The Page of Stuff Said That Was Not A Good Idea To Say

The first quote is presented in its uneditied glory.
[Rathmar-away] what are space marines

[Opticon] renewal is up for the plates on the neon and it's the only 5$ more a year to get custom plates as long as they have both numbers and letters in them
[Opticon] l337 isn't taken in illinois.
[Opticon] I told jen, and she says 'what the hell kind of plates are those, is that some kind of warhammer squad?'
[Opticon] heh, so I said to her..
[Opticon] joo r lame.

[Nite_Moogle] i've had an apostrophe
[fijate-mire-usted] what is that?
[Nite_Moogle] '

[Cheradenine] sometimes it feels like im typing with my feet

[^Achilles^] 'Sir...I'm clearly speaking english...are you all right?'
[^Achilles^] 'LOOK you frog motherfucker... make sense or get me a fucking translator or something...'

[Dark_Lore] my mom won't let me put a converted an ork that is chopping a humans head off on the christmas tree Grrr

*** s3v3n0fn1n3 sets mode: +o Opticon
[s3v3n0fn1n3] j00 h4v3 b33n 4ss1m1l4t3d
[s3v3n0fn1n3] j00 4r3 n0w 0n3 w1th th3 b0r6
[Opticon] d0|-|

[Traitor] we're so l337 it hurts
[Traitor] hurts other people mostly

[^Achilles^] I put out more than any slut in the world

[James_Lavelle] apart from that I am a fuckwit

[^Achilles^] I admit it
[^Achilles^] I have no idea what I'm talking about
[^Achilles^] I never do
[^Achilles^] I'm full of shit

[Opticon] 'I'm named after the greek god of ugly, eat hammer bitch!'

[GM__Gabriel] but like I said Moogs... stop complaining... I'm connecting at 300 bytes a second
*** Nite_Moogle ( Quit (Ping timeout)

[^Achilles^] Okay so I'm full of shit :P
[^Achilles^] Don't make me say it again :P

[shane--] Triple Twin Linked Multi Shooting Penatrating Huge Grot Blaaster
[Nite_Moogle] so it's a bolter?
[shane--] yeah about that

* ^Achilles^ notes that this is further proof that he don't know shit

[Traitor] its 6 am... who the fuck are you?

[^Achilles^] Damn; how many Moron quotes do I have on this page?

[Nite_Moogle] I know I've made you poor bastards read most of the site anyway
[^Achiles^] No; you're made ME read it all.
[^Achilles^] Everyone else just nods and smiles :P
* Corben nods :)

* ^Achilles^ wonders how he can even operate a keyboard.
[^Achilles^] me smart like telephone pole.

[shane--] Can i ask what the hell are moogles? (i hope no offence is taken to this comment)
*** shane-- was kicked by Nite_Moogle (none at all)

[^Achilles^] Once again
[^Achilles^] I have no idea what I'm doing


[SteelVyper] I use my Standard of 'I shoot the hell out of you'

[Sano_Vegita16] hey opt are there any more models you have to show me?? you're my new model painting god so i want to see more samples

* Zigar01 needs to get his ass in shape too

*** Yarrick was kicked by Traitor (|-|S-f00! C0||ŁgŁ C@|C 0\/\/|\|$ J00! --=!NeVeRmOrE!=--)

[SpaceWolverine] is bill ashes wife?

* Corben is a fist full of suck

[_^Nothing^_] Know the fluff
[_^Nothing^_] Be the Fluff
[_^Nothing^_] Live the Fluff

[Cheradenine] if you do not comply I will remelt your mini collection into cutlery!!

[Corben] I'm already damned.. I live in Florida

*** Telan was kicked by Opti_Paintin_At_Other_desk (Ah, this is what having a cordless keyboard is all about.)

*** Traitor is now known as |nQ|S|70R-l337

[Opticon] Holy shit batman
[Opticon] i can paint eldar now !

[Corrail] SW I'm betting you've never played a sport...never met anyone named bill, or ash, or anything other than your I right?
[Corrail] thought so.
[SpaceWolverine] no! i play warhammer 40k with tons of people

[Opticon] Hey, we should make an army list with Terminators and Dreadnoughts as troops... like one Dreadnought per squad of Termies
[Opticon] We'll call it.... Iyanden

[|Coconut|Monkey|] "Before I visited Nite Moogle's Page 'o Junk, I didn't know a thing about Warhammer 40,000. Now, I can sort of play the game and I've lost 35 pounds in just 17 days! Imagine what he can do for you! Thanks Moogle!"
[|Coconut|Monkey|] after i say that one of those credt card blue ordering screens is supposed to pop up

[Corben] you calling me cheap?
[Nite_Moogle] i'm calling the heart of woe on a chariot cheap
[Corben] not as cheap as a Slann with that damn Blade of Cocksucking... or whatever it is..

[|PoC|] anyone looking to buy an army? I got a bretonnian warhammer army on ebay
[Gurg_painting] I got Ffity cents, what army you got?
[|PoC|] fifty cents? I will give ya a calculator
[Nite_Moogle] he's joking
[|PoC|] oh
[|PoC|] :(
[|PoC|] its a good calculator
[|PoC|] only missing one button

[Cheradenine] well, there's this ambulance we're refitting at work, and it's kinda cool, so I crawled inside and honked the horn
[Cheradenine] and I scare this electrician with some cables in his hand, so he jumps and all of a sudden *BANG*
[Cheradenine] everything goes black for blocks

[Opticon] dammit where's my camera?
[Nite_Moogle] why? what's going on?
[Opticon] danni (Note: Dani is Opticon's 19-month old daughter) has the goblins lined up and is running them over with my BA Rhino
[Nite_Moogle] in regimental formation??
[Opticon] no, if she did that I'd get the videocamera

[Opticon] Response to my Death Company eating half a guys army: "Those guys are an idiot"

[NightJedi] there is one undead guy I can't stand... he put a dick on a mummy of his..
[Traitor] a mummy with a dick.. how very freudian of him

[Draklor] I've always fantasized about going to a tourney with a 3000 point goblin army, and just use a general and basic troops, I know, it'd suck, but damn, could you imagine the look on your opponants face, when you bring in an enormous duffle bag, set down on the table and say, "Hold on, let me get the other half of my army out of my car."

[Nite_Moogle] Put nipples on all your tanks!

[daku_] my history teacher goes 'Matt, what would i do if i put handcuffs on you right now' (we were talking about the law, search warrants, and cops) and i go 'That would depend on how much leather your wearing'

[Bones] Im not gay, i just want to have sex with men!

[annex] dude!
[annex] i can have sex with a 16 year old! :)
* annex does a dance
