Our egotistical and Self-Centered Page about Ourselves ^_^

This picture was done by Anne Winkler...a.k.a. Damon of the Nightworld.

Hi, my name is Diana Meade but when I'm off the computer...it's Melissa. I'm currently 19 years old and attend Eastern Connecticut State University where I am majoring in psychology and work as a Classified Editor for our College newspaper (last year I was the Arts and Entertainment Editor). I like a lot of European music, religions, cartoons ^_^, and tastes and I guess you could say that I like culture. I'm pretty tall for a girl my age and used to be a volleyball/basketball player but now I concentrate on working on my mind a tinsy bit more than I do my body (that's nothin' bad...I'm a toothpick that's all bones and I don't know how many girls have actually admitted that themselves...^_^). My favorite singer is Sarah McLaughlan (I started to like her when she did the song "Out of the Shadows"), my favorite culture "Japan", my favorite show (tie between "Buffy" and "Dawson"), and my favorite movie "Cutting Edge." ^_^

Hi, this is Faye Chamberlain, also known as Melissa. (Yes we are two people...) I am 18 years old and I go to American U in Washington DC. I'm a Russian major, but I spend a lot of time in the computer labs playing with the websites... Its fun. I'm a theater person- I do plays and the like. I also have this uncanny knack for learning other languages, so I make everyone mad at me by running around speaking in Russian. I used to work at the Gap, but now Diana does, because I'm stuck down here in the Political Theme park. I miss Diana, but I have no money and can't get home.. which sucks. Lets see, I'm the secretary for my floor, but I always skip the meetings, and I am an incurable procrastinator. My fave TV shows are Buffy, Dawson's and XFiles, and my favorite movie is "Seven." Diana and I have been close for a long time now, and she has a knack for hooking me up with people and having interesting results in the end... SHe arranged my first kiss, and she arranged the relationship that I'm in right now... She and I complement easch other pretty well, and she makes a real good singing partner... especially with Sarah McLachlan and Tori Amos, my fave singers.

We will be putting up pictures of ourselves pretty soon...well...as soon as possible. ^_^

Why the Names Diana and Faye?

I met Faye about six years ago when both of us were attending a camp. We figured that since we where so similar to each other...we would take on three characters that were connected in "The Secret Circle". You see, Faye and Diana are cousins that were born at the same time and were believed to be Kate's soul, but separated. Since both myself and Faye have the same hair color, name, and (some) tastes...we figured that this would be the best reason.