I am Commander Jeremy McAlpin, but you can call me J.D. I am also known as "Cyber-Garfield" here at GeoCities and "Sir Cyber-Garfield, K-Day of Italiaweirdness". And yes I am a Christian Trekker. I don't mix the two at all. What I mean is, I don't believe a little bit of things from Trek and a little bit of stuff from the Bible.

To me Star Trek is only entertainment for some one who likes Science Fiction. I believe it to almost be totally false. There is a little bit of real science in it and also SOME solutions for real life. But I don't believe it has an answer for everything in real life. For instance I don't believe there's intelligent life on other planets, or outside the earth's gravitational pull.

But being a Christian is the way of life for me. I have faith in and love the Lord and believe that He is the one that created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1). He also created you and me to live in Him, a PERFECT and understanding God. I also believe that everything in the Bible is TRUE, there are no discrepancies or inconsistencies. Except for a couple of footnotes which were written later.

Everyday I have to live the life of a Christian, and follow the Lord. The reason is because I have chosen him to live in me. Because he is the only one who can fill the emptiness in my life. Nothing. Not even Star Trek, computer games, food, television, friends, or anything else that you can think of. It's like the proverbial square peg in a round hole. Nothing can fill the hole except for the right piece. And Jesus is the right piece for the hole in everybody.

If you ever want to ask me about anything, the way I am, my views on things in life, or just want a friend. Then e-mail me.

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