Mother Onion My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: as old as the hills Where you live: the bowels of satan Favourite X-File Episode: eh...go on then, momento mori
Favourite X-Files Character: cancer man...without question How long you have been a fan: since the dawn of time andthe invention of the toaster Worst Character: eh...scullys sister? *sheepish grin*

*raising the sandwich of praise* lovely...quite lovely. But on a serious note, i thought you might like to be updated on the new proper name of our babycat(chosen for the benefit of feline crufts and that webbed toed blindbeggar of a receptionist at Tileh rst vets): *drumroll* *clears throat* *a-hem* Spoon Alfie Spittlefields Vladymir Dammit Jim Sir Cliff Nit Guru 'the Bard' Nanak Lampost Sunshine Gas Chamber Whippy Pussyfoot the Third.

01/02/98 20:09:10
Name: Alison Jean Age: 14 Where you live: Ottawa
Favourite X-File Episode: Humbug Favourite X-Files Character: Skinner How long you have been a fan: Since start of the 3 season
Worst Character: Cancer man

Hey, cool!! =)

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